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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Everybody has been flexible and patient during the worst of times - now give us our raises! WTF?!?
Especially for the worker bees getting their traditional < 1%.
How much time & money will be spent figuring that financial distribution?
Someone should be ashamed.
A November 2013 post:
Anonymous said...
LLNS has bucket and 1 to N rankings.
The 1 to N version has employee rank in increments or decrements of 1 employee. This suggests a very small uncertainty (high confidence) in the completed rank set over the courser bucket style rank set.
Question 1:
Referenced to the Man-Hours (MH) spent on the bucket style ranking, and normalized to the size of each population, how many multiples of MH are required to achieve the finer resolution 1-N ranking?
Question 2:
If the answer to question 1 is no more time or an insignificant amount of extra MH are needed, what are the 1-N rankers doing that is so efficient while acquiring such low uncertainty, or put another way, whats up with the bucket ranker process?
Question 3:
Is the 1-N rank one of those $10 DMM situations where they have high digital resolution with low accuracy?
Question 4:
We are talking about ~2% average pay packages in recent years yes?
What is the total dollar expense consumed for the 2013 ranking process compared to the pay package dollar bring in for 2013?
With employee costs continuing to rise it looks like another year of losing actual take home pay since the take over.
Most of these small annual raises are being wiped out by the size of TCP1 pension support money coming out of many employee salaries.
The deteriorating medical coverage (much higher deductibles) and higher medical premium costs are also taking their toll on real take-home pay.
Take-home pay for most lab employees has been moving steadily downward ever since the LLC "for-profit" gang took over the NNSA weapon labs. Yes, I realize that the lower incomes are the result of many factors, but the LLCs are definitely one part of the reason. And yet, even with the drop in real take-home incomes, the cost of operations and labor at the NNSA labs are more expensive than ever before!
January 21, 2014 at 8:07 PM
Remember now, the goal is to bring the USA in alignment with the rest of the worlds average wage of $2.00 a day. We still have a lot of cost cutting to do.
Everybody pause a moment and remember that the LLC disaster at the labs was brought to your by your US Congress. Make sure to send them a bouquet on Valentines Day.
But I'm sure that the RIFs, insignificant CIPs, etc had nothing - I repeat, NOTHING - to do with the 10% mgmt fee the gevernment CHOSE to pay the LLCs, as well as the addition burden of state taxes.
January 22, 2014 at 12:03 PM
Basically I think the labs are going to be screwed for many years to come. If you think the budgets are tight now in this false economy where all that’s keeping it afloat is the treasury pumping billions a month into it, wait until the Obamanator is gone. Taxes are go to up, the cost of living will rise, interest rates will go thru the roof, all while they attempt to pay down the $18T+ national debt and it’s wonder $126Tof unfunded liability. The best has yet to come people. 2017 – 2022 - 2026 should be fine years to remember. What’s that song, “ you ain’t seen nothing yet”.
If you think the federal budget pain is bad now, just wait a few more years until the Boomers retire in mass and the cost of Social Security and Medicare starts heavily eating into what is left of the money that is now provided for federal agencies.
No doubt about it, the budgetary pain is going to be relentless and get much worse each year forward for anyone who depends on a salary that comes from the federal government.
Add in a post-Great Recession economy that barely grows at 2% GDP in the "good years" (and much less for most of the time) and things get even worse. Prepare as best you can.
...many people who work at the lab have never worked in industry and have a skewed outlook because they have entrenched for years. I've worked in a design firm in SF and then came back to the lab. Yes, the corporate atmosphere blows here, after enjoying the UC management years, but I am thankful to have my job at the lab because outside in the bay area, it is not good. Suck it up.
"You keep thinking that moron You are soon going to find out differently
January 23, 2014 at 12:07 PM"
Why do you hate your country so much? There inevitably seems to be a pretty twisted mix of glee, self righteousness and self satisfaction on the part of people offering this drivel. It's like they want or need catastrophe to happen in order to justify all the things they've let curdle inside themselves.
