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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Employee morale

Is employee morale improving, getting worse, or stabilizing at LANS and LLNS?


Anonymous said...

"Artificial harmony" at LANSLLNS about sums it up.

Anonymous said...

Well judging from conversations with workers at LANL this last week it seems that there has been a lift in morale ever since the news of the rebid has come out. Everyone seems to think it can only get better and so far the only people that appear to be disappointed by the news are Charlie, most PADs and some ADs, other than that everyone else seems to think this is great news even division leaders. This sort of says all you need to know about what an utterly messed up place LANL has become under LANS.

Anonymous said...

Is employee morale improving, getting worse, or stabilizing at LANS and LLNS?


Anonymous said...

It's good to be optimistic, but when in the history of the DOE complex has anything ever gotten better? It's basically been a monotonic downhill slide ever since circa 1990.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's good to be optimistic, but when in the history of the DOE complex has anything ever gotten better? It's basically been a monotonic downhill slide ever since circa 1990.

December 25, 2015 at 2:06 PM

Since 1992, when testing ended.

Anonymous said...

It's fine.

Anonymous said...

Morale pretty positive at LLNL. We'll quietly await 'side effects' from the LANL rebid.

Anonymous said...

At TA-55 there is NO Christmas! Not one ornament, fake tree, tinsel, light, card, etc. The Management there (Bob Mason and Stu McKernan) don't even speak to anyone unless it's to close out one of their PFITS or to get your ass handed to you in a Critique. In fact, Mason cancelled this year's TA-55 summer picnic; sad place TA-55/PF-4. Grinches!

Anonymous said...

I can tell you that morale at LANL has never been better under the crack management team of LANS/Bechtel. People whistle while they work, smile all the time and praise the executive managers to no end. The workers love what the for-profit management team has brought to the table. I also get loads of complements on my spiffy silk suits and Italian loafers!

- Charlie "GQ" McMillan

Anonymous said...

With the news, that LANS does not get an extension, my personal morale at work skyrocketed. This is the optimist in me.
My pessimistic part tells me, that the next contractor wont be better.

But I can always hope. :)

Anonymous said...

December 28, 2015 at 7:08 AM

This is exactly what people are saying. What a sick joke LANS is when workforce at the lab wants to the LANS to fail.

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