Northern NM economy profits from LANL from Los Alamos Monitor
Joshua Montoya worked as a pipefitter when the thefts occurred. Montoya was arrested in July 2016, after the owner of an Española scrap metal yard gave investigators Montoya’s driver’s licence information and sales records of the transaction that also had Montoya’s personal information.
In court Wednesday, Montoya pleaded no contest to larceny. In exchange for his plea, Montoya was sentenced to three years probation. If he completes the three years without breaking any other laws, the felony conviction will be wiped from his record.
Montoya’s attorney, Tyr Loranger, said he was able to get a more lenient sentence for his client because there were others involved.
“There were some sympathetic factors in Joshua’s case,” Loranger said. “One of those factors was that the main culprit in that case was someone else. There was someone else who was responsible for what was going on. Josh was just an accessory. That was the fulcrum I used to convince the district attorney that this outcome was in the best interest of justice.”
Shortly after his July 9, 2016, arrest, Montoya also checked himself into an inpatient addiction treatment program, which also helped his case, Loranger said.
Police believe Montoya started taking the copper between May 31 and July 9 of last year.
Los Alamos National Laboratory officials initially reported a theft of copper fittings that occurred between July 9 and July 13. Investigators traced the stolen copper to Gallegos Scrap Metal LLC, where the shop’s owner, Tim Gallegos was able to show investigators receipts from sales Montoya made to his shop.
After a more thorough examination of the records, investigators from LANL and the Los Alamos Police Department determined that Montoya had been selling copper materials from LANL several times a week since May 31.
“(Gallegos) said that since this date, Mr. Montoya has sold 2,709 pounds of copper and brass to Gallegos Scrap Metal and was paid $3,474.95,” said Los Alamos Police Department Cpl. Jack Casias in his report. “Examination of one of the boxes showed a label which had ‘Los Alamos National Laboratory’ on it as well as ‘LANL SM-30 TA 60’ which is another technical area of the laboratory.”
Blog purpose
This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Party time before vote!
UC Regents and UCOP party night before tuition vote
Monday, May 29, 2017
Fire raises questions about Los Alamos lab
A recent fire has put a national laboratory’s ability to operate safely into question.
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board announced Friday that it will hold a hearing next month to discuss the future of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported. The board is an independent panel that advises the U.S. Department of Energy and the president.
A fire broke mid-April at the lab’s PF-4 plutonium building, where the plutonium cores of nuclear weapons are produced. Lab officials said that the fire was put out quickly and caused only minor injuries.
According to the report, the board is unsure whether the lab is fit to continue to operate and handle increasing quantities of plutonium in coming years after a series of problems with management in maintenance and cleanup.
Friday, May 26, 2017
NNSA Seeking Federal Staffing Boost
"...Meanwhile, recruitment and retention of technical talent at NNSA labs remains an ongoing concern..."
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Impeachment impact
Suppose Trump is impeached in the next few months and some are saying that this is going to happen, what does this do for the contract changes? It may not even be Pence who stays they may say Russia had hold of the whole administration and we have to put Hillary in charge? What happens than to the labs and NNSA?
Goldstein to lead UC bid for LANL!
Goldstein to lead UC bid for LANL!
Is this a joke?
I have heard a different name but Goldstein would make more sense than the name I have heard and Goldstein would lend some actual credibility to a bid team from UC. Than again maybe it is all bs. The blog seems to have the same level accuracy as the NYT and WSP when it comes to anonymous sources. Sorry Scooby I don't want to disparage the blog by making this comparison but I was just trying to make a point ;)
Scooby: your comment foes not bother because the blog isn't the WSJ or the NYT. 🙂
Is this a joke?
I have heard a different name but Goldstein would make more sense than the name I have heard and Goldstein would lend some actual credibility to a bid team from UC. Than again maybe it is all bs. The blog seems to have the same level accuracy as the NYT and WSP when it comes to anonymous sources. Sorry Scooby I don't want to disparage the blog by making this comparison but I was just trying to make a point ;)
Scooby: your comment foes not bother because the blog isn't the WSJ or the NYT. 🙂
What will happen to LANL TCP1?
Does anyone have a sense as to the future of the LANL TCP-1 (Pension) under a new M&O contractor. Will they have to continue it for transferring employees or freeze it and force employees into a 401K plan?
