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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Pressure cookers

Whatever came of the pressure cookers that were still stored at LANL with organic kiddy litter in them? NNSA admitted to NMED that there were more of the drums packed with same waste as the explosion at WIPP that shut the place down for years and cost billions of dollars to clean up. What is LANL still covering up that is sitting on the mesa ticking and ticking and waiting?


Anonymous said...

"kiddy litter"? Is that for little goats?

Anonymous said...

LANL is not covering up anything regarding those drums. They are well known amongst the waste teams and the relevant NM state staff. Just because you either don't know or want to post an alarmist post, doesn't mean LANLis covering something up.

Anonymous said...

You sure that any of them are still in Los Alamos?
Didn't LANL claim that all the improperly packaged ones had been shipped out to Texas for temporary storage?

Anonymous said...

Many are still at LANL. They are being dealt with.

Anonymous said...

We can tell that 10:57 AM is a paid LANL poster. The real question is are they remotely trustworthy? The same "spokesperson" that worked as Bagdad Bob?

Anonymous said...

10:57 AM is 'in the know' and we should trust them 100%.

Anonymous said...

Look it up idiots, it isn't classified. Hint: try the NMED website.

Anonymous said...

Look it up idiots, it isn't classified. Hint: try the NMED website.

August 8, 2017 at 6:09 PM

Perhaps decisions are being made to make money. That is after the primary concern of LANS.

Anonymous said...

Capitalism won and LANS was selected by the government. Nothing new here.

Anonymous said...

Capitalism won and LANS was selected by the government. Nothing new here.

August 8, 2017 at 8:40 PM

You seem to have a deep misunderstanding of what capitalism is and why it works. (1) You need a free market with with a number of computers (2) You need to be in constant competition with these competitors to create a market pressure. (3) There is a significant fraction of failure. LANS does not fulfill any of these conditions and falls into the class of crony capitalism or corruption. LANS at best had one competitor, LANS is not in constant competition, LANS has been almost completely immune to failure. I would also add the idea of having such a lab run by capitalistic principles is crazy in the first place since you have a very high probability it will fail. Capitalism only works statistically it never guarantees success of an individual company or group, so the idea of "capitalism" or "private" is always better is simply a probability.

Anonymous said...

LANL isn't capitalist. Anyone who would say that obviously doesn't know what the word means.

To be capitalist, the PRIVATE OWNERS would have to invest their own capital in an attempt to profit. That's NOT what happened at LANL, not at all. The Government owns LANL. The Government pays a private contractor to run LANL. The private contractor has NOT invested ANY capital in LANL whatsoever.

LANL is a GOCO enterprise.

Anonymous said...

Don't try to reason with August 8, 2017 at 8:40 PM. He doesn't understand the slightest bit of economics, misunderstands almost all of economic terminology, and thinks he understands more than anyone. Uneducated, arrogant, and oblivious of his knowledge gaps. Not a candidate for reasoned discussion.

Anonymous said...

8:40 is full of himself but we can all see, and nearly instantaneously too, that he is really a know-nothing pretender.

Anonymous said...

"Fake news.

Anonymous said...

What government bureaucrat had the thought that it would be a good idea to award an EM contract to a private corporation that is run by a university? Giving LANS, under UC control, the EM contract has to rank near the top of any list of poor decisions made by DOE.

Anonymous said...

The drums that have the nitrate salts are in refrigerators (with Standard Waste Boxes) in Domes at Area G. I'm not kidding, you can't make this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

I thought Dr. Randy Erickson and Dr. Craig Leasure were hired to fix the Transuranic Program at LANL? No one survives working at the LANLs nuclear facilities. Never have, never will! "It's the same ole day-in and day-out safety and security issues at LANL". Dr. Victor Reis, DOE, DP-1, 1997.

Anonymous said...

8:21 spot on.

Anonymous said...

When LANS got the EM contract from DOE it put Pattiz, McMillan and Erickson in charge of the operation. All three are UC lifers, and between them they have a total of no background, experience, or skill sets in the field.

Anonymous said...

It's the same ole day-in and day-out safety and security issues at LANL". Dr. Victor Reis, DOE, DP-1, 1997.

Reis never said that, he did say that the for-profit model has failed during his last
visit to LANL.

Anonymous said...

Charlie was "following the money" when he went after the EM contract. Stop being bitter that he won and you didn't.

Anonymous said...

Charlie was "following the money" when he went after the EM contract. Stop being bitter that he won and you didn't.

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