Blog purpose
This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
The opinions stated are personal opinions. Therefore,
The BLOG author may or may not agree with them before making the decision to post them.
Comments not conforming to BLOG rules are deleted.
Blog author serves as a moderator.
For new topics or suggestions, email
Blog rules
- Stay on topic.
- No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
- No political debate.
- Posts and comments are posted several times a day.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Should LLNL be managed by a non-profit contractor ASAP?
Based on "business need", why doesn't the NNSA rebid the contract to run LLNL now in favor of the non-profit Triad model? A rebid to a non-profit contractor would preserve millions of federal dollars annually for LLNL programmatic missions. Isn't this cost savings measure precisely what NNSA Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty wants?
"In a late Monday email to Weapons Complex Morning Briefing, Burgess affirmed he received his information directly from NNSA Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty during a September meeting in Washington, D.C. Gordon-Hagerty’s office believes Triad is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation to seek any cost savings possible, including 501(c)(3) status, Burgess said."
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Who will pay? LANS. or TRIAD
Can anyone explain how this works? The lawsuit was lost by LANS, which doesn't exit anymore. However, the quote is from Roark, and credited to LANL now operated by Triad. Seriously, does Triad now have to pay the verdict? If not, then why is Roark giving a statement?
Thursday, December 13, 2018
How safe is LANL pension?
Interesting and reassuring for many people .
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Feds Sue to Quash State Hanford Workers’ Compensation Law
Feds Sue to Quash State Hanford Workers’ Compensation Law
"The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday sued the state of Washington over a new law that eases state workers’ compensation requirements for claims from employees of the Department of Energy’s Hanford Site."
"The U.S. Department of Justice on Monday sued the state of Washington over a new law that eases state workers’ compensation requirements for claims from employees of the Department of Energy’s Hanford Site."
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
This blog is for YOU!
I would like to reflect on the blog's 11 years. Not an editorial because I am not an editor. More like a moderatorial.
Created on 12/11/2007, this blog was intended to be an outlet for LLNL folks to give their opinion on the newly-privatized Livermore lab . Many thought the for-profit model was a recipe for disaster. A few thought it was the end of the UC good old boys club. Most LLNL folks felt they were paying for LANL mistakes.
I saw outraged, distressed, even depressed posts, occasionally interspersed with optimistic ones. Meanwhile, while we all barked, the for-profit DOE/NNSA caravan kept moving.
Gradually, blog readers became focused on relevant issues, such as waste of resources, cost increase, rising number of security and industrial incidents. It was becoming obvious that the privatization was a bad idea!
LLNL folks had the chance to be represented by SPSE but declined with so much rationalization and holy than thou comments! White collars don't unionize!
Golden passed up opportunity, as we found later.
Before we knew it, LANL folks flocked to the blog in far higher numbers. Llnlthetruestory became "LANL blog".
There was a fierce crusade against LANS management and overt hostility to everything LLNL. The word "livermorons"
was abused so much that I added it to the list of offensive terms.
Then, for a while, all you read is about was
TCP-1 required employee contributions!
How unfair! Sorry, cannot do anything about that! No SPSE to represent us.
Later, the blog became a troll's favorite hangout where every opinion was shot to pieces.
Debates were political, personal and virulent.
I was receiving hate mail for not posting hateful messages.
My first reaction was to shutdown the blog but I thought about the few readers/ contributors who made respectable contributions. How about them?
"Long story short", as a former LLNL colleague used to say, to those folks, this blog is for YOU !
Monday, December 10, 2018
Some SRS plutonium needed for national security missions
Articles like this need to be discussed given the mission impacts
The whole MOX issue also needs some discussion given the NNSA management and the idea of pit manufacturing. Just a thought...
The whole MOX issue also needs some discussion given the NNSA management and the idea of pit manufacturing. Just a thought...
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Lawsuit Possible to Regain UC Health Care
Lawsuit Possible to Regain UC Health Care"
"Those who were hired at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory before 1990 appear to have a “viable claim” to be reinstated to University of California health programs, according to attorneys for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Retiree Group."
Many UC/LLNL employees were hired well before 1990, and had 20 years or more service credit with UC/LLNL before LLNS took over. If these lab employees retired after 2007, they too were placed into the more expensive LLNS health programs. Have these lab retirees reached out to the UCLRG attorneys to possibly join forces?
