LANL actually conducted an employee survey to assess employee satisfaction. Here are the results:
The leadership team is working together to advance the Laboratory mission: 37.75 %
Career opportunities at the Laboratory are good: 33.73 %
Laboratory managers set good examples: 27.58%
I have confidence in the leadership of the Laboratory: 28.69 %
The morale of my co-workers is good: 27.75 %
Laboratory managers consult employees about decisions that affect them: 25.42 %
The Laboratory rewards those who contribute most: 23.57 %
I believe that action will be taken on the results of this survey: 17.30 %
than revealing an abysmal relationship between management and staff,
does this survey help us figure out whether the main culprit is inept
and vindictive management or a scientific staff that feels it’s not
being given a free enough hand?
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
LLNL would never do such a survey. Management is too insecure and does not want any evidence showing that many are piss poor managers and horrible human beings
LANS on the other hand, probably feels good regarding the survey, they were expecting much lower scores.
The demise of LANL is in sight, so far the report card form NNSA performance is at a D-, the score from employee's is even worse. How much time do we have left?
Do you want your future in their hands?
For LLNL: the Laboratory prefers to reward fast-talking incompetents. 100%
Is this really true? The results seem low.
The NNSA puppeteers whose direct meddling and contract provisions actually defines LANL policy, might take a listen to talented hedge fund managers, that a key to long-term organization performance and employee satisfaction is to incentivize and compensate properly and to empower employees to succeed.
Scolding and threatening good folks creates bad feelings. Punishing for things they can't control creates hopelessness.
Not hard at all to understand.
Bodman "Let's freeze salaries, reduce compensation, lay people off and openly demean the survivors."
Nero school of management
I am an LLNL employee in the Engineering Directorate who has worked in a variety of programs for the past almost 30 years. In all honesty, I would have to believe that LLNL scores for these very same questions would be much better - perhaps between 50% - 60%.
This survey is about three years old or more. I was done while Mike was still Director. Management was especially indignant at the results of the question: I believe that action will be taken on the results of this survey: 17.30 %.
After a brief flurry of activity reminiscent of window-dressing, the 17.3% of those surveyed were proven right. The survey has not been conducted again. It's difficult to imagine the results of a follow-up survey being significantly different.
The biggest farce about this appraisal is that no one knew about it. So where did LANS find people to complete the survey, or did they lie again?
The biggest farce about this appraisal is that no one knew about it. So where did LANS find people to complete the survey, or did they lie again?
January 25, 2013 at 6:04 PM
Read the post above yours. This survey was done several years ago.
Don't worry, the results would be much, much worse if the survey was repeated.... which it will never be.
Funny thing is the employees don't seem to understand that LANS executives look at low ratings for management as a PLUS, not a negative. It means they are beating up their employees with sufficient force to demoralize them into sullen submission.
Mission accomplished! Hecakvajob!
What ever happened to the effort Charlie McMillan announced at an All-Hands last year to begin efforts at reducing the huge number of LANS managers?
There hasn't been a peep about it since that day, huh?
Mission accomplished! Hecakvajob!
January 26, 2013 at 5:16 PM
You probably don't realize how juvenile your repetition of (the widely misquoted) Bush comments are. Just keep saying it - maybe someone will someday read it and not think you are a jerk.
"You probably don't realize how juvenile your repetition of (the widely misquoted) Bush comments are. Just keep saying it - maybe someone will someday read it and not think you are a jerk.
January 26, 2013 at 9:59 PM"
Actually the person used two quotes from Bush. The first one is "Mission Accomplished" for the ending of combat in Iraq, which of course was not true and in the end we lost. The point of 9/11 was to make American use its resources up
out of fear, which we did. So ya we lost the war on terror by doing exactly what the terrorists wanted. The second quote is now associated with congratulating one on a failed job. It has now become part of the vernacular like it or not so when the person quotes this everyone knows what they mean even you are too dim to understand.
Actually the person used two quotes from Bush. The first one is "Mission Accomplished" for the ending of combat in Iraq.
