A message from the LLNL director on LANL workforce plan
You may have seen that Los Alamos National Laboratory has announced it is working with NNSA to develop a workforce plan to help mitigate the impact of budget shortfalls at LANL for fiscal year 2012.
Our Laboratory remains on a sound footing for FY12. As you know, there is still a great deal of uncertainty in Washington over final appropriations for FY13 and beyond, and LLNL senior leaders continue to work the situation very closely. The Laboratory can remain on a sound footing if final appropriations for FY13 are consistent with FY12.
LLNL senior management is working proactively to maintain stability throughout the expected federal budget turmoil, to include a possible yearlong Continuing Resolution at the end of FY12, while keeping the entire institution fiscally sound and meeting the demands of our many missions.
Parney Albright
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
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"talks" a lot, but doesn't say anything ... must of spent a lot of time in WashDC.
LLNL's Director succeeds at protecting his lab from budget shortfalls while LANL's Director McMillan fails miserably at the job. About 800 heads will roll.
And for this, Charlie McMillan gets $2 million per year and a standing ovation and applause when he finishes his All-Hands on Tuesday announcing the layoffs he plans to inflict on the crowd?
SNL had also announced yesterday that they have no plans for layoff.
LANL is in the sinking boat alone for now.
"LLNL's Director succeeds at protecting his lab from budget shortfalls while LANL's Director McMillan fails miserably at the job. About 800 heads will roll."
Translation: Parney did not require OJT.
It will be hard for the 800 to forget the recent story about McMillan buying a million dollar mansion. Maybe not a Gordon Gekko story, but still hard to forget.
Seems like only last summer the story was that WP was all a rosy future. Wasn't that the story that was put out when MacMillan was named DIR? Hey, the current budget woes may all go away and it may turn out ok after all.
Or not, for 800 staff.
It will be hard for the 800 to forget the recent story about McMillan buying a million dollar mansion. Maybe not a Gordon Gekko story, but still hard to forget.
February 22, 2012 12:52 PM
Relative to the "dumps" the folks in Los Alamos live in, McMillan's house may as well be Gorgon Gekko's.
And for this, Charlie McMillan gets $2 million per year and a standing ovation and applause when he finishes his All-Hands on Tuesday announcing the layoffs he plans to inflict on the crowd?
I was there. There was *not* a standing ovation following his Tuesday all-hands meeting.
If you're going to be dishonest, at least make it hard to detect.
Would someone please post a picture of the McMillan house? I'd like to see what someone living off the taxpayer's dime can buy for themselves.
Relative to the "dumps" the folks in Los Alamos live in, McMillan's house may as well be Gorgon Gekko's.
February 22, 2012 5:06 PM
Real Estate envy? The median housing price is about $300k. The "dumps" you refer to are the few left-over 50's government-built housing that was so solidly constructed, even the determined efforts of decades of "slum dwellers" i.e., graduate students and postdocs, inhabiting poorly-kept units owned by uncaring slumlords like De Baca and Deal, have not resulted in collapse, just disgusting exteriors. These will (and are) be gradually torn down and the large resulting lots subdivided to more affordable spots for new homes. Much of this was accomplished by the Cerro Grande fire in 2000. The small remainder will be gone over the next 10 years or so as the places slowly lose the viability of their internal systems (ungrounded electrical, 120v only service, old inefficient forced-air heaters, single-pane windows) and the demand for suitable single-family lots grows.
"talks" a lot, but doesn't say anything ... must of spent a lot of time in WashDC.
What exactly can be said? "Don't worry kids, I'm absolutely sure the FY13 budget will be rosy!" Maybe St. Pete could make such assurances, but no lab director can.
Parney said things are OK for now at LLNL, and acknowledged risks going into FY13. Straight enough to not insult our intelligence.
OK, I like Parney, however, I think he is just trying to stay on the good side of LLNL employees. How can a FY13 budget work if at FY12 levels. Has he forgottent that NIF is finally going to be paying the same rates as the rest of the programs? NIF's budget is a) reduces in FY13 and b) will be paying higher rates. Unless they give NIF some sweetheart backroom deals.
