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Thursday, April 5, 2012

UC pays 400K salary to Mara!

Anonymously contributed:

UC pays 400K salary to Mara!!

"The following appointment was approved by the UC Board of Regents today (March 29):

Office of the President
Glenn Mara, vice president, Laboratory Management
Approval was requested for Mr. Mara as a term appointment effective on or about July 1, 2012, for a total compensation of $394,266. This request was in response to the impending departure of the incumbent. Mr. Mara will be responsible for management of the UC Laboratory Management Office in its efforts to support Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the Limited Liability Companies that manage Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) as well as the university's oversight of the Department of Energy (DOE) contractual agreements relating to science and technology research programs at the National Laboratories.

Mr. Mara's annual base salary of $367,000 is 4.8 percent below the midpoint for the SLCG Grade 112 ($385,300) and 4.2 percent below the 50th percentile market base salary of $383,100.

Mr. Mara is a rehired retiree currently serving as Acting Associate Vice President Laboratory Programs on a 43 percent basis. Mr. Mara, as a condition of appointment, will suspend all payment of retirement benefits consistent with regents' policy.

This position is funded from non-state sources, specifically the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) contract fee earned as UC's partner share at LANL and LLNL and reimbursement for laboratory management expenses approved by the DOE Contracting Officer at LBNL. The funds for this position are part of the UCOP expenditures budget paid from lab fees annually approved by the regents."


Anonymous said...

A good one to start with would be this representative. She don't like NIF or LLNS and was entirely against the transition from the beginning . She was smart enough to see there never was any savings to be had in the transition of LLNL:LLNS or LANL:LANS fiasco.

Anonymous said...

She [Feinstein] ... was entirely against the transition from the beginning.

As I recall, she embarrassed herself at some committee meeting by stating she was unaware of many facts of transition. Funny for the spouse of a UC Regent.

Anonymous said...

Wise up. A $400k salary is small potatoes. If Mara had "Followed the money" as Charlie McMillan (LANS Director) advised at his All-Hands meeting, he could be making Charlie's salary of $2 million per year.

Heck, even PADs and ADs at LANL make waaay more than $400k per year... and that's before bonuses kick in to up the booty. SInce LANS took over and began the upper management "pay party", the salary for some Division Leader positions have hit the $400k mark.

Of course, the regular staff haven't done nearly as well. They've had their salaries stagnate since 2006 while having benefits cut and pension contributions from their salary increased drastically.

Anonymous said...

Well worth it. Glen is a gem. Among the best the lab's have produced.

Savvy, politic. Great resume. Problem solver of the highest order.

No better choice.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet it would be fabulous to be in a room with Mara, Drell, Schultz and Chu.

Anonymous said...

Note also, Glen is doing this nearly for free.

He was the Deputy Associate Director of LLNL, and with probably 40 years of UC service was collecting nearly 100% of his salary, as well as 43% as a retiree working part-time.

In essence the guy is working when he could be lounging at home.

Anonymous said...

10:55 p.m.,

"If Mara had "Followed the money" as Charlie McMillan (LANS Director) advised at his All-Hands meeting, he could be making Charlie's salary of $2 million per year.

Heck, even PADs and ADs at LANL make waaay more than $400k per year... and that's before bonuses kick in to up the booty. SInce LANS took over and began the upper management "pay party", the salary for some Division Leader positions have hit the $400k mark. "

What's your source for this information?

Anonymous said...

Well worth it. Glen is a gem. Among the best the lab's have produced.

Savvy, politic. Great resume. Problem solver of the highest order.

No better choice.

April 5, 2012 11:06 PM

Oh come on! Mara is a "big fish in a little pond". Mara couldn't hack in industry. You guys at the Labs think the world revolves around you!

Anonymous said...

What's your source for this information?
April 6, 2012 12:23 PM

The Obama "Stimulus Bill" of several years back. It required all organizations taking the money to list executive salaries. It's in the Congressional record. Oops, I guess the secretive executive salaries that LANS and LLNS work so hard to keep under wraps as "corporate propriety info" sometimes slip out.

You can safely assume that Charlie demanded a match with the $2 million that Hunter at SNL was making back then when Charlie he took his current position as LANL Director last June. Oh, and then there are those juicy 20% bonuses reserved for the top executives.

The top managers at the for-profit NNSA labs are doing very, very well.

Anonymous said...

Mara couldn't hack in industry.