"Those who were hired at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory before 1990 appear to have a “viable claim” to be reinstated to University of California health programs, according to attorneys for the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Retiree Group."
Many UC/LLNL employees were hired well before 1990, and had 20 years or more service credit with UC/LLNL before LLNS took over. If these lab employees retired after 2007, they too were placed into the more expensive LLNS health programs. Have these lab retirees reached out to the UCLRG attorneys to possibly join forces?
Friday, December 7, 2018
LLNL Daffodil Days
LLNL Daffodil Days.
The award is given to outstanding corporations and organizations who demonstrate a commitment to furthering the mission of the American Cancer Society,” explained Kristen Ogdon, American Cancer Society corporate relations manager for the Greater Bay Area... Ogdon cited three specific reasons for the award: LLNL’s exemplary work in educating employees about cancer and chronic disease prevention and care; being the largest contributor to the Daffodil Days campaign, not only in the Bay Area but also in Northern California (raising nearly $32,000 last year and a total of more than $133,000 over the past five years); and providing a presence in both the Livermore and Tracy Relay for Life events for several years, raising thousands of dollars, as well as helping to increase community awareness in the fight against cancer.
moderator's note to contributor :
This was submitted as a comment on a post with a totally unrelated topic. I normally delete such comments but decided to make it a separate post because of it deals with a good cause .
Monday, December 3, 2018
Ill nuclear workers’ benefits petitions have to be reviewed within 6 months
Ill nuclear workers’ benefits petitions have to be reviewed within 6 months. Some have languished about a decade."
"Facilities around the country continue to be fined for failing to limit radiation exposure and monitor workers, he said. “I am not going to take it on blind faith” that Los Alamos is following federal rules just because officials say they are...What has happened to Evaskovich’s petition is playing out at nuclear labs across the country. At the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, a petition has languished for 11 years. At Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, workers have been waiting seven years for a final decision."
"Facilities around the country continue to be fined for failing to limit radiation exposure and monitor workers, he said. “I am not going to take it on blind faith” that Los Alamos is following federal rules just because officials say they are...What has happened to Evaskovich’s petition is playing out at nuclear labs across the country. At the Savannah River Site in South Carolina, a petition has languished for 11 years. At Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, workers have been waiting seven years for a final decision."
Saturday, December 1, 2018
LLNL,winner of two 2018 Optimas Awards
"Workforce Magazine Announces LLNL As Winner of Two 2018 Optimas Awards"
“Being recognized with these two high-level awards will only further showcase LLNL’s dedication to its mission and values,” said Breyer. “By embracing our community and valuing the diversity and inclusiveness of our scientific endeavors, the Lab will further show world-class scientists that our institution is committed to advancing science and technology while providing work/life programs that employees desire.”
“Being recognized with these two high-level awards will only further showcase LLNL’s dedication to its mission and values,” said Breyer. “By embracing our community and valuing the diversity and inclusiveness of our scientific endeavors, the Lab will further show world-class scientists that our institution is committed to advancing science and technology while providing work/life programs that employees desire.”
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Anthony Rivera whistleblower case, the next phase
Must be logged in to Google to access file .
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Bechtel Faces Two Lawsuits
Bechtel Faces Two Lawsuits from Former Employees at Hanford
"Two former workers at the Hanford Site Waste Treatment Plant are accusing contractor Bechtel National in separate lawsuits of laying them off after they raised safety concerns...In millwright Ford’s case, the Department of Labor ruled in 2015 that his role as a whistleblower during his 35-year career at Hanford contributed to Bechtel’s decision to lay him off in November 2011. He was scrutinized and treated more harshly than other employees, the agency found."
"Two former workers at the Hanford Site Waste Treatment Plant are accusing contractor Bechtel National in separate lawsuits of laying them off after they raised safety concerns...In millwright Ford’s case, the Department of Labor ruled in 2015 that his role as a whistleblower during his 35-year career at Hanford contributed to Bechtel’s decision to lay him off in November 2011. He was scrutinized and treated more harshly than other employees, the agency found."
DOE R&D 100 winners
Below is the link to the DOE R&D 100 winners. Thoughts? What labs were winners and what labs failed to show up?
Monday, November 19, 2018
Salary information at TRIAD
As a non-profit "public service organization", will Triad employees at LANL
request an annual release of all Triad employee salaries and raises?
request an annual release of all Triad employee salaries and raises?
