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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
This budget is dead so who cares anyway.
True. The President's budget is always "dead on arrival. The Dems will kill the increases for nuclear matters and the cuts in Social Security and Medicare, and the Repubs will kill the tax increases. I predict that the growing realization in both parties that Obamacare is going to be a huge disaster for the economy and for health care in general will swamp all the budget debates in the next 6 months.
Healthcare is already a disaster for the economy.
If your increased premium is the sustainable market rate then so be it. Better that the pool covers everyone than to have government have to step in for the uninsured. What you were getting before was effectively a subsidy on your premium. If you have a gripe, it should be at the current and actual cost of medical care and abuses by people (both private sector and government) gaming the system. And wait until you or a loved one is hit with catastrophic illness. Thankfully you'll have more protections from abuses by insurance companies with the new rules.
No let the curmudgeons pay higher rates for the actual cost they are likely to incur. Screw pooling. We are at the point where risk factors are known and correlated with future illnesses. Any true conservative would never buy into any scheme that carries people like that, giving them no incentive to live healthy lives. You're poor health outcome is your own fault. Let the young and healthy pay the lowest rates, let the older people pay high rates. Don't make one group effectively subsidize the other. And don't make government have to step in for anyone. To do so is to promote the excessive growth of your fat ass sitting on the couch all day watching Animal Planet. Everyone should pay for themselves. And get your fat lazy ass off the couch.
April 12, 2013 at 12:42 PM
It sounds as if you are arguing against the entire concept of insurance, as it has existed for hundreds of years in the US. You want everyone to pay based on risk instead of common costs (an insurance pool). Well, you may regret that when you are older. That concept devolves to everyone being "self-insured" i.e., you pay your own medical bills, no insurance company "bails you out" if you can't afford it. A true conservative might believe that, but a true libertarian would say that people should be free to establish whatever systems they want to provide health security for themselves and their families and neighbors. Government should stay the hell out of it. And government enforcement is the only way to achieve what you want. Bad idea.
typical discussion:
Title is NM Labs fare well..
and then the rants start about something completely off the mark.
Let me suggest some more topics:
gay marriage
illegal immigrants
and the list goes on.
Ok lets settle this so we do not have to talk about it.
Illegal immigrants and everyone else should have the right to bare arms. Marriage is not the governments business. If you do not like gay marriage than move to Iran.
Back to the original post. The presidents budget is dead so we have to wait and see how it will turn out for the NNSA labs. I would say that the very best this could mean and that is a big maybe is that in the end we could have no cuts or just a small cut.
Let's not forgot the ever-popular deuterium equation of state.
Let's not forgot the ever-popular deuterium equation of state.
April 14, 2013 at 8:16 PM
No, no, no! It would be much better for everyone if we forgot it!! Please spare us more NIF vs everyone else garbage!! Curse you for raising that canard again! The next person who posts about NIF or EoS on this thread will burn in hell!
Deuterium EoS will keep coming back again and again, because it is the gift that keeps on giving. We can thank LLNL for that.
I think most of the poster's are still in "Shock" regarding the News, that LANL has received a good increase. Not much to bitch about there? Huh all of you doomsdayers!
Or could their be a small sense of jealously?
I think most of the poster's are still in "Shock" regarding the News, that LANL has received a good increase.
April 15, 2013 at 8:28 AM
Not so fast. This is the President's budget PROPOSAL. Dead on arrival.
Has anyone seen anything in their crystal ball that indicates something different that just another continuing resolution for the next 'real' budget?
When the president's budget is aligned with things that the Congress wants, it's clear sailing.
The ICF program certainly took a hit in the president's budget.
When the president's budget is aligned with things that the Congress wants, it's clear sailing.
April 17, 2013 at 7:51 PM
That's old-style thinking. There is nothing "Congress" wants. Just things the Democrats, the Republicans, the Tea Party, and the Libertarians want. And they aren't the same things.
Folks, the fact is that there will be no budget, just a CR. This is because you have elected a bunch of do-nothings who can only focus on their re-election. Until you vote the bums out, it will thus be so.
Until you vote the bums out, it will thus be so.
April 18, 2013 at 8:15 PM
Which ones are the bums? You expect a complete replacement of both houses of Congress?? HaHaHaHaHa. All polls show that voters think Congress is performing horribly, but like their own Congress person. The problem isn't Congress, it is the voters. Get rid of voters who want something from the federal government!
Albright was hired because he had "connections" in DC. It appears the only connections he has is to the bottom feeders in the office of homeland insecurity. Maybe we can help him by showing him where the White House is located.
Why NM labs would fare well is beyond comprehension. Such a god-forsaken place. Their south-western cuisine is almost as bad as Tex-Mex cuisine. Shut it all down. LLNL and NIF can do all the NNSA programmatic work needed except for work requiring plutonium handling, which can be done at another existing facility. Especially Sandia and Z have got to go. The Russians got them beat on that technology anyways. It's lasers all the way.
There is a difference between southwestern and tex-mex? That's like saying there is a difference between country and western music.
April 23, 2013 at 4:15 PM obviously hates the southwest. I don't know whether that is hatred of the cuisine bleeding over to hatred of the two NM labs, but I suspect it is the reverse. Geez, if you have to justify your hatred of the labs by citing the cuisine you don't like, your rational arguments (if there are any) must not be very solid.
Its the color of chiles principally used. Or so I've been told.
That's like saying there is a difference between country and western music.
April 23, 2013 at 4:17 PM
Oh, but there IS a difference! Junkies can go on for hours on the topic. Problem is that no one except another deeply immersed fanatic gives a rat's hind end about the subject.
Fits in with most of the threads here.
Whether it be tex-mex or southwestern, it's all kinda plain, static, and boring. Modern Mexican cuisine (i.e., authentic) is much more dynamic, tasteful and interesting.
If you worked for a defense contractor in silicon valley or southern california or in the east coast, and you had the option to move to their NM office in Albuquerque, would you do it? I certainly wouldn't. The higher state taxes is more than made up for the better infrastructure, culture, and available activities year-round. For career networking purposes, being near where the action is (e.g., Google and high tech companies) is a big plus that you would lose by moving to NM. The skiing down there is nice i heard, and Santa Fe is lovely. But Albuquerque is pretty depressing. Area around Los Alamos is worse, unless you really like and need the isolation and quiet you don't get in an urban area.
Santa Fe is lovely.
April 24, 2013 at 3:33 PM
Really?? "The City Different"?? Santa Fe is full of warmed-over hippies and crazies. Trust-fund babies of all ages, just hanging out at Whole Foods and Trader Joes. Homeless people on every corner, and sometimes knifing tourists on the Plaza for not giving them money, in the middle of the day. Pretentious overpriced hotels and restaurants. Cholos willing to kill you for looking at them crosswise, and uneducated spanish girls with all-body tattoos and 50 lbs overweight with two fatherless babies and an attitude. Not my idea of "lovely." A wannabe San Francisco, without any of the class. A thoroughly dirty and depressing place to live in (and I don't).
The worst thing that ever happened to California was that, in the 1940s and 50s, the natives rightfully bragged about what a wonderful place it was. Think about the consequences of that advertisement the next time you are sitting in dead stopped traffic, or trying to get tickets. And yes, this place -- New Mexico -- is just awful, especially with all the wind and dust and pollen. You really don't want to move here -- it's a terrible place to live! And the chiles and marguaritas will surely give you heartburn.
Think about the consequences of that advertisement the next time you are sitting in dead stopped traffic, or trying to get tickets
April 24, 2013 at 7:58 PM
Or send off your next payment on a $600k mortgage on a $200k house.
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