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Friday, September 18, 2020

Sandia "pauses' diversiy training


Anonymous said...

I assume that the "pause" is to await the results of the election. If Trump is not re-elected does the training resume on November 4th or do they wait until January 20th? If Trump is re-elected does it resume after his 2nd term?

I am so glad I am retired.

Anonymous said...

It is only paused, it will be coming back in full force and even more once this crazy election is over. Things are changing.

Anonymous said...

November 4th or do they wait until January 20th?

I think it would end Jan 20th at the earliest but they may have to make an order specially getting rid the order that Trump made.

Anonymous said...

Things are going to be a lot different when we face a one-party dictatorship on Jan 20. All indications are that the GOP loses the Senate as well. I expect this CRT effort is going to be intensified.

Anonymous said...

Here is another example of inequality and racism in the US. Los Alamos is ranked one the healthiest communities in the US. Yet at they same time the rest of New Mexico is ranked near the bottom. How can this be other than all the government money going into LANL. This shows how money can make a difference some of this money needs to go to the rest of New Mexico. Are you stating understand why we need bias and diversity training. How are we suppose to stop inequality like this without first being aware of our privilege.

Anonymous said...

Things are going to be a lot different when we face a one-party dictatorship on Jan 20. All indications are that the GOP loses the Senate as well. I expect this CRT effort is going to be intensified.

9/21/2020 11:54 AM

Relax! Trumpists are going to stack the SCOTUS to ensure that the Donald wins. If he loses the election, he will cry foul and sue to remain in office, which will go to the SCOTUS, and stacked with his appointees,they will decide in his favor.

Anonymous said...

9/22/2020 8:49 AM:

Because Los Alamos is healthy, due to government support in exchange for invaluable national security work, while other parts of NM are unhealthy, we should destroy Los Alamos and make all of NM unhealthy? This is some first rate Antifa logic. Let’s make all of NM unhealthy, together we can!
Moreover, if Los Alamos is supposedly stewing in decades of Cold War radioactive waste that is poisoning the region, how can the population be so healthy? Hmm, kind of makes you wonder...
Here is a bright idea. Maybe what NM needs is better education, which will bring in more jobs. It doesn’t take a Princeton PhD to figure out why Los Alamos is healthier than most of NM, which lags far behind the country in workforce education. Tearing down positive examples out of spite, when you should be learning from them, will leave you worse off, like Venezuela or Cuba.

Anonymous said...

LMAO "one party dictatorship"... Are you completely oblivious to the actual attempts at dictatorship that the Trump administration is pushing towards? Voter disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, stacking courts with young, unqualified conservative ideologues, outright collusion with Russia and other foreign interests to literally hack our democratic processes? The right's strategy here is a) do evil, and b) blame the left for that same evil. This is insane.

Anonymous said...

I would say that 12:12 pm has listed a nice set of Democratic Party talking points. I’m talking about the reality of the Democratic Party winning all three branches of government and demographic trends making it impossible for the GOP to win a majority again. This would lead to decades of one party rule, similar to the PRI party in Mexico, California is already a one party state, for example. Again, I don’t really care about the hysterical list of issues. Just looking at trends.

Anonymous said...

9/23/2020 6:29 AM

Absolutely right Politically incorrect, but right.

Anonymous said...

I’m talking about the reality of the Democratic Party winning all three branches of government and demographic trends making it impossible for the GOP to win a majority again.
9/23/2020 4:38 PM

And this would be worse than the crooks and thugs presently in charge, how?

Anonymous said...

Being healthy is a personal responsibility. First, you can eat right, exercise, limit alcohol, not smoke, avoid drugs, keep your weight in-check. Second, is the access to preventative health care. I could understand the wealth and disparity argument wrt to affordable health care but personal responsibility isn't just a LANL thing.

Anonymous said...

Being healthy is a personal responsibility. First, you can eat right, exercise, limit alcohol, not smoke, avoid drugs, keep your weight in-check. Second, is the access to preventative health care. I could understand the wealth and disparity argument wrt to affordable health care but personal responsibility isn't just a LANL thing.

9/29/2020 12:13 PM

It is interesting that you bring these points up because If you look into to CRT and various academics, community organizers
say about it, they try tp address why minority communities have much higher incidents of obesity, substance abuse, smoking, and mental illness is due to systemic racism.

The claim racism creates a much more stressful life leading to all these issues. For example whites do not have to worry about being killed by the police when they go out or being killed by a white person who will not be proscuted. Think about how much stress this puts on people of color. The other is the stress that one has knowing that you will not get a fair shot at a promotion or advancement, the stress from knowing your vote will not count, the stress from knowing that you are not treated equally or have the same opportunities to go to college. There is also the idea of food deserts, lack of preventative care, and gentrification, white doctors treat minorities badly and so on. Other issues are generational wealth since white people have even accumulating wealth in the United States since 1619 (NYT) while blacks have only been able to accumulate partial wealth since 1865 but more realistically since 1965, redlining, and the thousands of micro-aggressions every day. Now it is living under Trump, etc.

These are the actual claims of CRT which you can look up and what is taught in the trainings.

Anonymous said...

Good reasons to ignore completely anything having to do with CRT.

Anonymous said...

These are the actual claims of CRT which you can look up and what is taught in the trainings.

Should be scared of other blacks before anyone is scared of the police. The statistics are clear. It amazes me how weak we are these days.

Anonymous said...

So the fact that we're not scared makes us "weak"?

Anonymous said...

So the fact that we're not scared makes us "weak"?

10/01/2020 5:24 PM

I think what they mean by weak is that people are very scarred. They know that if you try to speak up that serious consequences can come your way. Look what happened to Casey Peterson. Few people are calling out this junk for what it is so it will keep growing, keep getting more insidious and more insane.

When I was younger the family get togethers would have some arguments about Unions, Democrats, Republicans, too much war, etc, but everyone still got along and view them selves as family. You know the uncle that everyone loves but will vote Union all the way. The other uncle that thinks taxes should be cut in half ect.

What I see now is whole families being dissolved, where one family member will say the wrong thing and other members will just ghost the person. You see young people go through the whole "disconnection thing" like the do in cults where they just cut off the family completely. The one thing that is always the same is the refusal to even discuss ideas, that is the biggest no no, there can never be any sort of argument or discussion. So yes even within their own families people are starting to learn to be scarred and keep their mouths shut.

The final thing is that so many of the hardcore people never seem to understand that a large number of people actually disagree with them. Say in a family get-together some says, "all white people are racists". A couple of people nod their heads and rest are silent. One person says "no" and they are the bad guy. What they fail to realize is that all those people who did not say anything do not agree with you.

Of course I could have it all wrong, maybe they do not care if you agree with them you just need to be scared of them. The person who speaks up is the problem not because they disagree with you but because they are not afraid of you, that is their sin. I get the sense that is part of the whole CRT thing, it is not about what you believe in, it is you must be afraid to speak. As long as your bow down and are afraid you are ok. This whole thing is about control it has nothing whatsoever to do with diversity.

Anonymous said...

10/01/2020 9:13 PM

You are correct that oppression of dissenting speech is the ultimate goal. Repeal of the First Amendment by other means.

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