"Stopgap LANL Director Wallace Remains at Lab in Emeritus Role"
"Terry Wallace, who was briefly director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the waning days of Los Alamos National Security’s management contract, is still with the lab in an emeritus role, a Los Alamos spokesperson told Weapons Complex Morning Briefing"
New use of nuclear weapons
Well I guess this related to the labs, at least will give a new use for a NWs
"Social media erupted after California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested that the government could use the threat of nuclear weapons to force gun confiscation upon Americans."
Democrat Calls For Gun Confiscation, Suggests Nuking Americans Who Fight Back
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) caused a firestorm on Friday when he suggested using nuclear weapons against American citizens who oppose his far-left gun control agenda, which includes forcing Americans to give up their semi-automatic weapons.
Swalwell made the comment in response to a May news article on his radical plan that was widely recirculated on Twitter on Friday in which he called for a $15 billion government program to confiscate millions of guns from Americans.
Now, now I know what you all thinking, which labs nukes would be better for for gun confiscation LANL or LLNL? This could also be the key to decide which lab to keep and which one is redundant. Well I am glad to know that we are more than just a deterrent.
Maybe the next call for RRW should have a provision that needs to be effective at being able to deliver gun confiscation.
"Social media erupted after California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested that the government could use the threat of nuclear weapons to force gun confiscation upon Americans."
Democrat Calls For Gun Confiscation, Suggests Nuking Americans Who Fight Back
Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) caused a firestorm on Friday when he suggested using nuclear weapons against American citizens who oppose his far-left gun control agenda, which includes forcing Americans to give up their semi-automatic weapons.
Swalwell made the comment in response to a May news article on his radical plan that was widely recirculated on Twitter on Friday in which he called for a $15 billion government program to confiscate millions of guns from Americans.
Now, now I know what you all thinking, which labs nukes would be better for for gun confiscation LANL or LLNL? This could also be the key to decide which lab to keep and which one is redundant. Well I am glad to know that we are more than just a deterrent.
Maybe the next call for RRW should have a provision that needs to be effective at being able to deliver gun confiscation.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Nuclear fallout
'Nuclear fallout: $15.5 billion in compensation and counting
They built our atomic bombs; now they’re dying of cancer"
"...InvestigateTV found workers with medical issues struggling to get compensated from a program that has ballooned ten times original cost estimates. More than 6,000 workers from Los Alamos alone have filed to get money for their medical problems, with around 53 percent of claims approved."
They built our atomic bombs; now they’re dying of cancer"
"...InvestigateTV found workers with medical issues struggling to get compensated from a program that has ballooned ten times original cost estimates. More than 6,000 workers from Los Alamos alone have filed to get money for their medical problems, with around 53 percent of claims approved."
Compensation stagnation
At LLNL, I am curious who to speak to when dealing with staffing & payroll inadequacy issues. I've had a good performance track record, my 30 years, but have been stagnant in pay structure the past 20. There has to be some recourse, as I watch others float on by.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Sunday, November 11, 2018
PC talk
Blatantly PC talk at the start of a contract with so many questions and concerns among the workforce is a cop-out and a slap in the face of the employees who want real leadership and real answers, not PC garbage. This guy is not a serious professional manager of a premier US nuclear weapons laboratory. Very sad beginning.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
So Mason gave a introduction talk today. Basically changing the culture means changing the operations side of the lab. The question focused a lot on increasing diversity. (Why do we need to increase diversity? We should maximize equality of opportunity for everyone but not equality in outcome). Mason said sure diversity is ra ra we need it whatever but we cannot sacrifice quality just for the sake of diversity. I think some people did not like that response. Of course we can alway redefine what quality is and make it social construct or something.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Native American status
Relating to the recent Elizabeth Warren DNA story, are employees hired and promoted at LANL and LLNL that state they are Native American, actually have their Native American status verified by the Labs? If not, how do the Labs prevent opportunistic fraud during the application and hiring process? Typically, there are minimum % DNA requirements, and tribal affiliation requirements, to officially claim Native American status.
"Liz Warren a minority hire, really? University should have verified"
"Liz Warren a minority hire, really? University should have verified"
Friday, November 2, 2018
BLOG attendance
How long has it been since a post drew more than 100 comments? That used to be the standard for a "hot topic." Apparently not anymore ! What has happened? Has a fairy swooped over sprinkling the labs with wuss-dust? Has everyone at the labs signed a "no comment" agreement applying to every outrageous news release?