It's sad and pathetic. Fortunately, there have always been more Americans willing to face each new day and work to make it better, bit by bit, while the hateful sit and snarl in their rancid stew of bile. Whatever happens, the worthwhile people will be rolling up their sleeves and pitching in. And they'll be ignoring you, as you deserve.
When you say hateful, you are referring to the ilk of Ed Moses and upper lab management? That is one truly spiteful lot.
January 22, 2014 at 9:29 PM
You are absolutely correct. A few years after the junk in the Whitehouse leaves is when crap is going to hit the fan. It's NOT going to get any better for decades to come. Hang onto your shorts.
"You are absolutely correct. A few years after the junk in the Whitehouse leaves is when crap is going to hit the fan. It's NOT going to get any better for decades to come. Hang onto your shorts.
January 24, 2014 at 8:42 AM"
Another silly bed-weter. Why don't you get yourself some Depends?
January 24, 2014 at 9:17
You should know. You probably have your nose stuck up everyone ass and waiting in line for your food stamps, obama phone and obamacare.
You should know.
January 24, 2014 at 5:37 PM
So by saying he should know you are admitting you don't? Or was your whole post just a rant?
"You should know. You probably have your nose stuck up everyone ass and waiting in line for your food stamps, obama phone and obamacare.
January 24, 2014 at 5:37 PM"
Just because someone isn't a mindless hysteric doesn't mean they're on food stamps. Indeed, it's often an indicator to the contrary.
It's sad and pathetic. Fortunately, there have always been more Americans willing to face each new day and work to make it better, bit by bit, while the hateful sit and snarl in their rancid stew of bile. Whatever happens, the worthwhile people will be rolling up their sleeves and pitching in. And they'll be ignoring you, as you deserve.
Do you know what is sad and pathetic? This is sad and pathetic ...
I have a friend who lost his job in October. In a proactive effort to get another job, he enrolled in "truck driving school," because there is a need for drivers. He is almost finished with this program. The employment prospects are good.
My friend applied for unemployment insurance but was denied because he is "in school to change careers." As if a 10-week truck driving program is the same as a degree granting institution.
If anyone deserves unemployment, it is my friend. He has been a tax payer his whole life and has never before received unemployment or other types of government assistance. He just needs a little help to get him through this tough spot in life.
My friend is denied unemployment because he has taken active steps to get another job. Apparently, according to the government, the only people who deserve unemployment are those who sit on their butts all day and do nothing. And then we have a president who insists that all of these people are victims and deserve indefinite benefits.
That is sad and pathetic.
We live in a country where half the population expects the other half to take care of them (and yes, this applies to the entitlement attitude at the Laboratory too). So no. Americans in general are not willing to face each new day and work to make it better. Americans want other people to work to make it better.
"We live in a country where half the population expects the other half to take care of them (and yes, this applies to the entitlement attitude at the Laboratory too). So no. Americans in general are not willing to face each new day and work to make it better. Americans want other people to work to make it better.
January 25, 2014 at 2:01 PM"
So because your friend who is in truck driving school can't get unemployment insurance, that means half the country only wants other people to take car of them?
What if your friend had gotten unemployment insurance? While he was on it, would he have been one of those moochers you snarl about so much? Don't the complications of your friend's situation make it clear that there isn't a simple binary Moocher/Worker reality? The number of people getting asisstance at any time is fluid, and this cliched 50% number includes, among other things, senior citiznes collecting Social Security they paid in to all their lives, military veterans, and real live working people who don't make enough to pay Federal income tax but still pay state and SS taxes.
The world is bigger than your simpleton rage. Maybe you should try to be as well.
January 25, 2014 at 2:17 PM
If you did some research, you'd learn that the Supreme Court has ruled several times that "paying in" to Social Security is not a guarantee that any particular person will receive Social Security benefits. In fact, the law that established Social Security allows Congress to terminate it without notice at any time. Anyone who counts on Social Security for long-term retirement is a fool.
"If you did some research, you'd learn that the Supreme Court has ruled several times that "paying in" to Social Security is not a guarantee that any particular person will receive Social Security benefits. In fact, the law that established Social Security allows Congress to terminate it without notice at any time. Anyone who counts on Social Security for long-term retirement is a fool.
