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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA. The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore, The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them. THIS BLOG WILL NOT POST ANY MAGA PROPAGANDA OR ANY MISINFORMATION REGARDLESS OF SOURCE. Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted. Blog author serves as a moderator. For new topics or suggestions, email

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Impeachment impact

Suppose Trump is impeached in the next few months and some are saying that this is going to happen, what does this do for the contract changes? It may not even be Pence who stays they may say Russia had hold of the whole administration and we have to put Hillary in charge? What happens than to the labs and NNSA?


Anonymous said...

Words fail.

May 18, 2017 at 6:48 PM

Maybe words fail you but someone is just considering possibilities. There is now online betting saying that there is 30% that Trump will be gone before his first term. Perhaps Pence comes in and things stay the course, however that is not going to be very satisfying, so it may very well be possible that that someone else altogether will come in. I would guess Ryan but again I think many people are pushing for absolute victory and want to put Hillary in charge. Many people think we are headed somewhere that is not good either way.

Anonymous said...

The DOE and NNSA are comprised of We Bees. We Be Here before you came, We Be Here after you go.

The AEC survived Nixon, DOE survived Clinton (although Hazel O'Leary did a good job of wrecking havoc). The labs will muddle through this political storm as well.

Anonymous said...

I would guess Ryan but again I think many people are pushing for absolute victory and want to put Hillary in charge.

Hillary in charge? I'm sad for you.

Anonymous said...

If it is indisputably discovered that the Trump Campaign colluded or collaborated (or whatever the case may be) with the Russian Government to interfere with our normal democratic practices to procure the presidency for Donald Trump, something that at this point certainly seems more likely than unlikely, then I propose a scenario I have not heard anyone, anywhere even hypothesize. There is certainly no legal precedent for the path forward I’m about to lay out, but let’s remember that there was no precedent for Bush v. Gore either. Everything that has ever happened in the history of this country, from the mundane to the unimaginable, had a “first time.” Here’s what I’m proposing.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump and his family may not be evil incarnate, but they are certainly among the greatest con artists ever. The Donald has flat lied about just about everything, it has been calculated that he has averaged ~ 5 lies per day since elected. He constantly cries for his mommy;"So unfair to me, so unfair". His approach to the Presidency of the most powerful nation on earth is " If you're a star you can do anything ...", and he has, grabbing more than 30% of the voting public by their ++++s and leading them to the voting booths.

The sooner we get rid of this cry baby, the better for this nation of achievers not born with Daddy's riches, like the Donald was.

Anonymous said...

Severe TDS is rampant. Seemingly intensely communicable among a certain cohort. Not fatal (usually) but quite painful to those who suffer it, and laughable to those who don't.

Anonymous said...

Trump is on the way out, nothing can stop that now. There are a number of sources talking about overturning the election, will this mean Hillary comes in, probably not but Trump is out.

Anonymous said...

So how is it that ANYONE is talking seriously about impeachment?

May 19, 2017 at 8:16 PM

What??? are you not watching the news, reading the papers, EVERYONE is at least talking about the possibility of impeachment or resignation, or removal. Even his cowriter of his good "Art of the Deal" said he will quit.

Anonymous said...

What are you going to impeach him for, Demmy?

May 19, 2017 at 10:14 PM

Hey watch some TV news, read a paper, go online, all the news is about Trump
being impeached, getting through out or how his presidency wont last. Are you saying you know better than thousands of journalists who's job it is to get to the bottom of these things are wrong?

Anonymous said...

As if the unconstitutional and illegal "removal" of the president wouldn't cause a very bloody civil war. Nobody is that stupid.

Anonymous said...

It didn't escape our attention, despite having watched TV news, having read the papers, and having gone online that 10:58 PM wasn't able to answer the question "what are you going to impeach him for?"

He doesn't have ANY idea, yet he continues to post his garbage.

10:58, are you getting paid by the despicable Dimocratic National Committee to post liberal llies? What do you get paid per lie?

Anonymous said...

"what are you going to impeach him for?"

Blathered May 20, 2017 at 8:57 AM

Well, hmmm, how about obstruction of justice for starters. That seems to have been in previous articles of impeachment that worked.

Anonymous said...

That's right, obstruction of justice would be a good starting point. There are also other reasons, such gratuitous nepotism, disclosure of highly classified information, stunning incompetence and obvious mental illness (which manifests as brain constipation combined with the diarrhea of the mouth).

You can curse "liberals" all you want, all this tells us is that you spend hours daily listening to Rush, Hannity, and Savage. It's not clear that "liberals" are actually that much interested in getting Trump impeached. All that would mean is President Pence. It's the Republicans, who are largely silent in public but are very worried about the long-term survival of their party, as the Trump bomb explodes and takes out everything in the near proximity.

