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The end of LANL and LLNL? "After host Maria Bartiromo questioned whether the two plan to “close down entire agencies,” Ramaswamy said...
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
There is only 2 domainat parties in THE US: republican and democrat. There is no socialist party.
By all accounts, the new policies will offer consumers better coverage, in some cases, for comparable cost -- especially after the inclusion of federal subsidies for those who qualify."
October 24, 2013 at 4:23 PM
Anonymous said...
"Kris Malean, 56, lives outside Seattle, and has a health policy that costs $390 a month with a $2,500 deductible and a $10,000 in potential out-of-pocket costs for such things as doctor visits, drug costs or hospital care.
As a replacement, Regence BlueShield is offering her a plan for $79 more a month with a deductible twice as large as what she pays now, but which limits her potential out-of-pocket costs to $6,250 a year, including the deductible."
"“The arithmetic is inescapable,” said Patrick Johnston, chief executive officer of the California Association of Health Plans. Costs must be spread, so while some consumers will see their premiums drop, others will pay more -- “no matter what people in Washington say.” "
Should we do away with the HC policy standards that have been implemented as a part of the Obamacare law?
Should we do away with the HC policy standards that have been implemented as a part of the Obamacare law?
October 25, 2013 at 9:01 AM
Who is "we"?? Obama will not allow any changes to the law; he's proven that. "Do away with" means significantly amending or repealing the law. Not going to happen.
Obama, along with what I would hope is most of us, understands that no law is perfect and that every law needs to be fine tuned over time.
The knowledge that Obama won't let the law be gutted, the way some would like, isn't the same as refusing to fix the flaws that we find over time.
That said:
The standards are there to prevent people from buying substandard policies that really don't cover much and to protect us from serious financial harm when we need to use them.
"after the inclusion of federal subsidies"- of which there should be NONE all put onto the working class tax payer back and may even increasing the $126T unfunded liabilities we already have.
A very well thought out and executed plan by the SDP if you want to bankrupt a country.
I guess one has to look at the SDP's agenda and understand their mission, goals and kind.
It's nice of you wing-nuts to blame "the other guy" for all of the spending you were perfectly willing to embrace until "the other guy" took over.
However, these premiums are in effect “sticker prices” that many people will not pay because they will be eligible for federal tax credits under Obamacare to offset the cost of insurance.
The standards are there to prevent people from buying substandard policies that really don't cover much and to protect us from serious financial harm when we need to use them.
October 25, 2013 at 10:06 AM
What if that is what they want?? Government's role is to protect us from ourselves? What a joke. Taking away your choices is called totalitarianism.
many people will not pay because they will be eligible for federal tax credits under Obamacare to offset the cost of insurance.
October 25, 2013 at 1:41 PM
Not true. Most uninsured (including those currently losing their insurance, when Obama said that won't happen) are employees of small businesses or self-employed. That doesn't equate to low-income. You have to earn less that about $45k a year (as an individual) to qualify for ANY tax credit, and less than that to qualify for a subsidy. Tell a woman who makes $45k a year that she has to spend $800 a month premium and take a $6000 deductible, see how she likes it.
What if that is what they want?? Government's role is to protect us from ourselves? What a joke. Taking away your choices is called totalitarianism.
So when the government sets standards for anything it’s now considered the actions of a totalitarian regime?
That’s an interesting view and, because I’ve work with and adhered to various national standards for so long, perhaps I’ve ignored your point about the endless stream of totalitarian leaders we’ve had.
Then again perhaps it’s just that I try not to embrace stupid ideas and that prevents me from embracing your view.
The government is not here to protect us from ourselves. My biggest fear is this and I don't want it so I'm against anything that gives them more power.
The government cannot give you anything they haven't taken away from someone else and a government big enough to give you all you need is a government big enough to take away all you have.
There is no socialist party - you need to stop the whining and lying. You look foolish.
The government used to be us.
Some of us would like to get back to that while others continue to think that corporations and the super rich deserve all of the consideration, favoritism and political power that they can purchase.
I'm not sure how those who claim to want a better government justify the belief that money should equal power but then there's a whole lot of things that they can't seem to explain.
Obama, along with what I would hope is most of us, understands that no law is perfect and that every law needs to be fine tuned over time.
Obama said ...
