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Monday, April 11, 2016

Classified and classified.

So in an interview with Fox News today, POTUS said there was classified and then there was classified. He assured thst former SOS and candidate Hillary knew the difference, and she protected the classified while she mishandled the classified, all with the best of intent. This method is not something that I have been briefed on, 

How do I know which classified to handle with current practice and which to follow the new SOS practice of saving to unprotected email servers and circulating confidently among favored confidantes unmarked. 

When was this new policy announced?


Anonymous said...

Rules and prosecutions for mishandling classified matter are only there for the "little people". The elites can do pretty much what they want as seen by this incident. The FBI won't dare try to prosecute the "Anointed One" who has been hand picked by the 1% to rule over us for the next 8 years. Royalty has its perks.

Anonymous said...

If elected, Hillary will do to us what Bill did to Monica Lewinsky and others!! Remember, if she did not save the blue dress, the Clinton machine would have got away with the whole affair! "At no time did I have sex with THAT woman...!!!"

Anonymous said...

It's not the shot stained around the world that was the issue.
It was that Bill lied to a federal judge and was disbarred.

Anonymous said...

POTUS also stated that you can keep your doctor, your medical plan, your guns. You are clinging to your religion and that silly belief that the same rules apply to all of us.

Hillary is either incompetent or a liar. On second thought, combine the two and make her an incompetent liar.

I too never saw the mention of intent when being briefed on the handling of restricted data, but I am sure Hillary had a different and better briefing.

Anonymous said...

In one silly, inane, cavalier comment, Obama has succeeded in undermining respect for and compliance with classification rules for hundreds of thousands of government employees and contractors nationwide. A comment like that from one of us, heard and repeated to an OPM clearance investigator, could wind up costing our clearance and our career. If the POTUS does not understand nor particularly care about classification rules, why should we?

Anonymous said...

But Deutsch and Petraeus were knocked off track. Petraeus as a stronger, albiet vagina free, democrat thatbthe two that need protection rather than protect. Que pasa? Is it as simple as lpyal to Bonzo?

Anonymous said...

Hunker down.

Our enemies thrive as we founder leaderless, demoralized and confused for the next 4 years.

The current abdicator and his fools cabinet have left the sores to fester horribly while he plays like a child. This lazy, shiftless inferior display has shown ignorance and even cowardice.

Our first experiment with affirmative action is over. It has failed on it's own,

Anonymous said...

Next we suffer through a sickly 75-year old dowager.

Europe, the former soviet states, trans pacific allies, and millions in the middle east are in danger as Pax Americana dances with folly.

Neither the Fool, the Braggart, nor the Hated will serve better.

It is a bad time to be alert.

Anonymous said...

Drink your kool aid children everything will be ok. Grammy Hillary will take care of you like Uncle Barry did.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Moderator, Julian, Scooby, Dooby-Do, whoever you are;

Please get rid of this political drivel -- unless of course a super PAC is funding your blog.

Anonymous said...

"There is top secret top secret (his joked in a conspiratorial tone) and there is the stuff you don't want to leave on the window ledge..." (paraphrased from memory)


Anonymous said...

... a fool who neither respects himself, his colleagues, nor the safety of thise risking their lives to protect him...


Anonymous said...

April 14, 2016 at 1:15 AM

Your arrogance is starting to show.

Anonymous said...

Your arrogance is starting to show.

April 14, 2016 at 9:47 PM

The truth hurts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He says what's true and the the people on this post get so hurt. Save it please.
There is the institution and those so deep within it that the institution becomes their best interest. Or their only possibility. To think that our labs and our government are not corrupt beyond repair, is well.... the same level of belief that allows people to think A Christian god is an actual real thing. Be a fool, it doesn't matter . You are stardust. You matter not, as do we all.

Anonymous said...

Everything and everyone is corrupt beyond repair and there is no God, and no one matters. How sad. People who lack any psychological mechanism for coping with the complexity, diversity, and joy of life often turn to nihilism as a way of denying any of that actually exists. I feel sorry for you, and I hope you get help, but I also must say that I am supremely happy that you are not part of my world.

Anonymous said...

"POTUS also stated that you can keep your doctor, your medical plan, your guns. You are clinging to your religion and that silly belief that the same rules apply to all of us."

And I'll bet you still have your doctor, medical plan and your guns, don't you.

Anonymous said...

"The FBI won't dare try to prosecute the "Anointed One" who has been hand picked by the 1% to rule over us for the next 8 years".

The FBI won't prosecute, they don't prosecute, the attorney general has that responsibility.


Anonymous said...

"Our enemies thrive as we founder leaderless, demoralized and confused for the next 4 years."

What is wrong with this sentence?


Anonymous said...

April 16, 2016 at 1:04 PM

Well said!

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2016 at 7:31 PM

Dude, you must be massively s**t faced. Time to cut back on the Everclear.

Anonymous said...

April 11, 2016 at 8:43 AM

Actually, Clinton was never actually disbarred from arguing before the supreme court, he resigned his license during the 40 day appeal period. His Arkansas law license was suspended for 5 years. Unknown whether or not he applied to have the suspension lifted after 5 years.

Anonymous said...

April 19, 2016 at 9:52 AM

Nothing there.

Anonymous said...

Nothing there.

April 19, 2016 at 2:48 PM

You know nothing since they haven't been released. Try facts.

Anonymous said...

There are no facts. How is that different than "nothing there"? Put another way, how do you claim that Clinton will be prosecuted based in Huma's email revelations if the emails haven't been released? No emails, no facts, nothing there.

I forgot, you are a conservative and create facts to support a narrative. Tell Elvis hi for me will you?

Anonymous said...

"Clinton will be prosecuted" = prediction of a future event.
"Nothing there" = statement of purported fact.

See the difference?

Anonymous said...

"Clinton will be prosecuted" = prediction of a future event"

That is a statement of fact (your conjured fact) just like this is: You are a dimwit.

You have just revealed that fact to the entire world. Say hi to Elvis.

Anonymous said...

Explain how exactly a future event predicted is a "statement of fact"? "Facts" usually occur before they can be stated as such. Just sayin'... Hint: try thinking about the difference between future and present tense (remember grammar school English?).

Anonymous said...

If I take you to the desert and drop you from a five story building you WIll hit the desert floor. Not maybe or perhaps. That is a statement of fact. Since you have zero facts in hand you can not declare Clinton WILL be prosecuted. You might have opined that she will be prosecuted but that isn't what you have done. You should have qualified your statement.

Hint: finish grammar school

This conversation can serve no useful purpose. Goodbye Dave.

Anonymous said...

No one is part of your world. The only world you have is the one you experience yourself. There is only what you create. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Of course not! Sound isn't even a thing. It is a construct of your mind, to put meaning to puffs of air. I cannot be part of your world unless you make it so. Of course there is no Christian God. The only God that exists is you and your creations. Without you to experience it, the universe cannot exist. I figured folks on this blog would know that already, but alas, you still think your reality is created by others and that is why you suffer. Free your intuition. Realize that without you, there is nothing. Don't believe me? Kill yourself. Without perception there is nothing. When you are dead there will be nothing. Because you aren't there to perceive it.

Anonymous said...

April 23, 2016 at 11:08 PM

Exactly and that is how LANL management thinks. There is only perception of value, there is no actual value and there cannot be actual value.

Anonymous said...

The crazies have taken over this thread. Two-bit nihilists, atheists, and ego-centrists. The mentally ill can be helped, but only if they want it. Otherwise they have simply to be avoided. End of problem.

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