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Sunday, July 16, 2017

No possible UC future at LANL?

FY 14 30% score for UC rules them out of any possible hope for contention on the Los Alamos upcoming contract. In addition they are the majority partner on the LLC and so the revoking of the contract falls more heavily on UC, no matter why it happened. They enjoyed the LLC while it lasted and got to pick their Director, got to pick their Chairman of the Board, and most of all got to rake in more than 50% of all the fee.


Anonymous said...

On the other hand, no one other than UC and its LLC employees knows shit about nuclear weapons physics, not details, not test history, not code weaknesses. Not hidden failures and magic, not deceptions, not intel.
Not weapons details, not others weapons weaknesses and details, not forensics, not signatures, not paths not taken. Not the basic science nor related science.

NNSA iz fu.cked up with pretenders.

It is an information monoply. UC iz the brain, the only US brain.

Anonymous said...

That's funny, you think all those LANL brains are going to quit and disappear if the great honorable LANS is replaced. Truth is, UC plays no real role in managing either LLNL or LANL, and that is exactly the problem. It has been the problem for years.

Anonymous said...

UC isn't the brain, never was. The people who worked for UC and now work for LANS and LLNS are the brains. Many of those people could leave if they get mistreated by the new contractor. The new contractor who almost certainly doesn't know diddly about the mission.

Anonymous said...

And cares less than diddly about the mission. It's all about the moola folks, get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Wait, the UC NEVER was the brains? Then why is the California lab called Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in honor of E.O. Lawrence a leader in the Manhattan Project who also founded Lawrence Berkley Laboratory and invented the cyclotron particle accelerator that eventually led to the National Ignition Facility at LLNL? In the mid 80's there were a dozen Nobel Prize winners working at LLNL, and 250 PHD's ALL from the UC system working on world class science and physics problems with international distinction and contributors from all corners of the worlds best science institutions. LLNL is now just a whore for the Bechtel poachers who suck money out of the place by buying off useless politicians like Di Fi and Pelosi. Hmmm How long has Di Fi's Husband Richard Blum been on the UC Board of Directors? Look it up for yourself....The facts don't lie, but Liberal trolls do....

Anonymous said...

The PhDs were most certainly NOT all from the UC system. That was a flat lie. In fact, few were from UC schools.

Anonymous said...

The PhDs were most certainly NOT all from the UC system. That was a flat lie. In fact, few were from UC schools.

July 18, 2017 at 6:10 PM

Well at LLNL and LANL they where mostly from UC schools, along with the Ivy league,
Cal Tech and MIT ect. that changed after the cold war and really changed after 2000. Now it is Texas Tech, UNM, U of Nevada, Texas Dallas, Oklahoma, and numerous other 3rd rate places. Now don't get me wrong there are always some good people coming from all ranks of schools, however the numbers at the labs just to great at this point to be ignored along with the implications for the quality of the people at the labs. I would also add that at both LLNL and LANL if you look at the prestigious postdoctoral fellows, in which many of the people do in fact come from top schools you will find that almost none of them have stayed on. There is a saying A students want to hire A students to keep the quality high, B students on the other hand want to hire C to make themselves look and C students want to hire D students and so on. Now we have the current situation.

Anonymous said...

There must be a complete sentence somewhere in this thread.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully that sentence explains how Lawrence and his cyclotrons begat the NIF.

Anonymous said...

There is not a single UC student at Livermore, never has been. UC is turning away qualified California residents just so it can run LLNL and LANL. UC for Californians only not people for Livermore or New Mexico!

Anonymous said...

Lawrence got his PhD from Yale.

By the way, I'm not a liberal and I agree that Pelosi is useless. However, by telling lies to make your point, 4:14 PM, you are useless too.

Anonymous said...

There is not a single UC student at Livermore, never has been.
July 18, 2017 at 8:06 PM

Well that's the most absurd thing I have read all day. There have been MANY, including generations of UC students at Teller Tech.

Anonymous said...

July 18, 2017 at 4:14 PM confused the population of Nobel Laureates at LBL with the one partial shared prize LLNL can claim. Maybe 2, depending on how the climate change Nobel was structured.

Anonymous said...

Dear July 18, 2017 at 8:06 PM,

I was a UC student working at LLNL on my dissertation from 1987-1989. QED, your statement is false.

Anonymous said...

I was a UC student working at LLNL on my dissertation from 1987-1989. QED, your statement is false.

July 18, 2017 at 8:44 PM

Damm you, some smart ass always has to come in with some "technically correct" statement but misses the whole point. Let us rephrase there was one one or two people from UC schools that work at the labs. Ok you now will you agree with my original point. By the way my real point is the UC is bad and Bechtel is good.

Anonymous said...

It seems the Chinese are active on this site, typing word salads to drive some of the lab tech people crazy. That or 8:51 pm is just on a midweek drunk.

Anonymous said...

Strike two. The staff at LLNL and LANL were NEVER "mostly" from UC schools. Why do you persist in this lie?

Anonymous said...

Uh. I am one.

Anonymous said...

That and Obama's were a political staement by liberal and otherwise irrelevant Serden another foreign country influencing a US elections.