January 27, 2013 at 8:27 AM
Wrong. It was on a large sign posted on the aircraft carrier where Buch declared an end to AIR COMBAT OPERATIONS (which was true - that was the Navy's mission), not "the ending of combat" as you choose to believe. It is not a "quote from Bush" and Bush did not authorize or know about the sign in advance. Look it up.
Someone just got schooled
"Wrong. It was on a large sign posted on the aircraft carrier where Buch declared an end to AIR COMBAT OPERATIONS (which was true - that was the Navy's mission), not "the ending of combat" as you choose to believe. It is not a "quote from Bush" and Bush did not authorize or know about the sign in advance. Look it up.
January 27, 2013 at 10:16 AM"
Incorrect, the popular meme that has stuck is that Bush basically said we won the war and it has now dragged on 10yrs longer with thousands of dead Americans and very little to show, no weapons of mass destruction, and billions wasted.
The move was pure propaganda on his part. In the popular culture "Mission Accomplished" will forever be associated with
failure. As such whenever someone says "heckava job" and "mission accomplished" people will know exactly what you mean. You are profoundly ignorant of culture and how it works. You know Caesar did not actually say Et tu Brute, but if you quote it everyone knows what it means. You just got served.
the popular meme that has stuck is that Bush basically said we won the war...
January 30, 2013 at 6:04 AM
You're kidding, right? "The popular meme)??? As in, don't bother me with the facts, I know what I believe, and the fact that others believe the same thing makes it true?? If your intellect (not to mention ethics) is the best the liberals can come up with, I'm way less worried than I was right after the election. You contain the seeds of your own destruction.
"You contain the seeds of your own destruction.
January 30, 2013 at 8:38 AM"
Our seeds of destruction where sewn when we gave in to terrorism as we spent trillions of dollars, let tens of thousands of our own people die, gladly gave up our freedoms, and lived in total fear. This was everything that the terrorist where hoping to achieve and more, all thanks to our own actions. Mission Accomplished.
January 30, 2013 at 9:05 PM
You sound very scared and lonely. Poor baby. I guess "The land of the free and the home of the brave" doesn't include you. Don't worry, Obama will take care of you. You will be fine if you just believe in him. But if that doesn't work out, you might want to think about taking responsibility for your own life.
Would be ironic if this was Ed and Parney each posting anonymously and not knowing that on fact they are engaged in a pissing contest against each other.
"You sound very scared and lonely. Poor baby. I guess "The land of the free and the home of the brave" doesn't include you. Don't worry, Obama will take care of you. You will be fine if you just believe in him. But if that doesn't work out, you might want to think about taking responsibility for your own life.
January 30, 2013 at 10:53 PM"
??? What, it is you that where so scared that you gave up your freedoms to let the "goverment" take care of you. As for being brave you where so scared by terrorists that you said go ahead let the government take everything, spend everything, and waste everything. It was you that was so scared by the Wall Street crash that you asked for a bailout (TARP) because you where irresponsible. It is you that are so scared of gays that you will not let them marry, it is you that are afraid of immigrants that could take you jobs because they may be better than you.
You are you are far from brave and do not want freedom, you hide behind the government to take care of you and are willing to give up everything security.
Hey LLNL! You need to get these guys on meds! Quickly!!
"January 30, 2013 at 10:53 PM"
Amen brother these hippie lebs will get whats coming to them once the dollar collapses. The government cant save you. Best learn to hunt and fish and live off the land. The delta has plenty of fish and game for those in the know. Get some real skills.
Anonymous said...
January 30, 2013 at 9:05 PM
You sound very scared and lonely. Poor baby. I guess "The land of the free and the home of the brave" doesn't include you. Don't worry, Obama will take care of you. You will be fine if you just believe in him. But if that doesn't work out, you might want to think about taking responsibility for your own life.
January 30, 2013 at 10:53 PM
Looks like your the one that just got schooled
Dang, major pissing contest over an irrelevant comment. You lab chattle need to take up some hobbies or something to fill your evenings. Your lab management is driving your precious organization into the ground, and all you can find yourselves doing is defending your ego against each other. Maybe you guys are late-career old farts who don't need to really care about longer-term impacts to the lab. In that case, I suppose you're justified in continuing these glorified pissing contests.
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