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Monday, May 29, 2017

Fire raises questions about Los Alamos lab

A recent fire has put a national laboratory’s ability to operate safely into question.

The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board announced Friday that it will hold a hearing next month to discuss the future of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported. The board is an independent panel that advises the U.S. Department of Energy and the president.

A fire broke mid-April at the lab’s PF-4 plutonium building, where the plutonium cores of nuclear weapons are produced. Lab officials said that the fire was put out quickly and caused only minor injuries.

According to the report, the board is unsure whether the lab is fit to continue to operate and handle increasing quantities of plutonium in coming years after a series of problems with management in maintenance and cleanup.


Anonymous said...

Correct link,

Anonymous said...

The almighty DNFSB has been destroying nuclear power, nuclear facilities, and nuclear research in the United States for decades. When the lights go out, you can blame the DNFSB. They are know nothing, do nothing bureaucrats of the highest order. It is high time they resigned in shame for the billions of dollars of damage they have caused.

Anonymous said...

Kind of a red herring. The fire was because of cleaning up the decades of accumulated crap, not because of actual operations.

Anonymous said...

Piling on before the LANL contract change. The DNFSB could not manage a one car parade themselves, but they want headlines to keep their budget up.

Everybody is going to be piling on LANL since the contract is terminal. Get it over with soon.

Anonymous said...

This is fake news that is self serving for a single entity. The DNFSB. The public is hammered by the press on Trump and collusion with Russia, yet the American people should know that it is the self serving bureaucrats like the DNFSB and the enviroNazis that gave put this country in the toilet and our security in jeopardy!

Anonymous said...

Fake news?

Seriously? There was an actual fire (of minimal overall significance) and the DNFSB is actually holding a public hearing. All of that is unquestionably real.

Now I would agree that the DNFSB is milking issues at LANL. I would also agree that the DNFSB tends to be irresponsible more often than not. But you do those arguments no service by discrediting them in advance with this silly 'Fake news" tag that is already losing its cache.

Anonymous said...

"Fake News" doesn't mean that it's not real. It means that it is not "news".

Anonymous said...

The fact that the DNFSB is fake isn't news. They've been an exclusive club of worthless posers for decades.

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