Brian Williams Offers Clarification About 2003 Iraq Incident
This is where he claimed to be shot down in a Chinook helicopter, which turns out be complete bunk, and has retold the story several time, even on Letterman.
With rumors page, who can you believe? Do the lab leaders lie?
Give examples without names.
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Thursday, February 5, 2015
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
From the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence:
Ransom Stoddard: You're not going to use the story, Mr. Scott?
Maxwell Scott: No, sir. This is the West, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.
uh, the little fib told to congressfolks about NIF and ignition for political pull
LANS was going to turn LANL "around".
Compare the all-hand's memo on the WIPP investigation with the e-mail trail that was published in the Santa Fe newspaper. What some would term creative writing, others would simply call lies.
"There will NEVER be a RIF or VRIP or VSP, so don't wait around for one..."
LANS Management, date?
2012 LANS Voluntary Separation Program (VSP)......
Told by management that promotions are "primarily" merit based... ok. Seems to be some real bias lately.
NIF will achieve fusion in ....2012, 2013, 2014....
What's far worse than Brian Williams exaggeration is a fellow LLNL scientist appropriating (i.e. stealing) another's simulation results and the new concepts derived from the simulations and claiming them as their own "revelation". Happened to me. The highly ranked laser scientist thief got away with it too, got a huge raise, left the lab and started a local company. Sorry to bitch ! Lab management would do nothing to the golden boy.
Sandia has been known to have a serious problem with plagiarism:
LANS was going to turn LANL "around".
February 6, 2015 at 4:17 AM
Let's get specific here:
"Were going to turn LANL into a fine-tuned Laboratory, like Livermore, at Livermore, etc...."
Anastasio, Knapp, McMillan, Mara
Chinese intelligence phishing...
How are your lovely Uighers and Tibetan citizens fareing there Chinaboy?
Tyler Pryzbylek
Substantially equivalent benefits
The truth is so precious, it must be protected by a bodyguard of lies.
Lord Winston Churchill
Butthead cowboys
Peter "the quisling" Nanos
Yes Dear, that's six inches
Cho En Lai
It was a spontaneous mob action protest
Hillary "We got a million of 'em" Clinton
The crusades and ISIS are morally equivalent
Prof. Barak Hussein O'bama
(the last person of middle eastern descent who will be president in this millenium)
My budget balances
100% of US Presidents.
The CPI accurately measures the effects the effect of price increases on US citizens.
The death camps are a lie. They never existed. It is Zionist propoganda.
Adolf Hitler
Josef Goebbels
Josef Megele
Ayalltolah Khomeni
Wahabi schools
Just jump into that ditch and then we'll let you be.
Timur the lame.
Ghengis Khan and family
Balkan sects
Nazi sects
Sunni sects
Shia sects
There is no God.
Bill Maher
I will be leaving for the front tomorrow, My Love.
Universal soldier
Anonymous said...
There is no God.
Stalin thought himself a God.
Satan believes is God, he is just hates him.
Mao was put initially supported by the United States.
Bill Maher
Bill Maher also has a problem with ISIS and Muslims so if you hate Bill Maher you are for ISIS.
February 7, 2015 at 4:49 PM
The crusades and ISIS are morally equivalent
Prof. Barak Hussein O'bama
(the last person of middle eastern descent who will be president in this millenium)
February 7, 2015 at 4:40 PM
Barak, never said that, he said that horrible crimes have been committed in the name of Christianity. This is not really a controversial statement. Are the crusades morally equivalent to ISIS, yes but that was long time ago. Christianity has for the most part evolved over the last 2000 years to a more rational place where the modern believers leave out most of the bad stuff and keep the good things. The same is true for certain parts of the Muslim world, so I would say progress is being made. It may not seem like that at times but the world is much safer now than before.
Bring up a crime of the past, long atoned for, in order to excuse a crime of the present. The act of a juvenile, narcissistic, self-involved person ignorant of history and it's lessons. Is anyone else thoroughly embarrassed by this poor excuse for a President? I cannot wait for him to be gone! What a jerk.
Is anyone else thoroughly embarrassed by this poor excuse for a President? I cannot wait for him to be gone! What a jerk.