I don't think it's the fault of the moderators. The blog denizens need to grow a pair and speak up.
Impression of LANL
I have always been amazed reading this blog. I have one question, how is LANL this arrogant? I don't get that impression from LLNL. Why are they so impressed with themselves when the dialog points to one messed up place.
How long before...
How long before the LANL labbies try to tear down this new management team from Oak Ridge.. I give it two months.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Fired Los Alamos lab worker suing after plutonium incident
A former Los Alamos National Laboratory worker is suing the lab, saying he was used as a scapegoat after an accident with plutonium."
Monday, October 29, 2018
Advocacy Trio Presses Administration to Fully Fund NNSA Laser Facilities in 2020
"Advocacy Trio Presses Administration to Fully Fund NNSA Laser Facilities in 2020"
"The ICF program encompasses three major NNSA-funded laser research facilities: the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif.; the Z Facility at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M.; and the OMEGA Laser Facility at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y."
"The ICF program encompasses three major NNSA-funded laser research facilities: the National Ignition Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, Calif.; the Z Facility at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, N.M.; and the OMEGA Laser Facility at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y."
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Tax-exempt status
"NNSA Won’t Rule Out Forcing LANL Manager to File for Tax-Exempt Status"
"In a late Monday email to Weapons Complex Morning Briefing, Burgess affirmed he received his information directly from NNSA Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty during a September meeting in Washington, D.C. Gordon-Hagerty’s office believes Triad is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation to seek any cost savings possible, including 501(c)(3) status, Burgess said."
"In a late Monday email to Weapons Complex Morning Briefing, Burgess affirmed he received his information directly from NNSA Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty during a September meeting in Washington, D.C. Gordon-Hagerty’s office believes Triad is required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation to seek any cost savings possible, including 501(c)(3) status, Burgess said."
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Winter shutdown
I just want to know if we'll have a winter shutdown for December 2019? The new LANL calendars were printed up and noticed there is no winter closure that we normally have.
Monday, October 22, 2018
It is not over
I guess the opera isn't over until the fat lady sings:
US will leave INF agreement
Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia
Experts warn of ‘most severe crisis in nuclear arms control since the 1980s’ as Trump confirms US will leave INF agreement
Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia
Experts warn of ‘most severe crisis in nuclear arms control since the 1980s’ as Trump confirms US will leave INF agreement
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Have blog rules driven contributions down?
I guess all the new "rules" have driven this blog to near-zero contributions. Just as the moderators want, I guess? Less work for them. Controversy is not allowed, only placid, pleasant, agreeable discourse among people who all agree with each other. But, as Hillary and Holder stated, civility is overrated. I wonder how the moderators missed that?
That is how the cookie crumbles
Well it is almost time for the new contract. TRIAD is coming in and LANS is going out. You see lots of hopeful faces at LANL, and a small number of very sad faces mixed with disdain. Lots of high end housing is for sale in the town. A few Santa Fe trolls are still in utter shock, but that is how the cookie crumbles. Lets make LANL great again. MLGA!
Sunday, October 14, 2018
DOE kills contract
DOE and Trump administration gives up on MOX, plans further WIPP internment of waste:
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Fatal Accident
OST Fatal Accident - RIP and speedy recovery to the others.
Sunday, October 7, 2018
What is the reason behind the recent LANL injuries?
What is the reason behind the recent LANL injuries?
One worker is being treated for internal radiation exposure, after a subcutaneous injection was missed on the initial look.
Another worker was sent to the hospital following injury in a chemical explosion.
Is this normal LANL accident rates, or it is caused by the upheaval of the contract transition and workers become distracted from their jobs?
One worker is being treated for internal radiation exposure, after a subcutaneous injection was missed on the initial look.
Another worker was sent to the hospital following injury in a chemical explosion.
Is this normal LANL accident rates, or it is caused by the upheaval of the contract transition and workers become distracted from their jobs?
Friday, October 5, 2018
Worse than reported
Employee was injured worse than Wallace indicated
It is good news that the accident was not fatal, but the new report adds a higher level of severity to the event.’s-wound
It is good news that the accident was not fatal, but the new report adds a higher level of severity to the event.’s-wound
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Bad bad blog!
I’ve decided I’m not going to look at the blog anymore. Why?
It provides no more information on the labs than a google search.
