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Monday, September 16, 2013

Health care at LLN Health care at LLNL


Anonymous said...

This cartoon casts light AGAIN on the insanity and constant hypocrisy of Liberalism.

The looney tunes liberals have wrecked a great country and state (Ca) and will some day get what they deserve probably a lost pension.
So I did not vote for a community organizer twice who gave speeches on the merits of letting an abortionist have their way with a baby born on the table.

When the consequences come my liberal friends, take your medicine and I can say I told you so as we eat our cat food in retirement.

In other words if you voted for the great country wrecker Obama (give the store away for a special interest vote) you have given up your right to complain when you lose your rights and your pension.

What is the most difficult to understand is Liberals still don't get it. Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

A more accurate look at the reality - both sides

Anonymous said...

I think (with all due respect) the point is not Obamacare but the insanity of trying to please every little group in order to get their vote.
If that is not a "factcheck" and completely obvious then you will never get it.

Talk about obvious look at Detroit which is all Democrat and all Unions.
Why don't you liberals retire there......they will pay you to take a house there.

Liberals and followers have elected Gov Moonbeam ($320B in debt, California). Have you seen some of the laws he is signing.

Liberals and followers have elected Feinstein who chased the Navy from our area and is just focused on guns.

Liberals and followers have elected
boxer and does anyone know what she does???????

Anonymous said...

High Deductible Health Plans are the future at all NNSA labs. Welcome to the Brave New World of continuously reduced benefits and stagnant pay at the "crown jewel" national labs that are tasked with monitoring the state of America's strategic nuclear weapons.

They just keep chiseling away, bit by bit, don't they? At least the lab managers all make obscenely high salaries, though, for being Bechtel's overlord "enforcers".

Anonymous said...

I love when a member of the stalwart right goes off on immigration and liberals like it is all that simple. Please acknowledge the hypocrisy of all the right-of-center businesses that line Republican pockets to not enforce employment law too effectively. The business world, e.g., construction, farming, meat packing, has gotten rich on immigrant labor. Of course if you believe the markets work perfectly, then that benefit has trickled down to you, Joe Consumer, too.

Meanwhile the upper middle class have lived some pretension of the 'rich and famous' lifestyle by having an immigrant cleaning woman and gardener.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile the upper middle class have lived some pretension of the 'rich and famous' lifestyle by having an immigrant cleaning woman and gardener.

September 17, 2013 at 9:48 PM

I know very few people who have these luxuries. You must be upper level management. Most of the people I know still have to do everything themselves and will for the rest of their lives. Oh and we don't need some illegal parasitic immigrant sucking up the socialized funding programs to do it for us.

Anonymous said...

I did hear due to Obamacare all rates are going up 50% next renewal.. Aren't JA's like Nancy Pelosi ( we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it ) and her cronies wonder. Glad I didn't vote for any of these morons.

Anonymous said...

You mean that warmonger Pelosi..........
All of a sudden she wants to go to war now that Obama is Prez after years and years and years of whining.

Again the point of the post is the blatant insanity and hypocrisy of Liberalism searching for that free Utopian society.
It is quite embarrassing and guess what...

YOU will never get it YOU are BLIND.

Anonymous said...

Yes sir, we are going to get screwed once again. Just got off the phone with Blue Cross and Etna and they said they were sorry but due to Obamacare their rates are going up as high as 50% this year since they are no longer allowed to raise one rate due to their current physical condition or drugs they are taking to stay well. I suspect all of us both working and retired are once again going to get the shaft.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, a lame cartoon; stale cut-and-paste arguments about Obamacare; and now Syria and Detroit.

Health Care at LLNL? Anyone with some actual facts or relevant points?


Anonymous said...

The satire of the posting (I am not sure where you have been or what kind of glasses you might be wearing) is the hypocrisy of never makes sense.

Might you have missed that, maybe on your knees praying in front of your Obama picture?

Anonymous said...

"The satire of the posting (I am not sure where you have been or what kind of glasses you might be wearing) is the hypocrisy of never makes sense.

Might you have missed that, maybe on your knees praying in front of your Obama picture?"

Uh, no moron. What I was looking for was any actual information about "Health Care at LLNL," the ostensible title of this thread. The cartoon, which is lame, casts no light upon that at all. Nor is it effective satire relative to the title.

If the point of the post was the cartoon, which is lame regardless of what one feels about Obamacare, the title should be "Tired, Unimaginative Rant About Health Care."

Anonymous said...

...the hypocrisy of all the right-of-center businesses that line Republican pockets to not enforce employment law too effectively.