February 7, 2015 at 9:29 PM
Yes, I am so glad that Bush is gone, indeed a poor excuse for a President. The followup was not much better but pretty much the same.
McMcMillan telling us "to follow the money" and not telling us where it is.
LANS Deputy Lab Director (Beth Sellers) going to the Santa Fe Opera on a business meeting in the front row with her husband paid for by U.S. taxpayers, hiring him without competing the position, McMillan not informing us about this (i.e. cover-up), protecting her, and then not firing her......and then punishing employees with Ethic Training 101.
On August 27, 1999, E. Michael Campbell resigned as associate director for lasers at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory after faxes sent to officials at Livermore and the Department of Energy revealed that Campbell lacked a Ph.D., as The New York Times later reported.
Looking back two decades, the nuclear program can reasonably claim the first X-ray laser, but the results may never be published openly, making it the oddest of all laser firsts. It’s not clear why Edward Teller and Lowell Wood were so overly optimistic about the weapon scheme. As theoretical physicists, did they fail to understand engineering issues? Were they trying to claim more than their share of glory, or were they too involved with the idea to see its failings? Or were they trying to fool the Soviets into thinking that a new generation of American super-weapons would soon make their nuclear arsenal obsolete? I suspect all those factors were involved, and we may never know their relative importance.
McMillan "promised" that the NUMSUP would be finished before the end of the year. And, he "promised" it again. And, then he "promised" it a third time. It was not completed by the end of the year. Lie, or just business as usual for McMillan? Each person must decide on their own what he did.
McMcMillan telling us "to follow the money" and not telling us where it is.
February 8, 2015 at 8:08 AM
The ironical issue when McMillan informed us to "follow the money" was for the most part he informing us the LANL Transuranic Program (LTP). Oh, there was money there alright, a $56 M bill placed on McMillan's "tab", by the New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED). That's a lot of lobster, steaks, and wine.
How long has the Weapons Engineering Tritium Facility (WETF) been promised to become operational for gas transfer system (GTS) function tests? 8-years and counting, hum, that's interesting, isn't that when LANS won the contract? Lies and more lies.....
Are the crusades morally equivalent to ISIS, yes but that was long time ago.
February 7, 2015 at 6:29 PM
The president and his supporters really ought to take a history class (or two or three or ...). While the links below are conservative or conservative-like sites, they describe the crusades in proper historical context.
No. The crusades and ISIS are not morally equivalent.
If you like your current health insurance plan, you can keep it.
Sometimes people promise more in good faith than they can deliver. That is not a "lie." Sometimes people make a statement in error. That is not, necessarily, a "lie." Sometimes a situation can change unexpectedly. That does not make the previous description of it a "lie."
It's always a good rule of thumb not to hold people to a standard you would not want to be held to.
Jeff Yarbrough (LANL AD for Plutonium and Manufacturing) at a recent all-hands indicating he was no longer providing TA-55 restart project management schedules because "he got burned too many times by providing false re-start schedules".
"Bechtel would provide "world class" construction management, engineering, and project management to LANS" - Current Grade: F.
The competition for the current LANS Lab Director and President, which McMillan was selected, was competed in a fair and open competition with no biases or prejudices.
"e president and his supporters really ought to take a history class (or two or three or ...). While the links below are conservative or conservative-like sites, they describe the crusades in proper historical context.
No. The crusades and ISIS are not morally equivalent. "
Yes they are pretty much equivalent. The sites you point to are revisionist history, by people who have no understanding whatsoever of history. Try thinking for yourself next time.
Apparently you don't know that the crusades were primarily instigated by an Islamic jihad into Europe. Sure, bad stuff was committed, but 1000 year old offenses do not excuse present day atrocities.
Sometimes people promise more in good faith than they can deliver. That is not a "lie." Sometimes people make a statement in error. That is not, necessarily, a "lie." Sometimes a situation can change unexpectedly. That does not make the previous description of it a "lie."
It's always a good rule of thumb not to hold people to a standard you would not want to be held to.
February 8, 2015 at 1:16 PM
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The competition for the current LANS Lab Director and President, which McMillan was selected, was competed in a fair and open competition with no biases or prejudices.
February 8, 2015 at 1:34 PM
"Apparently you don't know that the crusades were primarily instigated by an Islamic jihad into Europe. Sure, bad stuff was committed, but 1000 year old offenses do not excuse present day atrocities.