Anonymous said...


Every employee who worked on nuclear weapons physical science from 1945 to the present was either an UC employee, a contractor or consultant, a outside reviewer (ALA Jasons) or a government or military person on assignment ( ignoring the occasional spy).

UC was/is the worldwide leader in nuclear weapons physics, not at campuses or at HQ, but where the work is LLNL and LANL.

Anonymous said...

... to say anything else such as the US army doesn't provide defense it's soldiers do, or Apple isn't a electronics leader, it's employees are is nonsense...a distinction without a difference.

Anonymous said...

The important point is NNSA is not prepared for a LANL that is not lead by UC, through an LLC or directly.

It f'ed it up in 2007 and is less prepared now than is run by Rick Perry, for Pete's sake, the dumbest Texan ever to shhot at coyotes while jogging...

Anonymous said...


Every employee who worked on nuclear weapons physical science from 1945 to the present was either an UC employee, a contractor or consultant, a outside reviewer (ALA Jasons) or a government or military person on assignment ( ignoring the occasional spy).

UC was/is the worldwide leader in nuclear weapons physics, not at campuses or at HQ, but where the work is LLNL and LANL.

12:23 AM really does not understand how LLNL has operated since the transition. NO ONE except for the Dir and a few other ULM are UC employees. Everyone else works for the LLC. Same at LANL now, and same after the next contract.

NNSA will select some new contractor, and the employees will still be the same ones doing the same jobs with a different employer on the paystub. Look at how SNL swapped out LockMar for Honeywell and the employees other than ULM all the same.

Sheez dude, get a grip and understand that it does matter a lot who wins a operating contract for a national lab from how employees are treated, but the employees are there doing the same work no matter who is the contractor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It's a Chinese acronym.

Anonymous said...

12:09 AM thinks because he came from a UC school that everyone else "mostly" did too. Laughable nonsense. I didn't come from a UC school and in the group of well over a hundred employees that I have resumes for, spanning from the mid 80's to the present, only a handful came from UC schools. By the way, Caltech isn't a UC school. Neither is USC or Stanford.

Where do LLNL and LANL staff actually come from? Everywhere. Looking at the resumes I have; Illinois, Stanford, Iowa State, Duke, Michigan, Arizona, Colorado School of Mines, Case Western reserve, UC Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, Caltech, Texas A&M, Rensselaer Polytechnic, North Carolina State, Washington, Wisconsin, USC, Florida State, Notre Dame, Georgia Tech, MIT, Delaware, Rutgers, and many, many others.

Many were UC employees at one time but not a single one has been a UC employee for about 10 years now.

Anonymous said...

Florida State


Colorado School of Mines


Rensselaer Polytechnic

Texas A&M

North Carolina State


Case Western reserve (Reserve actually).

Seriously, how many people from these schools did we have during the Manhattan project? I am not trying to sound arrogant but most people will agree that the quality of the technical workforce at LLNL and LANL has been in decline for some time now. The new motto from Macmillan is you condone what you accept so are we just
accepting a mediocre workforce now? Certainly top people can come from all these schools particularly in certain programs, like Chem E at Delaware, Optics from
Arizona and so on but we have to be honest about what we are really getting and it is no longer the top people. Since there is no PBI for talent I guess it does not matter.

Anonymous said...

UC is the primary partner in both corporations. UC leads things in both LLCs. The STE scores oF BOTH labs are and were nearly perfect prior to the transtions and since the mansgement of both UC managed and LLC employees now are the sole reason for those near perfect scores.

NNSA cannot replace this. This the fundamental weapons physics is what is in jeopardy in the LANL rebid.

UC remains by its virtuoso scientific stewsrdship, the only proven leader and practitioner in this specialty. They are the ONLY credible partner in any way new endeavor.

No other entity has any experience let alone comparable performance. Is there a MIT certified warhead? A Lockheed or JASONs package? Texas A&M? ..the PNNL/UW design?

A least Fuchs and the Rosenbergs had a workable stolen design. Northrup/ Bechtel/Grumman/Elon Musk have nothin..

Anonymous said...

To be clear ...all employees of both LLNS and LANS are now employed in UC lead corporations where UC is the principal partner. Each is a liability limited subsidiary.

As the hated Tyler Pryzbylek said with a wry smirk, " substantially equivalent in the aggregate".

Oh, and by the way, for those that don't use the English language regularly, being a graduate of a UC campus does not mean being an employee of UC...just wanted to clear that up

Anonymous said...

Good lord, are people actually standing up to defend LANS and LLNS now, based on PER scores? I can't stop laughing. 10 years ago, it made some sense to defend UC and be concerned about who will replace them. But then we got the new LLC fee-focused culture, we saw no tangible presence from UC or benefit to having UC in the partnership, and the labs declined very markedly. Now, 10 years later, people (different people?) think LANS and LLNS = UC, and think the sky is going to fall if UC disengages completely? The sky already fell, people, and it can't get a lot worse than it is now. And, truth is, the reason the best people came to LLNL, at least, during the UC era is because Edward Teller created a culture where only the best were good enough. That has little to do with UC management, which was hands-off to say the least.

