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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Where's Ed Moses?

Has Ed Moses been in the public eye since he left the Giant Magellan Telescope Organization (GMTO)?


Anonymous said...

I think he must still be "dealing with family matters that require his attention".

Anonymous said...

Total sociopath but ... stilll better than the new Sandia Honeywell management team.

Anonymous said...

I thought I saw him in Aruba with a cigar, a bottle of Hennessy, a few babes, a smile on his face, with a T-shirt saying F-U I am rich and your are not, so suck it By*chs!!!. I pains me to admit it, but well played sir, well played indeed. This is what the NNSA complex is for and this is how you use it.

Anonymous said...

The lowest plane of Hell.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest, that guy was too lame to ever be seen on any beach ever.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Ed Moses? He's gone, left, scrammed!

Anonymous said...

It looks like he's "consulting",

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