Blog purpose

This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

Blog rules

  • Stay on topic.
  • No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
  • No political debate.
  • Posts and comments are posted several times a day.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Unhappy reader

All those pesky threads with all those difficult posts were deleted in a second by making up top posts, or by making threads of proposed top posts that were inane. At least we got rid of all those nasty threads, right Mr. Blog Censor (uh, I mean Moderator)? No violations of blog rules, just you didn't like them, as usual. Such is the atmosphere of transparency at LLNL, whether the management or the blog, same philosophy. Sigh..


Anonymous said...

Say what ?

Anonymous said...

Scooby (Julian) has to cleanup once in a while, otherwise the BLOG will be a mess. Give him credit for being the maintainer of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Give him credit for being the maintainer of this blog.

April 9, 2016 at 7:27 PM

Not if he does it poorly and censors things that do not violate (his own) blog rules. He is a crappy moderator and has no clue what "moderating" an anonymous blog (which he insists on) means. He considers himself above reproach, but he is just a big fish in a very, very small pond. This blog could actually help people who read it if he knew what he was doing.

Anonymous said...

April 9, 2016 at 9:08 PM

I am in complete and total agreement with your words of wisdom, some may see my personal rants about what is wrong with everything in the world as just claptrap from a batsh*t crazy bitter and delusional ex lab employee with an ax to grind but others would find my posts very informative poetry and give a true picture of what is going on in the universe and beyond. It may be a small pond but there could a very large arrogant snapping turtle with cultural problems at the bottom of that pond and is something that needs to be addressed. And as always we must remember the words that have never been spoken "It's the same old day-in and day-out safety and security issues at Los Alamos". Dr. Victor Reis

Anonymous said...

One of the failures of the blog moderator is to continue to allow the endless rants by April 9, 2016 at 10:32 PM.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree. I learn nothing from the endless rants about how some guy hates LANL and wants it closed. We've seen it again and again ad infinitum. It does not add to any discussion. But it seems some posts that had some value have been removed. Pretty fed up with this blog.

Anonymous said...

But it seems some posts that had some value have been removed. Pretty fed up with this blog.

April 10, 2016 at 5:58 PM

Which posts would that be? The ones where you say how everyone sucks but you, how UC screwed up the Wen Ho Lee case, (fyi it did not), the ones in which you say LLNL built the bomb in 1945, the ones saying LANL is bad, Bechtel is good, the ones about about how the men in black are following you, the ones in which you blame scientists at LANL for WIPP, the ones going on about how multiple Mustangs where stolen, (again fyi, there was never a Mustang), the ones about about how you are retired, make great money, hold no grudges against the labs but spend all your time thinking about how they screwed over a true genius like yourself. Yes it is such a shame that we did no get to see all these great posts form you. You are fed up with the blog, well consider that maybe the world is fed up with you. Here is an idea go away, leave the blog alone and the world alone. Everyone wins.

In any event consider this, blog allows some pretty outrageous posts, (fyi perhaps like this very post). There appears to be very well defined rules of what is or is not allowed on the blog, so follow the rules and see if you post is allowed. Also there is this "I'm not a robot" thing you need to fill out sometimes, try that, when it says how many pictures show ice cream click the ones that show ice cream including the milk shake. In the event that you are a robot than I am very sorry and admit that you have a valid point as our society still needs to move forward and include the rights of robots as well.

Anonymous said...

In any event consider this, blog allows some pretty outrageous posts, (fyi perhaps like this very post). There appears to be very well defined rules of what is or is not allowed on the blog, so follow the rules and see if you post is allowed.

April 10, 2016 at 8:49 PM

The blog moderator has admitted that he ignores his own rules and deletes posts he simply doesn't like. It is also clear that he allows repetitive off-topic rants that contribute nothing but simply waste everyone's time.

BTW, the first paragraph of your post conflates the comments of several of the "ranters," implying it is one person. If that were true, and I don't believe it is, it would be an even worse indictment of the blog and its moderator.