It is dominated by LANL people who, probably due to their isolation and separation up on the hill, have zero inside information.
I suspect, evidenced by some recent grammar errors of a poster who claims 25% of his division went to lucrative jobs in Silicon Valley, that the educational level of the viewship is very low.
It provides no more information on the labs than a google search.
It is dominated by LANL people who, probably due to their isolation and separation up on the hill, have zero inside information.
I suspect, evidenced by some recent grammar errors of a poster who claims 25% of his division went to lucrative jobs in Silicon Valley, that the educational level of the viewship is very low.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Mason's numbers just do not add up
Mason's numbers just do not add up
Mason claimed that Triad had sent out 10,200 offer letters to LANS employees, yet LANS only has about 8,200 employees of record. Even if you throw in the postdocs you still get only about 400 more. The students are mostly only summer, and gone by now, but even if you throw them in as well that's only 1,100 more.
Even if Mason was confused and mistakenly counted students and postdocs in his math, it still doesn't add up. There are unionized crafts and guards that are not LANS employees, but are employees of the specific subcontractor, and there are COMPA and other contractors on-site as well that are not LANS employees. All in that is just under 12,000 and still doesn't explain Mason's flaky math.
Mason claimed that Triad had sent out 10,200 offer letters to LANS employees, yet LANS only has about 8,200 employees of record. Even if you throw in the postdocs you still get only about 400 more. The students are mostly only summer, and gone by now, but even if you throw them in as well that's only 1,100 more.
Even if Mason was confused and mistakenly counted students and postdocs in his math, it still doesn't add up. There are unionized crafts and guards that are not LANS employees, but are employees of the specific subcontractor, and there are COMPA and other contractors on-site as well that are not LANS employees. All in that is just under 12,000 and still doesn't explain Mason's flaky math.
Mason's video
The full video of Mason presentation to the UC regents is worth watching. He has a subtle different org chart for the regents from the one that is public posted on the Triad website, but mostly had non answers to the regents questions. There was again his categorical claim that every job in Triad is for a Triad employee and that there are no jobs that are not Triad. Also claimed that every job is for the best player and that no jobs were for partner specific filling.
Unfortunately his claims are not supported by the facts. Need to look no more than the capital projects area, where Fluor has advertised for Fluor hired employees to work for Fluor in the AD office at LANL.
Unfortunately his claims are not supported by the facts. Need to look no more than the capital projects area, where Fluor has advertised for Fluor hired employees to work for Fluor in the AD office at LANL.
Triad Still on Track to Take Over Los Alamos on Nov. 1
Thomas Mason, who will also be lab director, reaffirmed his stance that restoring Los Alamos to nonprofit management — the status quo for most of the storied nuclear-weapon lab’s 75-year history — will be crucial to avoiding the sort of mistakes that prompted the Department of Energy to yank the for-profit incumbent’s contract..., I think, the most important element: is making sure that we do everything we can to have the team function as a team without being pulled apart by conflicting corporate allegiances,”
They still hang on
The federal money to support the local lobbying organization has continued
This group has had one bad story after another in the past six months and yet they still hang on.
This group has had one bad story after another in the past six months and yet they still hang on.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Pension or 401k
Has anyone heard whether LANL's TRIAD will offer a traditional pension (rather than 401k matching) to stop the constant early career brain drain?? A pension was explicitly allowed in the newest RFP. Since DOE encourages benefits to trend together, both LANL and LLNL would be affected eventually. California has lots of Representatives to amend the LLNL operating contract fairly quickly....
LANL worker hurt
"LANL worker hurt by chemical reaction"
LANL explosion sends one to hospital
LANL explosion sends one to hospital and results in "imminent and substantial endangerment to human health"
An explosion in a densely staffed sector of Los Alamos National Laboratory on Sept. 14 left one employee with multiple cuts and prompted lab officials to request emergency approval from the New Mexico Environment Department to safely detonate two compromised vessels containing highly explosive hazardous waste.
Both of the approximately 1.7-ounce containers were "unstable due to heat exposure and the presence of etching on the vessel exterior," an incident report said.
"This condition posed an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health and the environment," the report reads,52007
An explosion in a densely staffed sector of Los Alamos National Laboratory on Sept. 14 left one employee with multiple cuts and prompted lab officials to request emergency approval from the New Mexico Environment Department to safely detonate two compromised vessels containing highly explosive hazardous waste.