Anonymous said...

"LLNL, at least, during the UC era is because Edward Teller created a culture where only the best were good enough"

This is a extremely arrogant thing to say. Who are you to judge what "great" work is or is not. Everyone has different talents and abilities. No matter what skills you have or think you have it is no excuse to be arrogant, rude or mean to others this includes Teller. The workplace thrives when we all work together without comparing abilities or work under some destructive narrative of being great. Saying words like great or excellence often come from privileged positions in society that have nothing to do with earned privilege, these are simply dog whistle terms to justify unfair systems of systematic exclusion. I would argue that the words "great" "excellence", "outstanding", and "hard working" can be seen as microaggressions and we should make every effort to stop using them in the workplace.

Anonymous said...

Some of the posts show a total lack of understanding for the concept of GOCO. Look at NTS which was operated by Bechtel, then by N- G, and now by someone else . Same facilities and same people, just different managers at the top of the org charts.
UC being an absent operator that just took profit and contributed nothing but failed leadership is what substantially led to LANS being cancelled, and most workers would now say good riddance.

Anonymous said...

July 20, 2017 at 6:55 AM

PC ridiculousness. "Dog whistle," "microaggressions," yada yada yada. "Who are you to judge what "great" work is or is not." So I guess in your world, everyone is just average and no one can be allowed to excel, sine that would be demeaning and racist? HaHaHaHaHaHa!!!! Go away, snowflake.

Anonymous said...

6:55 am pulled one over on 2:57 pm. At least I got it.

Anonymous said...

Acceptance is concurrence. All the like-thinking idiots out there thought they "got it" too.

Anonymous said...

Acceptance is concurrence. All the like-thinking idiots out there thought they "got it" too.

July 20, 2017 at 5:17 PM

Actually McMillan is saying "you condone what you accept". The management had a meeting in which they went through various new slogans. Some examples are

You condemn what you condone.

You acceptance what you condemn.

You condone what you condemn.

You believe in what you cannot defeat.

You keep what you kill.

The graveyards are full of indispensable man.

From each according to his ability to each according to his need.

We are Bechtel and F* you all!

Anonymous said...

7:28 spews more made up stuff. How do we know he made this stuff up? Some of those fake slogans make no sense at all. They were written by someone who has, at best, a very poor command of the English language. Someone exactly like 7:28.

Not even mildly amusing.

Anonymous said...

"The graveyards are full of indispensable man.

From each according to his ability to each according to his need."

I am just taking a wild guess but I have hunch Charlie did not make these slogans, but I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Someone should put "Jedem das Seine" on a big arching sign above the LANL main entrance.

Anonymous said...

Someone should put "Jedem das Seine" on a big arching sign above the LANL main entrance.

July 20, 2017 at 11:17 PM

Sigh, yet another fake slogan you just made up. Do you think speaking French makes you clever? Again not even mildly amusing.

Anonymous said...

July 21, 2017 at 8:03 AM
Try German :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chumbawamba Tubthumping would be a more appropriate slogan. It's got something for everyone who works at LANL. I'm thinking 11:17 would especially relate to the "pissing the night away" part.

Anonymous said...

I thought our slogan was, "Super VUCA!"

Anonymous said...

I thought our slogan was, "Super VUCA!"

July 22, 2017 at 4:04 AM

No, "SuperVUCA" is the purpose of LANS, as Charlie and his multitude of sycophants carefully explained with the help of the little Kiwi sex offender. You must have fallen asleep during the presentation, as so many others did.

Why the US government condones this sort of nonsense at the expense of hard-working American taxpayers is beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

"Why the US government condones this sort of nonsense at the expense of hard-working American taxpayers is beyond belief."

False the US goverment "accepts it" but as Charlie has pointed out that means it condones it. Or was it you promote what you accept...or what you accept makes you essential, or was what you makes you essential you condemn, perhaps it was essential that you accept what you condone?

In any case it is essential that we get rid of LANS, the US tax payer will condone this and LANS will have to accept this. Goodbye to these scum.

Anonymous said...

Clemenceau is the origin of the "graveyards are full of indispensable men" quoute. He was the prime minister of France during WWI.

Anonymous said...

Nope. Equivalent quotes predate Clemenceau's first use in the 1960s by over 50 years. Hubbard in 1907 for example. Clem wasn't the first to use the exact quote either.

You can find the history on The Quote Investigator.

Anonymous said...

"You keep what you kill."

This is from the Necromongers from the Chronicles of Riddick, a movie with Van Diesel. They also believe heavily in a philosophy that says "you keep what you kill", believing that ending another's life entitles you to their property and position.

It sees fitting for LANS.

Anonymous said...

Some of the posts show a total lack of understanding for the concept of GOCO. Look at NTS which was operated by Bechtel, then by N- G, and now by someone else . Same facilities and same people, just different managers at the top of the org charts.
UC being an absent operator that just took profit and contributed nothing but failed leadership is what substantially led to LANS being cancelled, and most workers would now say good riddance.

July 20, 2017 at 11:01 AM

Amen and good riddance of LANS and all of the LANS partners for the next 10 years!

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