If you knew Glen at all, you'd recognize that he could have functioned in the private sector just fine.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Mara is a rehired retiree currently serving as Acting Associate Vice President Laboratory Programs on a 43 percent basis. Mr. Mara, as a condition of appointment, will suspend all payment of retirement benefits consistent with regents' policy." UC

Ok you tax hacks, not 40%, 50%, but 43%? You can damn well bet this percentage "protects" Mara's salary and tax bracket in some regard on this "sweet deal". Ok, and what other "bennies" is Mara getting? That's gonna be a lot of gold plating on the ridiculous title: Acting Associate Vice President of Laboratory Programs (AAVPOLP). Barf! So much pomp and circumstance at the University for so little at stake! And if Mara is so great, what is peer reviewed publication record and why doesn't he have a PhD?

Anonymous said...

Not bad for a mediocre Welding Engineer with a lousy and backwards toupee.

Anonymous said...

Mara is better than most. He has brains, experience, and integrity. Knapp has none of those, McMillan has only one. I'm glad to see Mara back at a bargain price.

Anonymous said...

When Mara arrived at LANL he was unwilling to meet with some of us to discuss the "way forward" in Science. He was elusive, deceptive, and unproductive. He was only interested in preserving his power and others that came from Livermore.

If Mara had integrity while working at Livermore, he lost it when he arrived at Los Alamos. Money does strange things to people. Clearly it changed Mara, watch your back.

Anonymous said...

6:38 AM "gets it"

It was Glen's top job to keep Mike in power followed closely by making sure that Charlie could move up. To accomplish this he needed to "clear the path" by taking down anyone that threatened Charlie.
In his new job maybe he can keep on telling people what a what a great job "the team" is doing in running LANL. Sadly, some people may even believe what he says.

Anonymous said...

It was Glen's top job to keep Mike in power

What a hoot. Mike was director of the lab, he didn't need anyone to keep him in power. Maybe help actually getting a directive implemented down through the organization.

Anonymous said...

Mike was director of the lab, he didn't need anyone to keep him in power. Maybe help actually getting a directive implemented down through the organization.

April 7, 2012 12:39 PM

You got that right. It was called "The Livermore Directive".

Anonymous said...

Not bad for a mediocre Welding Engineer with a lousy and backwards toupee.

April 7, 2012 12:57 AM

That's not a toupee. It's a fox that sits on his head!

Anonymous said...

Mara's bad rug was the laughing stock of LANL from the day he showed up. No amount of "brains, experience, and integrity" can make up for that totally clueless personal decision on his appearance. And, by my own personal experience, that isn't the only evidence of his willingness to "cover things up."

Anonymous said...

"Mara's bad rug was the laughing stock of LANL from the day he showed up. No amount of "brains, experience, and integrity" ...."

You decide on superficial appearances, I worked with Glen on an extremely challenging and important problem, where his personal insights into material properties anticipated the eventual correct outcome, saving LLNL hundreds of millions of dollars and years of delay on a critical, highly visible milestone.

He knows the details of the labs technologies and he knows people.

Anonymous said...

"And if Mara is so great, what is peer reviewed publication record ..."

Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha.... best sarcasm I've heard in weeks.


Anonymous said...

I'm still laughing.

Anonymous said...

He knows the details of the labs technologies and he knows people.

April 7, 2012 10:21 PM

He knows people? He never returned my phone calls. The guys is a phony.

Anonymous said...

I recall one early morning that Mara came in with his toupee backwards. Anastasio whispered something into Mara's ear. Mara left to Men's room, came back with it "adjusted" and ready to go. Clear-cut evidence of the Livermore Boy's "protecting each other".

P.S. I hope Mara either had that "rug" shot or fumigated since he left LANS. That "thing" was getting stinky and shaggy.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
I recall one early morning that Mara came in with his toupee backwards...".

what part of this petty character assassination is about Glen and what part tells something else about you. This trash doesn't pass muster as discourse.

Raise your standards, boy.

Anonymous said...

what part of this petty character assassination is about Glen and what part tells something else about you.

April 9, 2012 2:04 AM

Not sure how you "assassinate someones character" by ridiculing his bad hairpiece. If he showed up wearing a helicopter beanie and thinking it enhanced his appearance, would it be ok to laugh then? It's not about "character" it's about lack of concern about one's appearance. Then again, that's not a strong suit for scientists.

