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Monday, October 14, 2013
NNSA funding
The House on Friday could debate legislation to temporarily restore funding for the National Nuclear Security Administration as the federal government remains partially shut down amid partisan gridlock over a U.S. budget.
House Republicans have prepared multiple bills to fund until Dec. 15 politically popular portions of the federal budget, including the National Nuclear Security Administration, national intelligence activities and border security.
It was not clear on Thursday precisely if and when the GOP-controlled House could vote on these measures. However, the office of Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) said the vote on the NNSA measure could hit the House floor on Friday.
Thornberry's Texas district includes the Pantex nuclear weapons plant, which receives NNSA funding. Pantex has been instructed by the Energy Department's nuclear-weapons branch to begin preparing for a temporary shutdown of plant operations, while maintaining security, the congressman said Thursday in a statement.
"There is no reason whatsoever to instruct people who are essential to the security of our country, like workers at Pantex, not to show up to work," Thornberry said.
In addition to the Pantex facility, the NNSA-funded Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories and Y-12 National Security Complex are facing partial shutdowns.
House Republicans have tried to advance multiple additional budget measures that call for continue funding at fiscal 2013 levels through Dec. 15 for politically sensitive and popular federal programs, including the National Institutes of Health. The Democrat-led Senate has not approved them, and the White has threatened to veto such piecemeal spending proposals.
Obama, though, did on Sept. 30 sign in to law the Pay Our Military Act, which keeps uniformed military on the job.
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Good article in Nature News on progress on Z with a mention of NIF's problems
Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
" ...If there were damning factual evidence of anything untoward, it would obviously have been brought forward with great fanfare......
The House passed their bill last Friday to fund NNSA for 2013, but the Senate refuses to consider it for a vote. Reid is letting the House passed funding bills stack up in the Senate and will not schedule votes on any of them. What a pathetic way to run the country. With different leadership then the Senate might at least consider actions, but ever since Reid took control he has been solid in refusing to schedule votes on budget bills.
What's pathetic is that the republicans are trying to use the debt ceiling and gov close down to blackmail the democrats into changing passed laws.
If republicans were in charge, and democrats attached single-payer healthcare, elimination of guns, or whatever other liberal dreams to debt ceiling/gov close would see this far differently.
This republican tactic is a terrible precedent and dems are right to stand up to it, for all future presidents - dem or repub.
This entire thing is about Ted Cruz's ego, he's destroying my party in the process.
Republicans should have made this a fight about the budget, not passed law like Obamacare. And never should have brought the debt ceiling into it. That should be sacrosanct.
As republicans we need to focus on fiscal matters and make that clear to the american people. If we had, we could have won the senate, and then went to work on Obamacare (which would have been imploding on itself by then).
Ted Cruz and these tea party idiots are setting the republican cause back significantly.
Both sides are pathetic criminals.
They are all terrorists in my book, trying to bring this country down. I have to wonder if these guys on capital hill are working for the Chinese or Russians or N. Koreans.
What would they do different if they were working for an unfriendly foreign government bent on destroying the US?
These men are all defying our constitution and as such they are traitors to the United States and the American People.
Al Qaeda leaders and Kim Jong-un must be laughing their heads off. I don't think they together could do more damage to our way of life than these so called leaders are.
Can we charge members of Congress as traitors? What would it take?
What's pathetic is that the republicans are trying to use the debt ceiling and gov close down to blackmail the democrats into changing passed laws.
This republican tactic is a terrible precedent...
October 14, 2013 at 10:07 AM
You mean like the Dems wanting to remove the sequester caps ("passed law")?
And it is certainly not a "precedent." In 1973, Ted Kennedy and Walter Mondale tried to attach campaign finance reform to the debt ceiling hike. This type of leveraging has been tried, by both parties, 27 times since 1978. Do a little research, instead of believing what Obama spoon-feeds you.
I'd like to learn. Can you tell me what those 27 times were and how many of them actually got through?
I'd like to learn. Can you tell me what those 27 times were and how many of them actually got through?
October 14, 2013 at 4:26 PM
What, you don't know how to use Google?? Try searching "historical debt limit fight."
As far as I'm concerned the Socialist Democratic Party as they call themselves could be abolished tomorrow and the US will do just fine. Hell, they might even get out of debt and the parasite who support them will all parish. A win, win for everyone.
And then you can have all the fun you want as things burn under the facist Republican party....see how much your corporate masters REALLY give a &%$# about you.....
As far as I'm concerned the Socialist Democratic Party as they call themselves could be abolished tomorrow and the US will do just fine.
October 15, 2013 at 5:32 AM
see how much your corporate masters REALLY give a &%$# about you.....
October 15, 2013 at 12:35 PM
Oh, please... Will you two wing-nuts take it somewhere else? There are adults trying to converse here.
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