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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Lack of qualifications

Anonymously contributed: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A subject that never comes up in this blog is the lack of qualifications of the AD's for some of the support technical divisions at the Lab. It seems that the Lab management have sacrificed any hope of making those divisions world class. The obvious reasons are: political correctness to appease affirmative action critics and, and dare I say it, the convenience of having compliant AD's. The impact of this practice will surely be detrimental to the long-term future of the Lab.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This is so true. Look Parney has an opportunity to make serious changes. If I were him, I would start looking at if people are effective. But if people live in fear or are terror. The "leader" in their sections are not effective, but it is hard for someone like Parney to see because no one will speaks out.

October 25, 2012 6:58 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is why it is important to have blogs like this. There are always underlining truths here.

October 25, 2012 6:59 AM

Anonymous said...

It is simply a case of nepotism and promoting their friends.

Anonymous said...

Pavlovian response ?

Anonymous said...

The truth is usually obvious and simple to most with common sense.

Anonymous said...

According to PBS Frontline, O'bama received race-based preferences to good schools in Hawaii, California and New York, through most of his educational career, which allowed his growth from a seeming chaotic foreign childhood.

This seems to have worked very well, providing opportunity to help correct social imbalances that resulted in part from previous practices.

To assure equal opportunity, affirmative action should be retained selectively in places where imbalances continue.

One example is the lack of native Americans in science and science leadership positions. Work to overcome this deficiency should continue until the situation is improved (not by Elizabeth Warren type dissembling). Most Americans aware of the widespread government deceit and terror visited on the native American population during the westward expansion will feel, as I do, that redressing this is appropriate, even if it displaces equally qualified folks like me.

Anonymous said...

Talk about being brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

The system for encouraging diversity in our upper management works. A prime example is Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, a Hispanic scientist who rose through the ranks despite a poor and unprivileged upbringing. He gives hope to all other disadvantaged minorities who may be held back by low societal or cultural expectations. By breaking through this expectation barrier, Tomas became a model for a whole generation of young minds in disadvantaged communities. He is also a champion for clean energy and social justice causes. His choice to step down from his position should be lauded, as it allows him to direct more of his time and energy towards his goal of seeing more blacks and Hispanics in the sciences and in engineering. We have a lot to learn from Tomas. How many other managers have you seen put on the hard hat and toolbelt and get the work done at a habitat for humanity construction site, staying on long after the reporters, photographers and news cameras have left. How many other managers make significant contributions (order of 20-40% pre-tax) of their personal income to charity? Look to Tomas if you need someone who you can look up to and respect and admire. We need many more like him,

Anonymous said...

Nothing has changed at LLNL. They still promote the same sycophantic con-artist types through the program management ranks. Proably can publish a list of promotions over the past year and evaluate their actual performance and impact over their whole career.

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