Anonymous said...

Warning: This Blog is not for the weak or faint of heart. If you think you (or others) might be offended or faint with what you read, don't log on.

Anonymous said...

The marines are not for the faint of heart...

This blog is for complaisant fat old men....

s/a complansiant fat old man

Anonymous said...

This blog is for complaisant fat old men....

April 9, 2012 8:14 PM

I think you meant "complacent." How about "stupid fat old men"?

Anonymous said...

You made the connection between Mara's character his "bad" hair piece. The fact that a guy making over $1M in pensions, salary, and bonuses won't go to Men's Hair Club has nothing to do with his character. It's only demonstrating his frugality.

Anonymous said...

It's only demonstrating his frugality.

April 10, 2012 5:34 PM

No, it's only demonstrating his personal-grooming blind spots. We all have them, but if we are lucky, they don't repulse or cause hilarity among our acquaintances. If they do, we often don't recognize it. That's why they call them "blind spots."

Anonymous said...

When I was young and beautiful and knew little, I groomed well to gain acceptance.

Older, wiser and well into life's decay, I lead others well to gain acceptance; while letting my appearance go, to announce that I no longer need it.

If you can't see the performance, the appearance doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

If you can't get past the distraction (or worse) of the appearance, then the performance doesn't matter. Teenage girls with purple hair wonder why they get laughed at and picked on. Women of all ages wonder why if their tattoos and piercings are visible, they can only get minimum wage jobs. Old men with hair growing out of their ears and nose, and green teeth wonder why they don't get the respect they deserve.

Anonymous said...

It's only demonstrating his frugality.

April 10, 2012 5:34 PM

No, it's only demonstrating his personal-grooming blind spots. We all have them, but if we are lucky, they don't repulse or cause hilarity among our acquaintances. If they do, we often don't recognize it. That's why they call them "blind spots."

April 10, 2012 7:21 PM

You meant "bald spots" right?

Anonymous said...

What a bizarre discussion! We've seen here posts about big houses, sporty cars, fancy suits, shiny shoes... We are now on toupees. Is that what you care about in your manager? Really, ladies and gentlemen?

As far as I'm concerned, if we get an upper manager with high levels of honesty, integrity, competence, and genuine (!!) concern for the future of the Lab and its workers, he can wear the most ridiculous toupee and the shiniest shoes out there.

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned, if we get an upper manager with high levels of honesty, integrity, competence, and genuine (!!) concern for the future of the Lab and its workers, he can wear the most ridiculous toupee and the shiniest shoes out there.

April 11, 2012 7:43 PM

Amazing how many people are so totally clueless about a conversation going on around them. Only their own concerns matter to them. Anyone outside that little box is "bizarre." So little humor in their lives. So little appreciation for the absurd, the pathetic, the curious in life. Yes, let's all talk about upper managers' "honesty, integrity, competence, and genuine (!!) concern for the future of the Lab and its workers." What fun. God but you suck the oxygen out of the air!

Anonymous said...

What a bizarre discussion! We've seen here posts about big houses, sporty cars, fancy suits, shiny shoes... We are now on toupees. Is that what you care about in your manager? Really, ladies and gentlemen?

April 11, 2012 7:43 PM

Yeah, I feel really nervous around someone who is wearing a "rug". It makes me wonder what else these folks are hiding. Hell, I'm bald and proud of it, I have nothing to hide.

Anonymous said...

Yah, and some in the the upper management ranks, but in short supply in the LLNS/LANS boardroom.

Anonymous said...

Mara might toss the hair in his new job. Did you ever see Darling? Maybe, just maybe, it is a core qualification for the VP slot to have a shiny, hair-free top!

Anonymous said...

Scooby's censorship button in action again!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well I wonder since everyone's already read those posts, what's being achieved by after-the-fact deletion? Trying to rewrite history? Some attempt at "punishment"? What blog rule was violated? None that I can see. Scooby doesn't like it, Scooby deletes it. Scooby is a thin-skinned, straight-laced, intolerant, humorless person, from all evidence.

I know, "don't let the door..."

Anonymous said...

Mara might toss the hair in his new job. Did you ever see Darling? Maybe, just maybe, it is a core qualification for the VP slot to have a shiny, hair-free top!

April 15, 2012 12:34 PM

I hope Mara loses that "wig". At least the University of California will now have a shiney chrome dome, a beacon of blinding light, some hope!

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