Remember, Trump is not a conservative in any sense, he was a registered Democrat for many years. He doesn't care about the principles of the Republican party. Or any other principles for that matter, other than himself. It's hard to know what he is thinking, or if he's thinking at all.

Anonymous said...

Look, the reality is we cannot live with a daily scandals, real or not, the perception is that Trump cannot be president so it is just a matter of time before he is not president. He does not need to be impeached to be thrown out, if a president proves mentally incompetent to hold office he must be dismissed. Is Trump crazy, well it does not matter the perception of him at home and abroad is that he is crazy and again it is only a matter of time until he is removed. What does this mean for the labs if anything, probably more continuing resolutions. A safe bet would be this whole thing may take a some time and it will not end simply end with Trump being gone, Pence could come in but in short order he will have to be removed because this whole Russian thing could be deeper than you thing. Ryan,...he may have known about what is going on as well. In fact the entire 2016 election is really suspect and could represent that take over from a foreign power. It may be take a bit of time but all these people will fall and true democracy will be restored and we must make sure that something like this never ever happens again, ever. Be strong my friends by strong.

Anonymous said...

He does not need to be impeached to be thrown out, if a president proves mentally incompetent to hold office he must be dismissed. Is Trump crazy, well it does not matter the perception of him at home and abroad is that he is crazy and again it is only a matter of time until he is removed.

May 20, 2017 at 4:34 PM

Whether you know it or not, and you probably don't, you are talking about the 25th Amendment, which was passed after the Kennedy assassination. Read the fine print before you blather here. Trump cannot under our Constitution, "be removed." Get used to government by law. You make it sound like we are a banana republic, subject to tyranny by the masses, when in reality we are a constitutional republic, and will remain so, or will die as a country (maybe that is what you want). In any case, your infantile ignorance of our system of government is laughable.

Anonymous said...

"a constitutional republic, and will remain so, or will die as a country (maybe that is what you want)."

A constitution written by white cis straight christian privileged males. Perhaps it is time to evolve. Egypt had pharaohs thousands of years and if they had blogs they would they would have conservatives saying how Egypt has always had pharaohs and that is a good thing. Perhaps it is time for the US to evolve past pharaohs. Change can be scary but it can be good. The current United States emerged from Monarchy Rule and it was good, South Africa emerged from Apartheid and it was good, a new Germany emerged after Fascism and it was good, modern Europe and Canada are so ahead of us in many ways. Perhaps we need to change, have you ever thought about that? France did not elect LePenn yet we elected Trump, how can you explain that other than the worship of capitalisim so worshiped by conservatives.

"the President has absolute authority to declassify it whenever and for whatever reason he chooses. "

That is for a rational and sane President not the one we have, so the rules does not apply. We need to look more closely into the 25th. Amendment it may be our nations only hope.

Anonymous said...

Obstruction of justice? What obstruction of justice?

Did you just make that up?

Anonymous said...

His best attribute is he is not Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Keep posting. The pleasant surprise of this election is the enduring silly anguish of butthurt liberals. They fear their nightmares...

In a solid 50/50 electorate little if any new initiatives will be accomplished. It will be maintaining the status quo and responding to urgent mostly external crises no matter who is in office.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that a big enough "external crisis" can change the status quo immensely and permanently unless there are clear-headed, steady, experienced adults to deal with it. There aren't any.

Anonymous said...

May 20, 2017 at 9:28 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obstruction of justice? What obstruction of justice?

Did you just make that up?

May 20, 2017 at 10:09 PM

Clear evidence of the stupidity and arrogant ignorance of Trump diehards. A clear mandate for intelligence test requirements for voting privileges, is not mandatory operations to prevent reproduction and future litters of morons.

Anonymous said...

So you DID just make it up. No specifics, just deflection.

Anonymous said...

"The problem is that a big enough "external crisis" can change the status quo immensely and permanently unless there are clear-headed, steady, experienced adults to deal with it. There aren't any.

May 21, 2017 at 7:05 AM"

This is my fear as well. If we have something like a 9/11 he will set up a life size golden stature, marry a horse, order the military to attack the sea and collect seashells, than declare himself God.

Anonymous said...

"Clear evidence of the stupidity and arrogant ignorance of Trump diehards. A clear mandate for intelligence test requirements for voting privileges, is not mandatory operations to prevent reproduction and future litters of morons. "

Hmmmm, why not just come out say what you really want to say. Such attempts have been tried a few times before in history which had some "interesting" results to say the least. In any case what makes you think you would be allowed to vote or reproduce after such a mandate is put in place? You might get by on the first mandate but than there will be more and more mandates after that and eventually you will also be on the "bad list".

