Anonymous said: It is over! people!
Face the truth
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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
It is sad, but true.
Even in the slow economy, the good people are leaving. It took me a little longer to find another job, but the search was worth it.
Before too long, the only people left will be the bureucrats like LSO.
If you want to see what the Lab will be like in 5 years, take a look at B311.
It will be OK. Ronald Reagan showed us that deficits do not matter.
The future that awaits retiring Boomers is going to be bleak. Medicare will go largely unfunded and Social Security is going to collapse well before the time that the pundits have said it will run out of money. In truth, Social Security has no money right now, as politicians have been borrowing from the Social Security "lock box" for many years.
The future that awaits the Boomer's kids will be even worse. They get to inherit the massive debt payments run up by their parents. By the time most Boomers have passed away, either the US will have to default on debt payments or the government will engineered hyper-inflation to eat away the debt burden and collapse the dollar's value. Either solution will plunge the nation into poverty the likes of which this nation has never before seen. The Greater Depression awaits.
And when you think it's bad it only get worse.
Say Bye-Bye to your 401k or any chance of saving for retirement
And when you think it's bad it only get worse.
This may not be so bad. U.C. used to administers our former retirement plan and did very well (a government entity) so I am not sure that the Fed administering the 401K would be all that bad.
March 31, 2009 8:26 PM
Very well put. With that in mind I am surprised former VP Cheney isn't dancing in the streets with regard to the administrations budget proposal. He isn't of course (hypocrite).
And it's Rep Miller who is thinking about getting rid of 401k, figures.
April 1, 2009 4:52 AM
And now some JA in congress wants to take away our 401k tax deductions so they can get theirs taxes first on your (gross pay ) and on the other hand they want us to donate 5% of our pay to a ( public pension plan ) PBGC, so they can mismanage it too as they did social security. All we have to do now to pay off the debt is take away your home mortgage tax write off, along with all other deductions; and then charge each household $10K a year for every child they have for the first 18 years. Not only can we pay off the debt but we'll acquire birth control at the same time. What a concept. By 2014 when a lot of us retire at age 65 to get medicare we'll only be $14T in debt with $23T coming shortly after that. I wonder how long we can stay the course. If I were someone of 20 years old and read all this I'd be protesting to stop taking SS out of my paycheck and surely after looking how they managed SS I would not be paying into their PBGC neither.
Congress plans on stealing as much money as they can from the saver's pocketbook, so of course they'll start taxing 401K savings. It's called wealth redistribution and it helps buy votes.
Most people haven't saved much of anything for their retirement. They'll be more than happy to take a chunk of your 401k to see them through the Golden Years. It goes in the same vein as the bailouts being prepared for all the home buying deadbeats. They'll get instant equity and ultra low interest rates applied to the homes they lied to purchase.
US savers are complete suckers. The message from Washington DC is to follow their example and to spend, spend, spend whether you have any money or not. Congress is watching your back, so don't worry about creating massive amounts of debt. Money is very easy and cheap to print. You can have it all and you deserve it!
Gee 401k were never intended to be a retirement fund but was written as a tax shelter for the rich. They know this all along people and now after decades we're screwed. Well plan ploy wouldn't you say.
You're Screwed
You all really need to look at all four segents.
And then there's the BS health care ploy.
Health Care in America and it's cost to the working class. All the things they never show on CBS, NBC, ABC or CNN
When are people at LLNL going to accept if they're going to survive there that they need to take pay cuts like the rest of the economy??
Pay cuts?
Most LLNL workers have been living with pay "increases" well below the rate of inflation for many years now. That and reductions in other benefits mean that we've effectively been getting pay cuts for quite some time now.
Congress, NNSA, and LLNL ULM should all be subjected to the proposed punitive messages suggested for AIG executives. After that then let's discuss any pay cuts for rank and file Lab workers.
April 3, 2009 3:48 PM
Wrong anser bubba. We are already taking pay cuts, like < 1% payraises for doing three peoples jobs while plant engineering who went unionized is geting 6.3% and 3.X percent for the next three years. The rest of us are taking it in the shorts big time and you want cuts. You can take that crap to China. We all need a 20% increase after taxes to make up what they have taken from us since LLNS took over. We've done nothing but get the shaft.
If we took the money away from those managers who add no value (a lot) and distributed it to the ones who deserve it, there would still be enough left over to cut the weeds and pick up the leaves.
I took a pay cut when I left and it was the best thing I ever did.
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