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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Trump is expanding on fight against Critical Race Theory

" shall be the policy of the United States not to promote race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating in the Federal workforce or in the Uniformed Services, and not to allow grant funds to be used for these purposes. In addition, Federal contractors will not be permitted to inculcate such views in their employees,” the order says.


Anonymous said...

SNL obviously had no idea who they were dealing with when they tried to cancel Casey Petersen. It’s fun watching them get cut down to size.

Anonymous said...

I think this means that anyone who does business with the Federal government cannot use CRT. This would mean for that the labs which are contractors would definitely have to drop this stuff.

Anonymous said...

And internally at LLNL on the news portal there has been pushback and assurances of continuing CRT through Blue Ocean Brain and other contractors.
The usual SJW sheep are lauding the director for his genuflection.
No one dares to espouse a counter narrative on the boards, and where once you could thumbs up/down all posts, now the CRT based posts are locked from any form on anonymized feedback.
This is because of CRT acolytes whining on previous posts that "hatred" should not be allowed anonymity or to expression. They actively called on PA office to doxx those who downvoted diversity posts, and people I know associated with LiIT kept getting requests to remove anonymity. (Yeah... LivIT)

I cannot wait until CRT is burned out of the labs, as well as it's toxic and divisive adherents.

Anonymous said...

Amazing. It’s almost like he believes that the National Labs should be colorblind. How rare, and how refreshing. Can we get back to work now?

Anonymous said...

"And internally at LLNL on the news portal "

Is there a LANL news portal? I have seen nothing at LANL other than the a few local protests some non-LANL people counter protesting and people stealing signs. It seems like TRIAD is trying to stay as far away from this as possible. If there is some internal page at LANL let us know and some of us will start posting.

CRT is poison and guess what, it is anti minority and hurts people of color and any other marginalized people. I don't know if this was designed that way but it does make you think just who and what pushed this stuff and for what reason.

Anonymous said...

The rich will escape to their holiday cottages. The poor will riot – but what then? As the social facade cracks, and the economic system breaks, there is neither a society nor an economy to fall back on. By Christmas it will be obvious that normality has gone for ever.
My point is that it’s very hard not to see ‘events’ hitting the fan this November. And once they do it’s very hard to see life ever going back to stability, let alone ‘normality

Anonymous said...

9/24/2020 9:41 PM

You are apparently very young, and have never studied the history of politics in the US. We have weathered much more difficulty and controversy, and outright violence, than this before and survived. I know enough to be confident in our country. You should learn more, and BTW stay off social media. It is societal poison.

Anonymous said...

So this has been brought before and dismissed but after last nights debate there are now even more people including some very serious people saying that a real civil war could break out. The question relevant for this blog is what happens to the NNSA labs if this happens. The serious analysis is that there will be a call for the military to forcibly remove Trump with great dispatch as Biden has said. The problem is that there are a number people saying that if it comes to that that the military will split on this issue and that is where the real problems starts. Think this is crazy. Here is how it works, electron nigh the initial results show Trump wins, than we have weeks of mail in ballot counting which tightens the race, than credible evidence will arise that some of the ballots are manipulated, lost or illegal and it will be both for and against either party so both sides will agree that they are problematic which means there is no way to decide who has one, so Trump will say "I am staying" than out and out riots will engulf the nations Trump could call in the military that would trigger some of the military to split. This by the way is the reason the mail in ballots are going to be such an issue. The claim is that if on election night that Biden is the clear winner that this will not happen, but few believe this is going to be the case. In fact the rumors are many higher ups already know that the election is not going to be deiced on election night and that is why it is being brought up by all the politicians and reporters. Now just to make things real crazy for fun, is if this scenario comes about what happens if China uses this as a opportunity to take over Tawain, nuke a US carrier, etc? In that case who is controlling of the US arsenal? The commander in chief, but what if we do not have a commander and chief. The odds of this are not 1% or 2% but I would guess 25% to 33% chance that we are going to be in a real Civil war.

Anonymous said...

"...there are now even more people including some very serious people saying that a real civil war could break out.

9/30/2020 6:13 PM

In order for your ridiculous claim to be taken at all seriously, you will have to name a few of those "very serious people." Somehow, you forgot to do that. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

It’s hard to take the then/than guy seriously.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why?

Because I assumed that you know how to use the internet for the 10 seconds it takes find some of the below.

I find it odd that with the internet today that so little information can flow. I am no fan of Trump but it takes about 30 seconds on the internet to find out that the "Proud Boys" are not a white supremest group, or that Antifa is not just "idea" but a real group with organized backers that bail out everyone is arrested in the nightly riots, that there are violent protests almost every night in dozens of US cities that are by BLM or Antifa. In fact if you you have youtube type in "protest live" and there are dozens of channels with 10 screens up where you can watch the riot of your choice tonight at various cities. I must be a dope because I thought everyone new this. You can also read up on the fact of the Breana Taylor case, the number of people killed by police the actual interracial crime statistics, what BLM actually wants or what it stands for. Again this is not like in the old day where you had to go to library to read up on all this. All these facts can be found in less than 2 minutes with your friend called Google. No one is suppressing information, in fact there is more information than ever before, it just seems like that few people want to even try to look stuff up.

