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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Generals denounce failed coup

 Top US Military Leads Condemn Failed Capital Coup, while Sec of Energy stays Silent.

The country's top military leaders have taken the unprecedented step of calling out last week's storming of the U.S. Capitol as inconsistent with the U.S. rule of law and a direct assault on the American way of life.

In a one-page memo to all U.S. troops, the eight members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the entire military force that President-elect Joe Biden will be their next commander in chief. All service members, they added, "must embody the values and ideals of the nation."

"The violent riot in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, was a direct assault on the U.S. Congress, the Capitol building, and our Constitutional process," the general and flag officers said. "We mourn the deaths of the two Capitol policemen and others connected to these unprecedented events."

"We witnessed actions inside the Capitol building that were inconsistent with the rule of law. The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition and insurrection."

It was signed by Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley; Vice Chairman Air Force Gen. John Hyten; Army Chief of Staff James McConville; Marine Commandant Gen. David Berger; Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday; Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles "CQ" Brown; Space Force Chief of Operations Gen. John Raymond; and National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson.


Anonymous said...

"We mourn the deaths of the two Capitol policemen "

Two??? I only know of one.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to downplay what happened but I do not see how this was a "coup attempt".

Anonymous said...

Does anyone think it is possible that there will be a push to purge any Trump supporters who work at the labs and would be legal? At least keep them away from management.

Anonymous said...

1/13/2021 5:08 PM a second Capitol Police officer committed suicide the next day.

Anonymous said...

"We mourn the deaths of the two Capitol policemen "

Two??? I only know of one.

1/13/2021 5:08 PM

One committed suicide two days later.

Anonymous said...

One committed suicide two days later.

1/14/2021 5:07 PM

Very sad, but how is that connected to the Jan 6th activities? A bit of a stretch. I also thought that several people died of heart attacks or strokes. From what can tell you have 2 deaths directly counted with the Jan 6, not five as the media keeps reporting.

If you use this logic then the women's march in 2017 killed like 10 people, also using this logic you might have to add more than a thousand deaths to the 150 days of riots in 2020. Since when did we count suicides, heart attacks, strokes as part of the casualties in riot? Odd that Jan 6th is the first time that media has decided to count to all these additional incidents. Again not to downplay the actions of Jan 6th but there seems to a lack of consistency in reporting.

Anonymous said...

1/13/2021 5:11 PM
Seriuosly? Just no idea how anyone might think that an armed intrusion into the Capitol while they are certifying the election, with the intent of preventing certiification and reversing the election result would be called a coup?

Coup (Coup d'etat):
: a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics
especially : the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group

But let me voted for Trump twice and still support him.

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to downplay what happened but I do not see how this was a "coup attempt".

1/13/2021 5:11 PM

FBI reports that significant online chatter indicated an intent to "arrest and assassinate" Congress members. That's a "coup."

Anonymous said...

1/15/2021 3:26 PM

I see your point, but when I think of coup, it more like a bunch of generals who have well defined plan of how to take over. Also who ever the leader would be would usually be in on the plan. I doubt Trump directed these people or had some grand scheme and how this would allow him to stay in power. I read somewhere that there could have been some planning so maybe they did have clear goal that will be revealed as time goes on. I still think "coup" is over the top language and is being thrown out for political advantage. Also where they even armed? I see some sticks and throwing stuff but I am unaware of any guns. I would think they would at least have some guns if they really had a coup in mind. If it is a coup it is a pretty weird one as far as coups go. In any case I think they should throw the book at them to set an example.

Anonymous said...

"FBI reports that significant online chatter indicated an intent to "arrest and assassinate" Congress members. That's a "coup.""


This just came out on Reuters on Friday saying that DOJ this is not the case.

DOJ walks back claim Capitol rioters wanted to 'capture and assassinate' lawmakers
"The top federal prosecutor in Washington, D.C. said on Friday there is no “direct evidence” to suggest that rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol had formed “kill capture teams.”"


The point is the news is all over the place so I guess you just pick do with the story that you like the best

Anonymous said...

Wait for the dust to settle and I will wager you just have a group of idiots more loosely affiliated with organizational skills less than Antifa. Dude was wearing horns on his head for God's sake.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 1/13/2021 5:11 PM wrote: "I don't mean to downplay what happened but I do not see how this was a "coup attempt"."

I'm an independent and keeping an open mind about all this, but how do you explain the fact that multiple rioters at the Capitol building break-in were photographed walking around carrying zip-ties and flex-cuffs? Can you think of an innocent explanation for that?


Scooby said...

Hey 1/16/2021 9:31 PM
Don't forget that Antifa is not an an organization. It is attitude towards fascism. "Anti fascist".
If you are anti antifa, you are fa...

Anonymous said...

carrying zip-ties and flex-cuffs? Can you think of an innocent explanation for that?

1/17/2021 12:00 PM

That is a good point, the problem is that these right wing protests is that they fear attack from antifa or other counter protestors so they always have some people with the zip-ties and flex cuffs supposedly to arrest or to subdue someone that attacks them. I have seen several videos where right wing protestors yell "get the cuffs" after they try to catch someone who threw something at them ect.

