- Really Scooby? Google ads on the blog? So much for your vaunted "volunteer" service. Hypocrite!ReplyDelete
- AnonymousMay 30, 2017 at 7:02 PMReally Scooby? Google ads on the blog? So much for your vaunted "volunteer" service. Hypocrite!ReplyDelete
May 30, 2017 at 5:46 PM
I agree, the blog must be shut down now!!! I am sick of this blog, I go to it every other day and stuff just makes me sick. No one should be forced to read this blog, yet everyday people come to read the blog. Crazy I tell you crazy. Do you not realize the blog has offended me!? Me personally. I now longer want to go to this blog and be offended, so I say shut it down so the next time I try to look at this blog I will not be able see anything Google ads or otherwise. It is for my own good. - AnonymousMay 30, 2017 at 7:48 PMMay 30, 2017 at 7:02 PM
So subtle, so light-hearted, so sublime. Your perspicacity is amazing. Bottle and sell it. You are a treasure. Me, I just want to read a web page without somebody trying to sell me something I don't want.
Blog purpose
Blog rules
- Stay on topic.
- No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
- No political debate.
- Posts and comments are posted several times a day.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Opinions on blog monetizing
- scooby said...
Thank you for your voluntary visits. This bloog has been maintained for almost 10 years now.
About 2 years ago, I tried monetizing. I make about $100 every 4 months or so. What seems to be the problem here?
So many people complained over the years saying the blog did not meet their standards. I have always asked for ideas and even volunteers to help with the blog. I got zero response.
I say it again ,if you can contribute to improve the blog, let me know ".Don't judge and call me hypocrite.
if you are offended please feel free to no longer visit. That will resolve your problem. And... Don't let the door hit you in the b....
Julian -
6/01/2017 4:51 PM
Anonymous said...
The customer is always wrong. A recipe for success. Bravo. So much for egalitarian volunteerism. You get paid, we get ads. Yahoo.
6/01/2017 5:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Well stated.
6/01/2017 5:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Well stated Julian that is.
6/01/2017 5:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Hey 5:43, I'm sure Julian would refund what you paid as a "customer."
6/02/2017 10:54 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm sure Julian would refund what you paid as a "customer."
June 2, 2017 at 10:54 AM
What is it about his attitude or demeanor that suggests that to you?? -
6/02/2017 2:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Scooby is just following the lead of the lab - he abandoned the non-profit model
6/02/2017 3:13 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah well, the other aspects of the labs' not-for-profit system seem to hold too - "management"(i.e. Scooby) arrogance, lack of concern for the people he is supposed to be supporting, and general ignorance of how to do his job. The palm tree selfie with the goofy toothy grin is typical. Clueless.
6/02/2017 6:18 PM
- scooby said...
Hey, June 1, 2017 at 5:43 PM
In this blog, there are readers not customers. Readers come and go VOLUNTARILY!
Customers are always right but there are no customers here.
If it bothers you to see me pocket $25/month, then you should get out more often and look around to see what $25/month will buy you.
I welcome readers, not customers! -
6/02/2017 7:29 PM
Anonymous said...
"Readers" assumes you are providing something intrinsically worth reading. Since that very rarely applies to this blog, then "customers" is more appropriate since they depend on your service, not your content (which you disavow in all cases). Content is indisputably crap, service is also questionable at best. So, get your $25 where you can, if it means that much to you, because "moderating" this blog obviously doesn't.
6/02/2017 9:45 PM
Anonymous said...
June 2, 2017 at 9:45 PM
Go crawl back into your hole buddy! -
6/03/2017 3:48 AM
Anonymous said...
"Go crawl back into your hole buddy!
June 3, 2017 at 3:48 AM"
The blog is of no value and should be shut down, no one reads it, and there is no information other than defamatory things about management, lab polices, and lab decisions none of which these readers or posters really understand or could understand. In many ways this kind of information is none of their business. Imagine if some ex-employee of Microsoft, Google, or GM had a
blog where business stragedy could be spilled or management could be attacked, there would be hell to pay, but not at the labs. The labs are a business now and should be run that way in the fullest not like some crazy left wing university where people can just say whatever the hell they want and send the county to hell in a hand basket. Every week I go to this blog and I see some thing revealed about the lab that no business would would want out there as it would give away competitive advantages. The workers work at the pleasure of the business and are there to do their job, no more no less, they are not to complain about policies, not to blog, and not questions the management decisions. Again this blog is useless and even harmful. It has no information and should be shut down. I do not want this blog out there and no else should either. -
6/03/2017 5:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Nuclear Weapons work should never have been allowed to become a "business". 5:58 is demonstration enough of the rationale behind that principle.