February 8, 2015 at 5:16 PM"
Apparently you believe a propaganda about the crusades that is not backed by any fact but is supported by right wing fanatics. Christianity has plenty of blood on it's hands, look what happened to the native populations in North and South America. Oh that's right the Christian Spanish where simply responding to an eminent invasion from the New World so they where justified. I get that you do not like Obama however his comments about Christianity are correct. Luckily most modern day Christianity is very different from what it was like in the past.
the Christian Spanish where simply responding to an eminent invasion from the New World so they where justified.
February 8, 2015 at 8:17 PM
Not "imminent" (you didn't mean "eminent") but already in place and carried out for almost 100 years. Your hatred of Christianity and of religion in general blinds you to clear historical facts. PS: North and South America are the prime beneficiaries of Christian benevolence and charity. You need to get over your atheistic hatred.
" PS: North and South America are the prime beneficiaries of Christian benevolence and charity."
Wow, just wow. I bet you really love celebrating Columbus day. You are one evil dude.
I love the competition in this thread between legitimate "lies" and the Crusades. Man I love this Blog. It's like the "good ole days" when LANL and LLNL workers could express their opinion openly in a real debate without retaliation.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I love the competition in this thread between legitimate "lies" and the Crusades. Man I love this Blog. It's like the "good ole days" when LANL and LLNL workers could express their opinion openly in a real debate without retaliation.
February 9, 2015 at 5:54 AM"
In some sense the argument about the crusades is about lying. You can argue that it is a lie that crusades where about "liberating the holy land". The crusades where really just a rational and moral response to Islamic terrorism encroaching into Europe.
You need to get over your atheistic hatred.
February 8, 2015 at 9:32 PM
You know almost all the original scientists who where working on the bomb where atheists, including Edward Teller.
McMcMillan telling us "to follow the money" and not telling us where it is.
February 8, 2015 at 8:08 AM
I "followed the money" from Charlie "GQ" McMillan's All-Hands talk several years ago and I found it! It's in his bulging bank account. Go figure?
You know almost all the original scientists who where working on the bomb where atheists, including Edward Teller.
February 9, 2015 at 7:22 AM
So what? Not all atheists hate religion. Besides, I suspect their atheism in some ways allowed them to accept the carnage they were about to cause. Too bad the object of their work was defeated before they were ready.
You know almost all the original scientists who where working on the bomb where atheists, including Edward Teller.
February 9, 2015 at 7:22 AM
... and jewish.
... and jewish.
February 9, 2015 at 9:32 AM
Hence their hatred of the Nazis, who also espoused atheism.
"Besides, I suspect their atheism in some ways allowed them to accept the carnage they were about to cause."
This is not supported by statistics. Scientists in general are usually atheists. 93 percent of the members of the National Academy of Sciences are atheist. So only a small percentage of scientists are believers. It might be interesting to plot the fraction of atheists at the lab as function of time and correlate it with the quality of science at the labs. Teller was an atheist long before he worked on the bomb.
Self descibed, atheists are hopeless.
Self described, baptized are saved.
They are both right, PHD not withstanding
Christian evangelization brought and brings salvation to billions of souls worldwide. Nothing compares.
Some reject salvation, as it has been said, like a pearl before swine.
Those who can hear, let them hear.
Islam has brought and brings the truth that Allah alone is the only TRUTH in the universe to billions of souls worldwide. Nothing compares.
Some reject the truth, as it has been said, like a pearl before swine.
Those who can hear, let them hear.
93 percent of the members of the National Academy of Sciences are atheist.
February 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM
Citation please. Otherwise you are just another troll.
Edward J. Larson and Larry Witham: "Leading Scientists Still Reject God." Nature, 1998; 394, 313
"But a recent survey published in the leading science journal Nature conclusively showed that the National Academy of Science is anti-God to the core. A survey of all 517 NAS members in biological and physical sciences resulted in just over half responding. 72.2% were overtly atheistic, 20.8% agnostic, and only 7.0% believed in a personal God. Belief in God and immortality was lowest among biologists. It is likely that those who didn’t respond were unbelievers as well, so the study probably underestimates the level of anti-God belief in the NAS. The unbelief is far higher than the percentage among scientists in general, or in the whole population. "
By the way why are you surprised by this?