The current contract (Clause H-36) says this - "If the Contract expires, or is terminated and an award is made to a follow-on management and operating contractor, as a part of the transition to another entity and in accordance with Contracting Officer direction and applicable law the Contractor shall transfer sponsorship of site-specific pension and other benefit plans covering employees at the Laboratory to the follow-on management and operating contractor."
But does this mean transferring employees will continue to accrue benefits under TCP-1?
The current contract (Clause H-36) says this - "If the Contract expires, or is terminated and an award is made to a follow-on management and operating contractor, as a part of the transition to another entity and in accordance with Contracting Officer direction and applicable law the Contractor shall transfer sponsorship of site-specific pension and other benefit plans covering employees at the Laboratory to the follow-on management and operating contractor."
But does this mean transferring employees will continue to accrue benefits under TCP-1?
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
NM locals demand LANL remain for profit!
Comment :
- AnonymousMay 16, 2017 at 6:48 AM"These communities need this revenue!"
Perhaps, but could someone point out some improvements made by these revenues since the contract change? There may be some but even in Los Alamos, any improvements seem to be to the county officials and buddies rather than to the actual community. I hope it is different in the other parts of New Mexico but I have my doubts.
Monday, May 15, 2017
UC bid for LANL
- What will the UC bid for LANL look like? With the PAD level (all?) retired, what does UC have to offer in competition? Who are the new PAD and AD levels? Who will be the Director? LLNL people coming in again or not?
After the Sandia winner any team with any players can win. How can UC win? - Comments
- AnonymousMay 15, 2017 at 6:03 AMVery simple... UC drops all the current LANS/LLNS industrial partners and then UC teams with Honeywell for a LANL bid and with Battelle for a LLNL bid. These are its best shots, not say these LLC would win, but UC has zero chance if it stays with Bechtel.
- AnonymousMay 15, 2017 at 6:05 AMAfter the Sandia winner any team with any players can win. How can UC win?
May 14, 2017 at 11:05 PM
You may be right that anything can happen. I have heard that there is UC team with team leaders that are internal LANL people who expect that if they win they will be the next high up managers, director etc. Judging from who these people are and lack of weapons experience I say the odds are slim. To be honest it seems like UC will be putting a bid as a favor and doing as little as possible on their end and are letting the LANL side put the whole thing together. Could it work, who knows.
One could try the pitch that LANL is soo utterly different than anything else that only internal LANL who have been there for 25 years can possibly hope to run it.
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Where's Ed Moses?
Has Ed Moses been in the public eye since he left the Giant Magellan Telescope Organization (GMTO)?
Heather Wilson
- The ethical swamp monster who received $450,000 of government funds even though there is no evidence that work performed had been completed is now your SecAF.Comment: - AnonymousMay 14, 2017 at 8:03 AMALL 4 Labs she worked for have refuted the baseless claims against Heather Wilson.
Read the Wiki page, she is very qualified.
Sheesh, Owebama earns $400K for each 90 minute speech and these hypocritical Dims say nothing. Disgusting. Wilson worked for years to get that kind of money.
Saturday, May 13, 2017
LANL: worst place to work in all of the complex
LANL still has the market cornered. Worst place to work in all of the complex.
So you know this first hand but still work there? Why? Self-abuse? If it is not first hand, why repeat innuendo and rumor? Either way, you are a complete jerk. Thousands of good people disagree with you.
So you know this first hand but still work there? Why? Self-abuse? If it is not first hand, why repeat innuendo and rumor? Either way, you are a complete jerk. Thousands of good people disagree with you.

"LANL still has the market cornered. Worst place to work in all of the complex. "
True expect that it is not true, at least by all the people that want to work at LANL and want the pay, but hey don't let a good narrative get in your way. I am no fan of LANS but you did say the "complex" and so it is. You could say the world or the world of science and you may have a partial argument but the, LANL is not the worst place in the complex, never has been and never will be, and yes some of us know this for a fact. There are of course some who have personal reasons that cause them to say, that is to say they have no choice but to say, to proclaim, that LANL is the Devil, but those are personal reasons, very very,...very, personal reasons and not as we shall say rational reasons to say that LANL is the Devil. We all have personal reasons for our motivations but some are more personal than others if you know what I mean and some of the posters know exactly what I mean.