Anonymous said...

Why is the word pragmatic not used in blogs?

Anonymous said...


We've already had "something like 9/11". Assad used chemical weapons on his people. The very same chemical weapons that Obama told us Russia took care of. What a lie that was. So what did Trump do? Trump bombed Assad's airbase, the airbase used in the chemical weapons attack. Many Democrats applauded his actions. He didn't do any of the things you mindlessly blathered on about.

Why don't you give your keyboard a rest? You've abused it enough already and you're not convincing a single person that they should become a liberal nutcase like yourself.

Anonymous said...

Liberals, especially the ones who call themselves "progressive", just ignore laws and processes in their quest to inflict their will on everyone else. That's what "by any means necessary" is all about, and it is absolute fascism. They will never see it, though.

Anonymous said...

So far only rumors, speculation and unsubstantiated "leaks" - as likely a false flag tradecraft to discredit the reciever as real.

Lots of personal pique, and as ever, divisiveness between pragmatists and idealists. No arrest warrant, complaint, writ or detainer yet issued against the president. At this point a lot of noise with no signal, cries of "foul play", and LOT of butthurt.

Let's see what Mueller, the Grand Inquisitor, cobbles together.

Anonymous said...

Old Putin must really be enjoying himself.

A 2nd-rate state fondles Europe's balls a bit in the Ukraine with it's 3rd rate military and parlay's the ensuing turmoil into Brexit, Hillary's defeat, Trumpf's mugging, NATO division, and Russian reemergence in the Levant.

Masterful manipulation of others folly. Fine statecraft. It means little, but Machiavelli, Sun Tsu, Metternich, Talleyrand, Franklin, Disraeli and Satan himself all smile.

"... a house divided against itself cannot stand..."

Anonymous said...

Fake snooze time.

Anonymous said...

The liberal nutcase, like Obomber, doesn't know what the Levant is. The Levant includes places like Israel and Cyprus along with Syria. Russia isn't in Israel.

ALL of Russia's recent hegemony took place under Obungle, right in the shadow of his giant elephant-like ears, and Brexit had absolutely nothing to do with Russia.

SERIOUSLY, fool, give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

This is what "real world conservatism" looks like folks, never a better argument for eugenics.

Anonymous said...

Well the latest on some news sites is that a number of members from the Trump administration are now cutting deals with investigators so there neck will not on the line when the whole thing goes down. Sen Feinstein hinted that she knows so more information than the public knows and the Trump will not be staying on as president.

As for Hillary coming in, the only way that could happen is if they add some kind of
amendment to allow a do-over of the race 2016 race, but the number of things coming together for that happen are close to zero. Just for kicks I want to put a far fetched possibility out there so it if comes true I can point to this blog post and brag. If not I can always say it is far fetched in the first place. Suppose they decide that Trump and Pence are somehow in cohoots with the Russians or something like that, than before impeachment Pence resigns and Mitt Romney comes in as Vice President right before Trump resigns. For the good of the country Romney pardons everyone and Romney stays for 3 years and does not run again.

On a more practical note, who knows what is going on. As for the labs, I guess whatever budget they have planned will go through so even if Trump is out maybe and things will just coast along with the usual continuing resolutions. In any case for LLNL the contract is steady for many years to come so maybe it does not matter and we just stop taking about it.

Anonymous said...

Feinstein said Trump is going to "Get himself out". WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?????

The ancient and senile liberal couldn't say that Trump has done anything impeachable but, somehow, he's going to "Get himself out". LAUGHABLE. The whole article is nothing more than Trump Derangement Syndrome and it's stunning that anyone, no matter how stupid/liberal, would think that Feinstein's politically-motivated babble means anything.

You need a civics course, you liberal stooge. An Amendment to the Constitution for "Hillary coming in" requires 2/3 majority vote in BOTH the House and the Senate or 2/3 of State Legislatures. That isn't just far-fetched, it simply ISN'T going to happen, period. The House is controlled by the Republicans, the Senate is controlled by the Republicans, and 32 State Legislatures are completely controlled by Republicans. 6 more State Legislatures are split, so the Dims can muster only 12 states, max.

You seem to have forgotten that the Dims have zero power and are on their way to the trash-heap of history.

Anonymous said...

Of the 50+ posts in this thread, about three dozen are by a single deranged individual, incoherently raving about "liberals", "fake news" , and other catchphrases he picked up listening to Rush Limbaugh. No rational argument will convince him that Trump is in serious trouble, so don't waste your time.

