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Friday, May 17, 2013

How does UC medical cost affect LLNS medical cost

Heads up, LLNL and LANL employees. Do you suppose similar changes are headed our way, under the guise of "substantially equivalent"?

[UC] Retiree health benefit changes coming in July


Anonymous said...

Oh, Really?
"A retiring employee will still be eligible to enroll in UC’s retiree health plans if that employee:

• Is a member of the UC Retirement Plan (UCRP)

• Is enrolled in or eligible to be enrolled in UC benefits on the day he/she retires

• Is age 50 or older with 10 years or more of UCRP service credit at retirement"

This suggests that many who retired and took TCP-2 should be eligible for health care from UC -- not from the pitiful LLCs !

Anonymous said...

This is beginning to look like the beginning of a transition to Obama-care to me! Yes LLNS will jump on this in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

This suggests that many who retired and took TCP-2 should be eligible for health care from UC --not from the pitiful LLCs !

I hope you're correct. Now if we could only get out UC pension back we'd be far ahead of the curve.

Can't say I want to see Obamacare at all but then again I don't like this clown or his supporters anyway.

Anonymous said...

So what's wrong with Obamacare?

I can't wait for it to fully kick in.

I'm tired of knowing my taxes are paying for the health care of people that don't have insurance but who could afford it.

The local county hospital ERs are full of people that don't have insurance and use the ER for basic medical help. Middle class family of four, one parent working at a job that doesn't offer health insurance, a kid gets the flu and high fever or sprains an ankle playing - with no Dr of their own to call on, where do they go? The local county ER - where they wait for six hours and are finally given a $100 bottle of aspirin or a $500 x-ray and $200 ace bandage. And who pays for this very expense routine level visit to the county hospital ER... tax payers.

Its a solid fact that every person at some point in their life will need significant health care - count on it. And if they don't have medical insurance, who picks up the tab? Tax payers. So those that can afford medical insurance should be required to get it - like auto insurance. Thank you Obamacare!!

Anonymous said...

What do you suggest in place of Obamacare? status-quo?

Anonymous said...

Back to topic --UC health care for those who retired from UC and stayed on under TCP-2? Anyone have a straight annswer to this?

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2013 at 9:10 AM

First mistake was giving health care to anyone that doesn't have insurance. No insurance no care no matter what the problem is. If you die, oh well.

Second mistake was not closing every point of entry into this country 25 years ago and not deport anyone that was not a US citizen and / or illegal alien.

Third mistake was allowing anyone who could not read, write or spell English hold a job or get US citizenship.

Forth mistake was printing anything in any other language other than English.

Obama and his socialist cartel followers need to be eradicated once and forever..

Anonymous said...

Your condition:

• Is enrolled in or eligible to be enrolled in UC benefits on the day he/she retires

...went away the day you transitioned from UC to LLNS employment. You lose.

May 17, 2013 at 9:03 PM

Anonymous said...

I agree thank god for obamacare. Finally someone smart and courageous enough to do what leading economists have been stating all along as what is needed to fix healthcare. And the effect of shifting health cost for the uninsured from the government to the market through disincentives for noncoverage is the right thing. This is the prudent and conservative thing to do. Government shouldn't be subsidizing healthcare for the uninsured. Make everyone responsible for covering for themselves. Get government out of the picture. Thank god for obamacare.

Anonymous said...

Well, what I love about Obama and the democrats are their positions on immigration. The more Mexican and Latin American immigrants we can make into citizens, the stronger the Democratic Party becomes. The republicans are in the wrong side of history when it comes to social issues such as immigration, affirmative action, abortion, gay marriage. Thankfully we have the blog hater to keep the pee tarty moral compass pointed in the wrong direction. That ensures victory for the democrats for many years to come. Great thanks to the "hater" and all others like him. You make it easy for us to win elections.

Anonymous said...

leading economists have been stating all along as what is needed to fix healthcare.

May 18, 2013 at 10:32 PM

Except that those same economists and also the Congressional Budget Office are saying that Obamacare will INCREASE health care costs. Oops!

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2013 at 10:38 PM

Thank you for pointing out who the parasites of this nation are and why it's spiraling down the toilet at Mach 1, soon to be tanked and a third world nation like the one you or your relatives came from. Isn't socialism and the socialist democratic party a wonderful bunch of bozo to follow?

Anonymous said...

Obama trying to explain Obamacare to the America people.

Obamacare Explained

Anonymous said...

I guess that once Obamacare is mentioned in any given thread, trying to get back on topic is hopeless. What morons on both sides !

