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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
Three Vice Presidents (and now the President) of technical divisions at Sandia National Laboratories do not have a Ph.D.: Hruby, Walker, Vahle. To my knowledge, these are the first ever Vice Presidents without a Ph.D. in Science or Engineering to lead techical divisions at Sandia.
Adam Rowen (no longer manager of the Materials Chemistry department) from Sandia National Laboratories does not have a Ph.D.
Looks like McMillan and Goldstein will have an easy time "railroading" the Sandia "newbie".
And anyone gives a care about the peabrain knowledge of June 23, 2015 at 5:45 PM?
How does some unknown manager not having a PhD have any relevance to a VP not having a PhD? There are so many team leads and first level managers at all 3 sites without a PhD, and yet one of them gets singled out for no reason? If you have a beef, take it to HR.
LLNL had a MS director first. How many of the PhDs at LANL come from the finest universities that New Mexico has to offer?
LLNL should show it's dominance as a weapons lab by having a blind, handicapped, native american lesbian become director.
These are indeed the metrics by which great leaders are measured in the DOE.
You have to wonder why she stopped at an MS from UC Berkeley. That's usually the default when the candidate can't finish the Ph.D. ? Family obligations ?
You have to wonder why she stopped at an MS from UC Berkeley. That's usually the default when the candidate can't finish the Ph.D. ? Family obligations ?
June 24, 2015 at 1:11 AM
Gotta have a minimum GPA to advance at U.C. Berkeley to the PhD. Very high standards.
I'm surprised Heather Wilson didn't become the new Sandia Director. Now there's someone that McMillan and Goldstein couldn't compete with, at least in Washington. Sandia made the safe and politically correct decision. Very surprising no PhD, in view of past Sandia Directors. Did Sandia actually lower their standards with this decision?
What is her new salary? Another million dollar baby?
What is her new salary? Another million dollar baby?
The emphasis in the article's title is that the new director is a woman. There is no information on background, experience, degree, etc. The most important attribute - in fact the only attribute mentioned in the title - is gender. It's obvious why she was picked.
And of course the women within the complex stay silent when it is obviously gender and not merit based.
Gotta have a minimum GPA to advance at U.C. Berkeley to the PhD. Very high standards.
June 24, 2015 at 6:42 AM
I believe you had to have a minimum of a 3.5 GPA to advance from your M.S. degree to the PhD while I attended Berkeley in the early 80's.
When you read her qualifications she appears qualified for a Department head or equivalent, but not a Lab Director. Did they conduct a National search this time? I'm personally disappointed with the selection.
LLNL should show it's dominance as a weapons lab by having a blind, handicapped, native american lesbian become director.
These are indeed the metrics by which great leaders are measured in the DOE.
June 24, 2015 at 12:22 AM
Don't forget Veteran!
These comments are unbelievable! Thank God they do not come from real National lab employees, but rather from 12 year old punks sneaking onto Mommies computer after she pops her downer. Get a life, birdbrains!
Under the current Lab management construct, the Board will promote whomever the Board thinks is best person to deliver on the needs of the Board (not the needs of the Lab, the needs of the core mission, or the needs of the country). Sandia's contract is up for bid soon, and LM probably wants to keep the M&O contract. Therefore, I’m guessing that the Sandia Board perceived that Hruby would be the most competitive director for winning contract renewal. It would be difficult for an Administration that is actively promoting minorities in STEM to take the contract away from the M&O that selected a female Director, regardless of the individual's qualifications or lack thereof.
It's clear that the Board selected Hruby to gain a political advance when we select our first woman President. 2016, year of the woman.
It would be difficult for an Administration that is actively promoting minorities in STEM to take the contract away from the M&O that selected a female Director, regardless of the individual's qualifications or lack thereof.
June 24, 2015 at 4:01 PM
Hruby, Hruby, Hruby....
Scooby, DooDoo, or whatever you are identifying with these days -
You need to take down this disgusting thread of hate.
Wow love the bashing, that is really the only thing this blog is used for. Bottom line, she has still been appointed the Director regardless of your 1950's thought pattern... and no this is not because "she" is a women.
In the 50's one could have a good career with just a BS in Chemistry, Physics, or one of the Engineering disciplines. MS's where an added plus. Ph.D's very rare. Today with the abundance of mid-age female Ph.D's at the Labs, I'm surprised that Sandia (aka Lockheed) picked Ms. Hruby. I can think of several women Ph.D's at LLNL that would qualify, but then LLNL is not Sandia.
The discussions here are so comical. The merit of the extra 2-3 years schooling post-MS is so quickly lost in the variation in performance and achievements over years, let alone decades, of a career. The embittered (underachieving?) PhD's overemphasis of the simple possession of a PhD, particularly when it comes to engineering, sounds like the entitled, aging ex-high school sports star who can't understand how he can lose out on the girl to the little nerd he used to bully.
