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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

How is LLNL 7 years later?

Have your LLNL facilities improved since the URS regime (Harold Conner and minions) took over in 2007? Are your facilities "world class"? How about the overall appearance of the Lab? Things are improving right?


Anonymous said...

I don't think a major new building (other than the LVOC trailers) have been build and the only facility upgrade of note is the West Cafeteria.

Basically with the annual $40 million management fee coming out of the Lab's budget, there is now little money to spend on facilities and new construction. Unless it is funded by Congress as a DOE/NNSA line item project.

Anonymous said...

The West Cafeteria was remodeled to make it worse. Why would they remodel it and remove options? There was no salad bar and now there is a small one and no sushi bar, the sandwich options wee greatly reduced, and there isn't an entree anymore. What was the point? To give more space to chips and cookies, and cut down on staff, I guess.

Anonymous said...

My building is a dump. 30+ year old fixtures, carpet and equipment. The restrooms are disgusting! Get us a damn outhouse! The HVAC works in diametric opposition to the seasons - it heats (well) in the summer and cools (fairly well) in the winter! I got it, maybe this is a new attrition strategy? Seems to be working when you look at the attrition curve.

Seriously, our building is horrible. The FPOC says there are work orders for the repairs but there is no funding to get them done. Sad state of affairs!! Does anyone in O&B understand that this is where we spend 10 to 12 hours a day?? Do they care? Google, Facebook and others are doing whatever it takes with modern facilities to attract talent and we can't even get a restroom fan fixed!! Sad. I am embarrassed to bring sponsors and clients to my building. It would be interesting to know how many times Harold Conner or Mark Martinez have to send their staff home because it is 90 degrees in their offices.

Maybe there is hope, Mark Martinez hasn't been in charge for very long so hopefully he will figure it out. As a service organization, F&I is hopeless. They have been in a constant reorganization since '07 with nothing to show for it. Nothing. Is there any leadership? Open your eyes Mark!

Unfortunately, LLNL facilities are on a steep downhill slide!

World class facilities??? Yeah, third world.

Anonymous said...

If we spent money on site improvements instead of the wasteful DOE bureaucracy, LLNL might return to the great place it was 35 years ago when I first came here.

I can't imagine starting a career here today unless it's just to mark time while I find something better--and that probably wouldn't take long.

Anonymous said...

The west cafe was remodeled for two reasons. Improve the appearance and reduce cafe staff. The project was a complete success. But based on my observations, fewer customers are shopping as a result. Did they miss the real objective?

Anonymous said...

@ 9/11 8:54

Cant argue with the wasteful DOE bureaucracy, but that is just whining about something we really don't control. We do control, however the way that we spend the few dollars that DOE does throw our way. Spend a few minutes and look at the F&I org chart, it is on their pathetic web site. Look at how many people are "managing" vs. "doing", that is where the problem is. They get something like $30M/yr to maintain a fraction of the Lab. Most of that money is wasted on do nothings like Conner/Walls/etc.

Bechtel and URS were to bring facility and operations management experience to LLNL to make us more efficient. We haven't seen it yet. Cutting services does not mean being more efficient. That is like saying if you car drive less you will get more mpg out of your car. Doesn't make sense.

Your feeble complaints are misplaced on DOE.

Anonymous said...

September 11, 2014 at 10:00 PM

This is exactly the attitude which makes the US more and more become a third world country. If Google and all the other top work places would run this way, we would already be one.

What is wrong with requesting Lab space, where there is not a mouse trap in every corner, where the roof does not leak on expensive digitizers, where the AC works in such a way that my oscilloscopes don't die? (all this happened to me at LANL). This has nothing to do with whining but all with trying to perform my work in the best way.

But that is probably just way beyond your mental horizon, so go and tell people to SFU.

Anonymous said...

Karma to you 9:49 PM. Expect it, as you expect the sun to rise.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I love the juvenile rants of the SFU/be happy you have a job trolls. They provide such interesting contributions. Obviously a C student.

Anonymous said...

September 12, 2014 at 4:44 AM

Probably not Bret, as he has no skin in the game.

More likely Martinez, Conner or Henderson with their panties in bunch because someone is dissing their dis-organization.

On second thought - the post lacks the southern gentlemen tone, so it can't be Conner and the writing style is way too sophomoric to be Martinez.

Must be Henderson. Now THERE is a piece of work!

Give him a call sometime and ask him what his strategy is for your mission critical building. Grab a cup of coffee to drink during the long pause.

Anonymous said...

Please refrain from dissing Mark Martinez, he is on the right track, it takes time to turn the titanic around...

Anonymous said...

It's been all downhill since they had to get rid of the swimming pool.

Anonymous said...

Yes the jury is still out on MM. Lets hope he can see through the BS and recognize the failed F&I mgt for what they really are. And it does take a long time to turn the Titanic around...especially when it is missing a rudder and it has a severely damaged propeller!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy all of the comments. What kills me the most, is the building across 111 the paint is pealing on the trim. This building has been photographed and is used in marketing campaigns. The library air conditioning has been off for months still limited in repairs.Building 132 has been without lights on the second floor connector since last year and like many buildings the carpet has become a tripping hazard. There is a simple solution every building needs a facility budget that neither O/B or F/I can touch. The Lab looks likes tired and very weathered.

Anonymous said...

"...The Lab looks likes tired and very weathered..."

The south and west have 1950s vintage asbestos contaminated buildings that are ancient and beaten down, and the NIF area looks like a modern 5 star golf course.
Your lab tax dollars at work.

Anonymous said...

You think Mainsite looks worn and weathered, you should see Site 300!

Anonymous said...

It took years for the chillers in B111 to be repaired. If they are that stingy with the throne room one can expect crumbs or less for the rest of the kingdom.

Anonymous said...

USEFUL and MANAGER don't belong in the same SENTENCE!!!!

September 15, 2014 at 8:30 PM

You want to deal with DOE/NNSA compliance people yourself, personally? HAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

"..."Stop whining, those that where smart enough..."

Where? Did you mean were? That about sums it up.

A LANSLLNS "setting sun" mentality. To LANSLLNS, it is payday until it is not. No real shareholder risk, carryover, or "skin in the game". What a sweetheart deal for these conjoined LLCs.

Anonymous said...

Our building looks great. They laid off a bunch of SPO's and then remodeled the bathrooms and showers shortly thereafter. If LLNL keeps laying off we can get new gym equipment and a nice salad bar at the W. Cafe.

Anonymous said...

SPOs and showers? Sounds like comments from a Security person...

Here is an idea, lay off the entire Security Organization, give the gym equipment to LLESA (for the whole Lab to use) then we can get our swimming pool back and maybe a frisbee golf course!

Oh, and give that great looking building to someone that does something useful for the Lab.

Anonymous said...

These are the times that try men's soles: the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will. in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it NOW, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph!

Anonymous said...

These are the times that try men's soles:

September 17, 2014 at 7:43 AM

I started to laugh when I read this, but then I realized you really don't know the difference between "sole" and "soul." However, I still think your advice should have been "vote with your feet."

Anonymous said...

Wow, great job at censorship, Scooby. A week of posts just disappears! No explanation, no apparent violation of the blog rules, just Scooby doesn't like them. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

Is an explanation coming?

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