Meanwhile, with establishment republicans jumping ship and the special prosecutor breathing down his neck, Mr Grab-Them-By-Their-***** is very quickly finding himself alone without any army. Once the working class people who voted for him will experience Trump's healthcare and his budget cuts, they will realize that they had been conned and that will be game over.

This thread should be about what President Pence will do for the labs.

Anonymous said...

Or silence...Which is better,

Anonymous said...

Nobody has come up with a single, verifiable fact that indicates Trump is in trouble. Not one fact.

Liberals truly do live in an echo chamber.

Anonymous said...

Scooby usually shuts down a thread when it becomes clear it is not about LLNL, LANL, NNSA, DOE, or the like. Where the hell is he when you really need him?

Anonymous said...

DC has been in the state of frothing chaos ever since Trump took office. At the moment it's next to impossible to objectively forecast anything about the Labs, NNSA, or DOE. The news cycle and the talk of the town are dominated by the disclosure of classified information, the evidence of collusion, botched executive orders, special prosecutors, sudden personnel changes, documented obstruction of justice, fired personnel pleading the Fifth, the chief executive's continued erratic behavior and so forth. Weekly bombshells are becoming daily, even hourly. Who has time to think about the Weapons Labs?

As for President Pence, once the dust settles, he will most likely continue the Bush-Obama policy toward the NNSA Labs: privatization combined with neglect.

Anonymous said...

Disclosure of Classified? Didn't happen. COULDN'T happen. Why? Because Trump has the ultimate classification authority. He can chose to declassify anything. But, there's zero evidence that he passed on any classified in the first place. Zero.

Evidence of collusion? Zero evidence. Flynn did talk with the Russians but no evidence of collusion, at least none has been released. Flynn taking the 5th reflects badly on Flynn, sure, but does anyone think this can blow back on Trump since Trump fired Flynn within about two weeks of this becoming known? Obamalamadingdong never did fire Holder over Holder's disastrous Fast and Furious program.

Sudden personnel changes? Happens all the time. Nothing there.

Botched executive orders? Nope. There were, however, botched 9th circuit court of appeals rulings. Just wait, the extremely liberal 9th Circuit has been overturned by the Supreme Court in 79% of the cases the Supreme Court has reviewed.

Documented obstruction of Justice? Comey's memo? Comey doesn't have a leg to stand on. Why? Comey is required by law to report any attempt at obstruction to the Department of Justice immediately. He didn't, therefore it either didn't happen or Comey didn't believe it was obstruction at the time.

You brain-dead liberals are being manipulated by the dishonest liberal press. So gullible.

Anonymous said...

You brain-dead liberals are being manipulated by the dishonest liberal press. So gullible.

May 22, 2017 at 10:57 PM

Well there is now a new scandal with more obstruction of justice as WP reports that Trump as multiple agencies to stop investigations. Can anyone doubt at this point that it is obstruction of justice not to mention more reason to believe in Russian collusion. Just admit it that he will be be gone, if not this year by next year.

Anonymous said...

Just admit it that he will be be gone, if not this year by next year.

May 23, 2017 at 6:55 AM

You want someone to "admit" something that is nothing but pure speculation on your part? Pretty out there. BTW, be careful what you wish for. What follows Trump, with Republicans still in charge, will be much worse.

Anonymous said...

Didn't happen. The Washington Post did NOT claim that Trump asked multiple agencies to stop investigations.

What the WP did claim is Trump asked Daniel Coats (DNI) and Adm. Michael S. Rogers (DNSA) to publicly deny the existence of any EVIDENCE of collusion during the 2016 election. Where does that come from? The intelligence agencies' own report to Congress. The DNI, CIA, and NSA clearly stated in that report that they have NO evidence of collusion. I'll say that again, NO EVIDENCE. They stated that they arrived at their findings by "logic" (without evidence).

It was entirely appropriate for Trump to ask them to make a public statement regarding what they had found, had not found (evidence), and what they documented.

Somehow the truth got twisted into false statements for no other purpose than to attack Trump. You can be excused because the Washington Post started the twisting by characterizing Trump's statements as a "push back" agains the FBI.

Just remember, the Washington Post has been caught again and again doing this kind of dishonest story spinning. Don't be their dupe.

Anonymous said...

Still the same guy, huh? By now, its 40+ posts in the one thread regurgitating what Rush told him to think. It's impressive and pathetic at the same time.

The bad news is that no evidence will convince him, no matter how damning. The good news is that these historical events are already unfolding before our eyes and it doesn't matter one bit what one anonymous Rush listener thinks.