6/03/2017 7:01 AM
- scooby said...
Hey June 2, 2017 at 9:45 PM,
Readers are the main contributors to this blog. If the contents are not up to your standards, I welcome your suggestions to improve them. Would you like to contribute your talents?
If not, don't let the door hit you in the... -
6/03/2017 12:56 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course readers are the main contributors, you boob! The point was that you have customers too, the ones who depend on you doing your moderator job competently and effectively. No one can help you with that - you either are up to it or not. IMO, you never were and never will be.
6/03/2017 6:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Of course readers are the main contributors, you boob! The point was that you have customers too, the ones who depend on you doing your moderator job competently and effectively. No one can help you with that - you either are up to it or not. IMO, you never were and never will be.
June 3, 2017 at 6:18 PM
I agree that is why 6:18 and I never read this blog or ever post. We as costumers have made our decisions not to visit this blog. Scooby drove us away years ago and has not changed and we should know since we check every other day. I don't get how people do no understand what costumers want and what a business is. A business can only be successful if it ttys to maximize money and Scooby does not realize this. The boobs at at the lab also fail to realize that this is the job of LLNS and LANS, it is to make money. They are not there to help us live good lives, fulfill us, or even serve the nation. These things could be outcomes of a successful business but they are not the goal. If Scooby is to grow his costumer base and move more product he needs to listen to his costumers and 6:18 and I as costumers are saying to shut the blog down. I also want to make it very clear that 6:18 and I do not have any other agenda to have the blog shut down other than helping customers and making more space for the internet for other blogs since the number of blogs on the internet is constant. Thats it, that is are only motive. -
6/04/2017 7:24 AM
Anonymous said...
Scooby, ignore the criticisms. You are providing a service to current and former lab employees and doing a great job at it! Thank You.
6/04/2017 7:29 AM
- scooby said...
Thank you amigo/a!
6/04/2017 7:36 AM
Anonymous said...
Scooby the fact your critics spend so much time reading and posting on the blog just shows how successful it has been. The blog is informative, well managed, and even entertaining at times. -
6/04/2017 7:46 AM
Anonymous said...
This blog is a great service to all employees past and present. I've picked up a lot of good info over the years from here. Critics don't have to read it (they can start their own blogs).
There seems to be a very small set of attackers (paid?) who seem very determined to attack & distract at every turn.
Thank you for enduring this small subset.
Thanks from the silent majority readership...we really appreciate (and need) this blog. -
6/04/2017 10:50 PM
- GreggS said...
I note well the complainers, like all troll-types, cower under the anonymous posting label.
Scooby has run this blog long enough and through enough rough times to deserve better than some cheap-shot sniping from dark corners. I don't like ads, but not about to rip off Scooby's head for wanting some compensation for his work. Those that don't like the ads should knock off the personal attacks in favor of more civil language or just quietly leave.
As per the need for aid running this blog, I'd help gladly. Scooby, contact me privately if interested. -
6/05/2017 6:50 AM
Anonymous said...
I note well the complainers, like all troll-types, cower under the anonymous posting label.
June 5, 2017 at 6:50 AM
So the fact that well over 95% of the posters on this blog are anonymous doesn't disturb your "logic?" Or are they all "troll-types"? Or do you think that "complainers" should be forced to post real names, while non-complainers are entitled to anonymity? In case you haven't noticed, all corners are dark here, including your own. -
6/05/2017 9:46 AM
- GreggS said...
MY POINT - if you want to criticize Scooby, at least use a name you can sign the message with. That's common courtesy, a behavior way too rare these days.
Yes, I use a nom de plume. So does Scooby. Both resolve to real people with a minimal of effort so it's not like we are hiding or anything. 95% of the postings are anonymous, 75% or more are innocuous enough not to need any protection - anon is just convenient. That convenience does not apply when you diss the blog master, you should be willing to identify yourself if when making such accusations.
6/05/2017 1:30 PM
- scooby said...
It is easier to be brave anonymously. Thanks for your positive contribution.
6/05/2017 4:19 PM
- scooby said...
Thank you for positive contribution
6/05/2017 4:24 PM
- scooby said...
Thanks for your valued feedback.
