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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Civil war at Sandia continues...

On Monday, all Sandia employees received the following e-mail to cease all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training:

However, some Sandia employees are pointing out that Sandia management is a hypocrite for caving in because they have pushed back on other DOE orders but refuse to push back for DEI:


Anonymous said...

Now you see the problem, they want to find out "who" caved in. If this gets reversed they will than try cancel these people. Like I said once Trump is out there is going to be a huge purge of anyone who was not "woke" enough. Of course people like the twitter poster may not realize that these purges are not bound and will turn on themselves.

Has anyone asked if having critical race theory actually adds any value whatsoever to Sandia or any other organizations? Are the premisses of this even correct? Could it actually do harm and reduce diversity?

The only thing that gives some hope is that Sandia did not push back on the Trump order. This could mean that some of thehe higher ups don't actually buy into any of this stuff.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to come across as mean but I have noticed that many of the scientists that promote or buy into CRT and such ideas are more often than not fairly mediocre in terms of academic or professional accomplishments. Take for example Timothy Dreier, he is not exactly a scientific superstar and I figured Sandia could have done better but in terms of postdocs.

The decline of the scientific and engineering quality of the labs is a real problem. It also means that the labs will more easily fall prey to the various kinds of nonsense such as CRT.

Anonymous said...

Having been a Lab employee for 40-years let me give Lab employees some sage advice. Don’t get wrapped around the axle on this. Go back to work. The country needs you focused on the Labs mission: National Security.

Anonymous said...

5:02 is correct. The country needs functioning National Labs. Somebody needs to explain that simple fact to the Washington bureaucrats and the corporate sandbaggers who have infested the ranks.

Anonymous said...

"The country needs you focused on the Labs mission: National Security."

There can be no "national security" for anyone until all Americans can feel secure. Until we get our house in order so that one group of people does not have to fear the police, can get proper health care, be compensated for building the nation, not be jailed at increased rates and have equal share of the nations profits than something called national security or the mission of Sandia is meaningless. The labs at this point serve to protect a nation that is not equal and that is NOT OK. If some of the money spent at Sandia was used to create equality than maybe we could talk about "national security". Right now we are talking about defunding the police which is a good start but police are just local in terms of creating racial inequality. The bigger picture is that there other institutes of power such as the military and yes national security labs which also use power that ultimately enforce and maintain inequality. This MUST STOP, if you work at the lab you better consider if you are part of the problem or part of the solution and that solution may be to consider working elsewhere. The advice of 5:02 PM is the last thing you should be doing right now.

Until there is security for all there can be no national security for anyone. Defund the lab!

Anonymous said...

Timothy Dreier may be very keen on "finding out" those at Sandia who did not push back so they can be punished, censored, fired or cancelled when the time is right, but he should be aware that by going down this path that others will eventually come for him. I have no doubt Timothy has violated many of the rules by the far left, has now shown enough zeal, or simply will end up in one of the growing "wrong" demographics. Racism and PC culture are like the new forms of witchcraft where anyone and everyone can and will eventually accused of it. It will wipe us all out or it will be stopped in its tracks when people say enough is enough is enough. Timothy has no idea that he too will be accused and burned at the stake at some point if this madness continues.

Anonymous said...

9/16/2020 5:02 PM, I noticed that the younger staff recently (postdoc / 2 yrs out of PhD) all seem very nervous. Worried about rules, regulations, politics, PC culture, etc. It almost gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with the 40-year employee. Keep your head down and don’t get distracted by this, As the Germans once said “ Arbeit macht frei” - work sets you free.

Anonymous said...

9/16/2020 5:02 PM, I noticed that the younger staff recently (postdoc / 2 yrs out of PhD) all seem very nervous. Worried about rules, regulations, politics, PC culture, etc. It almost gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Imagine being one of the younger postdocs. If they slip up in anyway there is no forgiveness. There are many examples of people being fired for saying the wrong thing. Even in cases where you do not get fired you can be professionally shut out. There are lost of examples of academics saying stuff like "if you find out someone does not follow BLM than make sure you reject their papers and grants, discouage students and postdocs form working with you" If you organize conferences or talk series and you do not have enough POCs, or women I know of certain science clubs that put you on a list. It gets even worse, even if the punish you as an individual they will go after the lab, university or place work and will punish these places as well for even having you work there. There have been several "science strikes" where people are not suppose to work on that day but think about how they can be a better ally. Several people that have been caught working have been outed and shamed. This is just the professional realm.