In the latest news, Brennan has just testified before the House Intelligence Committee that an investigation into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Kremlin is "well-founded". He confirmed that he was aware of intelligence showing contact between Russian officials and "US persons involved in the Trump campaign". Didn't Trump tell us that this investigation is nothing but a "taxpayer funded charade"? Or maybe Comey, Brennan and Mueller are in some kind of Grand Liberal Conspiracy, paid by Washington Post?

The appointment of the special prosecutor is an extraordinary step and the available evidence is already damning enough to justify this. Either Comey is lying in his official memos, or Trump is. Now, who do think is telling the truth? The guy who has no concept of Truth and is known to say 4.9 lies per day on average since getting elected?

Pretty soon no respectable person will be willing to put his reputation on the line to defend this president. As a Republican strategist noted, “General McMaster spent decades defending this nation, earning his integrity and honor. Trump squandered it in less than twelve hours.”

Trump is in a deep hole and he can't seem to stop digging. Things are extremely serious for him right now and can't be dismissed with a tweet.

Anonymous said...

You can't refute a single thing I've ever written. Not one. But you still think Trump is in trouble? "Well-founded" as you stated was ADMITTED TO BE NOTHING MORE THAN A "LOGICAL" CONCLUSION arrived at with no evidence. What about ZERO evidence do you not understand? That's what the Intelligence Community put into writing, ZERO evidence.

One way or the other, either Comey is lying or he broke the law. There simply isn't any other choice.

Someone made up the 4.9 lies per day. Who?

Anonymous said...

May 23, 2017 at 11:47 AM

It is over, John Brennan just buried trump today. There is no way to recover from this and more
is to come.

Anonymous said...

here ya go.....

Raymond Calitri to Memphis.

Anonymous said...

Even 11:47 AM now sees the truth that it is over for Trump. The next question has to be if Pence can come in. I don't think too many people will be happy with that either.

Anonymous said...

Brennen did NOT "bury Trump". What he did say is he saw intelligence that indicated contact between the Russians and some individuals associated with Trump's campaign. WE ALREADY KNOW THAT. He went on to say that he doesn't know if there was any collusion. NONE of that is news. We already know about Flynn, and Trump fired him.

You, 3:01 PM, are a pathetic liar. All anyone needs to be able to see that you are lying is the ability to read.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic claims that Trump is toast (wishful thinking) vs. pathetic claims that nothing is happening here, nothing at all (wishful thinking). The truth, as always, is somewhere in between. It will come out, eventually, not soon. Stop hyperventilating and things will be ok. Eventually.

Anonymous said...

"What he did say is he saw intelligence that indicated contact between the Russians and some individuals associated with Trump's campaign."

Some, he said some, he did not say individual he said indviduals. Flynn in one, that means there are more and we did not already know that.

Anonymous said...

Somebody please explain this to me. Any member of the DOE complex with a clearance is trained that foreign agents are always trying to infiltrate the labs and make contacts and recruit the staff. The expectation is that Russian agents are constantly trying to contact and recruit employees.

OK, so the leakers in the government are saying that Trump administration officials were contacted by Russian agents. So what? Isn't that to be expected? I'm sure Russian agents also tried to get into the Obama administration.

Please help me understand the crime and/or scandal here.

Anonymous said...

The difference is that the Trump campaign was receptive and colluded with the Russians, in exchange for help with the election; Obama didn't. Watch the story unfold, it's only a matter of time now before all the facts are out.

Incidentally, yesterday was an interesting day. Brennan testified that Trump had violated protocols in his disclosure of classified information. He didn't say that there was zero evidence of collusion. He instead explained that such evidence was appropriately classified. Mueller is looking at this evidence now and is gathering additional information. Brennan understands that it is not his job to preempt the special prosecutor.

We also learned that Trump had personally leaned on the NSA director to publicly deny that there was any collusion between the Trump camp and the Russians. He had also tried the same with the director of national intelligence. Both men refused. Trump then fired Comey and explained to the Russian that this was done to relieve the pressure from the investigation.

I checked out the numbers on Trump's lying and 4.9/day is correct on average. The information is readily available. According to the Fact Checker, here are the numbers for Trump's first 100 days.

492: The number of false or misleading claims made by the president. That’s indeed an average of 4.9 claims a day.
10: Number of days without a single false claim. On six of those days, the guy played golf.

The fact checkers note that it is hard to keep up with Trump, so 492 is a lower limit.

Anonymous said...

"OK, so the leakers in the government are saying that Trump administration officials were contacted by Russian agents. So what? Isn't that to be expected? "

The officials initially denied that there was any contact. There was than pressure to
stop asking about the contacts.