6/05/2017 4:24 PM
- scooby said...
I'd be happy to do that. It is easier with a gmail account. Do you have one?
6/05/2017 4:31 PM
Anonymous said...
Nothing to see here - move along please. Nothing to see here....
6/05/2017 7:02 PM
- GreggS said...
Scooby - I can be reached at ee.ancient.evil@gmail.com.
6/06/2017 3:19 AM
Anonymous said...
you should be willing to identify yourself if when making such accusations.
June 5, 2017 at 1:30 PM
To what "accusations" are your referring? One poster objected to Scooby allowing ads for his own remuneration, and one stated an opinion about his competency. And apparently, no one was informed that the "blog master" is sacred and not to be "dissed." -
6/06/2017 9:36 AM
- scooby said...
Don't you have anything better to do other than spew your sarcasm?
6/06/2017 6:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't you have anything better to do than defend your thin skin? I asked a simple question, which the poster in question has not seen fit to answer, plus an observation about his wording (not mine or yours). Why are you jumping in?
6/06/2017 6:40 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't you have anything better to do than defend your thin skin? I asked a simple question, which the poster in question has not seen fit to answer, plus an observation about his wording (not mine or yours). Why are you jumping in?
June 6, 2017 at 6:40 PM
The accusation is that the blog is badly run. A counter point is that many people say the blog is run well and serves in important service. A second counter point is that you are clearly reading the blog on a regular basis so you must find something of value as well. Of course the real issue is why are making your comments in the first place, lets see (1) you appreciate the blog but would like to see it improved. I think this is unlikely since you never offer a way to improve it. (2) You are worried that the blog may or has exposed some kind of shameful behavior or acts on your point and you wish to discredit the blog. Perhaps but that would be fairly petty. (3) You are just a messed up lonely person who cannot interact with people and this is the only way you know how to interact with the blog. Ok I think some could have some pity for you but you need to tell us about your shortcomings in dealing with people.
Is there another reason? If so please share, I am going with (2) but (3) is also a good bet. Now that this has been settled can we move on to Trump/NIF/Goldstein/BayArea/NewMexico bashing or information about future contract changes, is the lab a good/bad place to work at, how many people could/will retire. -
6/06/2017 8:17 PM
Anonymous said...
The accusation is that the blog is badly run.
June 6, 2017 at 8:17 PM
Um, do you know the difference between an "accusation" and an opinion? Do you know what it means when a poster prefaces his statement with "IMO" as June 3, 2017 at 6:18 PM did? Or does all rationality fly out the window when someone pushes one of your buttons? -
6/07/2017 2:50 PM
- GreggS said...
Given that at least 3 posters, including Scooby, have reacted in counter to the negative viewpoint - this is hardly a case of one man's thin skin. Prefacing the words with IMO does not change the fact that the poster is making an accusation. That must be treated as such without regard to it being about Scooby or lab upper management.
Not every posting on this blog will bring joy and happiness to all, some will sadden and some will anger. But we should all strive to maintain a civil decorum and follow the established rules of netiquette. That applies to name-calling and to statements without factual ground. Opinions are one thing, but this is not the Washington Post - park any innuendo at the door.
If you think things are poorly run, let's hear some facts as to why you have that opinion. Perhaps a thought or two about what might improve things. I saw one issue - Google Ads. If memory serves me correctly there are ways to suppress those ads. I never see them here, so know that something is working. That makes one complaint down, N to go. :-) -
6/07/2017 6:59 PM
Anonymous said...
Um, do you know the difference between an "accusation" and an opinion?
In my opinion your are a crazy wacked out loser who lives in his moms basement, wets his bed, watches Alex Jones, hates kittens and puppies, loves rattlesnakes and cockroaches, hates Beyonce, loves Justin Bieber, hates England and loves Venezuela, hates Eddie Murphy but loves Rob Schneider. These are just my opinions of course, so you have no right whatsoever to say it is wrong, and no I have nothing better to do than to say how I hate the blog. By the way (3) is the correct assertion.
Also by the way, I have heard that the CINT center, center for integrated nanotechnology at Sandia and LANL will be cut, seems like the DOE has a problem with NNSA labs doing science. Well at least we will still have NIF which has a lot more impact than some crazy place like CINT will ever have, at least judging by the publication list. Of course I could be wrong on this point by an order of magnitude or two if someone cares to check the numbers but mean who will ever do that. -
6/07/2017 7:25 PM
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