Anonymous said...

The blog moderator has admitted that he ignores his own rules and deletes posts he simply doesn't like.

Maybe no one else would like the either so that is why he deletes them.

Anonymous said...

Maybe no one else would like the either so that is why he deletes them.

April 11, 2016 at 8:26 PM

He deletes them because "maybe" people might agree they don't like them?? WTF?? Is general dislike of a post a reason to delete it, disregarding the established rules of the blog?? Are you an anarchist?? Or just a Trump supporter?

Anonymous said...

He deletes them because "maybe" people might agree they don't like them?? WTF?? Is general dislike of a post a reason to delete it, disregarding the established rules of the blog?? Are you an anarchist?? Or just a Trump supporter?

April 11, 2016 at 9:05 PM

Are your posts racists, uses profanity, hateful, or just so flipping off it would not
of use to anyone? Just saying, I like the blog and a bit of cleaning up is just fine.

Anonymous said...

I like the blog and a bit of cleaning up is just fine.

April 12, 2016 at 7:11 AM

Yeah. "If you don't have anything to hide, why do you complain about losing a little privacy or freedom?" "If you don't like what the government is doing, why don't you move to another country?" "I don't mind if the government passes laws against things I don't like or don't believe in." Oh, and by the way, don't you just hate all those haters? I know I do.

Anonymous said...

April 12, 2016 at 12:40 PM

Ya, ya, every sane person believes that but you can only put up with the insane for so long. Do we really need to hear yet another one of your posts about how LANL is sooo horrible, has a bad culture, is bad, sucks, has creepy scientists, is bad, Vic Reis said it as bad, and screwed over all these great people such as yourself?. We got it already, why do you keep posting it. Yes maybe the mentally ill have legal rights but come on this is a blog do really really need to hear your drivel over and over again? Give it a rest go find some blog that caters to crazies on bigfoot, UFOs, the Fed, the illimuniti, the price of gold, or whatever, there are many of them and they will tolerate your for a bit.

scooby said...

For those who call me a crappy moderator: you have violated blog rules by saying that. Get into he habit of reading blog rules. I do delete comments made in the "new topics" section; the warning is even highlighted.
If you are unhappy with this blog, please don't let the door hit you in the b.....


Anonymous said...

For those who call me a crappy moderator: you have violated blog rules by saying that.


April 13, 2016 at 7:24 AM

OMG, now I understand. Can you name the countries where they put people in jail for saying negative things about the government?

Anonymous said...

A comment I wrote was deleted. I asked what would have happened if the barrel that "burped" in WIPP would have been at Area G at the time. There was a very nasty reply saying how well controlled Area G is and that I should get over it. Since contamination escaped to the surface at WIPP, something that was supposed to be impossible, it seems like this is a reasonable concern. How can anyone trust that Area G is safe if you are just told to shut up and get over it. The reply may have just been on this blog but I am not sure there is much more elsewhere on how safe Area G really is. This whole exchange was erased. There was nothing violating blog rules that I remember. Just nastiness. So why was this exchange deleted? Cover up or an attempt to damp down nasty answers? There seems to be infinite tolerance for nasty comments against LANL. What is the story?

scooby said...

If it has foul language, profanity, name calling etc... it was deleted.
Get over it man!

Anonymous said...

Is that the only reason you delete comments?

Anonymous said...

Is that the only reason you delete comments?

April 13, 2016 at 7:03 PM

Nope, he deletes posts he just doesn't like and justifies it by the broadest possible (read: ridiculous) interpretation of his own rules. Kim Jong Julian.

Anonymous said...

April 13, 2016 at 7:16 PM

The moderator lets some pretty wacky stuff on this blog so if he removed your post it must have been something utterly inappropriate. Think about this for some time, after you think about that and are about to send your next post stop and than think about again but this time for twice as long, after that and right before you are about to post again stop and think about it twice as along as the last time, keep repeating this over and over and you will have no more issues with your blog postings, and as an extra bonus the readers of this blog will be happy and you may learn a thing or two. Try it out and after the end of this exercise let us know how it worked out, on the other hand if we do not hear from you than maybe you have succeeded. We are all counting on you!