On the personal realm young people have to deal with all this stuff as well, people are told to never date a nazi or a trump supporter, disconnect from family members who are on on board. I read stuff in Huff post like parents not letting their children ever see their grandparents or other relatives because they are on the wrong political spectrum. In many ways young people are living more and more of a 1984 world. Youth is great but I sure as heck would not want to live in fear all the time. This is on top of being a postdoc and not having a secure job yet. Give these guys a break.

Anonymous said...

9/16/2020 6:39 PM

You need to wake up from your wokeness. If you have a security clearance you shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

You need to wake up from your wokeness. If you have a security clearance you shouldn't.

9/17/2020 5:46 PM

Ha, ha, ha, ha. In case you have not noticed we have given over a 2 million clearances to everyone and anyone since 2001 and 9/11. Say what you want but Bush and his crew opened up this disaster and essentially created the deep state. Maybe the 9-11 plotters actually thought this all the way through. Attack American from the inside, America panics and gets rid of freedom and creates the the deep state to fight terrorisim. The deep state becomes God and says we are in control and we decide. Trump is elected and the deep state goes crazy as he was not the one they said should be elected. The Deep State brings Trump down. The Deep State destroys America and is dissolved by 2021. The 9/11 plotters win!!!!! America is divided and falls apart.

The point is we gave security clearances to literally millions and millions of people and the standards dropped after 9/11 to who we should give clearances to. There is no such thing as the deep state but only the dumb state because we gave clearances to some really really,....I do mean really DUMB people, beyond stupid people, really stupid people....I mean far beyond dumb than you could every imagine since 9/11. LANL already paid the price with this with Jessica Quintana, ever hear of Edwin Stodin, there are many others. You lower the standards this is what you get.

The mission of the labs should change to BLM! If not DEFUND THE LABS!!!!

Anonymous said...

9/17/2020 9:00 PM does have a point about clearances. It would seem that an SCI clearance is now required for someone to be considered genuinely trustworthy but even that level can still be a problem. I think the grossly incompetent Hazel O'Leary started it off but all Administrations this century seem to have contributed to the problem.

Anonymous said...

9/17/2020 9:00 PM

Scooby, does this kind of irrational diatribe belong here? Scientific labs-related blogs should at least inspire rational discussion.

doobydew said...

9/19/2020 5:15
The diatribes are not to my taste either. If I screen based on what I like/dislike this blog will be be as balanced as a one-legged cat trying to bury a turd in an ice pond!

Anonymous said...

"Scooby, does this kind of irrational diatribe belong here? "

I am just curious what do you consider to be irrational in the postings. Sure some have some colorful wording for entertainment purposes but how are these posts irrational or not based on actually facts? The issue with clearances is real and it is well documented that there has been an explosions of clearances since 9/11. This was in WSJ, NYT, the Economists and many other news sources. When you have that many people with clearances the the odds increase you are going to have a problem. Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Realty Winner, are just the high profile cases but in the last 6 years we have seen endless leaks from DC. Many of the people who are now into Antifa, CRT, anti-Capatilsim, anti America are not the types would could ever get a clearance 20, 15 or even 10 years ago. Now many of these people have clearances, work in the government and have no problem with the motto "by any means necessary" to push their political agenda.

doobydew said...

Well, what blog rule does it violate?

Anonymous said...

Inflammatory language?

Anonymous said...

I don’t know what people are talking about here. I don’t see a lot of Antifa people applying for clearances. I mainly see people who just want a well paid job with good “work-life balance”. A friend of mine at one of the labs just got his C-student wife a great job at the lab. They’re happy as clams and couldn’t care less about politics or even the mission of labs. It’s all about the paycheck now.

Anonymous said...

9/21/2020 3:38 PM

"National Security Laboratories" deserve better. Our nation deserves better.

Anonymous said...

5:06 Yes! Yes we do. Unfortunately the once great National Labs are just so much social welfare these days.

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