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Thursday, December 5, 2013

UC Screening Task Force for the selection of the new LLNL Director:

Marvin Adams Screening Task Force Chairman HTRI Professor of Nuclear Engineering Director, Institute of National Security Education and Research Texas A&M University William Jeffrey President & CEO, HRL Labs, LLC Former Director National Institute of Standards and Technology Steven Beckwith LLNS Board of Governors Vice President for Research & Graduate Studies University of California Office of the President Michael Nacht Thomas and Alison Schneider Professor of Public Policy University of California, Berkeley Frances Alston Director Environment, Safety & Health Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Natalie Roe Physics Division Director Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory John Browne Director Emeritus Los Alamos National Laboratory John Sarrao Associate Director Theory, Simulation & Computation Los Alamos National Laboratory Robert Byer Co-Director Stanford Photonics Research Center Department of Applied Physics Stanford University Cliff Shang Director of Laboratory Strategic Infrastructure Weapons & Complex Integration Directorate Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory John Edwards Associate NIF Director for ICF & HED NIF & Photon Science Directorate Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Bruce Tarter Director Emeritus Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Mary Gilly Vice Chair Universitywide Academic Senate University of California Office of the President Larry Welch Trustee Emeritus and Senior Fellow Institute for Defense Analyses Omar Hurricane Distinguished Member of Technical Staff Weapons & Complex Integration Directorate Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Crystal Jaing Scientist Group Leader, Applied Genomics Physical & Life Sciences Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Ann Willoughby (Staff to Task Force) LLNS Assistant Secretary Director Laboratory Governance UC Laboratory Management Office November 30, 2013 at 8:22 AM


Anonymous said...

The real action to select the next Director will be by the search committee. This collection on the screening task force has much less impact than some have suggested.

Anonymous said...

So, who's on the search committee?

Anonymous said...

If Director Parney had to go because he tried to help LLNS employees during the shutdown and other budget related challenges, why not give the man credit for doing so?

Acknowledging the reason for Parney Albrights sudden departure sheds light on the new Director search criteria.

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