Anonymous said...

NOPE. FLAT LIE. Brennan did indeed say that he doesn't know if there was any collusion.

Why dk you liberals lie ALL the frickin time?

Anonymous said...

Trump has certainly told his share of whoppers, that's why I didn't vote for him, but FactCheck's list of 492 "lies and misleading statement" is not anywhere near accurate, not by a long shot.

FactCheck gave Trump two lies for saying "You look at what's happening last night in Sweden". FactCheck falsely claimed that Trump said there was a terrorist attack last night in Sweden. Trump never said anything about a terrorist attack, that simply didn't happen (watch the video). Trump was citing Sweden as an example of what happens when a country accepts a large number of refugees from countries that sponsor international terrorism. There were immigrant riots in Sweden 4 days after Trump's speech, and in April of this year an asylum seeker from Uzbekistan mowed down 20 people in Stockholm, killing 5, in one of the worst terrorist attacks in Swedish history. Trump was correct, but FactCheck gave him two lies.

FactCheck gave Trump 16 lies for claiming that ObamaCare is failing. I realize that some still think O'Care is working but there IS plenty of evidence that it is indeed failing. Skyrocketing costs, declining enrollment (even before the election), insurers dropping out, unaffordable deductables, etc. It's disingenuous for FactCheck to claim 16 lies for statements that are debatable at worst.

A cursory review of the FactCheck "lies" shows that very few are indeed lies. FactCheck simply isn't very factual.

Trump has earned 16 four-Pinocchio's from the WP in his first 100 days, bad enough but a far cry from FactChecks's completely phony 492 number.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to look very hard to find that fact check is a liberal organization.

They gave Trump a "lie" for saying that sanctuary cities "breed crime". Fact check justified this with the following statement "But university researchers who studied the claim concluded "We find no statistically discernible difference in violent crime rate, rape, or property crime" (between sanctuary and non-sanctuary cities).

Fact check didn't do anything to look into these researchers' claims. A follow-up study determined that the researchers' claims are false. The researchers didn't compare cities of comparable size and demographics. The follow-up study showed, using the researchers' own data, if you compare sanctuary cities to non-sanctuary cities of the same size, sanctuary cities have a substantially higher crime rate. Not only that, sanctuary cities show a greater increase in crime over time than the non-sanctuary cities.

Fact check seems to accept any information as justification, even false information, if it supports their liberal point of view.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


May 24, 2017 at 7:25 PM

What!?, did you see the look on the Popes face when he had to interact with Trump it says it all!? Did you not see Melania slapping away his hand!? Trump also spilled the beans on details about the UK attack before the UK wanted it out!? Trump just revealed supper secrets to Philippine president Durte!? Are you not watching the news!!!!????? WHATCH THE NEWS for Gods sake! It just gets worse and crazy worse by the day! American is seen as a complete joke...a total joke, just look at the NEWS. OMG how did we get to this point!!!!??????

Anonymous said...

BTW, what are "supper secrets"? How do they taste?

Anonymous said...

Trump did NOT spill the beans on the UK terror attack. THAT IS A FLAT LIE. A US Intelligence Officer commented that the terrorist must have had help. The UK complained about US Intelligence, NOT TRUMP.

Sorry Dude, the Pope looks like that all the time.

Oh, wait. You did tell the truth about Melania slapping Trump's hand. She was lagging behind, Trump reached back for her, she flicked her wrist and let him know that she didn't want to be dragged along. OH MY GOD! OH....MY....GOD!!!! How did we get to this point???? It gets worse by the day! Jesus Christ! Hand slapping, what's next. We're all doomed!!!!!

Or, more likely, 7:52 is just a lying, nutcase liberal with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

May 24, 2017 at 9:28 PM

You can say what you want but the times they are a changing. O'Reilly is gone and
it looks like Hannity is next. The American people are fed up with nutcases, conspiracy theorists, closed minds, fear, hate and isolation. America has slowly been changing from its past in fits and starts but it is moving to place of actual equality for all, without unearned privilege, where the poor will not be left behind, where everyone can feel safe, nurtured and appreciated. Where hatred, insults unearned power are things of the past. This who election cycle has been centered on this a backlash against the inevitable march toward brighter future for all. Trump will be out before he can do anymore damage and hopefully something like this will never happen again. Nutcase or not history is on our side not yours. Ask yourself this, who in their right mind wishes for the "good old days", no one, and no one is going to look back on us say these where the good old days, but they will say these are the days when change started.

Sorry for getting off topic in the above rant but the presidents budget did just come out and many at LLNL are very happy about the NNSA budget increases. I think we better be realistic about this and ask what are the odds that this budget will pass considering that Trump could be out or that he will be so utterly unpopular that he has no power.

