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Thursday, December 17, 2015
Anonymous said...
Dead man my ass..."the federal government has offered Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) an extension to the contract to manage the Laboratory beyond FY17."
12/17/2015 3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Dead man walking...yeah right! "the federal government has offered Los Alamos National Security, LLC (LANS) an extension to the contract to manage the Laboratory beyond FY17."
12/17/2015 4:25 PM
Anonymous said...
They where not suppose to get another year the score was below what would granted them an extension, however due to the Sandia contract they have to wait, however
word is that LANS will not get the new contract and have been told this. So it
is officially over for LANS.
12/17/2015 4:37 PM
Anonymous said...
The scores and rating systems are a joke. The funny thing is that the areas that had the
lowest rating are the functions that Bechtel are supposedly good or as they say "excellent"
at performing. Really? The people they bring on site are like a revolving door. These people
are barely qualified if at all for the positions they are brought in to fill. Its a huge Ponzi scheme
at best. This has been going on since the selling out of LLNL and LANL to crooked government
contractors. Its is so screwed up that no one would believe you. You would need months to
point out all the inefficiencies, screw ups and the monetary greed of these LLC's. -
12/17/2015 9:56 PM
Anonymous said...
LLNL received a good score, so no reason to boot Bechtel out. LANL and LLNL will soon have different management as LANS will be gone and LLNS will survive. Consider that LLNL.
12/18/2015 5:11 AM
Anonymous said...
Bechtel no longer participates in managing the LLCs.
12/18/2015 5:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Where in is Norm Pattiz in fiasco at LANS? He is the principal reason that the LLCs have failed. It's absolutely unbelievable this loser has endured all the failures of the Labs during the last 9-years. Where is he? On his $20M yacht, at a Lakers game sitting on in the front row, in his Beverly Hills mansion sitting at the fire in his silk pajamas with a gold brick necklace smoking Cuban cigars sipping Cognac. He doesn't care about the Labs! He's never showed at LANL, he can't fly his jet into Los Alamos, it too large for the runway.
12/19/2015 5:15 AM
Anonymous said...
Pattiz is UC and UC is Pattiz.
This is the reason that a university will NEVER operate a weapons lab again. -
12/19/2015 8:43 AM
Anonymous said...
Federalize the labs.
12/19/2015 9:50 AM
Anonymous said...
If not federalize then it's long past time for not-for-profit, public benefit employee run management. We're done with the incompetent corporate carpet baggers. We're done with the NM gross receipts tax draining the budget and employment. Too bad it looks like it will be three years before the lame duck is dead. Until then, at least, employees will be treated as expenses instead of assets. And Charlie will continue to lie to us and tell us the opposite.
12/20/2015 3:28 PM
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The talk in the halls at LANL is that LANS got 46% but the site office moved it up to 56% so that LANS could get an extension. Odd that the site office is now under scrutiny from the IG about doing a bad job. Still a disappointing year for LANS again. Not sure how they could justify bringing up the score to 56%, maybe this is way we still have no official word on the score. In any case an extension gives LANS another year to really mess things up more than they already have.
So you must be unfamiliar with CNS ? "very good year" LOL
It was said that CNS was very disappointed with the score. By the way this was another
Bechtel run mess. Seems like Bechtel just f*ks up everything they do. Why the hell are they in charge of LLNL and LANL? I guess they must really pay off...I mean lobby congress. What a utter complete pathetic disgrace this has become.
In any case LANS is now a dead man walking, this should make LLNLS a bit nervous as history has shown what is done to LANL is done to LLNL.