January 25, 2014 at 9:52 PM"
Actually, anyone who counts on Social Security for long-term retirement is simply not well off. It doesn't pay that well if that's all you've got. And it's truly sad that we have hateful people like dreaming of the day that you can render them even more wretched. All for some twisted sense of validation in your rage against a world whose only perceived sin is not being as small and mean in spirit as you.
I hope you're friend in truck driving school is a better example of the species than you.
Actually, anyone who counts on Social Security for long-term retirement is simply not well off.
January 25, 2014 at 11:53 PM
Sorry, I see the cause/effect in the opposite way: they are not well off because they didn't save enough to retire, and counted from the beginning on Social Security to "take care of them."
I guess just choosing to state facts that you don't like makes one "mean in spirit." BTW, I'm not the guy with the truck driver friend.
One of the biggest cons every played on the American people by our politicians is the fairy tale of the so-called Social Security "lock box".
The extra funds accumulated over many decades in the Social Security "lock box" were raided and spent by the politicians years ago and all that is now in the "lock box" are worthless IOUs. The Social Security "lock box" doesn't even hold US Treasuries (bonds)!
When monthly incoming SS taxes gathered from employees and their employers can no longer cover the expenses for the monthly outgoing funds used to pay SS retirees, this Ponzi scheme will be fully unmasked. That day gets closer and closer with each subsequent financial analysis that is done of the Social Security system.
When monthly incoming SS taxes gathered from employees and their employers can no longer cover the expenses for the monthly outgoing funds used to pay SS retirees, this Ponzi scheme will be fully unmasked.
January 27, 2014 at 9:13 PM
It appears everyone but you has been aware of this for a very long time.
"...When monthly incoming SS taxes gathered from employees and their employers can no longer cover the expenses for the monthly outgoing funds used to pay SS retirees, this Ponzi scheme will be fully unmasked...."
USA inflation or money printing, will delay the removal of the mask. In other words the SS recipient will get his paper dollars but the purchasing power of those dollars will continue to diminish.
Greece can't independently print Drachmas or Euros and as such their "mask" or financial problems were easily exposed to the world.
January 30, 2014 at 8:43 AM:
Your knowledge of basic economics is a little off. It's not about "printing," it's about borrowing. When the worldwide credit rating agencies completely downgrade the US, as they did to Greece, the money flow into the US Treasury will drop to around 60% of what it is now. Those steps have already begun, withe the US rating downgraded in recent years from AAA to AA+, AA. or even A-, depending on the agency.
The scenario you envision would only occur, if at all, after the US Treasury bonds become worthless. After that, "printing" money would crash the entire US economy within weeks if not days as actual cash also becomes worthless.
I think the message is the asset to liability ratios in all government areas can and has been impacted by the dilution of the dollar, what is normally referred to as money printing. In other words the liability side is only a paper dollar commitment, not a dollar purchasing power commitment.
"I think the message is the asset to liability ratios in all government areas can and has been impacted by the dilution of the dollar, what is normally referred to as money printing. In other words the liability side is only a paper dollar commitment, not a dollar purchasing power commitment."
Are you under the impression that the dollar has recently lost some national or international value?
"...Are you under the impression that the dollar has recently lost some national or international value?..."
I guess someone other than you buys the groceries and fuels up your cars. The Federal Government metric to calculate inflation does not include food or energy costs.
If the Federal Government used the inflation metrics of Jimmy Carter's term, our annual inflation rate would be close to 10%. It is a safe bet most LLNS employees are not getting 10% pay raises. Has the dollar lost value? Are you kidding?
That's interesting since most national and international economists are now voicing concerns about deflation.
I haven't seen an increase in the price of groceries or gas.
I've heard the complaints about the printing of money and I don't see an alternative to that need as long as we keep shoveling the money upward.
"...I've heard the complaints about the printing of money and I don't see an alternative to that need as long as we keep shoveling the money upward..."