- ACA will not cost the country a dime
- Average insurance costs will go down $2500/yr, with better care and increased coverage
- Everyone will be able to keep their current doctors and insurance
To date, Obama has been completely wrong. This does not even touch on the implementation disaster (strange, many democrats now want to delay full implementation - as suggested by those republican terrorists during the shutdown). Not perfect is an understatement. ACA does not need to be "fine tuned." It is a disaster. It needs to be scraped.
ACA will not cost the country a dime
- Average insurance costs will go down $2500/yr, with better care and increased coverage
- Everyone will be able to keep their current doctors and insurance
I've only heard one of those 3 things that you claim that Obama said.
And that one is dubious because if the coverage doesn't meet the standards then you shouldn't keep it because it's clearly inferior.
Feel free to prove the other 2 IF you can.
Or you could continue to run and hide from inconvienent truths.
Why don't you all take your comments on health care, socialists, and Munster family lookalikes (no offense to the Munsters, at least they made us smile) TO ANOTHER BLOG!?! THIS IS FOR LLNL NEWS AND NOT TO DISCUSS YOUR SOCIALIST MUNSTER HEMORRHOIDS AND THEIR CARE.
Or you could continue to run and hide from inconvienent truths.
October 25, 2013 at 6:25 PM
Like the fact that you cannot spell?
October 25, 2013 at 7:14 PM
Hey bucko, complain to Scooby. He created the top post called "Obamacare."
Oh Shit, thanks for pointing that out, I guess there's no hope for LLNL nor for this dumbass blog. I'm out of here.
October 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM:
Scooby, let me get this one.
"Don't let the door hit you..."
However, these premiums are in effect “sticker prices” that many people will not pay because they will be eligible for federal tax credits under Obamacare to offset the cost of insurance.
October 25, 2013 at 1:41 PM
And here is where the problem lies. No one for any reason should get the same coverage insurance cheaper than anyone else and by all means the tax payer be picking up any of the cost. If I have to pay $1500 a month than so should anyone else who wants the same level of coverage.
If I have to pay $1500 a month than so should anyone else who wants the same level of coverage.
October 26, 2013 at 7:45 AM
So insurance companies shouldn't be allowed to compete? What an ass.
So insurance companies shouldn't be allowed to compete? What an ass.
October 26, 2013 at 9:17 AM
The ass, as you say said equal and without government subsidies or use of the tax payers money what so every. You pay for your own insurance out of your pocket at whatever price the insurance company sets. I don't GAF, go shopping all you want but don't stand there with your hand out saying, please fund my way thru life, you owes me and expect the tax payer or the so called rich to be taxed in any manner to see you have your piece of the cake.
The link that is posted is a bogus, made to look like Kaiser health insurance site. It isn't. The person who posted this should have known. They didn't know because like most tighty rightys they don't want to know. The site is a uber right wing sham.
Read em and weep tea cracker boy.
The link that is posted is a bogus, made to look like Kaiser health insurance site. It isn't.
October 27, 2013 at 1:10 PM
No one ever claimed it was. However, the story is accurate and has been reported even on your beloved MCNBC. Hundreds of thousands of Kaiser and Blue Cross policy holder in CA have had their policies canceled effective Dec. 31. Hundreds of thousands in other states as well. The dirty little secret about Obamacare is that if insurance companies have to provide all the "essential" coverages the ACA requires, PLUS cover pre-existing conditions, there is no way costs aren't going to skyrocket for everyone, unless millions of young healthy adults who don't use healthcare nevertheless sign up and pay premiums. Not going to happen. And so the costs that are being shown now will go up rapidly. This thing will collapse under its own weight in about 6 months. Meanwhile, the folks canceled as of Jan. 1 are without insurance they can afford. So much for "you can keep your plan if you are happy with it." Liar.
The choice is between the old costly broken and unsustainable HC system we had or Obamacare/the GOP's original plan.
I'll take Obamacare because I'd hate to think that we're not capable of doing what most of the first, second and third world countries were capable of doing a long time ago.
Then again, based on some of the stupid stuff that gets posted in here, perhaps it's true that we're not smart enough to make universal healthcare work.
we're not smart enough to make universal healthcare work.