LLNL may not have a problem right now, but it will come next year this time. These days, the lab needs to have some flexibility to change up the skills and workforce levels. And just when will we start paying into the pension plan again?
And just when will we start paying into the pension plan again?
February 22, 2012 9:21 PM
Could someone explain why LANS employees TCP-1 folks will be contributing from 6 to 8% and the LLNS TCP-1 folks are not paying a dime? This is hardly "substantially equivalent". Something went very wrong here and yet another example of how we got screwed in this deal. Now I know why they called him "Tyler the Liar".
Real Estate envy? The median housing price (in Los Alamos) is about $300k.
February 22, 2012 7:27 PM
Hardly envious! The median housing price in the San Francisco Bay Area is a cool $3M. I have no idea why folks choose to live in Lost Almost or White Sock.
Hardly envious! The median housing price in the San Francisco Bay Area is a cool $3M. I have no idea why folks choose to live in Lost Almost or White Sock.
February 23, 2012 1:22 AM
Uh, because only idiots, who haven't learned a thing in the last five years, would park so much of their wealth in a pile of lumber, which is what it will be after the "big one."
"Could someone explain why LANS employees TCP-1 folks will be contributing from 6 to 8% and the LLNS TCP-1 folks are not paying a dime?" - 12:43 AM
That's nothing. Just wait until this time next year when LANS will be telling LANL employees that they'll be required to cough up over 10% of their salary to support the TCP1 pension.
The end game for this mess will be a freeze to further pension service credit accumulation. Expect to see that announcement within 5 years.
The "substantial equivalent" words told to workers from DOE hacks back in 2005 were nothing but lies.
First LANL LLNL is Next, this is how it occurred in 2008 is it Not and with the FAILURE of the NIF don't look for much funding next year.
Uh, because only idiots, who haven't learned a thing in the last five years, would park so much of their wealth in a pile of lumber, which is what it will be after the "big one."
February 23, 2012 9:03 AM
I bought for $400K, now worth a cool $3M. Equity baby equity! My lumber is worth every penny, while folks in White Sock and Lost Almost are sitting on lumber not even the termites would touch.
Poster 5:00 pm bragging about his $3 million in Cali home equity sounds a lot like Brett Knapp. Is that you, Knapp?
Poster 5:00 pm bragging about his $3 million in Cali home equity sounds a lot like Brett Knapp. Is that you, Knapp?
February 23, 2012 8:27 PM
Nope, just someone who has convinced himself that California isn't about to implode, economically, politically, and socially. He'll be defending his $3M McMansion with his silver butter knives soon.
Poster 5:00 pm bragging about his $3 million in Cali home equity sounds a lot like Brett Knapp. Is that you, Knapp?
February 23, 2012 8:27 PM
Yeah that's Knapp. Did everyone see him at the McMillan talk with that smug and superior look. He's really enjoying bringing LANL and Los Alamos to it's knees. He doesn't realize that there is an almighty God that will eventually bring him to his knees one day. May God have mercy on you Knapp.
Parney's is just "tooting his horn" about how stable LLNS is relative to the demise of LANS. I guess if he wants to call stealing two weapon systems (W80 and W78 LEP) from LANL a success, so be it. Let's see how badly Livermore can screw these weapons up. In typical Livermore fashion they will put so many bells and whistles on these systems they will be non-functional when it counts.
Many of these comments sound like what was posted on the LANL blog back in 2008 when Mike called a similar all hands meeting. Layoffs were certain and the old LLNL staff now managing LANL was behind the scenes trying to destroy LANL and bring it to its knees. Well, team was able to pull the fat out of the fire and layoffs were avoided (unlike LLNL when faced with a similar situation in 2009). Bottom line, I think the LANL management team deserves more credit that this paranoid and very disgruntled group of bloggers is giving it. You guys are a piece of work and God help me if I ever have to work with the likes of this very immature (to put it politely although schizoid fits the description much better) group of bloggers. You guys are bananas. I’m outta here.
I think the LANL management team deserves more credit that this paranoid and very disgruntled group of bloggers is giving it.