Anonymous said...

Really? Didn't Trump beat Hilliar? Didn't Republicans win the House in Owebama's second year and hold it ever since? Didn't the Republicans win the Senate giving Republicans complete control of Congress? Don't conservatives now hold a majority in the Supreme Court? Don't the Republicans now hold an all-time high number of Governors? Didn't the Republicans increase their huge lead by over 1000 State Legislature positions?

Aren't the Dimocrats COMPLETELY out of power in D.C.? Aren't the Dims down to only 6 states that they have complete control over?

History is most certainly NOT on your side. You are completely deluded.

Anonymous said...

I love that it annoys you.

Better that he proposes major federal cuts to social programs. This is the jurisdiction of the states, charities and the discontented, non productive themselves. In turn something is left for future generations. For the current young. Good move.

Love the audacity and thumbing his nose st the traditions of the swamp.


Anonymous said...

Lots of butthurt TSD here.

Drain it.

Anonymous said...

Melania anf Ivanka a two hotties. I want one.

Anonymous said...

>Really? Didn't Trump beat Hilliar?

He did not win the popular vote, not to mention the help with the Russians.

In the next election cycle the republicans will be thrown out.

>Love the audacity and thumbing his nose st the traditions of the swamp.

He is the swamp.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Hilliar won the popular vote because she had an AWFUL campaign strategy. Hilliar had TWICE the campaign funds as Trump ($800M to $400M). Instead of spending that HUGE amount of money exclusively in the States that would have won her the election, instead she campaigned and spent a lot of money in the 6 Dim States she was already going to win. Doing that didn't get her a single Electoral College vote more than she was going to get already. NOT ONE MORE EC VOTE! She flushed her campaign funds down the liberal States' toilet. STUPID!!!!!

Every time you liberal fools bring up the popular vote, you're just pointing out how STUPID Hilliar was.

It's almost GUARANTEED that the Dims will lose more Senate seats. If you don't know why, it's because you get your news from inside the Dimocratic Echo Chamber. The liberal media has turned you into an ignoranus.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to believe that some people still think we have a nationwide popular vote for President in the US. WE DON'T!! We have 50 statewide popular votes which determine the makeup of the Electoral College. The concept of a nationwide popular vote is meaningless. No one can "win" the popular vote nationwide because there IS NO popular vote nationwide. It appears that Democrats collectively slept through civics class.

Anonymous said...

Julian, Scooby, or whatever alias you are going by these days.

Why have you opened the floodgates to the Russian dizinformatia robo-bloggers?

Please shut them down !!

Anonymous said...

The ONLY disinformation posted here came from lying liberals.

Anonymous said...

And the Russian agent Trumpsters.

Anonymous said...

And to think that Democrats were perfectly happy with Russia annexing Crimea and invading the Ukraine - nary a whimper of dissent from them or from Obama. Now Russia is the evil enemy!! How the worm turns.

Anonymous said...

Now Jared Kushner is is being investigated. It is all over the news and has
huge implications. There is no way Trump can get of this now. Every day a new scandal, crazy just crazy

Anonymous said...

You are probably also "under investigation" but you would never know it. Obama spied on everyone he didn't like. That's also "all over the news." The only thing "crazy" is you.

Anonymous said...

There you go again. Kushner is NOT under investigation, they want to INTERVIEW him because they think he might have info. The story was clear, that doesn't mean Kushner is suspected of having committed any crime.

You have a SERIOUS credibility problem you deranged Demmy. We all know we should look into EVERYTHING you write because you're so full of Demarrhea.

Anonymous said...

From the news

"Kushner has not been accused of wrongdoing, both outlets noted. Sources told the Post that Kushner has come under scrutiny because of two meetings with Russian officials in December ― one with Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergey Kislyak and another with a banker.

Kushner met with Kislyak in December and Sergey Gorkov, the head of Vnesheconombank, a state-owned bank, after Trump was elected, at Kislyak’s request.

Kushner initially did not disclose the meetings on an application for a security clearance. His lawyer later acknowledged he had made an error and amended the application. "

Anonymous said...

Yes, now it's Kushner, the boy who called the CEO of Lockheed and told them to lower the price for the Saudis. The CEO was stunned. The same boy who met with an FSB-trained Russian banker and tried to conceal this information on his security clearance application. (The bank is, by the way, under US sanctions since 2014. ) An accurate statement here is that Kushner is not YET accused of a crime.

Looking at the zeal and the maniacal devotion with which the poster here is defending Trump brought to my mind something Trump himself observed during the campaign:

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s, like, incredible.”