Well, clearly she was picked because she is a woman.
The article doesn't begin, "Hruby will be new Sandia director" or "Sandia to focus on WMD's with pick of new director." Something like that would have been the text if Hruby was a man.
But no. The article begins, "New Sandia director will be first woman to lead national security lab." The fact that she is a woman is clearly the most important characteristic of the new director. That's the emphasis. It's not her background. It's not her experience. It's not her name, which isn't even mentioned in the title. What's mentioned is the fact that the new director is a woman. That's number one. It's right there up front. One cannot ignore the obvious.
This is another example of the overwhelming discrimination and hatred that men face in both employment and society. Men (and/or boys) are more likely to be illiterate. More likely to drop out of high school. Less likely to go to college (35% less likely). More likely to have disciplinary problems. More likely to be imprisoned. More likely to receive harsher sentences for similar crimes (e.g., men perpetrators of homicide are 100 times more likely to receive the death penalty than women perpetrators of homicide). More likely to be raped (but prison rape is ignored). More likely to have addiction problems. More likely to die of the 15 leading causes of death. Less likely to have health insurance. More likely to commit suicide (4 times more likely). More likely to be victims of violent crime (4 times more likely, which is why the country has a Violence Against Women Act). More likely to be killed in the workplace (93% of workplace deaths are men). The list goes on and on, and this doesn't even touch on the discrimination men face in family law.
Only men are required to register for the draft. 55,000 American men soldiers died in the Vietnam war, many of them effectively slaves who were plucked from their homes and forced to fight. 8 American women soldiers died. All deaths - men and women - are appropriately listed at the Vietnam War Memorial. But there is also a separate memorial just for women, to recognize the "special contribution" that they made.
Countless articles are featured about women during Women's History Month. Did you know that last week was Men's Health Awareness week. Tell me. How was this observed at SNL, LANL, or LLNL? Was there a single mention in any organization publication?
No. The problems that men face - whether they be health care or discrimination in hiring practices - are completely ignored.
No. The problems that men face - whether they be health care or discrimination in hiring practices - are completely ignored.
June 25, 2015 at 8:33 AM
Also, men have a prostate and are subject to getting Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and worse, prostate cancer. It's tough being a man.
Can anyone comment on Hruby's management style? Dictatorial, autocratic, collaborative, etc. She has a lot of Type A Sandia men she is going to have to deal with; particularly, those that didn't get the "job".
Hope the hell she does better than the OPM director who disclosed my SF86 and investigation reports and the IRS and Bengazi liars who "LOST?" material emails.
Blunder Bunnies
The discussions here are so comical. The merit of the extra 2-3 years schooling post-MS is so quickly lost in the variation in performance and achievements over years, let alone decades, of a career. The embittered (underachieving?) PhD's overemphasis of the simple possession of a PhD, particularly when it comes to engineering, sounds like the entitled, aging ex-high school sports star who can't understand how he can lose out on the girl to the little nerd he used to bully.
June 25, 2015 at 7:30 AM
Only at an institute with low standards, and not rewarding new ideas. Remember, as others have said, MS are those that couldn't hack getting a PhD, and with your argument, would only be an extra 2 years.
And by the way, I assume your health provider dropped out of Med School with only 2 years to go, for what could someone learn in only two years.
...MS are [for] those that couldn't hack getting a PhD.
Oh come on, some people go to graduate school with no interest or intention of pursuing a PhD.
But no. The article begins, "New Sandia director will be first woman to lead national security lab." The fact that she is a woman is clearly the most important characteristic of the new director.
And of course that headline was written by the Board, and thus is totally representative of their prioritization.
I do agree with the comment that a new director's ability to marshal a successful re-bid behalf of Lock-Mart had to be a consideration. Perhaps she has an excellent reputation in Washington. Perhaps she had an excellent vision of how to lead the organization through that transition.
Anyone who known Hruby knows that she is the only person in senior SNL management worth anything. She also is unlike the rest of SNL management in outting mission ahead of Lab priorities, at least historically. It will be interesting to see how she deals with the SNL nuclear weapons program.
If there is one thing that LANL and LLNL taught us is that Phds are a liability. Lets be honest do we really need Phds at the national labs? No the technology and science have been developed. We need to maintain it but we do not need to advance upon it.
Look at Facebook, Google, and Twitter, they are dealing with some of the most advanced technology and yet there is probably not a single Phd working at these places. This tells you all you need to know.
This tells you all you need to know.
June 28, 2015 at 5:51 PM
I guess you don't know that people also *want* to know things. It's called research. If you think LLNL and LANL have no business doing research, you have already given up on US science. Engineers "deal with" advanced technology. Scientists (PhD's) create advanced technology. Google Facebook and Twitter are catering to brainless millenials who spend their parents' money on gadgets. They know how to make a cell phone do things, but have no idea how they actually work. You sir, are a Luddite.