February 24, 2012 6:48 PM
Another Bechtel or LANL employee who has "sold-out" to these "folks". Anything for a few extra bucks. Personally, I'd rather keep my dignity that shove my face in stinky places.
How about if the LANL employees sling mud, and 'shoes that grip', at each other on their own site?
How about if the LANL employees sling mud, and 'shoes that grip', at each other on their own site?
February 25, 2012 4:27 PM
Haven't you noticed? This IS their site.
How about if the LANL employees sling mud, and 'shoes that grip', at each other on their own site?
February 25, 2012 4:27 PM
Have some respect for "Home of the Atomic Bomb". Also, don't forget LANL is keeping LLNL afloat by giving you operational nuclear weapons (i.e. W80, W78 LEP, others?) to screw-up.
How about if the LANL employees sling mud, and 'shoes that grip', at each other on their own site?
February 25, 2012 4:27 PM
Haven't you noticed? This IS their site.
February 26, 2012 2:14 PM
LANL is like those relatives that are invited over for dinner. Before you know it, their sleeping in your bed, using your toothbrush, and wearing your clothes. God love LANL.
It is more like relatives in a war zone.Their house is being bombed, so they come over. The LLNL house is not much better off, but perhaps together we can figure a way out of this mess.
The LANL folks did bring us the phase "shoes that grip" which would be a good tag for the DOE Cowboy boots.
How about if the LANL employees sling mud, and 'shoes that grip', at each other on their own site?
February 25, 2012 4:27 PM
For the past decade, LANL employees have been perfecting the practice of destroying anything that is not home-grown. They have earned the reputation of being against everything that is not from LANL, while at the same time being unable to make compelling cases for any outsiders to back their own ideas.
For the past decade, LANL employees have been perfecting the practice of destroying anything that is not home-grown. They have earned the reputation of being against everything that is not from LANL, while at the same time being unable to make compelling cases for any outsiders to back their own ideas.
February 28, 2012 7:37 AM
Anastasio showed that he was able to make progress for LANL against this tide. He was a bright spot in an otherwise crappy decade. The attitude on the Hill today is back where it was under Nanos. Sad, very sad to see such progress backsliding.
For the past decade, LANL employees have been perfecting the practice of destroying anything that is not home-grown. They have earned the reputation of being against everything that is not from LANL, while at the same time being unable to make compelling cases for any outsiders to back their own ideas.
February 28, 2012 7:37 AM
That's because systems that are designed at LANL work. There have been countless LLNL FUBaRs (NIF, Brillant Pebbles, MFTF, X-ray laser, weapon systems, etc.). Furthermore, LLNL oversells and never delivers. If you don't believe me, ask the Navy, they hate LLNL. It's not by accident that the Navy has no LLNL systems deployed, unless they were stolen from LANL, such as the W80. And I hear LLNL is working hard to screw-up that system. End of story!
Anastasio showed that he was able to make progress for LANL against this tide. He was a bright spot in an otherwise crappy decade. The attitude on the Hill today is back where it was under Nanos. Sad, very sad to see such progress backsliding.
February 28, 2012 8:04 AM
Before getting all spun up in a love fest over Mike, need to remember that he told everyone that it would be a *mistake* to select his sucessor from anywhere other than WP.
Furthermore, LLNL oversells and never delivers. If you don't believe me, ask the Navy, they hate LLNL.
February 28, 2012 4:56 PM
What a joke! It was LLNL who showed the Navy how to fit a warhead in a missle. LANL couldn't do it.
Which LLNL systems are sailing on the Navy subs?
Back to the LLNL discussion kids; greater amount of VSIP discussion is circulating/ escaping from the lips of senior managers. FY13 is not good; 14 is sinko including out year looks. The staff brought in to obtain funds have cashed paychecks they didn't earn. These are retreads from UCOP and formor and current LLNL Plant Engineering/ O&B managers.
With full SCAP rates removed, NIF, WCI and GS are now the only tax providers and they can't afford to carry the full weight.
NLT 12 months.
With full SCAP rates removed, NIF, WCI and GS are now the only tax providers and they can't afford to carry the full weight.
As opposed to with SCAP rates, WCI and GS are the only full-rate tax providers. Welcome to the club, NIF.
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