Both of the approximately 1.7-ounce containers were "unstable due to heat exposure and the presence of etching on the vessel exterior," an incident report said.
"This condition posed an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health and the environment," the report reads,52007
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Incoming LANL Director to Give Update on Lab Transition
Incoming LANL Director to Give Update on Lab Transition
"The head of Triad National Security is slated Wednesday to brief the University of California Board of Regents’ National Laboratories Subcommittee about the company’s progress in assuming the management and operations contract for the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico."
"The head of Triad National Security is slated Wednesday to brief the University of California Board of Regents’ National Laboratories Subcommittee about the company’s progress in assuming the management and operations contract for the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico."
Friday, September 21, 2018
Energy Savings Performance Contract
What the what? Half a billion bucks for heating of "residential spaces" and other at LANL.
Siemens‘ U.S. government subsidiary has received a potential $554.6M energy savings performance contract to update power generation and heating systems within an administrative area at the Energy Department‘s Los Alamos National Laboratory.
DOE announced the award of the three-phase LANL Steam Plant Replacement Project to Siemens Government Technologies through a FedBizOpps notice posted Thursday.
SGT will replace the TA-3 Steam Plant’s aging steam distribution system, as well as repair or rebuild natural gas high-pressure pipelines at the facility.
The building includes residential space for LANL employees and multiple laboratories for experimental sciences, biological and nuclear research, materials synthesis and metallic and ceramic processing efforts.
The project is expected to be completed in 2021.
Siemens‘ U.S. government subsidiary has received a potential $554.6M energy savings performance contract to update power generation and heating systems within an administrative area at the Energy Department‘s Los Alamos National Laboratory.
DOE announced the award of the three-phase LANL Steam Plant Replacement Project to Siemens Government Technologies through a FedBizOpps notice posted Thursday.
SGT will replace the TA-3 Steam Plant’s aging steam distribution system, as well as repair or rebuild natural gas high-pressure pipelines at the facility.
The building includes residential space for LANL employees and multiple laboratories for experimental sciences, biological and nuclear research, materials synthesis and metallic and ceramic processing efforts.
The project is expected to be completed in 2021.
Stop moderating blog
"If you stopped moderating comments altogether the stale blog would improve. Few care any longer."
A little harsh. The blog moderator needs to operate the blog as he deems appropriate, but he has been open to helpers. Are you interested? By the way, employees and retirees are still interested in value of this blog and have been since its inception, when LLNS took over operational management of LLNL.
A little harsh. The blog moderator needs to operate the blog as he deems appropriate, but he has been open to helpers. Are you interested? By the way, employees and retirees are still interested in value of this blog and have been since its inception, when LLNS took over operational management of LLNL.
Bechtel Injury Record Keeping
September 12, 2018 DOE Office of Enforcement FNOV against Bechtel for a November 4, 2016 Hanford Waste Treatment event, involving injury, improper injury record keeping, improper training, and other violations
June 2018 DOE Office of Enterprise Assessments Assessment of Occupational Injury and Illness Record Keeping and Reporting by Lawrence Livermore National Security (LLNS) for CY 2015-2017 involving a number of work related injuries that were improperly reported as not work related
WFO is not a big deal to the Labs
WFO is not a big deal to the Labs
For years this was the unstated policy and now it is becoming more of a firm stance. After the new SNL team came in there was a big change because under L-M the leadership was always pro WFO and they had very experienced and well respected WFO leadership. The new SNL team doesn't have much in this regard, at least compared to the L-M team.
At LANL the WFO is an undesired fit in any location. They had in under weapons, then made it a stand alone and now Triad has pushed it way down under STE. Hard to see that it matters much to them when the numbers have dropped sharply over the recent several years. It winds up that maybe the projects just aren't all that important to the Labs after all.
For years this was the unstated policy and now it is becoming more of a firm stance. After the new SNL team came in there was a big change because under L-M the leadership was always pro WFO and they had very experienced and well respected WFO leadership. The new SNL team doesn't have much in this regard, at least compared to the L-M team.
