Interesting article about how DOE is functioning under Trump
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how sad! DOE has an ignorant Secretary nominated by an equally ignorant and mentally ill president. The only hope for the country is with the few members of Congress who can still see beyond the GOP ideology.
Good, but depressing article. Fall of the Roman Empire.
Not exactly an unbiased article. And not consistent with what I hear from people on the ground. Bureaucrats always think they're the most important people on the planet, and they deserve far more attention than they get.
And not consistent with what I hear from people on the ground.
August 4, 2017 at 6:59 AM
I always like the statement about hearing...
Why is the article biased? Any references or citations, any statement which is wrong?
It talks a lot about scientists at the DOE, so what is your problem. Is it just that it does not fit your picture of the world?
I have no problem to discuss this article, but at least start the conversation with facts and not opinions. While you are completely entitled to your opinion and I respect your opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. So please let me hear, what is wrong in this article and we can discuss it.
So many assumptions, so little time. Vanity Fair. Shall I go on?
The DOE staffers got their feelings hurt because the new administration did not descend upon them immediately. Of course it was not spun this way, it was spun to support the preferred perception that the hard working apolitical DOE denizens was dissed, or the new guys were not smart enough to find their office. Vanity Fair hyperbole, partisanship, outrage; it’s getting old at this point.
Remember, there is no “standard” transition team: Reagan wanted to abolish the DOE.
This is nothing more than Iron Rule of Oligarchy meets Iron Rule of Oligarchy. There is no reason to trust Vanity Fair’s depiction of events, or that of entrenched DOE insiders. The election has consequences, get with it, adapt or breed alpacas.
Typical blog rant from scientist that always knows more than anyone else about every topic, especially DOE staff.
The election has consequences, get with it, adapt or breed alpacas.
August 4, 2017 at 9:17 AM
No one is going to "get with it," because "it" isn't going to be around very long. A simple look at the poll numbers shows lots of rats have already left, because they understand best when a ship begins to sink.
“No one is going to "get with it," because "it" isn't going to be around very long.”
Right. Polls. The last 2 ½ years of polls have not proved to be accurate, or even on the real axis. Stay, leave, do what ever suits you, but don’t prognosticate, its not your strong suit.
"Typical blog rant from scientist that"
We got it already, you scientists, you hate education, you hate thinking, enough already, you do not to keep repeating yourself.
^^^that crazy person again, must also be 7:52 am.
Oh, I get it, it's Mr. Prove It!
August 4, 2017 at 9:17 AM
Still have not seen any facts in your rant. Just opinions.
Oh, I get it, it's Mr. Prove It!
August 4, 2017 at 10:27 AM
Well science can only exists with facts. Facts have to be proven.
But that might be lost on you. Did you vote for Trump by any chance? Voting for an alternative universe?
And only Mr. Prove it cannot distinguish science from the rest of human endeavors. All must be viewed through the holy gauze of physics and mathematics, and be judged only by the metrics of physics and mathematics.
All must be viewed through the holy gauze of physics and mathematics, and be judged only by the metrics of physics and mathematics.
August 4, 2017 at 4:25 PM
Where did I say that? Picking a fight ? If this is your picture of scientists, so be it.
If you want to label people, fine , be happy. From now on I will just ignore you. Kepp on trolling.
Right. Polls. The last 2 ½ years of polls have not proved to be accurate, or even on the real axis.
August 4, 2017 at 10:04 AM
Well, the polls before the election were pretty accurate about the margin that got Trump elected. They have been fairly steady until recently where his favorables have declined significantly. No one disputes this trend. Interviews with some of his most fervent supporters show they want him off Twitter and to just shut up, if he wants to get any progress on his agenda. He is uncontrolled, and apparently uncontrollable, even by himself. I believe the description of him as a "14 year old 70 year old." Never actually grew up because with all that money, he didn't nee to.
Right. They say that a blind hog finds an occasional acorn too. Polls are unreliable past the time the question is asked, and are likely as not to be inaccurate before that. People tend to like them because it gives the illusion that you can know what may happen, or be in the good company of others who "believe" as they do. “Polls” don’t solve problems, they don’t act as agents, they don’t do anything except encourage those vulnerable to them to mistake the map for the terrain. Or engage in the kind of rumor and innuendo that is popular with middle school students.
