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Monday, October 8, 2012
The national nuclear weapons program is failing under NNSA tutelage.
Anonymously contributed
The national nuclear weapons program is failing under NNSA tutelage.
It is better to place both physics labs back under full UC leadership where proper care and feeding will occur.
Like in the old days UC will tell DOE/NNSA what to do. And like in the old days, the right things will get done.
Congress - a distracted group of bickering gerontologists, served by NNSA administrators, mediocre yes-men - is running the weapons complex into the ground.
No ideas, no leadership.
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
When pigs fly, UC might get another chance.
NNSA is broken, but UC is not the answer.
Why on earth would UC go back to being the lone contract manager? They are making more money, they can let Bechtel take all the heat and all of those pesky benefits in retirement are now no longer a burden to them. Deep down, they are whistling a happy tune while skipping to the bank.
Sadly, I have to agree with the first two posters. There is no way UC would take the NNSA labs back and manage them as before on a non-profit basis. NNSA squashed that former low-cost method when they demanded that a for-profit LLC run their labs. They result has been massive managerial bloat and staff labor costs that are out of control due to the high overhead rates. Bechtel loves it!
Using LANS and LLNS LLC, UC has been able to get rid of a huge part of their liabilities involving the remaining employees' future retirement costs and benefits.
With time, the "substantially equivalent" promise of DOE will be forgotten and the NNSA will then move to end the pension and other expensive benefits like retirement medical. It is what it is and won't be changing for the better. Deal with it as best you can.
"It is what it is and won't be changing for the better. Deal with it as best you can."
So, for those staying in such a horrible situation, this must be the best you can do.
The problem is not: UC or not UC. The problem is poor management, poor selection for senior positions, and large fees for no visible gain. We are no better managed now than before, and arguably worse. Yet we have taken away employees to pay for fee, and reduced benefits to employees that remain. We have had a spate of "unusual terminations" that attest to this. The Lab is 25% smaller, less effective, yet the site office continues to give the management team glowing reviewes. Is it in incompetence on both sides, or complicit scoring? We'll never know.
Tomas is still on the payroll.
What they say publically about the lab is not based on the realities of the DOE/NNSA political game. It's a pretty messy business the way the sausage is being made. What they say publically is driven the game and you have to understand the rules or lack thereof, the players, and the history. You all see the inconsistencies and contradictions. You have a glimpse into what really goes on. Keep probing and keep an open mind free of judgement and you will get a better idea of all the forces, influence, dynamics, and "plays" unfolding.
The problem is NNSA. More specifically, that it is still within DOE. Clear and simple. "Semiautonomous" - Its like being "semi" pregnant, doesn't work.
The solution is simple (which means it will never happen via Congress).
NNSA production and major testing activities sites should be moved under DOD. That would be: Pantex, KCP, Y-12, SRS (NNSA facilities), NTS and LANL Pit Production facilities (call is Los Alamos Nuclear Enterprises or Los Alamos Plant). The last one, should be carved out of the existing LANS contract as a new M&O contract and awarded to someone with experience in production (maybe Bechtel).
Then SNL, LLNL, and the bulk of LANL would be left in DOE under the Office of Defense Programs or Science.
Right now, the NWC is a three headed mess - NNSA, DOD, and DOE. Take it back to just two - DOD and DOE.
"Right now, the NWC is a three headed mess - NNSA, DOD, and DOE. Take it back to just two - DOD and DOE."
Do you think DOD could really do this? It seems like way to large a task for them and their track record is not exactly that great.
Do you think DOD could really do this? It seems like way to large a task for them and their track record is not exactly that great.
October 10, 2012 7:18 PM
True. Ask DoD research lab employees how they like their employer. DoD can barely do research, it cannot do engineering, fabrication, or construction. Those are all contracted out to - guess who - BECHTEL. Be careful what you wish for.
Change is failing to has failed. Game over, go home - we lost.
Likewise all this chatter about reorganising the weapons complex is about as useful as suggestions on how to correct corruption in the 1919 White Sox - it's history now and unmutable.
The national nuclear weapons program is not just failing under NNSA tutelage. It's rapidly falling apart.
It's been amazing to watch as hard won expertise and scientific capability from past decades are thrown away while the new Bechtel management team pockets their money.
Just look at the latest fiasco over at Y-12's UPF where, after hundreds of millions in project planning and years of planning, they are suddenly going to do an expensive re-design kludge! It's mind-boggling to watch this mess unfold.
Employees are being treated poorly.
Wage freezes, 14% salary reductions to pay for pension underfunding.
Ouch. What a significant loss to the average employee.
NNSA has failed its employees.
The compact between employees and the employer is on the brink.
How is motivation maintained? How are new employees recruited when contributions are devalued so rapidly?
20% real wages lost vs. CPI in 2 years... ouch... ouch...
Kids can no longer attend college.
Why am I still here?
"Why am I still here?" - 11:16 PM
Good question. Why are you still here?
Kids can no longer attend college.
October 14, 2012 11:16 PM
Why not make them work, just like real people do? work 20 hours, study 20 hours. Oh, you brought them up expecting a free ride? Silly you.
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