At LANL the WFO is an undesired fit in any location. They had in under weapons, then made it a stand alone and now Triad has pushed it way down under STE. Hard to see that it matters much to them when the numbers have dropped sharply over the recent several years. It winds up that maybe the projects just aren't all that important to the Labs after all.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Two significant issues in nuc facility in same week
Two significant issues in nuc facility in same week
August 24, 2018
SUBJECT: Los Alamos Activity Report for Week Ending August 24, 2018
MEMORANDUM FOR: Christopher J. Roscetti, Technical Director
FROM: J.W. Plaue and D. Gutowski, Resident Inspectors
Plutonium Facility–Infrastructure: On Saturday, a worker replacing degraded braided wire cable for a glovebox door counterbalance received a skin contamination due to a glovebox glove breach. The skin was not damaged and was successfully decontaminated. There is a substantial effort to replace these cables in plutonium-238 gloveboxes; one cable failed during use earlier this year. The sharps review process had not been used for this work package. During recent construction activities, workers received permission to cut a lock on a position controller for the Zone 1 ventilation system because the key could not be found. Following a cut, they accidentally dropped the bolt cutters, which impacted a glovebox window. The window cracked, but contamination surveys indicated it was not breached. Workers replaced the window later in the day.
August 24, 2018
SUBJECT: Los Alamos Activity Report for Week Ending August 24, 2018
MEMORANDUM FOR: Christopher J. Roscetti, Technical Director
FROM: J.W. Plaue and D. Gutowski, Resident Inspectors
Plutonium Facility–Infrastructure: On Saturday, a worker replacing degraded braided wire cable for a glovebox door counterbalance received a skin contamination due to a glovebox glove breach. The skin was not damaged and was successfully decontaminated. There is a substantial effort to replace these cables in plutonium-238 gloveboxes; one cable failed during use earlier this year. The sharps review process had not been used for this work package. During recent construction activities, workers received permission to cut a lock on a position controller for the Zone 1 ventilation system because the key could not be found. Following a cut, they accidentally dropped the bolt cutters, which impacted a glovebox window. The window cracked, but contamination surveys indicated it was not breached. Workers replaced the window later in the day.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Two significant issues in nuc facility in same week
August 24, 2018
SUBJECT: Los Alamos Activity Report for Week Ending August 24, 2018
MEMORANDUM FOR: Christopher J. Roscetti, Technical Director
FROM: J.W. Plaue and D. Gutowski, Resident Inspectors
Plutonium Facility–Infrastructure: On Saturday, a worker replacing degraded braided wire cable for a glovebox door counterbalance received a skin contamination due to a glovebox glove breach. The skin was not damaged and was successfully decontaminated. There is a substantial effort to replace these cables in plutonium-238 gloveboxes; one cable failed during use earlier this year. The sharps review process had not been used for this work package. During recent construction activities, workers received permission to cut a lock on a position controller for the Zone 1 ventilation system because the key could not be found. Following a cut, they accidentally dropped the bolt cutters, which impacted a glovebox window. The window cracked, but contamination surveys indicated it was not breached. Workers replaced the window later in the day.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
NM senators use budget bill to protect nuke safety board
"NM senators use budget bill to protect nuke safety board"
Thursday, September 13, 2018
How do you feel about the future of LANL?
How do staff feel about the future of LANL with Triad? Seems like it could put things on a slow, but upward trajectory. Sure, the labs still lack a mission and they don't command the respect or secure funding they had during the Cold War. But I'm thinking about going back to the labs in an R&D role once I cash out in Silicon Valley and can buy a nice house in Santa Fe mortgage free. Now seems like the right time since they are non-profit again, and the economy is likely to enter recession in 1-2 years.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
LSEO has "multiple openings for Division Superintendents"
"You will be responsible for the effective management and leadership of a large and diverse workforce consisting of electronics, mechanical, and operations technical personnel who support the National Ignition Facility & Photon Science (NIF&PS) Principal Directorate and the Jupiter Laser Facility (JLF)."
LANS' Board of Directors and TRIAD's
LANS/LLNS is overseen by a Board of Governors while Triad has a Board of Directors. Years ago I was told by the Lab Directors Office when the DD was reviewing a presentation I had prepared, not to refer to the LLNS Board of Governors as the Board of Directors. So is there any real significance to this difference in names? Does a Board of Directors have more legal authority/responsibility than a Board of Governors?
Monday, September 10, 2018
Triad benefit package
Triad benefit package approved. LANL employees getting two paid Holidays stripped from their benefit package.
Retirement, insurance remains the same as presently offered.
Retirement, insurance remains the same as presently offered.
Friday, September 7, 2018
TSA Pre-Check?
