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Saturday, April 27, 2013

why is Bruce Goodwin leaving WCI?

Wow, why is Bruce Goodwin leaving WCI?


Anonymous said...

Well perhaps the commentariat can enlighten us....promotion, demotion, lateral move?

Anonymous said...

Opens up the path to merge NIF and WCI, with Moses leading the new organization.

Anonymous said...

Seriously??! Wow.

Does it ever end...let's triple down on Moses, let's quadruple down on moses....

Anonymous said...

This gives Bruce something different to do as his career winds down and passes the torch to Charlie. No cataclysm.

Ed will never be the head of the weapons program at LLNL or anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't quite make sense. Bruce still has many years ahead of him, he is still relatively young, and full of fight. Unless his next role is a promotion (deputy director, or even a role as an administrator in NNSA), something else must be going on.

Anonymous said...

Ed will never be the head of the weapons program at LLNL or anywhere else.

April 27, 2013 at 2:34 PM

Promise? Signed LANL XTD Division.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he lost credibility at headquarters.

Anonymous said...

I think you should take what Parney said at face value. He had been weapons PAD for almost 12 years and was bored and wanting to make room for new blood. Parney implied Bruce stuck in the job longer than he wanted too. I believe that. The new job sounds interesting and fun.

Anonymous said...

It is reasonable to assume that Goodwin had aspirations to become the LLNL director. This shake-up suggests that Goodwin will never reach that goal.

Anonymous said...

If true, then by similar reasoning, it is time to move Ed into a less public facing role as well. Or does the guy hold everyone hostage by the bollocks?

Anonymous said...

Ed "Six Billion Dollars Wasted" Moses has no future at Livermore because Livermore will not get another big machine for him to build.

Anonymous said...

The lies about LLNL capabilities supporting stockpile stewardship also probably doomed him. He probably doesn't see any fault in what he did. In fact he probably thinks that he should have been rewarded. He does play favorites and perpetuated the golden boy network. Getting rid of him doesn't solve the problem, however. His former org has alot of employees who don't do any real work, they just act as passthroughs for information. WCI just needs to go. It is a liability for a NIF that needs talented and productive people.

Anonymous said...

Has the incoming Charlie verdon been caught lying or going on rabid rampages about how stupid cook is? If so, it would tell us whether or not that played a factor in moving Bruce.

Anonymous said...

"rabid rampages about how stupid cook is"

Ah, now we're getting to the heart of the matter.

Anonymous said...

You're all barking up the wrong tree. Doing a "rotation" through different orgs with different sponsor/customer bases makes for a better well-rounded candidate for a future promotion whether it be at the lab or in D.C. It is a smart move and his career is not served by staying in the same position for that long. Regarding questions about professionalism and civility, there is no basis for the insinuations. Bruce is a gentleman and very well respected.

Anonymous said...

Livermore is usually successfully in working the hallways at headquarters and criticizing Los Alamos and Sandia workers behind their backs. Unfortunately several of the leaders at HQ today are former Sandia managers who fought with Livermore over their exaggerated claims for NIF. The chickens have now come home to roost.

Anonymous said...

Ed Moses has resigned as NIF director. He has been replaced by his deputy, Jeff Atherton.

Anonymous said...

If NIF is being squarely positioned as a user facility, does that mean that WCI is firmly in charge? Or is the tail still going to wag the dog?

Anonymous said...

Livermore internal politics. Who gives a crap?

Anonymous said...

Have to keep an eye of the inbreeding so as to know how to avoid undesireable mixing for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Goodwin is a forthright honest man and he is also pleasant and easy on the eyes. He has NEVER said anything disparaging about NNSA administrators, other lab directors, or well regarded former executives of large defense contractors. Not even behind closed doors. And he has NEVER lied or exagerrated about LLNL capabilities pertaining to NIf and stockpile stewardship applications. That is why he will be next lab director. Honesty, integrity, trustworthiness. The qualities that underly the man.

Anonymous said...

Fo sho da man Is a saint compared to the ilk of Tomas and his cockroach golden boys.

