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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
Did George W. Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ? Not looking for controversy here, just some facts from former LLNL/LANL e...
What I heard is that it is still an option. Also instead of a $120 Million dollar funding shortfall, it is now a $65 Million dollar funding shortfall.
I don't know about other departments, it seems Akima folks are getting let go every week.
The rumors are deep but what were hearing is NIF owes $32M in taxes. The lay-offs that are occurring will take care of that $32M debt and will get NIF by until June. By that time they'll confirm they're short $80M for FY14 which means they'll resolve that $80M in the same manner they're resolving the $32M. This means ~266 more to go before Dec 2013. All is on time, on schedule and all is well.
VSP and layoffs are coming. NIF has hired 2 ex-Enron accountants to put all that savings into their account.
Soon to be announced, a VSP with no incentives - just one week of pay for every year worked up to 26 weeks. They want at least 400 to take it and leave by early summer. This is to cover FY14 budget shortfalls.
Also, in summer the 10% pay reduction begins, 2 days a month forced off with no pay, this addresses sequester shortfall in FY13.
April 19, 2013 at 6:12 AM
Sorry dude, "one week of pay for every year worked up to 26 weeks" is not enoght to get rid of anyone. Better to be RIF's and laod off and draw two years of unempoyement that this chump change. Again, 2 weeks pay for every year of service or 1 years pay and 50% gone in one week.
Sorry dude, "one week of pay for every year worked up to 26 weeks" is not enough (sis) to get rid of anyone. Better to be RIF'd and laid off and draw two years of unempoyement that this chump change. Again, 2 weeks pay for every year of service or 1 years pay and 50% gone in one week.
Ding ding ding....we have a winner! tell him what he's won Johnny.
LLNS has not yet issued any WARN Notices for 2013, nor has Akima. It's a good thing to keep your eyes open though.
6:12 AM, and you know this how??
Call me cynical, but I don't expect the lab to do a VSIP. The layoff policies have been re-written to allow the lab to easily move people out the door. With a VSIP, maybe that promising employee that the lab would prefer to keep walks out the door. Without a VSIP, maybe that desired employee hangs in there. The separation pay in a RIF would be the same as people here are proposing for a VSIP so the expense to the lab would be roughly the same, and with the RIF, the lab gets rid of the people they choose.
So, kiss up to a manager if you want to stay or get on his bad side if you want to guarantee your entry into the RIF Raffle. But if there is a VSIP and you get between me and a door, you're at risk for tread marks as I beat feet.
There will be a VSP not a VSIP. No incentive, just one week of pay up to 26 weeks. If 400 employyes don't take this, then the forced RIF may happen.
There will be a VSP not a VSIP. No incentive, just one week of pay up to 26 weeks. If 400 employyes don't take this, then the forced RIF may happen.
They'll cut the oldsters....and they'll get another lawsuit....still less will get done....and morale will fall still further.
The whole lab can't consist exclusively of 20 somethings banging away on computer keyboards can it?
Perhaps it will be a Wellness "furlong" event and those crossing the finish line last get to head over to the processing center.
LLNL will likely do what LANL did back in April of 2012 with their VSP offer, except with the new severance limits imposed (26 weeks max).
I don't believe that the labs need to issue a WARN type warning period for these types of offers. It was all executed very rapidly at LANL with only two weeks allowed for staff to think about taking the offer and out the door within the next 30 days.
At LANL, the VSP "offer" was extremely attractive to a lot of staff who were fed up and ready to get out. Along with the contractors who were fired, LANL reduced the workforce by around 12% in 2012.
It your turn, now, LLNL. Enjoy!
"The whole lab can't consist exclusively of 20 somethings banging away on computer keyboards can it?" -- 8:31 AM
Yes, it can... except for the bloated management team, of course. These youngsters are: (a) energetic, (b) very cheap, (c) get much fewer benefits, and (d) don't see the labs as a long term career choice. They are a perfect fit for the new, "for-profit" NNSA science labs.
Of course, this may not be the best choice if you care about US national security but who worries about that any longer?
Maybe a VSP will be offered at the same time that the furlough goes into effect, and they give you the 26 weeks of pay at the furlough rate (-10%). Anything to save a buck.
At LANL, the VSP "offer" was extremely attractive to a lot of staff who were fed up and ready to get out.
Define "extremely attractive".
39 weeks of severance pay.
39 weeks of severance pay.
April 20, 2013 at 2:06 PM
McMillan divided that figure by 2 for future RIFs immediately after this RIF. He got a nice untaxed bonus in return for this favor.
He got a nice untaxed bonus in return for this favor.
April 20, 2013 at 8:32 PM
Right. As if you have any evidence of that. Asshole.
Why are you guys attacking the young employees? That is age-ism.
Why are you guys attacking the young employees? That is age-ism.
April 21, 2013 at 1:20 PM
Oh shut up. PC police.
Can managers or your boss make you work on furlough-like days?
No. That would be illegal.
I thought LLNL had some weird scheme that allows employees to work but the lab still stay within the law, I.e., furlough-like but not an actual furlough. Tbh sounds like there should be a lawsuit to get the courts to determine if indeed they are acting within the law.
Some bosses think they can get a 10% reduction in labor costs, and then plan for you to work on the furlough day because you're salaried.
Wow, squeezing out 10% more work by having the salaried staff continue working during those "furlough" hours coupled with the 10% reduction in salaries being skimmed of the top for the TCP1 pension.... a 20% reduction in lab salaries in the last few years with more cuts to follow.
Just great! That's they way to hire the best.
This is cool!
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