I found out recently that apparently US State Department and DOD employees with security clearances automatically get access to the TSA Pre-Check expedited airport screening lines. As far as I'm aware, that's not the case for LLNL employees with clearances and, presumably, not the case for cleared LANL employees, either. Anyone know what the story here is? The only thing that I can think of is that we're not directly employed by the US government. Still seems that we should be automatically eligible for TSA access if we have clearances, though.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Unpaid invoice
Not sure if this is the right place but I am posting this out of desperation
with the Accounts Payable department at LLNL.
I am a small contractor who performed work for the lab earlier this year and am still waiting to be paid. The date on the invoice is 05-29-18. To be brief, my email account was hacked and fraud was committed against me. The hacker signed a EFT form in my name and had the invoice payment deposited to his bank account. I have since been fighting with AP at LLN to be paid. It is my hope that this post will find its way to the right person who can resolve this issue, as I would be happy to send them all the documentation I have.
Tony Tonon
Tonon Electrical & Controls Inc
San Francisco Bay Area
land 650-873-4962 cell 650-224-1269
A GE-Zenith Authorized Service Station Since 1988
Working With Zenith Controls Since 1977
The Transfer Switch People
Not sure if this is the right place but I am posting this out of desperation
with the Accounts Payable department at LLNL.
I am a small contractor who performed work for the lab earlier this year and am still waiting to be paid. The date on the invoice is 05-29-18. To be brief, my email account was hacked and fraud was committed against me. The hacker signed a EFT form in my name and had the invoice payment deposited to his bank account. I have since been fighting with AP at LLN to be paid. It is my hope that this post will find its way to the right person who can resolve this issue, as I would be happy to send them all the documentation I have.
Tony Tonon
Tonon Electrical & Controls Inc
San Francisco Bay Area
land 650-873-4962 cell 650-224-1269
A GE-Zenith Authorized Service Station Since 1988
Working With Zenith Controls Since 1977
The Transfer Switch People
Governing board on Triad's website
Triad has released the membership of the governing board and it is on their website. Can anyone recall ever having a lobbyist on the governing board of any other National Laboratory?
Monday, September 3, 2018
There were some LANL people sitting behind us
"There were some LANL people sitting behind us"
Maybe the scandal of using GRT to fund this lobbying effort is not yet over, if the investigation uncovers the 'LANL people' that were at the baseball game paid for by taxpayer funds!
The game was listed as a nighttime activity on the RCLC board’s itinerary for a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., last September to meet with government officials and attend a workshop on nuclear waste cleanup put on by the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA).
Gonzales is not even a baseball fan. He doesn’t recall what teams were playing, just that he was among a loose group of mostly New Mexicans at Nationals Park. “(Then-Española Mayor) Alice Lucero was there with her husband. There were some LANL people sitting behind us,” he said.
Maybe the scandal of using GRT to fund this lobbying effort is not yet over, if the investigation uncovers the 'LANL people' that were at the baseball game paid for by taxpayer funds!
The game was listed as a nighttime activity on the RCLC board’s itinerary for a four-day trip to Washington, D.C., last September to meet with government officials and attend a workshop on nuclear waste cleanup put on by the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA).
Gonzales is not even a baseball fan. He doesn’t recall what teams were playing, just that he was among a loose group of mostly New Mexicans at Nationals Park. “(Then-Española Mayor) Alice Lucero was there with her husband. There were some LANL people sitting behind us,” he said.
Sunday, September 2, 2018
Bechtel bid was not competitive
So I guess enough time has passed but people are talking a bit about the LANL bid. One thing I heard it was not as close as people thought. This would go along with the rumor that way back in Feb that UC had essentially won may have been right. The other is that Bechtel was not thrilled about bidding but a cadre of LANL people pushed them to put in a bid, what is surprising is that these where not former Bechtel people at all but some long term "older" LANL crew, pre LANS people. It is not hard to figure out who these people are since there seems to be a slow burn of these people out of management if you know what I mean. Also think of the most sleazy, cut throat or dumb and it is exactly who you would guess, not to mention that all of their names have been
brought up numerous times on this blog. The Bechtel bid was seen as simply not competitive. Not sure about the Texas people but they seem to be seen in a better light.
brought up numerous times on this blog. The Bechtel bid was seen as simply not competitive. Not sure about the Texas people but they seem to be seen in a better light.
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