October 27, 2013 at 7:58 PM
You got that right. Plus, Obamacare isn't about reforming health care. It's about reforming health insurance, or more accurately, irrevocably breaking it. Thus leaving an opening for government-run health care, which Obamacare takes great pains not to call itself. So, we'll be forced to try British or Canadian-style "universal" health care, which have been dismal failures unless you can afford to pay out of pocket for out of system care. Try explaining to a mother of three why she can't get the back surgery that her doctor says is the only hope for her to not be bedridden because it is considered "elective" surgery requiring a three year wait. True story.
If you think this whole mess was not planned in detail, you are stupid.
Didn't you know. Odumbocare is free, to the parasites , maybe.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Oh Shit, thanks for pointing that out, I guess there's no hope for LLNL nor for this dumbass blog. I'm out of here.
October 25, 2013 at 7:30 PM
Good riddens, MF'r and be gone
“British or Canadian-style "universal" health care, which have been dismal failures”
The Canadians and the Brits that I know don’t think their HC is a failure.
They do however wonder why one of the richest countries in the world can’t do universal HC like so many other countries.
I think I understand now
Upon closely examining Odumbocare it appears to be nothing more than Medicare extended to everyone from birth until death giving less coverage and more out of pocket expenses to subsidize their already existing $126T of unfunded liabilities. To fund the new Cadillac entitlement the burden of cost falls solely on the backs of all those who've made something of themselves or have been successful in life and is being paid for by what I view as tyrannical taxation without representation tactics. I can only assume the underline ploy of this new entitlement is to keep everyone healthy so the status queue secures a healthy tax base to pilfer at will and without cause.
Considering the fact most defined pension programs are virtually extinct, the unions backs are broke and foreign national labor is used everywhere instead of American labor this nation has become nothing more than a work for life salve labor work force with no hope of ever retiring, all of which has been brought to you by the same party who said, “we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it”. Yes, that would be the same party that conjured up Odumbocare and the same party who regulates your net income therefore indirectly defining your status in life. For most, under the SDP taxation process this is a “one step forward two steps back” process unless you’re one the “takers”, then all is well. For the working class, establishing this new entitlement will assure you’ll never be able to save enough to retire but will always be healthy enough to work. Here’s where the plan becomes a win - win policy by those who claim they're doing it for your own good and have your best interest in mine. Really ?
Realistically Odumbocare should have been named Medicare -2 for the Millennium instead of making it appear as if the Socialist Democratic Party gave birth to a new idea only the best and brightest could conceive.
Here’s where I see this is going one step at a time.
It’s my hope everyone enjoys their new one world order economy. I foresee the day when the SDP will declare universal taxation to support universal healthcare for “everyone” in the world, domestic and foreign and on all continents through again another taxation process that’ll be unfair to all who work for a living. The handwriting is on the wall people and if you don’t stop it here’s where you’re going.
The Borg will be upon you in just a few decades and you’ll have no choice but to become part of the collective or be expelled to a recycle center where you’ll become soylent green for their compliant tax base to feast upon. Once again securing their tax base all while eliminating their liabilities
"Upon closely examining Odumbocare"
I got this far until I realized that this is the rant of a fool.
Thanks for being so clear so early. :golfclap
"Good riddens, MF'r and be gone"
I did your M last night and thoroughly enjoyed it, now I'm done.
Anonymous said...
"Good riddens, MF'r and be gone"
I did your M last night and thoroughly enjoyed it, now I'm done.
October 28, 2013 at 10:03 PM
Most likely the only M you did was Mary Palmer.
October 28, 2013 at 12:25 PM
Facebook is a much better place to put this observation for the world to read. On LLNL The True Story it's a captured audience. I'd also like to see this blog go to Facebook. That will resolve any ANON post and give you more exposure.
The abusive (self- and otherwise) posts above are completely unnecessary. If you want Obamacare to fail all you need do is wait a bit. The law make assumptions about people's behavior that are completely unfounded. Also, insurance companies are not on board. In NJ, for example, with one of the highest populations in the country, and lots of poor people, there is no state exchange and exactly 3 companies are offering plans on the federal exchange. None of the big names (Cigna, United Health, etc.) are included. According to the NY Post, a poll conducted by the NY State Medical Society found that 44% of MDs in NY are refusing to participate. I predict this will become more widespread, and include Medicare, when Medicare reimbursement rates to doctors go down as required by Obamacare.
Also, the SCOTUS is not done with the law; many legal challenges are still pending.