Anonymous said...

When he worked for X-4 at LANL, he like to name things after himself, e.g. the Goodwin Model.

Anonymous said...

"Bruce Goodwin is a forthright honest man and he is also pleasant and easy on the eyes.... Bruce is a gentleman and very well respected."

For God's sake, just come right out and tell him you want to sleep with him. That way you can save him and the rest of us reading this blog further embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you young postdocs are downright shameless preying on us powerful old white guys in upper management.

Anonymous said...

It appears LLNL is really sick.

Anonymous said...

That is Tomas territory.

Anonymous said...

Back to topic, does the changes at WCI and budget proems have an impact on LLNL involvement at nts? Seems to me that since NIF is now a basic science platform and Laser EoS problems are insurmountable, that the only way left for LLNL to deliver on stockpile stewardship is through experiments on jasper or at nts or on Sandia's Z.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps with Bruce stepping down Stephanie can become O&B PAD...

Anonymous said...

Tomas should try to sue LLNS for unlawful termination. He got a raw deal.

Anonymous said...

Tomas should try to sue LLNS for unlawful termination. He got a raw deal.

May 1, 2013 at 1:23 PM

Oh come on! The only thing that Tomas got "raw" was his "twig" following the conference he attended. The wild screams could be heard down the hotel corridors.

Anonymous said...

I heard that all (Tomas and his entourage/underlings) had a great time at supercomputing. Though I also heard that everyone else was disgusted and disturbed.

Anonymous said...

Tomas should try to sue LLNS for unlawful termination. He got a raw deal.

May 1, 2013 at 1:23 PM

Sounds like you are missing the feel of someone's something somewhere in your body.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on! The only thing that Tomas got "raw" was his "twig" following the conference he attended. The wild screams could be heard down the hotel corridors.

May 1, 2013 at 4:54 PM

The screams were when she saw his twig.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, "I was hoping it would be so much bigger based on your arrogance!! And why is it so soft??"

Anonymous said...

Bruce Goodwin is leaving so his wife can take Don Boyd's job.

Anonymous said...

Of all the people on the LLNS team, Bruce is the most handsome and has the most presence. The security director guy is also very easy on the eyes. Dona Crawford too.

Anonymous said...

He does have a great presence

Anonymous said...

Just get a freaking room, dude. We don't need to get a glimpse into your fantasies about the guy. Yeah he's smart and good looking. Just keep it to yourself, we REALLY don't need to know.

Anonymous said...

Tomas is the one making the flattering statements about Bruce. Maybe Tomas is trying to make a comeback through ass-kissing in the attempt to be allowed to ride on the coat-tails of Bruce as he marches into his new position.

Anonymous said...

Who is Bruce Goodwin, and why does he matter to anyone?

Anonymous said...

When a Livermoron has to ask that question (without even reading the links in the lead post to find out), you can clearly see someone who is a product of a failed American education system.

Anonymous said...

"rabid rampages about how stupid Cook is"

Ah, now we're getting to the heart of the matter.
April 29, 2013 at 2:51 PM

Well said. Substitute the name of any other sponsor (or colleague) for "Cook" above, and you can see why he was not effective. Frequent, rabid rampages about how stupid everyone else is, even when it was often his own blunders that caused the problems he would rant about. When someone routinely and viciously criticizes those who are giving him a billion dollars a year, while wasting much of the money, and blaming them for the outcome of the unwise decisions you make, it is amazing that he has been working @ LLNL for so long. It is hard to understand why anyone would want to work so long in a complex for which everyone else is held in such contempt and would not find another career, working with people he could respect more. It is a shame that he could not control his destructive tendencies, because he has some good communication skill. Perhaps he has now identified a position that will not force him to work with so many stupid people with lots of funds, who will not object to vicious personal attacks on them and their staff, while he is wasting government money, acting in his own self-interest instead of the needs of the country, and making false statements.

Anonymous said...

NIF's failures were all the fault of NNSA administrators. They would have never had the failure had NNSA administrators caught onto the lies fast enough and not supported any plans for funding the project to begin with.