Anonymous said...

8:17 PM why don't you "than" go take an English class and "than" you might be ready to post something.

Anonymous said...

8:17 PM why don't you "than" go take an English class and "than" you might be ready to post something.

April 13, 2016 at 9:40 PM

It may have bad English but it somehow did not violate the moderators rules and get deleted like that utterly inappropriate posts you apparently make.

Anonymous said...

7:16 am: Your needle is stuck (again).

Anonymous said...

7:16 am: Your needle is stuck (again).

April 14, 2016 at 9:55 AM

And your bats are still in your belfry.

Anonymous said...

These childish insults are really enlightening, but what about the question. People who post here had comments deleted that did not violate the blog rules. So what makes those comments special when drivel, hate, and prejudice all seem to be OK?

Anonymous said...

So what makes those comments special when drivel, hate, and prejudice all seem to be OK?

April 14, 2016 at 11:30 AM

Our illustrious moderator has admitted he deletes posts that he just doesn't like or agree with, regardless of his stated rules.

Anonymous said...

If their has to be an adult in the room than who better then Julian?

Anonymous said...

>Our illustrious moderator has admitted he deletes posts that he just doesn't like or >agree with, regardless of his stated rules.

April 14, 2016 at 3:14 PM

Odd, he never said that.

> How about a reasonable set of specific rules and a stable, sane moderator who just >lets people post within those rules, and DOES NOT think his role of moderator lets >him play God on the blog? Try being a servant instead of a master.

As far as I can tell he has a reasonable set of specific rules and has followed them very carefully. Assuming that this is true than what are the alternatives for your case (1) You are posting racist drivel (2) You keep using profanity in your posts. (3) You put you posts in the the top column where it says they will be erased. (3) You do not know how to use the I'm not a robot feature and assume that that your post was deleted when you never actually posted it. (4) You use sexist, vulgar or just plan ugly language.

Ask yourself if your posts falls into one these categories and I think you will have your answer.

Anonymous said...

Odd, he never said that

April 14, 2016 at 10:01 PM

Yes he did. You don't see him denying it, do you? Which fact obviates the rest of your (repetitive) drivel.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of posts that do not meet any of the 4 criteria are deleted, Mr. "than." Don't be so condescending, other people on this blog have noted some facts you may not be aware of. I think the blog serves a useful purpose and am grateful Julian is willing to run it but the usefulness is greatly reduced by the practice of deleting posts for no reason that is stated in the rules while allowing endless posts from the "hate LANL, love Bechtel" person is making the blog less and less relevant and useful. Guess he doesn't care, but just telling anyone who complains to get lost may well make the blog unread and useless.

Anonymous said...

Guess he doesn't care, but just telling anyone who complains to get lost may well make the blog unread and useless.

April 15, 2016 at 3:50 PM

Yes. And his repeated refrain of "don't let the door hit you.." is perfectly indicative of his disdain for any dissent over his tyranny, and his utter disregard for the customer service aspect of his responsibilities. If he were in business, he'd be out of customers, except those who had no intention of paying, and he would wonder about all his "no star" Yelp reviews.

Anonymous said...

The blog has become Julian's own personal editorial page. It is worthless.

scooby said...

I am closing this thread. This Blog is not a commercial enterprise; so, customer service was never meant to be a guarantee. As some lucid readers suggested, read your post and see if it violates BLOG rules; they are clearly listed.
Whether I delete comments that did not violate rules should not be a big deal. Learn how to get over things like this.
I have served the LLNL and LANL communities for almost 8.5 years and never considered this BLOG to be my personal editorial page, only because I was anonymous for 8 years!
If a person does not like this blog they have choices:

1) stop visiting BLOG
2) Start your own
3) Offer to help improve current BLOG

In the past, when I suggested that, none responded.

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