@ October 28, 2013 at 12:25 PM
Name calling appears to be your Low Class way of posting.... didn't realize 13 year olds could post here. Grow up. You sound like a fool.
"Name calling appears to be your Low Class way of posting.... didn't realize 13 year olds could post here. Grow up. You sound like a fool.
October 29, 2013 at 9:23 AM"
And logic is your low class way of posting? I bet you went to college and think your are sooo smaaart. I dont have education and I am richer than you. I am not bitter like you, I have other things to do than post on blogs. I say we round up the socialists Democratic party, and make sure they cannot breed, same for the parasites as they are threats to freedom and liberty. I just wet my pants again at knowing what will happen to you. U Rha.
I dont have education and I am richer than you.
October 30, 2013 at 6:36 AM
Whether you are telling the truth or not, you posts here indicate a sad, lonely person, with bladder control issues. What is the point of all that money, if you don't have the education to know how to do something useful with it?
Thanks Adolph, you sound like one of those neo-nazi Tea Party terrorists, but this is a democracy and you opinion valued.
A couple of people in the Materials Chemistry department (including Adam Rowen, the manager) at Sandia Livermore booked a trip using Sandia funds to Hawaii to attend the 2012 ECS meeting. That is definitely a waste!
A couple of people in the Materials Chemistry department (including Adam Rowen, the manager) at Sandia Livermore booked a trip using Sandia funds to Hawaii to attend the 2012 ECS meeting. That is definitely a waste!
October 30, 2013 at 1:28 PM
Not. Scientists go to technical meetings all the time - it's called networking. Useful for recruiting, sharing new findings, and scoping out the competition. It's part of being a professional scientist. Get over it.
don't want no south side picanninny or blue mountain ho grabbing at my wallet.
don't want the ol' lady or lazy kin hankering for my wallet, though that pretty youn fillie down yonder can.
I earned it. I'll spend it. When I die, plant me in the ground and piss on the spot.
Your opinion means nothing.
"Not. Scientists go to technical meetings all the time - it's called networking. Useful for ,recruiting sharing new findings, and scoping out the competition. It's part of being a professional scientist. Get over it.
October 30, 2013 at 2:04 PM"
Not, everyone knows the scientist do not network, they have no social skills whatsoever. You keep the scientists hidden from the public or they make you you look bad with their awkward social skills. Scientists should not be allowed to travel or talk with other people...bad for business. This is common knowledge so I am calling bs on 2.04pm. As for recruiting...hello we have something called the "internet" now and you do not need to talk to people in person to recruit.
"I earned it. I'll spend it. When I die, plant me in the ground and piss on the spot."
Hell ya baby, I earned it, stole it, took it, grabbed is mine now bitch. There are hunters and hunted, winners and losers...nothin else in this world thug. Knapp got it you don't...way of the world suckers. Lets be dam honest here if you had the money and the power you would do the same or even worse, so no point being haters. If you gotta hate, than you should hate the game not the player, specially the player who was better at the game than you.
The bottom line is this. The Socialist Democratic Party and the RINO’s are steering the ship and when all fails I hope you remember all these clowns at the polls if polls exist after martial law’s been institutionalized. I hope like hell we have a Republican in office before the Military starts coming door to door assuring your compliance, the breadlines are formed and rationing of essentials become the norm. If it happens under the Obama cartel rule, we're screwed.
Even the professionals understand Obamacare is nothing but socialism where all the free loaders and people who don't GAF about themselves or anyone else will be paid for by all those who work so they can be taxed into poverty. FTAH
Forgotten URL to last post
Having read the Modesto Bee article I will from now on refer to Obamacare as the "Voter Base Protection Act 2013". It bring to light this entitlement is for the takers only.
Read this. You tax payers are going to be paying the government subsidies for millions of people. It's these subsidies that are going to break the bank people.
It’s not free and it’s not 100% coverage and if you are not on Medicare you may or may not be able to buy additional medical insurance to cover the other 20%.
November 1, 2013 at 6:07 PM
I oppose ACA, Obamacare, or as some refer to it now as the Voters Protection Act 2013 since these are the group of people it caters too. Leave things alone, do not give any government subsidies to anyone for any reason. If they seek emergency room care, they get the bill and they pay for it out of their pocket however they have to. Do not pass that cost onto the tax payer, pass it to the patients.
November 2, 2013 at 5:14 AM
More facts for your Obama loving Socialist
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