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Monday, August 10, 2015

Better Dead than Red!
You try to act like one and then get treated like a man, and the wagons circle.

Look familiar Livermore?


Anonymous said...

Trump is appalling and should apologize to all women for his comments and behavior.
Better yet, he should give all women on his payroll an automatic 1% raise.

Anonymous said...

Or he can treat them as equals and dump on them as he would with any other annoying human. An asshole abides no gender...

Anonymous said...

How true. Women expect equal treatment, but many women complain when they are given equal treatment.

Anonymous said...

Are women given equal treatment at the lab?
There's been some comments on other streams that they are given preferential treatment.
Or is this topic just too sensitive?

Anonymous said...

By the lack of comments, it appears it's too sensitive.

Anonymous said...

Women are definitely given a free ride at the Labs.

Anonymous said...

I can't speak to free rides, but the bar is definitely a lot lower.
Example: A male with the equivalent qualifications of the the last engineering AD, would have never moved up the ladder to become the engineering AD.
Women, please comment.

Anonymous said...

Can't speak for LLNL but at LANL the exact opposite is perceived and spoken about. Northern New Mexican male dominate culture is the words spoken.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the Northern New Mexico male culture dominated by the Espinola Low Rider?

Anonymous said...

that's española.

Anonymous said...

The President of Sandia National Laboratories does not have a Ph.D.: Jill Hruby

Adam Rowen a former manager of the Materials Chemistry Department at Sandia Livermore does not have a Ph.D. either.

The 3 individuals at Sandia are the first ever Vice Presidents without a Ph.D. in Science or Engineering to lead technical divisions at Sandia. A quick search on the internet shows that Adam Rowen went to a school in New Mexico.

Steve Renfro deputy AD Nuclear Weapons, BS without PhD (also comes from a New Mexico school)

Anonymous said...

and your point being that the labs are on an upswing, with a brighter future ahead?

Anonymous said...

Before LLNS, several women in Hazards Control were taken from clerical filing jobs, and groomed to become 200 series "Engineers".
One spent all her time studying for the next step up, did absolutely minimal or less work, and would never answer a technical question.

Either because she didn't know, didn't know how to look it up, or was just too lazy.
After a while, people would no longer ask, went to a "real" 200.

In California, you must be registered to use the term Engineer for many disciplines.
But the Law of the Land stops at the fence, and was ignored. Or people were titled Specialist, instead.

When LLNS took over the female so called Leader who was "just helping her protege" was forced out the door.

Don't know what happened to the up and coming lady.

Do you?

Does this happen with LLNS?

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