Anonymous said...

When a Livermoron has to ask that question (without even reading the links in the lead post to find out), you can clearly see someone who is a product of a failed American education system.

May 4, 2013 at 12:41 AM

You assume everyone who reads this blog is a Livermoron. How moronic of you. The point is, outside Livermore, no one knows or cares. And I doubt the "American education system" can be considered a failure because it doesn't teach students about who Goodwin is.

Anonymous said...

This blog has "LLNL" in the name. So if you don't care about Goodwin, then you don't care about LLNL and you are at the wrong blog. Go back into your hole in the land of enchantment losers. You LANL people are all washed up anyways. And you Sandians are all mediocre echo chamber group thinkers. Losers.

Anonymous said...

Those in the land of enchantment should learn more about their next director.

Anonymous said...

Land of Enchantment... alot of land, but not alot of enchantment. Not alot of intelligence either. Crack and meth kills brain-cells, so you LANL and Sandians need to stay away from those. And get an education.

Anonymous said...

The best activity in Albuquerque is getting on a plane to anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

The thing about these personal attacks by LLNL management against Cook is that the man is extremely intelligent and accomplished technically. He also is a true gentleman, refusing to reciprocate by stooping to the level of his attackers.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of WCI - have there been any Robert Clough sightings recently?

Anonymous said...

Do you folks remember the period around 9 years ago when LLNL ULM was going at it against Sandians? The raging and swearing against Tom Hunter up and down the halls for instance. The war drums beating where everyone was expected to hate the enemy when most LLNL employees didn't even know who Tom hunter was. The rabid frothing at the mouth, you saw repeated against NNSA administrators. Truly unprofessional behavior. You have to wonder why we should put our trust in these people who can't even control themselves. Something is truly wrong with the lab and its management. Tomas and his "unprofessionalism" destroyed any remaining credibility of the lab. You have con artists "questioning the integrity and intelligence" of their NNSA sponsors. And they make an end run around their customer to congress just because they refuse to accept responsibility for their own failure. Instead they blame the customer for "micromanagement"

LLNL is sick place. It is an unrecoverable zombie. Let's stop pretending that these managers can be reformed or that they provide any value to this nation. Parney is not a turnaround or re-org specialist and even if he was, he cannot undo the institutionalized unprofessionalism in that kleptocracy. Threads insinuating bad analysis or fabricated data by scientists at LLNL? (There is more to this than just insinuations, by the way). That is all enabled by those same kleptocracic managers who only care about "results" and what they need to finesse the situation. To them, honesty and integrity are "optional." Most organizations would never tolerate this out of their management and staff. However, LLNL implicitly encourages it.

Anonymous said...

I keep seeing references about Dela Rubia and some conference. What happened? Lemme guess. Prostitutes? Or something to do with his expense report? Those are the two obvious thing that come to my mind considering how I know nothing about this incident.

Anonymous said...

May 7, 2013 at 9:19 AM:

Why do you keep referring to these people you detest by their first names, as if they were your close friends? It just seems a little off.

Anonymous said...

Dela is not his first name. It is part of his last name.

Anonymous said...

If you work at the lab in the technical fields you would know that people use first names unless they need to disambiguate

Anonymous said...

First names for people you spend paragraphs excoriating? Seems like a little love/hate going on there. Creepy.

Anonymous said...

Here, here

May 7, 2013 at 9:19 AM

You got it right!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of WCI - have there been any Robert Clough sightings recently?

May 6, 2013 at 6:19 PM

Nope. Bret Knapp ran him off while Knapp was "at Livermore".

Anonymous said...

Buh-bye Goodwin post. About time.

Anonymous said...

I think they use the first name to intentionally flatten the power relationship. Slung mud sticks better when you also refer to them in such an informal way. Probably more of a hate/dont-know-who-you-are relationship between lowbie employees and upper level managers.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until a law-suit (from llns or from employees) compels google and the ISPs via court order to reveal the identity of some of you LLNL people posting. Would love to see who all of you are.

Victor said...

This is cool!

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