Correct. The "little guy" and ma and pa savers are getting hit hard with near 0% interest rates. Once tapering stops the addiction to cheap (upward) money is going to squash the stock market P/E expansion.
I've heard the complaints about the printing of money and I don't see an alternative to that need as long as we keep shoveling the money upward.
February 4, 2014 at 6:32 PM
Who is "we" and what do you mean by "shoveling upward"?? I think you have fallen into the no-think zone.
"Who is "we" and what do you mean by "shoveling upward"?? I think you have fallen into the no-think zone."
The "no think zone" appears to be somewhere that a person who isn't familiar with out present HUGE and harmful income disparity problem might reside.
What is your solution? A government mandate that everyone have the same salary? You think all incomes should be the same regardless of education, capability, intelligence, effort, responsibility, risk, experience, genetics, etc.? Or are you one of the fools who think that some people are poor because other people are rich? How many poor people will become rich if all rich people become poor?
You are in the no-think zone. Political platitudes and self-congratulatory smugness are not helpful. Lets hear some actual proposals to address the problems you see, instead of endless whining and finger-pointing about them.
"What is your solution? A government mandate that everyone have the same salary? You think all incomes should be the same regardless of education, capability, intelligence, effort, responsibility, risk, experience, genetics, etc.? Or are you one of the fools who think that some people are poor because other people are rich? How many poor people will become rich if all rich people become poor?
You are in the no-think zone. Political platitudes and self-congratulatory smugness are not helpful. Lets hear some actual proposals to address the problems you see, instead of endless whining and finger-pointing about them."
One thing we don’t need is your desire to see things as black or white or not at all like you appear all too capable of.
Off the top of my head:
I’d start with education. (Pre-K, trade schools, tech schools, apprenticeship programs, job Corps, etc.) with incentives for corporate participation.
I’d add infrastructure improvement programs. (Things are falling apart and few places have the money to fix them)
I’d add incentives to keep jobs here and penalties for shipping jobs out of the country.
I’d implement a program that allows the undocumented to come out of the shadows. That will allow them to ask for a better wage, which will not only add to our tax base but would bring the wages back into the realm of livable and thus more attractive to others with the same job skills.
For starters.
And to pay for those ideas I’d adjust our tax rates and policies back to the time when people from almost every economic level in the country were more prosperous. (1995-99ish)
I wasn’t aware that pointing out the obvious to the clueless was a form of “self-congratulatory smugness, whining and finger pointing”.
But then, I don’t play in here much so perhaps I’ve overestimated the level of intelligence of you regulars.
But then, I don’t play in here much so perhaps I’ve overestimated the level of intelligence of you regulars.
February 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM
1. On average every other day for weeks.
2. Again, self-congratulatory smugness.
“Anonymous said...
1. On average every other day for weeks.
2. Again, self-congratulatory smugness.”
I can’t tell how often many of you "Anonymous" folks post but I’ll take your word for how often you’re in here.
You forgot to quote this part:
I wasn’t aware that pointing out the obvious to the clueless was a form of “self-congratulatory smugness, whining and finger pointing”.
You are very good at twisting words and putting them back in people's mouths. Also at mis-characterizing your own and others' viewpoints to suit your own needs. But you're not as good as you think you are. At heart you are trivial and mean-spirited, attempting to hide it by proclaiming how much you care about the less fortunate. It just comes off as patronizing. Betcha I'm not the only one who thinks so.
What words got twisted?
I've simply told you how it is and supplied the requested ideas about what I'd do and what I believe would be a good start on turning the country around.
You're free to ignore me and my ideas but it'd be better for you if you'd stop whining about me and start addressing the ideas that you've ask me to post.
Or we could continue and I could keep exposing you for the brainless tool that you so clearly are.
PS I don't think I'm good I'm just a person who refuses to suffer fools like yourself.
I bow to your obvious superiority in every aspect of life. You deserve every good thing that you earn through your good work. The fact that you "don't think you're good" says it all. Unfortunately it doesn't keep you from denigrating others. Too bad. Guess we're all just "fools and tools." Hope you don't suffer too much.
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