September 17, 2013 at 9:48 PM

Gee, and here I thought law enforcement was an Executive Branch (now under Democratic control for about 6 years) responsibility. Silly me.

Anonymous said...

Gee, and here I thought law enforcement was an Executive Branch (now under Democratic control for about 6 years) responsibility.

Hmm, then you've never watched Congress constrict funding to Executive branch organizations to prevent what they consider excessive enforcement of laws and regulations.

And gee too, the Bush administration was really pushing the illegals across the boarder in droves. That must be why the construction industry tanked, not the financial crisis.

Anonymous said...

The cartoon is by Ben Stein a CAPITALIST, CONSERVATIVE, FINANCIAL guy.

He is disgusted with Obama insanity as many of us are and is not wearing the horse blinders or pretending like many of our countrymen and women are.

SO BEN STEIN the CAPITALIST, CONSERVATIVE, FINANCIAL guy made a satirical cartoon on the blindspot LIberalism has when forced to look in a mirror at itself and it (a liberal mentality) cannot force itself to see the obvious of how ridiculous the liberal argument is.

By the way Capitalism is the best way out of poverty for the poor.
If you take the blinders off we are pushing over 15% poverty and 48 million on food stamps under the great job creator (hates Corporate America) Obama.

Oh in the liberal mind IT IS BUSH's FAULT....

Try to see if this statement is true with obama's actions,

Obama does not work as hard as you think.
Obama is not as nice as you think.
Obama is not as smart as you think.

Anonymous said...

Oh in the liberal mind IT IS
Ok it is kind of off topic, but the health care costs are connected to current politics.

First of Ben Stein is a sad pathetic idiot. Have you seen or heard of his film expelled no intelligence allowed. It is about
teaching intelligent design over evolution. A true disgrace and any man or women of science would find this appalling and dismiss this crackpot as a matter of course.


Well one can make a case that Bush
and his culture of corruption lead to the financial collapse. Personally I am sure that that was his fault and the seeds may have been planted long before him. What you can blame Bush for was surrendering in the war on terrorism by doing exactly what the terrorist wanted, which was for the US to spend huge sums of money, give up freedom, and have everyone live in fear. Obama is keeping it going but ya that is Bush's fault.

>Try to see if this statement is >true with obama's actions,

>Obama does not work as hard as >you think.

Obama certainly works harder than you.

>Obama is not as nice as you think.

He seems like he is trying to help out the poor.

>Obama is not as smart as you think

He is certainly smarter than you. Columbia, Harvard, Senate President. He can usually speak in complete sentences. Can't say the same about Bush.

>By the way Capitalism is the best >way out of poverty for the poor.
>If you take the blinders off we >are pushing over 15% poverty and >48 million on food stamps under >the great job creator (hates >Corporate America) Obama.

Yes, but do you actually know what Capitalism is and what a free market is? I find it remarkable that people bandy these terms around yet have no true understating of what they really mean and what conditions must be meet for it to work. Corporations can exist in capitalism and in fact where originally made to legally protect investors from fraudsters and scams. Modern day Corporate American has little to do with capitalism and nothing to do with free markets. Without the rule of law and spirit of the law
the rules that allow capitalism to work on statistical levels breaks down. One can claim that Somalia and Mad Max are capitalistic with competition without government interference, yet why are they not such great places? The main problem with your argument is that Obama is simply not a socialist
as you say and yes you need to understand what a socialist is first.

September 19, 2013 at 7:11 AM

Anonymous said...

the Bush administration was really pushing the illegals across the boarder in droves. That must be why the construction industry tanked, not the financial crisis.

September 18, 2013 at 10:35 PM

Apparently you don't realize that Obama has deported many more illegals than Bush ever did.

Anonymous said...

Understood....and good argument.
Obama is smart and from Chicago..

and he excelled in the most corrupt (and the murder capital of the US, a new title they just accomplished) and I am smart enough to know what that means.

His great accomplishment as a State Senator giving speeches on the merits of letting an Abortionist have his way with a baby born on the table.
I am smart enough to know what kind of person would do that.

SO I am not that smart but I am certainly smart enough to know that because of Democratic spending that our country and state are in deep trouble.
I am smart enough to know that Democratic spending will cost you most of your pension at some point in the future.

And I am smart enough to know that the ONLY way out of this (now Democratic) mess is through CAPITALISM.

Is that smart enough?


Anonymous said...

"Is that smart enough?"