"Where did I say that? Picking a fight ? If this is your picture of scientists, so be it.
If you want to label people, fine , be happy. From now on I will just ignore you. Kepp on trolling."
And thus is the reason we hate LANL, LLNL and scientists. As for trolling...yes we will KEPP ON TROLLING, but for me it is called truthing. UC and Los Alamos have wronged me and are to be blamed for what has happened to me and my fellow trollers, for that they are THE DEVIL, we could give a damm about the nations and other people, you are the CRAZY PEOPLE and PERSONS and I am and will always be for all time the only SANE ONE and all you scientists and tipe be warned YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYONE...get that NOT FOOLING ANYYYONNEE! And...let know one be fooled, anyone with a PHd is a pretender and I KNEW PRETENDERS just as I know all about BIG COMPUTERS.
And it is "KEEP" not "kep" you writing is horrible you are mental and insane but I AM SANNE.
August 3, 2017 at 8:05 PM
There goes another thread. Thanks, Mr. Prove it.
There goes another thread. Thanks, Mr. I hate scientists and I LANL.
Are you confused yet again? *WHAT* is wrong with you?
"I hate scientists and I LANL." makes sense to you?
"I hate scientists and I LANL." makes sense to you?
August 6, 2017 at 7:56 AM
No, because I and rational people do not hate scientists. It seems like you hate scientists but that is probably due to some personal reason rather than a rational reason.
OK, let me try again. Sigh. Does "I LANL" make sense to you?
Bechtel BAD.
Feel better now, snowflake?
Bechtel BAD.
Feel better now, snowflake?
August 6, 2017 at 12:20 PM
Well how to explain the fact that UC ran LANL fine for 60 years. The contract changes and Bechtel comes in and it is all down hill. Bechtel arrives at LLNL and than a RIF. I think a case can be made for Bechtel being BAD.
OK, let me try again. Sigh. Does "I LANL" make sense to you?
August 6, 2017 at 12:07 PM
Does hating scientists make sense to you?
Well how to explain the fact that UC ran LANL fine for 60 years.
August 6, 2017 at 12:31 PM
UC did ok for 50 years, but the final 10 years under UC were no better than the period under LANS.
UC did ok for 50 years, but the final 10 years under UC were no better than the period under LANS.
August 6, 2017 at 5:34 PM
Absolute crap. I was there for the last 29 years of UC control. It just got better, until St. Pete decided the press regarding WHL, hard drives, etc., etc. was just too much. Browne was forced out and the downward slide began. The workers were fine until around 2003-2004, when someone in DOE decided to pull the plug, based only on political bullshit.
UC did ok for 50 years, but the final 10 years under UC were no better than the period under LANS.
August 6, 2017 at 5:34 PM
I gotta call bs on this as well. The WHL affair offered an opportunity for many "for profit" raiders to go at LANL. UC manages science, technical expertise and the ability to run a lab during the cold war. UC is not in the business of politics nor should it be nor should LANL be. After the cold war many thought that LLNL, LANL and the whole complex where not that important anymore so it did not matter who ran it , if it ran well or if it even if it ran at all. Money was to be made and entities like Bechtel know politics very well and their model is to make money off the government.
No question that LBL has great science, is managed by UC and has had a series of great science leaders as director. Is it possible that LLNL might evolve into something close to LBL given enough time and a more talented group in UCOP?
The baggage at LANL is overwhelming and will continue to be an albatross around the neck of any contractor, which probably determines if UC continues to see any upside to attempting to run a nuclear weapons manufacturing plant.
UC did ok when UGT was driving all schedules and Rocky Flats was in full production. Maybe they did ok because they were good, or just because the place mostly ran itself under those conditions and they were lucky. The world is very different now.
The world is very different now.
August 8, 2017 at 8:54 AM
This is the mantra of LANL management when asked how things can be improved. We need more management because the world is very different now, we do not function very well because the world is very different now, managers are paid much way more than the used to be since the the world is very different now, overhead rates are out of control because the world is very different now, we cannot do things safely because the world is very different now. The ratio of technical to non-technical staff has gone down because the world is very different now.
When did production ramp up at LANL? Is that a contributor to the decline?
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