True expect that it is not true, at least by all the people that want to work at LANL and want the pay, but hey don't let a good narrative get in your way. I am no fan of LANS but you did say the "complex" and so it is. You could say the world or the world of science and you may have a partial argument but the, LANL is not the worst place in the complex, never has been and never will be, and yes some of us know this for a fact. There are of course some who have personal reasons that cause them to say, that is to say they have no choice but to say, to proclaim, that LANL is the Devil, but those are personal reasons, very very,...very, personal reasons and not as we shall say rational reasons to say that LANL is the Devil. We all have personal reasons for our motivations but some are more personal than others if you know what I mean and some of the posters know exactly what I mean.
Nevada National Security Site contract
The National Nuclear Security Administration has for a second time awarded the management and operations contract for its Nevada National Security Site – this time to Mission Support and Test Services LLC (MSTS), a partnership of Honeywell International, Jacobs and Stroller Newport News
Perry's visits
Perry visited the DoE 'problem children' this week
Anyone get any good takeaways from the LANL or WIPP visits?
Anyone get any good takeaways from the LANL or WIPP visits?
California yanks $50M from UCOP
It has been a bad couple weeks for UCOP over the hidden slush fund, audit tampering, and Napalitano hearing testimony under oath that was refuted by internal e-mails. Now they have ticked off the Governor as well.

"I’m not in the business of opining on my colleagues,” Brown said. “Most people think she’s doing a pretty good job. That’s certainly the view of the regents and I think a lot of others. I have my issues with the university. I think their salaries are way too high, especially the administrators.”"
Well at least the the labs the salaries of the managers is not too high...oops, never mind.
Well at least the the labs the salaries of the managers is not too high...oops, never mind.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
WIPP Receives Shipment of LANL Waste
MAY 09, 2017
WIPP Receives Shipment of LANL Waste
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico has taken delivery of some transuranic waste generated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and formerly stored at the privately operated Waste Control Specialists disposal site near Andrews, Texas, sources in New Mexico said.
WIPP took delivery of the waste last week. The sources did not quantify the amount of material in the shipment, but did say the waste was not the potentially explosive, improperly packaged nitrate salts from Los Alamos that caused the 2014 radiation leak that shut the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant down for almost three years.
The Energy Department and Nuclear Waste Partnership, the prime contractor for WIPP, did not immediately reply to requests for comment Monday.
In 2014, Waste Control Specialists took custody of more than 100 barrels of nitrate salt waste from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The company has stored the material under contract with Nuclear Waste Partnership under a deal that was recently extended through September. DOE has refused to make the value of the latest extension public, but the contract’s base and option periods through March were worth about $25 million.
WIPP Receives Shipment of LANL Waste
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico has taken delivery of some transuranic waste generated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and formerly stored at the privately operated Waste Control Specialists disposal site near Andrews, Texas, sources in New Mexico said.
WIPP took delivery of the waste last week. The sources did not quantify the amount of material in the shipment, but did say the waste was not the potentially explosive, improperly packaged nitrate salts from Los Alamos that caused the 2014 radiation leak that shut the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant down for almost three years.
The Energy Department and Nuclear Waste Partnership, the prime contractor for WIPP, did not immediately reply to requests for comment Monday.
In 2014, Waste Control Specialists took custody of more than 100 barrels of nitrate salt waste from the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The company has stored the material under contract with Nuclear Waste Partnership under a deal that was recently extended through September. DOE has refused to make the value of the latest extension public, but the contract’s base and option periods through March were worth about $25 million.
Monday, May 8, 2017
Bid extension request
DOE asked bidders for the NNSS contract to extend their bids until 30 June 2017. Are they applying lessons learned form the Sandia transition?
Thursday, May 4, 2017
UC President forced to testify
- UC President forced to testify on audit scandal and coverup of slush fundComments:
The Cali performance is a good warm up act for her when she gets hauled before US Congress to testify on how UC is doing such a great job with the NNSA. - AnonymousMay 3, 2017 at 7:48 AMfrom the LA Times article:
"Napolitano said she regretted how the issue was handled, but wanted to make sure the auditors' surveys of campuses were accurate." - AnonymousMay 4, 2017 at 3:30 PMNumerous e-mails contradict Napolitano testimony on audit cover-up
Even if only a fraction of what is in this story is correct, the e-mail trail could lead to numerous resignations and perhaps even some criminal charges.
