LANL expects to hire 1000/yr for the next 2 years.
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
To do what? Seems like there are a lot of people that do not seem to do anything already. Maybe these are people are going into manufacturing or something and even there I have heard horror stories about about the efficiency of some of those projects. Seems like the more people we get the less stuff is actually done. Weird. Of course maybe I am looking at this all wrong.
I have to admit that over the years the lab just gets stranger and stranger. I know I am not the only one who sees this, but many just say, forget about it there is nothing you can do anyway so just get the money until you retire or move on.
I laugh whenever I see that Halifax guy with a funny haircut. I remember when he was trying to become director of LLNL a decade ago. We all said “who is this guy?”. Glad he got his wish in life. He should be held up as role model for all Nova Scotians.
5:24, I hear you. This laboratory is a shadow of its former self - with bloated bureaucracy, managers in charge of managers doing nothing, 2nd class staff, and now, meaningless “teleworking” all in the name of some mysterious mission.
Bureaucracies, like cancers, suck the lifeblood from the host and grow without bound.
The plan is to have like 2500 people doing telework or something. What are these people going to do? They cannot be doing classified stuff, they cannot be doing experimental stuff, they cannot be doing manufacturing, they cannot really even be doing basic science stuff, so just what the hell what are they actually doing? It kind of boggles the mind. The only thing they could be doing is HR, paper work, approving time cards or something. I guess this could be done offsite but the idea that we have 2500 people do do stuff that could be done by 150 at most is just mind blowing.
Of course I think I know what is really going on. The lab has extra money that they need to spend so they will "hire" 2000 people to do nothing but get a paycheck to hang out at home wherever that is. It is sort of like the Andrew Yang thing. The problem is the people that are still working are under a lot of pressure to make sure stuff gets done. They do not get to even leave the state of NM. The rules are that you need permission to even work out of state for more than week. Now the the 2000 teleworkers can be in Alaska, NYC, Florida or whoever to do whatever. The place is just nuts now. I can attest that there are lost of people going in and scrambling, and the is more pressure than ever on the people who can actually get stuff done right now. Again what are these people doing? Bizarre? Could it be they expect pits to be made in 5 or 10 years so they hire people now who work offsite for 7 years before they can come in and actually build stuff? I have heard a rumor that a number managers plan to do telework. So they can be in Hawaii, get a huge paycheck, never interact with anybody. I guess if it is mangers then yes maybe 2000 people is the correct number.
With LANL hiring at a rate approximately 9-10 times the retirement rate, it won't take long for the lab size to double. Good for sellers in the real estate market, bad for commuters. Good for construction workers (more parking structures and offices at LANL), bad for overcrowded school systems.
9/08/2020 3:25 PM
Again what are they all going to do?
Look, experimental programs have been dead for decades. Telework fits perfectly with the phoney portfolios being funded at the DOE’s National Labs. Enjoy the ride before anyone realizes that this train is off the track.
They don’t have office and lab space for the 2000 already hired. They are not hiring people with the right skills to do the jobs required. The people are not going to where the needs are to support the missions. Zero effort to retain people who are hired. High attrition rates. Management has had two years to develop and implement a mission-oriented plan. The haven’t created an integrated strategy to support mission needs. They just hire people who are breathing. Triad has done absolutely nothing in their two years at the helm. Work costs more and less work is accomplished. Government is throwing money down a rat hole with little to show for it. 75th anniversary of the bomb clearly shows that there is nothing special about this place or the people who work here.
COVID has been a godsend as it has become the crutch for all recent incompetence at LANL. And if that doesn’t work, they can still blame LANS.
The main source of incompetence I see at LANL is in IT and some other support functions, but IT is hands down the winner. Science and engineering is reasonably competent, despite some old, washed up physicists being unhappy that the sun had set on the golden age of physics. If they hire 2000 more people, who knows, maybe I’ll even get my computer fixed finally!
despite some old, washed up physicists being unhappy that the sun had set on the golden age of physics.
??? This is a very odd statement and indicated you are unaware of what is going at the NNSA lans, DOE and in science in general.
I think you need to pay attention to all the quantum science initiatives goin on at NNSA and DOE in general. The new trend is the "quantum age". Machine learning at the labs also has a huge connection to physics in terms of development and as a new tool. The new thing will be gravity and detectors. I think most physicists would agree that we now entering the golden age of physics, not to mention the expansion of physics into all sorts of new ares of science such as biology, information sciences. economics and social networks and so on.
It is true the 2000 new people will not help you fix your computer.
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