The people who select the lab director are not the same people who write the press releases. It is foolish to infer the motivations of one group based on the actions of the other.
Look at Facebook, Google, and Twitter, they are dealing with some of the most advanced technology and yet there is probably not a single Phd working at these places. This tells you all you need to know.
June 28, 2015 at 5:51 PM
...and all started by males.
This post is about leadership and the low probability claim that a high ranking employee would be appointed because of her gender.
Look at the recent appointments here at LLNL, it's incredibly gender biased.
We need to have an open discussion of the value of overly promoting women. Maybe there is a benefit to this practice, so young girls can believe they can be good scientist and engineers.
It's unfathomable the last Engineering AD would have "climbed" the ladder if she were a man with the same credentials.
Look the real problem is the male "enablers". These are the guys who can't say "no" to women, and give them much more attention and opportunities than they would otherwise get than say in silicon valley for the same talent.
We know the enablers, upper management males around 55 years old.
Face it, there are two career paths here at the lab: one for males and one for females.
At Sandia, jealousy obviously trumps civility! Thank goodness they only make the nuts and bolts, and other hardware, not the nuclear package.
June 30, 2015 at 6:16 PM,
You believe the national labs area a meritocracy then, and when compared to the true tested meritocracy of Silicon Valley, the demographics are considerably different by shear accident?
"Jealously"... this is the usual name calling from the left that comes when the facts become uncomfortable.
Elizabeth Holmes. Look her up.
Hruby is a pathetic disgrace to Sandia, the national and to a national lab which bills itself as employing the "best and the brightest". Having a national lab director without a doctoral degree is like the surgeon general not having an MD.
Someone call July 2, 2015 at 6:23 AM a Waaaaaaaaambulence so they can tell us:
* how many boards for the National Academy of Sciences they are on
* R&D 100 awards they have won
* university advisory boards they are on
* number of people that they have managed as a director or VP
Hruby is a pathetic disgrace to Sandia, the national and to a national lab which bills itself as employing the "best and the brightest". Having a national lab director without a doctoral degree is like the surgeon general not having an MD.
July 2, 2015 at 6:23 AM
Totally agree. Furthermore, I have never been impressed by her, technically or otherwise. Very disappointing selection.
Good Shot, July 1 8:37 AM !!!
(not that Mr. "so and so doesn't have a PhD will get it)
Better get a second waaaaaaaaambulence for July 2, 2015 at 2:12 PM as well.
"Better get a second waaaaaaaaambulence for July 2, 2015 at 2:12 PM as well."
Let me guess, you didn't get admitted to your PhD program either with vocabulary and rhetoric skills like that? Really showing your intelligence there. Its amazing how far you can get in New Mexico with a third-rate BS from UNM... Outside of this windy dirt hole nobody will take your trash degree seriously.
So, move somewhere else dummy. Oh? Can't find a job elsewhere?
Ms. Hruby pales in comparison to Dr. Charlie McMillan who has a PhD from MIT in physics and Dr. Bill Goldstein who has a PhD from Columbia University in theoretical physics.
Ms. Hruby pales in comparison to Dr. Charlie McMillan who has a PhD from MIT in physics and Dr. Bill Goldstein who has a PhD from Columbia University in theoretical physics.
Totally agree. The choice is baffling. Ms. Hruby also pales in comparison to a number of her now direct reports. To name a few: Dr. Stephen Rottler who has a PhD from Texas A&M in nuclear engineering and is a Fellow of AAAS and AIAA, Dr. James Peery who has a PhD in nuclear engineering and is a Gordon Bell Award winner, and Dr. Robert Leland who has a PhD from Oxford (Rhodes Scholar) with degrees in EE, applied math and computer science and was a recent White House Fellow. Unlike Ms. Hruby, Dr. Rottler and Dr. Peery actually have a working knowledge of nuclear weapons.
Peery would have been a much better choice. Too bad he has a pair and is therefore was not in the running.
Can Sandia employees request a "recall" or "recount" of the Hruby selection? A petition needs to begin circulation.
11:37; Younger would set his sights higher than the local hardware store, methinks.
Ms. Hruby pales in comparison to Dr. Charlie McMillan who has a PhD from MIT in physics
We'll have a chance to see how she plays on a director's stage. Charlie's performance is certainly not one to preemptively shutdown the competition based upon academic credentials.
Goldstein carried a whip at the Physics Picnic about a decade ago.
All this talks of whips and leather is arousing.
July 8, 2015 at 2:44 PM
Whips, leather and now "Duh". This stream is over.
Why is Adam Rowen no longer the manager of the Materials Chemistry department? Is it because he does not have a Ph.D. ?
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