Anonymous said...

@10/01/2020 8:53 PM

Google, the library, or any other mass media source is going to be useless due to their 90dB per octave ideological bandpass filter.

Anonymous said...

" it takes about 30 seconds on the internet to find out that the "Proud Boys" are not a white supremest group,"
so said 10/01/2020 8:53 PM

But it only took 15 seconds to find these facts, with references:

The Proud Boys are a far-right,[1][2] neo-fascist[3][4][5][6] and male-only[7][8] organization with ties to white supremacists[9] that promotes and engages in political violence.[10][11][12][13] It is based in the United States and also has a presence in Canada.[14]

so 10/01/2020 8:53 PM gets an "F" for its homework.

Anonymous said...

The Proud Boys are a far-right,[1][2] neo-fascist[3][4][5][6] and male-only[7][8] organization with ties to white supremacists[9] that promotes and engages in political violence.[10][11][12][13] It is based in the United States and also has a presence in Canada.[14]

They are not a neo racists. From what I know they are not male only, and they have no connections to white supremists. Your link is to a Wikipedia site which is in known to altered all the time the time and does not cite all the news that say they are not white supremists. They have been known to engage in counter violence against antifa and only arose because of antifa. They are founded by Gavin Mcginness is is about as far from a white supremrents and and a fascist as you get. This only proves that Wikipedia is complete nonsense. I can also generate 13 sources that say they are not a white supremest group. Why would they have a bunch of black and hispanic members in their leader ship. Why would the founder be married to a minority? The claim they are white supremists does not stand .

From what I can tell all your sources you are all citing the same thing by pointing to what the Southern Poverty Law Center claimed by them, however the Proud Boys are suing that group for that claim. Also no other group like the ADL has have ever made claimed that Proud Boys are a white supremacists groups. John Stossell a reporter who happens to be Jewish has a show story about how the SPLC is a giant scam

Now back to the original point is a civil war possible and what does it mean to the labs. Here is the latest from Thomas Friedman a
New York Times reporter.

Anonymous said...

"Google, the library, or any other mass media source is going to be useless due to their 90dB per octave ideological bandpass filter."

I agree but this goes both ways.

Anonymous said...

Morons with guns talking about civil war is scary. That some appear to be working at our nuclear weapons labs is troubling.

Anonymous said...

@10/02/2020 6:06 PM

We are way past the “those guys are doing it too” stage. I’d say that for at least 8 years, the discourse has been one of shaming, banishment, then elimination of those views that do not align to the postmodern whims of the SJW thugs. Message received. Now that the Fellini masks are off, everyone knows where they stand. Ideas and agendas, stripped of their self-righteous pretense are now exposed for all to evaluate. It will be interesting to see what ideals prevail in the near future, and who is willing to fight for them.

Anonymous said...

You people are insane. Get a life. Don't you have anything else to worry about?

Anonymous said...

Morons with guns talking about civil war is scary. That some appear to be working at our nuclear weapons labs is troubling.

10/03/2020 1:50 PM

Interesting point but one could argue that there are people working at the labs that are pushing for Critical Race Theory and all that in entails, such as racial division, arguing that values such as "hard work" "self reliance" and "objective" or "rational" thinking are manifestations of white culture and racism. This and that "professionalism" is also an example of white supremacy culture. Or that the definition of white supremacy has to be vastly expanded all aspects of our lives and ideas. I think this is far more troubling that
some people at the labs support this. One thing about CRT and changing definitions and changing the meaning or words is that it sounds so simulate to what Orwell talked about in what he called Newspeak, we are actually seeing this happen in real time right now.]

Anonymous said...

I think the labs are the perfect place to implement CRT. You have people who just want to continue to get that paycheck and continue their “work-life” balance. Also, if they speak out they could be threatened with revocation of their Q clearance, which would result in termination. Seems like lab employees would be a docile and willing group to do this sort of indoctrination to. They have nothing to gain by opposing CRT and everything to lose. Come to thing about it, support of CRT could be incorporated into everyone’s security investigation. Then there would be no opposition.

Anonymous said...

OMG, more CRT craziness? The crazies on both sides just need to shut up about it. It is done, buried already. You keep it alive by talking about it.

Anonymous said...

"Also, if they speak out they could be threatened with revocation of their Q clearance, which would result in termination."

You see where this is going don't you? You are ahead of your time with this post, maybe only a year or two ahead but you definitely see which way the wind is blowing.

