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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Well, the posting for the new CIO is out. I wonder if the "third time is the charm". Let's hope they get it right this time! I'm not sure if we have a good pool of internal candidates. Most have applied before and have been rejected.


Anonymous said...

A new CIO won't fix the issues at llnl! What is needed is a broom and scub brush to remove the old banacles and retreads that keep making terrible decisions and not held accountable..

Anonymous said...

Give Lab management a chance. The first CIO (full time) only happened around 2002 and lasted for 7 or 8 years as I recall. What's wrong with a "few bumps in the road" to quote our President.

Anonymous said...

Any person that takes the job of CIO at the lab will have a tough nut to crack. There are 4 fiefdoms - NIF, WCI, Global Security and LC. Getting the 4 of them to tow the line of a "common" methodology is near impossible.

Yes, maybe the third time will be the charm, but I really doubt it.

Anonymous said...

What a waste of precious tax payers dollars. Scrap the CIO position. You already pay your IT management staff enough who should work together to provide what a CIO does anyway for the lab. Parney grow a pair and put your foot down, mandate that the lab have one IT organization and those not on board willing to be a part of the solution, show them the door. Oh another thing IT you got two years to make it happen, maybe three or your all fired (management too) and will be replaced with an outsourced solution. If you do keep the CIO position then fire the salary equivalent in IT management plus one more to pay the CIO salary so LLNL doesn't have to take on an additional cost burden. DONE!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I dont know, just glad to see Robinson is gone. That guy was worthless. Who hired him anyway? Your fired for doing bad job of not looking out for the best interest of LLNL!! We can fix the funny age old crony business that goes in that joint. Reward for success and punish for failure! As for the CIO job it's just another monkey and a football so don't do it and eliminate the position.

Anonymous said...

I thought we were short on cash, and projecting a furlough like event on the horizon?

A position that has been vacant for years isn't critical(nor is the required entourage).

Overhead is high enough.

Anonymous said...

The "CIO" position only became "necessary" with the advent of the LLCs. That, plus the feeling in DOE/NNSA (rightfully) that having a computer security person in charge of computing (as happened after Wen Ho Lee) wasn't gong to cut it. The effect has been to bastardize the title "Chief Information Officer" from something positive within a corporation allowing the corporation to communicate more effectively with its customers and suppliers, to something like "corporate computing czar," which has proven to be a complete disaster unless an actual "corporation" exists to enforce, with no questions or disputes allowed, a central corporate policy on all computing and electronic communications and media.

Anonymous said...

The "CIO" position only became a false necessasity because someone had a "bright idea". I do believe the only successful person so far has been Mike Payne and he was only an acting CIO. Too bad we couldn't keep him as the CIO but the man is smart enough and probably sees a big red flag there in the CIO position. After the mid week announcement of Boyd were do you think mike will go? LLNL can not handle a corporate mind set from an IT perspective when all of the components of it are resistant to change. Chaos and disorder will be intentionally upheld to ensure a "no change" situation for IT.

The only way this will ever change is by replacing the entire IT workforce and its management or by only keeping the proven corporate minded IT folks at the lab. The person who posted three or so posts prior kind of hit the nail on the head when they stated that Parney needs to "grow a pair" and put his foot down. Dump the so called CIO position and it associated cost or make changes in management to offset the cost if you do keep it. Makes perfect sense to me since the CIO program hasn't really been successful to the lab for the duration of time that it has been around.

At the end of day Parney is the guy in charge and he too has to answer to someone. This is purely a business decision and one that needs to make LLNL a better more cost efficient and effective place from an IT perpective regardless of how IT staff and management feel. You pay them to work and do what they are told by the management you selected to run your organization. It's ok to have the people you pay be thinkers and innovators but they have understand that they represent LLNL as an entity and there is due process. You can't just have a bright idea with a cowboy attitude and approach, then be thrown money to do as you please.

If this can't be achieved within reason then.... As stated in a previous comment fire everyone and go with a outsourced solution to get your business in line with your scientific mission and budget. Science, weather it's defense, medical, energy, etc. is the most important asset that LLNL has to offer not IT! Somewhere the train jumped the tracks!! Without delivering the science LLNL doesn't stand a chance and goes bye bye. Better get it right Mr. Albright I want to remember you as a noble man who made change and realized the importance of LLNL and its scientific mission not as the last man before its impending doom.

Anonymous said...

Ha, The only successful CIO was Mike Payne, well its easy to be successful for 4 months! How about getting the whole lab separated from the internet last week for a whole morning. Was that a success! Several comments suggest doing away with the position, probably because the IT was so wel-run when there was no CIO. One suggestion was put your foot down, put all the people in one organizaton and get rid of the CIO. Guess what one would call the head of such an organization? The CIO. This is a brain dead thread.

Anonymous said...

How about "Associate Director for Information Technology"?? Too simple?

Anonymous said...

How about leaving it the way it is (no CIO). It's not like we can't get work done without one.

We are under no rule of law to have one, and we can't afford to create another high level support staff position (with its inherent entourage) at this time.

Bad timing, if we're trying to fill a 120 million dollar hole, we'll need to forego the luxury.

Anonymous said...

"How about getting the whole lab separated from the internet last week for a whole morning. Was that a success!"

Looks like we got a real genius here. A non technical person trying to speak technical. In any case how could a network failure be blamed on the CIO?

You my friend are a troll and have no clue what a CIO does therefore you should keep your mouth shut! Something else I can't help but mention and that is by the time stamp of your post you chose to come here and post your worthless comment during work hours. Maybe you should read your "LLNL acceptable use policy" im pretty sure it doesn't cover you using LLNL's time and resources to air your dirty laundry about the LLNL CIO on this site. I highly suggest you stop trolling this site during work hours and do some real work!

Anonymous said...

Why don't we just get a secretary to do the job?
Wait, we already have that.

Anonymous said...

What does the CIO at LLNL do?

Anonymous said...

Hire a deputy and go on a lot of travel.
Allocate funding for IT projects with no oversite.
Yep, that about sums it up.

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