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Monday, April 29, 2013
More on VSP, VSIP
If you take the VSP, you will still be able to collect unemployment. When you file for unemployement, they will check with Lab HR and ask if you were terminate or quit, and HR will say you were terminated. That's it, no other checks.
Yes its a loop hole, but it makes some sense. You could quit right now and not get the VSP severence pay. Take the VSP you are really agreeing to being fired - in exchange for the payout. To the government you are still being fired, and entitled to unemployment benefits.
If it was a VSIP it might be different. But a VSP is the same as a forced RIF (from unemployment standpoint), difference is employees self select instead of management.
Can we some confirmation of this from any of the "barracks lawyers" in the audience? A real lawyer would work too I suppose.
April 28, 2013 at 8:44 AM
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
All we really care about is if there is, or is not, ging to be a VSP, is it open to all classifications and is there a cap on any one classification. We are all waiting for the gate to open so we can depart at mach 1. Why are they waiting so long to give us this information. Lets hope NIF is not exempt and Moses allows anyone who wants to leave to depart.
If there is a VSIP, there will be limits on at least some classifications. The Lab cannot afford to come to a standstill because one function loses too many people, too suddenly.
Puleez. What is the source of the information? 1.
1. My rear end
All we really care about is if there is, or is not, ging to be a VSP, is it open to all classifications and is there a cap on any one classification.
April 29, 2013 at 12:10 PM
Your dedication to your career and to US national security is exemplary.
April 29, 2013 at 9:48 PM
That went away the day LLNS took over and is never coming back. Game Over !
That went away the day LLNS took over and is never coming back. Game Over !
May 1, 2013 at 10:44 AM
You reap what you sow. You get the treatment you give others. Happy? Is this death spiral satisfying to you?
I wih the treatment given to others is what they receive.....
You reap what you sow. You get the treatment you give others. Happy? Is this death spiral satisfying to you?
Yes, reap what you sow. When the Laboratory treats it's employees poorly, the employees will treat the Laboratory poorly. Employees are not giving their 100%. Many are counting the days until retirement (or VSP). Many more are finding other jobs and quitting. Yes, the Laboratory is reaping what it sows.
Yes, the Laboratory is reaping what it sows.
May 2, 2013 at 9:59 AM
And so are the employees. Who do you think will suffer more? We'll put "I was right" on your tombstone.
And so are the employees. Who do you think will suffer more? We'll put "I was right" on your tombstone.
The Laboratory will suffer more. Businesses fail when they don't treat their employees well. It is not difficult for even the average Laboratory employee to get a job at another organization. Many are doing just that. I am. I'm simply waiting to see if there will be a VSP. If there is no VSP, I don't lose anything except a few more months at the Laboratory. If there is a VSP, I come out way ahead. You can put "I was right" and "I win" on my tombstone.
May 2, 2013 at 3:59 PM
Sad that you are so hopeless and helpless, so dependent on a handout from the government. LLNL will be well rid of you, no loss at all.
I used to feel that way too about those who can't wait to leave and are only staying to hold out for a handout of some sort; employees who lost their passion and are doing the bare minimum they can get away with now. While I don't agree with it and as a taxpayer myself I would rather they just leave as soon as possible, I can also understand what has driven them to feel this way.
Sad that you are so hopeless and helpless, so dependent on a handout from the government. LLNL will be well rid of you, no loss at all.
Whatever. However, I believe the Laboratory would disagree with you considering what they pay for me to bring DOE and WFO funds into the institution. It will be a loss of revenue to the organization. But yes, if the government wants to give me something for free in terms of a VSP - to pay me to do what I am already planning to do - I would be a fool not to take it. There are plenty of other individuals in the same boat. VSP or not, they win, the Laboratory loses. When employees are treated poorly, they leave. They give their employer a pink slip. It's a simple concept.
I'm a little concerned that as we come up to the end of the fiscal year, with the shortfall and no management action regarding layoffs, VSP, etc. etc. I am starting to wonder if management is intentionally stalling and creating internal confusion between themselves and NNSA so that by the time it is "too late" to do anything, that NNSA and Congress is forced to bail them out with cash, all the while crying "oh we have too many complex legal issues boo hoo, this job is soo hard, boo hoo, wa wa wa and oh by the way, NNSA administrators have questionable intelligence, boo hoo hoo, wa wa wa" all the while shedding crocodile tears.
They should take the money (if it does come, in this way), saying that it will keep hundreds employed, THEN just fire those people anyways and use the money for operating and travel expenses.
The lack of current and projected work (Project and Task numbers for you fellow Labbies), the inordinate number of folks on both the "institutional EBA list" and the Directorate EBA lists, the FY14 projected budget, and the aborted furloughs (read band-aid) all taken together seem to patently argue that either a voluntary, involuntary, or both "programs" are in the works and will be executed soon. It's a zero-sum game folks...
There will be some sort of incentive. I doubt they can afford it at this time with the CR and the relative lateness in what now passes as a fiscal year. Wait until September. You'll start hearing rumblings then.
Wait until September. You'll start hearing rumblings then.
May 3, 2013 at 4:34 PM
Wait until late 2014. You'll start hearing rumblings then. Yawn. Shut up, Chicken Little.
Why has there been NO COMMUNICATION from the SMC on this subject?? Rumors persist in all directorates, supposedly retirements have been "pulled back" would think there would be some type of communication from 111.
Keep whining. That's what they like.
Parney said next decision point was around mid-June once they had a better lay of the land.
So, don't get excited (and spun up by blog/water cooler rumors) until after mid-June.
If July rolls around with no word from Parney, then time to ping him to see what's up.
They're sticking to the exact schedule they outlined to us.
Many EBAs should refrain from taking the separation package. Non-EBAs leaving will open up positions for many EBAs blackballed be specific line and program managers. When they continue their personal vendetta against you preventing you from contributing to the programs, you will have by then collected enough proof to sue LLNS when they then try to terminate your employment. Note that this would work only if you are not a non-performer and you were unjustly put on EBA. If you just refuse to work or don't have the skills and training to do the work (lied in your interview, huh), you won't even have a pot to piss in if you are eventually terminated.
May 7, 2013 at 8:55 AM
Yes, EBA's will be used to back fill the jobs of those that leave but that will only come after management moves the people they feel are worthy of advancement into those good positions since that's the only way you can get a pay raise and then all the crap jobs that are left will be fill by the EBA's and Transition employees. If you think you're going to go from EBA to a key money making position, think at least three times. It's not going to happen. There are far to many favorites who are going to be around for decades to come. The good old boy system has been alive and well for at least 30 years I know of and from all I've seen even after the UC to LNS transition it's even worse.
So what you're saying is that management recognizes who can produce and who can't and that's a bad thing?
Favorites from the good ole boy network being placed in important roles doesn't mean that they are placed there based on merit. Always remember, LLNL does not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, and merit. Though I'll concede that in a kleptocracy, ass kissing and the ability and willingness to lie and con are what constitutes "meritorious behavior."
The only thing worse for your career than losing is refusing to play the game.
This is cool!
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