Let me explain how this is going to happen. The next steps will be that in order to get a clearance you must adhere to CRT and other woke philosophies. If you have a clearance but are accused of violating CRT your clearance will be revoked. Other steps also include things like saying the wrong opinion on facebook or twitter. If you say "all lives matter" your clearance will be removed and you will be fired. Also you better not post on this blog come Nov, because the next thing will be to confiscate all information on the internet and find out who said what and punish them for violating CRT codes. Those of you who read or heard un PC statements will also be in trouble because as they say it is not enough to not be racist but you must be anti-racists. In other words you must take action against those that said the wrong thing. If it is found out that you did not speak up when someone at dinner said "all lives matter" you will be just as guilty of racisim as the person who said this.

As for me I have enough money and am old enough to not care but all you younger people at the labs, if you want any kind of a future, do not even read this blog, or at the very least post only some PC things. You should all be very scared about anything you have ever said, ever posted or even believed in. Things are going to go Orwell big time. At this point I doubt they will come and kill or jail you but they will make sure you never work again. Give it a few more years when they start to get control of the laws and then yes they will start jailing people...lots of people. None of this is new, it has all happened many many times before in history and various nations, the United States has been the exception for a long time, but that time may be over.

Anonymous said...

It's incredible that there are people at the lab with so little work to do that they can just sit around all day and complain about a supposed leftist plot to destroy the labs and America, all through... *checks notes* diversity training? Seriously, we're talking about a couple of diversity training programs at Sandia and LLNL, and now they've been cancelled. There's no reason to rehash this discussion a million times.

I'm very disappointed to see that one person, ostensibly working at the labs, is a Proud Boys sympathizer. Spin yourself in circles all you want about how they aren't a white supremacist organization; just like Antifa, you're judged by your actions and the company you keep, not your words.

Anonymous said...

Most lab employees view CRT as just another of those stupid ideas that keep dropping down from the top, like bats---. It's like the senior managers have way too much free time on their hands, and everyone knows that idle hands are the devil's playthings.

Anonymous said...

"Spin yourself in circles all you want about how they aren't a white supremacist organization; just like Antifa, you're judged by your actions and the company you keep, not your words."

Can you please provide any evidence that the proud boys are a white supremacist group. Every link that was given earlier did not make any sort of believable cases. Also what "actions" have the proud boys ever done are white supremacist?

A couple of points

(1) The proud boys themselves say they are not a white supremacist group. Most groups that are white supremacist
say they are, why would the be the exception?

(2) Many of the proud boys members including the current leader ship are hispanic and black. Why would they be in white supremacy group?

(3) The one group that made that accusation was the SPLC and even says that the PB never say that are "white supremacist" or use
"overt" white supremacy but they align with cases that support white supremacy like supporting police. They never give an example of them saying anything racists, spreading racist literature, using language that is racist.

(4) The final and this is the most important point is that the Proud Boys are so tiny compared to all the violence by BLM and Antifa. Every night, including tonight there are dozes of protests leading to violence by BLM and Antiafa, there have to be thousand of these violent protest by now. The proud boys have had a best a dozen events. By the way there were NOT at Virginia. The proud boys have never torched a building, never burned a car, never attacked a police officer. On the other hand you have hundreds to thousands of these incidents from BLM and AntiFa, since May over 60 people have died in the riots by left wing violence. You appear not to understand orders of magnitude.

(5) I do not support the proud boys I wish they wold go away, my point is that there is a false equivocally that that is an equal number of right wing violence as there is left wing but there is not born out any statistics. Sure I want the proud boys to go away but they are simply so small and so insignificant that it does not matter. I personally know family and friends in California and Oregon who have had property destroyed, lives interpreted and witnessed violence done by AntiaFa, BLM or left wing rioters but I have never meet a single person who has ever had anything like that from some from the proud boys or any kind of right leaning group. I have never meet a nazi, a klan member, heck I have never meet anyone who say they are racists, and trust me on this I have been to way more places and know way more people that you.

Now back to the labs, I can play your game as well. I have now idea if you have any training in science, engineering or quantittive
analysis of any sort. I am going to assume that you do.

I'm very disappointed to see that one person, ostensibly working at the labs, does not seem to understand orders of magnitude, statistics, or how to make quantitive comparisons. Usually people with some understating of math and use it to figure out if some media claim is credible or not or any claim for that matter. Scientist and engineers are supposed to be skeptics by nature. It is not about spin it is about evidence, facts and numbers. Simply reading something in the Atlantic or Huff post does not cut it.

Anonymous said...

Cute how people whine "CRT is dead... stop talking about it!"

No... it is far from dead. The cancer is still out there outside the labs, and even inside the labs it is waiting to come back because the venomous people who push it (probably whiners referenced above) are still in the labs, biding their time like cultural Marxists do.

Not only should critical theory be excised completely, but their proponents expelled.

If you are in the labs, pay attention to those who scream loudest about racism. Watch those who virtue signals the hardest when the lab director promises to push back on the Executive Order. Record their names. This info will come in useful when it is time to purge the un-American cancer from our institutions and culture.

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