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Friday, February 20, 2015

Where does LANS Management go from here on the WIPP event?

Where does LANS Management go from here on the WIPP event?

1. "Run down the clock" by claiming "attorney client 
privilege", etc., to slow or impair the IG investigation 
so they can exit with minimal cost liability? 

2. Select a path that LANS believes will preserve the 
most profit on their way out?

3. In good faith negotiate the slippery slope by clearly 
admitting and identifying in detail the LANS issues 
or failures that created the WIPP problem while not 
setting themselves up for dollar liability?

4. Other?


Anonymous said...

LANL, the "premier" research laboratory operated by LANS, will do palms up shoulder shrugs to DOE and "run down the clock". LLNS wishes they could serve LANS with divorce papers to avoid financial entanglements. Sorry LLNS, your spouse in NM already ran up the credit cards in the 50-100 million dollar range.

Anonymous said...

And, of course, the long-suffering spouse (LLNS) has already grabbed half the community property (the enduring stockpile).

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