Ah Nooooooooooo

I have to admit that I actual embrace most right wing ideals. It is just the way I am, I believe in substrate, good and bad, hard work, and sacrifice. That being said I have such a hard time with some of the very small minded people that claim they embrace conservatives values. In the end I don't think they really even understand what some of these values are or what they just as the do not understand what capitalism, what socialism is, what state capitalism is. The true spectrum of these ideas is much more complex and in most societies they get mixed. I am no Obama fan but in the end of the day if a republican won we would in fact be in the exact same situation. The process is more complex.

>SO I am not that smart but I am >certainly smart enough to know >that because of Democratic >spending that our country and >state are in deep trouble.
>I am smart enough to know that >Democratic spending will cost you >most of your pension at some >point in the future.

Ok lets start here. I do not disagree with you at all, however if you actually look at Republican spending it just as much if not more. You can say that the deficit when way up when Obama got in due to the Feb pump, stimulus, bail out and so on, however literally every single economists will tell you that if a Republican president was in the exact same spending for the crisis would have happened. In fact Bush did part of that with TARP. It is all they really know what to do fight economic crisis. I can pretty much guarantee this as a fact. If you hate Democrats you should also hate Republicans in the end they act almost the same at this point. It was not always this way but since about 1980 this has been the case. Sure you have Rand and a few others but these guys are very rare today. If Rommney would have been president not a single dime less would have been spent.

>and he excelled in the most >corrupt (and the murder capital >of the US, a new title they just >accomplished) and I am smart >enough to know what that means.

Kind of, Chicago is always edgy but as the murder capital that all depends on where you live in Chicago. There is also fabulous wealth and entrepreneurship. You see it is not black and white.

>And I am smart enough to know >that the ONLY way out of this >(now Democratic) mess is through >CAPITALISM.

First of all you have to be sure we are in a mess. We may be in decline but we may not be as bad off as you say. The mess is not Democratic in fact the mess may be due the corruption of the modern corporation just as robber barons become corrupt. You could say that the modern corporations are cheering for capitalism but in really they are not the last thing they want is a rule of law state that allows for fair competition.
In other words the modern corporate state is anti-capitalism, it is more like a neo feudalism. There are certain conditions that must be meet to say you have a free market, we no longer have them

Anonymous said...

Health care discussion anyone?

Anonymous said...

No to Healthcare discussion lol.

I think we agree on many points except one factor that would help our hurting country is to help Corporate America bring in their trillion(s) and trillions of overseas money into the US.
And my perceptions are
that our prez because of ego and ideology will not do what is best for the country and lower corporate tax rates for this to happen.
I know Apple has 100B overseas, Cisco 40-60B, etc.....
I would definitely make an argument that the stock market is up DESPITE our narcissistic Prez.

As a conservative I can't be wrong on every issue and we are screaming at our fellow countrymen at the top of our lungs to look at this ideologue we have elected Prez who promised to bring us all together and has just been fibbing his way through life...............

The sad fact is that with the electoral process we may have a progressive Prez for the next 20 yrs because of a change in the demographics ((special interest groups) of the US and that my friends, will kill our country.

Our children even today do not and will never have the opportunities that we have enjoyed and I will argue that whatever happened and who's fault it is was always reversible until we pass the rubicon and my fear is that we are there and the fatherless Obama subconscious is satisfied that America is ruined.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what benefits and/or compensation you receive if you are a DOE/LLNL/UC/LLNS/Hewitt (not tongue in cheek) TCP-2 retiree living out-of-state (moved away from California after you retired)? Thanks in advance for your help!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, neglected to add that I was requesting your assistance concerning out-of-state Health Care benefits . . .
"Does anyone know what benefits and/or compensation you receive if you are a DOE/LLNL/UC/LLNS/Hewitt (not tongue in cheek) TCP-2 retiree living out-of-state (moved away from California after you retired)? Thanks in advance for your help!"

Anonymous said...

The answer will be different for 2014 than for 2013, since LLNS and LANS are changing the health plans for employees and non-medicare retirees for next year. Employees have already received info, and I am told Hewitt is sending out info to retirees soon for open enrollment. There will be only two plans - a PPO plan (with "updated plan features") and a ""High-Deductible Health Plan." Medicare retirees will see no changes for 2014. I have seen no info yet on portability of either of the two new plans. I assume out of pocket costs will go up drastically for both, unless you take the HDHP and never go to the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Habeib Khan:

As pathetic as this trolling ad is, it might still be the most worthwhile thing on this thread.

Anonymous said...


More Habeib!

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