As someone noted earlier in this thread, this sort of blind, unconditional devotion is impressive and pathetic at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Kushner submitted the security clearance form on January 18. His lawyer informed the FBI on January 19 that the form was submitted prematurely and would be amended. That hardly sounds like he tried to "conceal" this information, now does it?

You know what it does sound like? It sounds like you, 11:11, and your disgusting ilk from the liberal media are dishonest liberals trying to mislead the public.

Anonymous said...

Evidently the State of Montana is a member of the Trump, Putin and Kushner family’s cartel.

Anonymous said...

You continuing to dutifully regurgitate the talking points, 5:06 am. So predictable.

It's highly doubtful that Kushner would be scrutinized by the FBI just for amending his answers one day later. How do you know he was truthful on his amended form? More importantly, what was he doing with Gorkov in the first place, the head of a corrupt, government-owned Vnesheconombank, which is sanctioned by the US? You never answered that. And this guy is not just a banker, he graduated from Russia’s Academy of the Federal Security Service and is a recipient of the Medal of the Order of Merit for Services to the Fatherland.

I can already predict your answer: "Liberal --- liberal --- Hilliar --- disgusting --- lying --- (insert today's talking point from Rush Limbaugh) --- Lying liberal ---..."

Maybe they were discussing how Vnesheconombank could write a winning bid to manage LANL? After all, these Russian FSB people come across as well-organized and professional. And they finally would be able to fix the LANL cowboy culture and beat those scientists into submission.

Anonymous said...

Typical brain-dead liberal response. You don't know the answers to ANY of those questions yourself, yet you've already convicted based on nothing, haven't you?

Listen up, Demmy, the FBI isn't "scrutinizing" Kushner, that's a perjorative word used by you dishonest liberals. Reports say that the leaker was careful to say they don't suspect Kushner of having committed any crimes. Of course, you intentionally skipped over that part, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

Jared Kushner Reportedly Discussed Setting Up Secret Communication Channel
With Moscow!!!!!!

My God, is it not clear to you know what is going on? I am a loss for words.

Anonymous said...

Think that really happened? You can use your Dimocrat-addled brain to determine it isn't very likely. And you CAN do it all by yourself.

According to the "report", Kushner asked Russia to set up a secret channel to Moscow in their embassy. But, but, but... the Russians already have secret channels to Moscow in their embassy. Channels that we know about and try to monitor all the time. So Kushner asked to use a secret channel? Right. He would have to go into the embassy to use it, wouldn't he, Mr. Feeble Minded? We monitor EVERYONE who goes in and out of the Russian Embassy, don't we? How would this be secret?

Why would this be needed in the first place? THINK, DEMMY!!!! Communications with Moscow takes place all the time THROUGH the Ambassador, doesn't it? Our Government officials talk with the Ambassador (or attaché) and the Ambassador uses an already existing secret channel to discuss with Moscow to get a response. So is Kushner trying to cut out the Ambassador? If so, why would he ask the AMBASSADOR for a secret channel?

You Demmies are sure hard-of-thinking.

Anonymous said...

If so, why would he ask the AMBASSADOR for a secret channel?

So he could get Putins orders to Trump without anyone finding out? What else could it possibly and realistically be.

Anonymous said...

It just got worse.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and close adviser, Jared Kushner, had at least three previously undisclosed contacts with the Russian ambassador to the United States during and after the 2016 presidential campaign, seven current and former U.S. officials told Reuters.

Ok can we now talk about the possibility that the presidential budget may not go through because we will have president Pence?

Anonymous said...

I read the Reuters exclusive. It says that Kushner is NOT the target of the FBI investigation. You left that part out.

Why do you Demmies try to mislead ALL the frickin' time???

Anonymous said...

Not a target until this new backchannel info was noted. That will change in a heartbeat. It is getting really close to the top. Keep watching the news Mr. Exclusive. Trump is toast.

Anonymous said...

It does bring new meaning to the phrase, "He went to Jared's."

Anonymous said...

Ms. 10:39can kick and scream all she wants, but Trump is still toast.

Anonymous said...

Every Administration had back-channels. They all did, including Obama.

You're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

Anonymous said...

IMPEACHED, it is as good as done.

Anonymous said...

112 Seinfeld posts: A thread about nothing.

Anonymous said...

IMPEACHED, it is as good as done.

May 27, 2017 at 11:23 AM

Not true, just your wet dream. Go back to sleep, you'll enjoy it more than real life.

Anonymous said...

At the suggestion of my priest, I turned this problem over to Jesus. You are in good hands now.

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