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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
LANL culture
Culture is the enemy and must be rooted out and eliminated. The LANL culture is one of the worse of all cultures and the most dangerous. What is this culture, it is arrogance. Bechtel has been a success any other company would have been completely wiped out by the culture, but Bechtel has persisted.
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Really, and which "Culture" is that?
And what success would that be? Closing WIPP?
All the Bechtel people I've ever met are arrogant, but with little justification. It is true that many scientists I know are self-assured, but that happens naturally as a result of professional and personal success in life. One becomes sure of what one knows, and what one does not know. The Bechtel sort of arrogance is based solely on not knowing what one does not know.
Here we go again, LANL good and Bechtel bad.
Here we go again, LANL good and Bechtel bad.
April 6, 2016 at 4:58 PM
Exactly this is all the best and brightest can come with? Amazing no wander Bechtel had a hard time dealing with these people. Just amazing, simply amazing, beyond amazing.
Amazing no wander...
April 6, 2016 at 5:42 PM
Yeah, well your wandering has gotten you nothing but derision and mocking on this blog, no matter how many posts you try to make faking support for yourself. Your hatred, self-confessed, for LANL, is documented. That makes every argument you make bogus. The fact that you don't understand that speaks volumes about your lack of education, perspective, and basic integrity. Please go away.
Literacy is more important than clutter.
All of the Facility Operations folks that primarily came from Becthel (Kathy Johns-Hughes, Bob Mason, Hugh McGovern, Dan Steinberg, Jeff Yarbrough, list goes on....) are the most incompetent and hateful managers I have encountered. All failures in their own right. Their primary objectives were to kick the asses of the "buttheads and cowboys", pump up their salaries, and get in the TCP-1 cash-cow.
Despite numerous statements on this blog that Bechtel has moved managers into LANL to get them into TCP-1, no one has come forward with any evidence to support such wild claims. Just one more example, in a long string, of factually incorrect views.
4:50 all true. Bechtel is a plague of ruin upon us. The sooner they are outed, the better.
April 8, 2016 at 7:29 PM
Bechtel bad, LANL good. That is the entire argument? Do you ever present reasons for this, do you ever give names of bad managers, do you ever have arguments as to why Bechtel has been bad for the lab? Nope never, all you say is Bechtel is baaaad, LANL is gooood.
April 9, 2016 at 8:00 AM
Obviously you missed April 8, 2016 at 4:50 AM. Go back and read it. Satisfied now?
Reading isn't the strong suit of Bechtelians. Then again, neither is writing, managing, patriotism, or basic integrity. They DO follow the money.
Reading isn't the strong suit of Bechtelians. Then again, neither is writing, managing, patriotism, or basic integrity. They DO follow the money.
April 9, 2016 at 12:46 PM
Bechtel bad LANL good, same argument! Bechtel made the Hoover Dam, rebuilt Iraq from the ground up, turned the Congo into a first world thriving nation, supplied cheap water to Columbia, maintains our nuclear industry, and built the infrastructure of Boston. Now what has LANL done, oh yes it cannot even use its so called scientists to build a drum that will not blow up southern New Mexico, its scientists cause people to be electrocuted in at LANCE, wow LANL must be better than Bechtel! You do not see Bechtel scientists stealing Mustangs, losing disks, or being arrogant cowboys. Culture, culture, culture, culture you cannot fix culture, it is like what the Amazon guy said, cultures cannot be changed they can only be eliminated. They should pay Bechtel 10 billion a year with green light to do what has got to be done, close done LANL!!! It is the only sane and yes I really do mean SANE solution to the cultural problems. This bears repeating.
This bears repeating.
April 9, 2016 at 7:38 PM
No it doesn't because it is just the rantings of an clearly insane person. And BTW, there are no "Bechtel scientists." That is just a laughable idea. They are all second-rate construction engineers who build bridges and roads in third world countries for exorbitant prices. Big whoop.
7:38 you are a parody of yourself. Please get help.
April 8, 2016 at 4:50 AM
Are you claiming that Bechtel managed to have people enrolled in TCP-1 after the contract transitioned? If so, how is that legal?
how is that legal?
April 10, 2016 at 6:10 PM
Name the law you think it violates.
Either the plan of TCP-1 was offered to all new employees post-transition, or it was offered to none.
Suspect that it was offered to no one, and the claim of Bechtel getting a special deal is wrong; however, someone might have a smoking gun and now is the time to reveal it.
The wording of the Conformed Prime Contract (with modifications) is quite clear. All new employees post-transition get TCP-2. Clause H-36 (e)(1), (e)(3)(ii).
Scooby stealth deletion!!
What's with the desire to keep hidden who is or is not in TCP-1?
If there was a back deal that permitted some inclusion in the closed program after transition for special employees, and not for all new employees, then this is a very appropriate topic for this blog.
Just look at the stated intent of the blog, and if the privatization created different classes of retirement for new employees, this is big news.
Ask SHRM if 100% of post-transition employees were funneled into TCP2. Good luck getting a straight forward answer.
