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Friday, August 11, 2017

Senator Claire McCaskill letter to NNSA

Senator Claire McCaskill letter to NNSA Administrator Frank Klotz raises "extensive safety violations and chronic problems" at LANL, and states that numerous NNSA contractors "have not been held accountable in a meaningful way" for "serious injuries, such as electric shocks, burning by acid or fire, and the inhalation of radioactive particles"


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the party. Whoops, the party is over. Ridiculous, typical politician. Wait until it is safe to criticize from a distance....

Anonymous said...

McCaskill isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Anonymous said...

Senator McCaskill's past concerns with DOE contractors have been substantiated by the DOE IG. She is merely turning her attention to DOE/NNSA contractors now. The party is over for LANS, but they are not the only contractor with performance or operational issues in the complex. Please do a little homework before you post.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't require a sharp knife to dissect the problems with LANL.

Anonymous said...

Since when did the fair Senator acquire her profound insights into the inner workings of the US nuclear weapons complex?

Anonymous said...

"Since when did the fair Senator acquire her profound insights into the inner workings of the US nuclear weapons complex?"

In what way is the profound failure that is LANS diminished by when the Senator might have learned of its performance record? Nice try.

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this thread. It's obvious that McCaskill's timing is everything.

All of the events that McCaskill correctly called out happened years ago. Very damaging to her credibility is the fact that she has known about many of these events and the lack of an appropriate NNSA response since 2012. How do we know? She was a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and she attended the 2012 hearing on NNSA management of the National Laboratories.

Many of these problems occurred during the Obama administration and the Obama administration did nothing. She wrote no letters then. So why did she start writing letters to Perry and Klotz just this year?

Anonymous said...

Must be re-election time for McCaskill? Typical of senators and congressman to "show boat" just before re-election.

Anonymous said...

During the Obama administration the Senator was very critical of DOE and raised many concerns to former DOE Secretary Moniz regarding DOE contractors across the country. Google it.

Anonymous said...

Well, I looked at those letters. They say absolutely nothing about the incidents at LANL and the lack of effective oversight by NNSA. NOTHING.

She addresses her feelings that DOE should look for options other than M&O contracts to run DOE facilities. She didn't make a compelling argument AT ALL.

Seems like you knew these previous letters had nothing to do with the current situation, so why did you try to mislead?

Anonymous said...

You either haven't done enough homework on the Senator regarding DOE or your trying to cherry pick to defend LANS. Nice try troll. Don't try to discredit the Senator for LANS failures knowing full well LANS is a mishap juggernaut. LANS is ripe for outside concern and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Congressional hearings with Janet and Norm on the hot seat to defend the mess. Bad for LANL employees, but hi entertainment for the country.

Anonymous said...

Drain the swamp.

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