DOE budget
DOE's numbers in the finalized FY17 budget agreement to fund the government through September...
The Energy and Water bill provides $31.182 billion for DOE. This amount is $1.438 billion more than the fiscal year 2016 level.
Nuclear Weapons: The bill provides $9.318 billion, which is $471 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for nuclear weapons activities. This amount will advance life extension programs for the B61 gravity bomb and the W76 and W88 submarine-launched warheads; invest in the science, technology and engineering needed to maintain a safe and secure stockpile without underground nuclear weapons testing; and upgrade or replace aging infrastructure, especially for uranium and plutonium activities.
Scientific Discovery: The bill provides $5.392 billion, $42 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for the Office of Science. The Office of Science is the largest federal sponsor of basic research in the physical sciences, and supports 22,000 researchers at 17 national laboratories and more than 300 universities. The bill continues to advance the highest priorities in materials research, high performance computing and biology to maintain U.S. scientific leadership.
Applied Energy Research and Development: The bill provides $4.311 billion for applied energy programs, $123 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level. This funding supports research, development, demonstration and deployment of an extensive range of clean energy technologies, including for nuclear, fossil and renewable energy applications, that keep the United States at the forefront of energy innovation. This amount includes $306 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to develop next-generation, innovative energy technologies.
Nonproliferation: The bill provides $1.902 billion for nonproliferation activities that reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism. This amount will continue efforts to secure and permanently eliminate remaining stockpiles of dangerous nuclear and radiological materials around the world. The bill also invests in new technologies that can detect uranium and plutonium production activities in foreign countries.
Naval Reactors: The bill provides $1.420 billion, which is $45 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for naval reactors. This amount includes $214 million to continue the design of a 40- year nuclear reactor core to power the Ohio-class submarine, and $124 million to refuel a research and training reactor in New York.
Environmental Cleanup: The bill provides a total of $6.420 billion, $201 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for environmental cleanup activities across the DOE complex.
The Energy and Water bill provides $31.182 billion for DOE. This amount is $1.438 billion more than the fiscal year 2016 level.
Nuclear Weapons: The bill provides $9.318 billion, which is $471 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for nuclear weapons activities. This amount will advance life extension programs for the B61 gravity bomb and the W76 and W88 submarine-launched warheads; invest in the science, technology and engineering needed to maintain a safe and secure stockpile without underground nuclear weapons testing; and upgrade or replace aging infrastructure, especially for uranium and plutonium activities.
Scientific Discovery: The bill provides $5.392 billion, $42 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for the Office of Science. The Office of Science is the largest federal sponsor of basic research in the physical sciences, and supports 22,000 researchers at 17 national laboratories and more than 300 universities. The bill continues to advance the highest priorities in materials research, high performance computing and biology to maintain U.S. scientific leadership.
Applied Energy Research and Development: The bill provides $4.311 billion for applied energy programs, $123 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level. This funding supports research, development, demonstration and deployment of an extensive range of clean energy technologies, including for nuclear, fossil and renewable energy applications, that keep the United States at the forefront of energy innovation. This amount includes $306 million for the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to develop next-generation, innovative energy technologies.
Nonproliferation: The bill provides $1.902 billion for nonproliferation activities that reduce the threat of nuclear terrorism. This amount will continue efforts to secure and permanently eliminate remaining stockpiles of dangerous nuclear and radiological materials around the world. The bill also invests in new technologies that can detect uranium and plutonium production activities in foreign countries.
Naval Reactors: The bill provides $1.420 billion, which is $45 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for naval reactors. This amount includes $214 million to continue the design of a 40- year nuclear reactor core to power the Ohio-class submarine, and $124 million to refuel a research and training reactor in New York.
Environmental Cleanup: The bill provides a total of $6.420 billion, $201 million more than the fiscal year 2016 level, for environmental cleanup activities across the DOE complex.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So now that you have your new budget how many are they going to send out the gate, put on the EBA list?
The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Public officials from Northern New Mexico communities are renewing a push to try to ensure that Los Alamos National Laboratory and its contractors continue to pay gross receipts taxes on their purchases.
Under state law, the communities and the state would lose tens of millions of dollars a year in gross receipts taxes if a nonprofit group takes over management of the lab next year when the Department of Energy puts a new contractor in place. The lab is now managed by a for-profit consortium, which is required to pay gross receipts taxes.