Scooby stealth deletion!!
April 11, 2016 at 2:50 PM
Dam, he deletes them before I can post them, true stealth indeed.
One of the big problems with having Bechtel in any role at a publicly funded institution like LLNL or LANL is that they are a privately held company and thus have few transparency requirements. Bechtetellians have said they get into TCP1 for coming to LANL (hazard pay?) but good luck getting a public filing to prove it. The contractor filings might if you can get data on number of plan participants but it does not seem to be in the normal material they disclose. That should be in the pension plan data we are sent every year but I don't see it.
April 14, 2016 at 11:37 AM
This is of no concern of yours, do you job and let them do theirs.
" you job..."
April 14, 2016 at 9:49 PM
Uh, ok. Just curious; what was your first language?
Yes it is a concern of everyone in the plan, Mr. Bechtel, I mean 9:49 pm. What I do is my own business. In case you haven't noticed everyone is paying 6% or so to keep the plan healthy. If people are brought in without having had to pay in over the years everyone else is paying for them. We don't know what the requirements are for people brought in and we do know that corporations have a tendency to raid pension plans. Since the taxpayers have also contributed to this plan this isn't just some actuarial game.
All of you in TCP-1 ; Here comes Bechtel. BOHICA !
I think you meant to say; "Er kommt! Er kmomt!
Uh, ok. Just curious; what was your first language?
April 15, 2016 at 10:24 AM
My first language is "PROFIT", its the reality baby, it hurts you because it is true. You have no right to put down those that saw a way to make money off on opportunity when they saw it, you are all just jealous because you did did not see this first as it presented itself in 2005, and that is on you, not the first movers who saw which way the wind be blowing. Money was to be made, money was made, and if you did not make the money than shut up as we all know that this is why you all are at LLNL in the first place. We all play the same game so you all cannot complain now cause you all did not win and others did, no different than Vegas baby, no different at all. Way of the world, a single defeat does not make the man or the woman, learn from this and make yourself stronger, smarter, better, and come back and you too could make some big money on the next contract change. Follow the money...wise words indeed. Way of the world, yes the way of the world.
7:39 PM you make me sick. Do you kick homeless people?
7:39 PM you make me sick. Do you kick homeless people?
April 17, 2016 at 9:09 PM
No, I think he just kicks the "baby" he keeps talking about. Downright creepy. He claims that with very little education (obvious from his writing), that "money was made" by him. Unlikely. Also, his confusing "profit" with simple award fee is telling regarding his understanding of business and economics. All in all, his crazy rants are always a substantial waste of time, and nothing to get too upset about.
"Also, his confusing "profit" with simple award fee is telling regarding his understanding of business and economics. "
Perhaps the poster is talking about the explosion of high paying management positions created after the contract change. The overhead rates also went through the roof to pay for these positions. There is a reason most managers are very happy with LLNLS and LANS.
Sorry, if true, just more evidence for the poster's ignorance. High salaries are not "profit" in any accepted economic or business sense.
Plus, the poster at April 17, 2016 at 7:39 PM is too ignorant, arrogant, and just plain anti-social and psychopathic to have earned a high salary. Some people with some of those traits did so but not with all of those traits. I hope he chimes in to say yes. he has all of those traits and yet made a high salary!
Sounds a bit like Charlie McMillan.
He made a comment during a Hands-On meeting several years ago that basically told staff to "follow the money".
LANL culture
LANL culture is alive and strong, what does that tell us? What is LANL culture and why should we all fear it? Why am I crazy, was it due to LANL culture or my own life choices, well that is an easy one, LANL culture is to blame.
What is the difference between LLNL culture and LANL culture?
Why am I crazy, was it due to LANL culture or my own life choices, well that is an easy one, LANL culture is to blame.
April 20, 2016 at 7:43 PM
If that were true, then everyone exposed to "LANL culture" would be crazy. Nope, it's just you.
If that were true, then everyone exposed to "LANL culture" would be crazy. Nope, it's just you.
April 21, 2016 at 9:59 AM
False, if you fight the LANL culture it can be very stressful and could end up causing psychological harm. You tell me what the alternatives are? My own life choices, this just cannot be true and I will not accept that.
Just gene abnormalities or psychological trauma at a young age, or maybe your Mommy didn't love you, who knows. If at your age you haven't engaged professionals to try to determine why you are crazy and what to do about it, then I guess you are doomed to your chosen fate. Good luck. Blaming someone else for your problems rarely does any good, and usually just makes things worse, because the "someone else" is not going to help you - only you can do that.
This guy has been on this bog intermittently for over 4 years. He is sometimes very aggressive and abusive, sometimes more rational and conversational, and sometimes, like apparently now, more introspective and self-doubting. He is obviously a troubled individual, with little self-respect and little support or caring from anyone else. He consistently blames "LANL culture" for his problems and what he sees as severe wrongs that were done to him. He gives no specifics about his situation or his work experience at LANL. All in all, a pathetic individual who seems to have lost any connections or personal support in his life. Very sad.
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