February 9, 2015 at 10:21 PM
If this is supposed to support the claim made by 6:00 PM, it is weak at best, and misrepresentative of the data. A better summary would be: "In a survey published in 1998, just over 36.1% of the NAS members in biological and physical sciences self-identified as overt atheists."
February 10, 2015 at 3:46
Wrong it said 72.2% were overtly atheistic, 20.8% agnostic. That leaves 7% believers.
February 10, 2015 at 6:43 AM
Go back and study the survey results, then re-read what February 10, 2015 at 3:46 AM said. He is absolutely correct, since half of the members did not respond and no one knows the answer from them. Thus "just over 36.1% of the NAS members in biological and physical sciences self-identified as overt atheists" is a correct statement. I hope you are not a scientist; or maybe you are a "climate scientist" since they are also skilled at manipulating data.
Hey 8:50 AM, take it easy on 6:43 AM. It may be one of the best and brightest that was leading the WIPP explosion investigation for LANL.
I think we "beat the crusades to death" in this blog line. Any final comments, anybody? Otherwise I regard this horse as "being beat to death".
You can"regard" anything you want. You expect anyone to care? Why?
February 10, 2015 at 8:50 AM
You have every heard of something called a "representative sample"? The are often used in a subject called "science". A safe conclusion to say is that over 90% of the members of NAS are non-believers. I might add that your thoughts about global warming give away your right wing ignorance.
February 10, 2015 at 8:54 PM
Your data analysis is flawed, as is your knowledge of statistics. The survey sample was never, nor was it represented to be, "representative." That goal was not even attempted by the survey. The recent revelations about "climate scientists'" "adjustments" of global temperature data is obviously news to you. Well, your confirmation bias would never let you consider it anyway. Suffice it to say that what your ilk wants will never happen. Just a question: what would you do if all carbon emissions were stopped tomorrow and the declaration were made that human-caused climate change was prevented, yet the climate kept changing, as it always has?? Surely, as a scientist, you cannot deny that historical "warming periods" and "little ice ages" were NOT the result of human intervention?
I think we "beat the crusades to death" in this blog line. Any final comments, anybody? Otherwise I regard this horse as "being beat to death".
February 10, 2015 at 5:28 PM
With Goldstein's whip?
The GOP care's about the middle-class. :lol
The GOP care's about the middle-class. :lol
February 11, 2015 at 1:11 PM
If you only vote for people you think "care about you" you are a very low-information voter and should probably just stay home so the adults can vote faster.
"If you only vote for people you think "care about you" you are a very low-information voter and should probably just stay home so the adults can vote faster.
February 11, 2015 at 1:22 PM"
Dam straight and that is why I vote for Dale Earnhardt every election. I know he does not care bout me cause he dead an all, but he is a great man, much better than atheists and global warmest people and stuff. Red state Merica yaall, Alabama beats Connecticut any day of week.
Show me someone who doesn't lie to promote their agenda and I'll wash thier feet.
POS, your world is very dark and hopeless. Much like yourself.
Show me someone who doesn't lie to promote their agenda and I'll wash thier feet.
February 12, 2015 at 12:49 PM
Well that certainly would not be Jesus, seeing as Jesus definitely had an agenda that he was trying to push.
"POS, your world is very dark and hopeless. Much like yourself.
February 12, 2015 at 2:08 PM"
This is true but will this not also the fate of us all if we stay at the privately run NNSA labs. We either sell our souls, drink the Kool-Aid, go mad, or try and do your best to just end up extremely bitter. All these scenarios end the same way...dark and hopeless. We can make fun of POS all we want but POS is our future.
"This is true but will this not also the fate of us all if we stay at the privately run NNSA labs"
Huh? What part of that statement is English? Missing a verb somewhere?
"We can make fun of POS all we want but POS is our future."
February 12, 2015 at 9:39 PM
You can choose the "dark side" if you want to. I always though that the exceptional education and ability that got you a job at LLNL meant that you would have multiple opportunities open to you for your career. With your (and POS's) lack of vision and ambition you deserve what you get. Nobody owes you a living.
Obama owes me a living, and another cell phone.
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