With that I doubt this stuff was brought to "kidnap" congress people it is just something that some of them always carry with them at these protests/riots. Another thing they usually have is mace or bear mace both antifa and right wingers carry this. Antifa does not carry zip-ties since they do not want to call the police, but they usually have mace.

I am not saying this is an "innocent" explanation, but that is why they probably had it. I don't think they ever attended to take anyone hostage or stage a coup. With that said however anytime you have a crowd of people acting violent than things could always get out of hand no matter what their intention so once they where in the building it is very dangerous, I think it ever got that far than you would see some real deadly force applied and would not have ended well for rioters.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Antifa is definitely an organization. The organizers are under surveillance by DHS and FBI. Unless multiple news agencies are wrong.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry, Antifa is definitely an organization. The organizers are under surveillance by DHS and FBI. Unless multiple news agencies are wrong.

1/17/2021 5:52 PM"

Take it easy Scooby was making a joke. You guys take everything so seriously.

As bizarre is it may seem I happen to know a bit about antifa and even talked to a few antifa types, and they have no idea whatsoever what is Fascism, socialism, anarchy, capitalism, etc. When I mean none, I am mean totally none. There is not a lot going on. Some of them where saying "we like need no government at all and a socialists revolution at the same time". A number also believe in things that fall deep into conspiracy land like a secret groups of rich people controlling the world, weird ideas about Mormans or Jesuits, and lot of underling anti-semitism. I get the feeling that many of them are kind of jump between far right and far left ideas or groups, since a number the ideas actually seem to overlap where fundamentally both sides believe (Groups of evil people are trying to control the world and they must be stopped). To them there are simply bad people, Hitler was bad so all bad people are fascist or something like that. To be honest it is very difficult to have any kind conversation since they seem so all over the place, they just know that there are evil people somewhere.

As for "antifa" is an idea not on organization, I have no freaking idea what that means. I for instance am dead set against Fascism or more generally any kind of totalitarian rule that snuffs out human freedom of the whole of society or specific groups within the society.
Does this make me Antifa? They also seem to misunderstand that what makes Fascism so horrible is its totalitarian aspects but such aspects can arise in any kind of systems such as dictator, communism, monarchy, extreme religious government ect. Sadam Huessien was technically not a fascist so I guess Antifa would be cool with him? This is not to mention that if you know anything about history in the 30s there where different versions of Fascism and lots of fighting between these different groups.

Anonymous said...

Here's a good nonpartisan legal assessment of the potential crimes that were committed by the rioters during the US Capital takeover.

Anonymous said...

Here's a good nonpartisan legal assessment of the potential crimes that were committed by the rioters during the US Capital takeover.

1/22/2021 11:25 AM

Everyone agrees that that the 200 or so rioters in the building or any one outside who attacked a cop should have the book thrown at them. The bigger issue is what do we do about people who just attended, people that read Q drops, people that did not participate but supported the rioters. What do we do about them, how do we reeducate them and do we want people like that working in government or government contractors. That is the question.

Anonymous said...

There are no thought police (yet). Actions are prosecutable, thoughts are not. Neither you nor anyone else knows what people who took no part in the lawbreaking were thinking. Back off that dangerous path.

Anonymous said...

1/22/2021 5:39 PM

I disagree I think you can get a good idea what people are thinking from what they read, post, or watch. If for example you had someone who is reading a Qanon board or watching Alex Jones, or Art Bell do you really trust that person to work in the government, teach schools, work in the health industry, or any kind of job that serves others? Most rational people would not. Sure you can say they have the freedom to read or watch what they want but on Jan 6th we saw the consequences of this. We where very close to losing our Democracy, and with the internet this kind of thing is going to be an increasing risk. If we cannot control the information we can at least have real consequences to those that consume this information. Once people learn that there can be real consequences than fake news and conspiracy sites will go away. I do not get what the big deal is with going after people who have dangerous ideas, these people where nuts and dangerous or could become dangerous, why not just deal with this now.

Anonymous said...

You think the government has the right to know everything you read online? That the government has the right to preemptively control your behavior or detain or arrest you for reading something you think is dangerous? You must have missed your history lessons on Stalinism and fascism. Go read "1984." You are the kind of person who will destroy America.

Anonymous said...

"You must have missed your history lessons on Stalinism and fascism. Go read "1984." You are the kind of person who will destroy America."

I am the kind of person who wants to save America from Fascism, in case you where not paying attention look what happened on Jan 6th. I am sure those people people where free speech advocates that thought they had the right to consume whatever fake news they want to. The government does not have the right to know everything you read but it does have the right to protect others from crazies who read conspiracies on the internet.

Anonymous said...

The government does not have the right to know everything you read but it does have the right to protect others from crazies who read conspiracies on the internet.

1/24/2021 8:06 PM

Do you not see the glaring contradiction in what you wrote? How do you know who are the "crazies who read conspiracies on the internet" if the government doesn't "know everything you read"? At least get your argument straight and try to be logical if your intent is to remove Constitutional rights because you are scared.

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