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2013 at 2:59 PM

You're correct. It is this dirt-bag and ban of cartel socialist followers who're systematically destroying this country and will continue to do so as long as he keep his parasitic voters on the dole with promises like the rich need to pay their fare share. I got any idea, bozo's, how about doing away with the IRS entirely, establish a flat 10%tax and make everyone pay. Make a $1.00 pay 10 cents, make $100M or 100B and pay your 10%. No IRS, no write offs and no need to file taxes since all will be done upon the sale or earnings. Hopefully someday cash will be worthless and all will be done electronically then they'll know how, where and what was bought, collect their taxes and all will be good. The system we have now is worthless. Some pay nothing, the middle class gets it in the shorts and the rich hire lawyers to protect all they have. What BS.

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2013 at 5:16 PM

Rant much?

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2013 at 5:16 PM

You forgot just a few more things. With the current system most people are paying almost 50% of their earned income in taxes if they'd take the time to add up all the taxes they pay on everything every day. If we're going to do it correctly all those taxes need to be eliminated too. That'll give the government, state and federal, a total of 10% from everyone to do their job without any other resources of income for any reason ever again. If they can't operate on a 10% fixed budget, then shut down everything we don't really need and balance the damn books monthly if need be. None of this crap, ever again.

Anonymous said...

May 19, 2013 at 5:16 PM

You forgot just a few more things. With the current system most people are paying almost 50% of their earned income in taxes if they'd take the time to add up all the taxes they pay on everything every day. If we're going to do it correctly all those taxes need to be eliminated too. That'll give the government, state and federal, a total of 10% from everyone to do their job without any other resources of income for any reason ever again. If they can't operate on a 10% fixed budget, then shut down everything we don't really need and balance the damn books monthly if need be. None of this crap, ever again.

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that Mr. multiple personality has moved up from trying to calculate their HAPC to trying to educate themself to the horrors of the modern world, as defined by Pres. Obama.

Anonymous said...

Well, it seems that Mr. multiple personality has moved up from trying to calculate their HAPC ...

You've made similar references in the past. Why does it bother you so much that people try to educate themselves about their financial situation, including their HAPC? People who understand their financial situation tend to be more financially independent and secure.

Back to the original post ... I can't speak for LANL, but LLNL/LLNS already made changes to its retiree medical benefits that are similar to the upcoming changes planned by UC (i.e., if anything, UC followed the route taken by LLNL, LLNL did not follow UC). UC's new policies are a little less generous than LLNL's, but LLNL's were in place 5 years earlier.

Anonymous said...

May 18, 2013 at 9:10 AM

FBO & all the socialist parasictic dokes that follow the goon. You can take you socialist ideas and move your ausses back where you came from. China, Russia, Iraq and Iran needs idiots like you. Now get a move on little doggy..

Anonymous said...

Back to the topic....

I read the UC announcement as reducing the amount of money UC gives you to pay for retiree medical insurance. As far as I know, LLNS does not do that at all. The retiree medical benefit provided by LLNS is simply access to group insurance.

So as a previous poster said, UC seems to be following LLNS on this one.

But, give UC credit here: they're changing the rules for people that haven't yet retired, as opposed to changing the deal on folks who are already retired.

Anonymous said...

May 21, 2013 at 2:38 PM

It can get a lot worse people. My mom retired from GM promised full medical to her at no cost for life. Two years after she retired they said "sorry, you're on your own", we can afford you any more and she was screwed on a fixed income. Now that's a hard row to hoe.

Anonymous said...

May 22, 2013 at 7:32 AM:

GM is not a LLC that exists only to fulfill a single government contract. That contract controls everything the LLC does.

Anonymous said...

Back on topic: according to the original post it appears that if you retired from UC, and stayed on as a LLNS employee under TCP-2, then you are eligible for UC health care, instead of LLNS, when you retire from LLNS.

Anonymous said...

Back on topic: according to the original post it appears that if you retired from UC, and stayed on as a LLNS employee under TCP-2, then you are eligible for UC health care, instead of LLNS, when you retire from LLNS.

May 23, 2013 at 7:40 PM

Nope, sorry. All former or current UC retirees from both LLNL and LANL had their health care shifted to LLNS or LANS at the transition. I retired from UC a year before I separated from LANS and my health care is under LANS, not UC. That is also true of retirees from UC from the entire past history. That is, if you retired from UC/LANL in 1990, for example, your health care (supplemental to Medicare, now), is under LANS. UC divested itself of all LANL and LLNL retiree health care responsibility, shifting it to the LLCs, at the contract transition.

Anonymous said...

May 23, 2013 at 9:34 PM

Yep, just went to a retirement class yesterday and that's exactly what they said. Getting the funds from Hewitt looks like a real mess. That could be streamlined so much better if someone would just put some thought into it. Especially in the electronic payment world we live in. I hope someone fixes this soon, for all..

Anonymous said...

Given the rules, I don't see the problem. As a LANL retiree, my health care premium is taken from my checking account on the first of every month, and I get an email confirming it from Hewitt. The monthly premium has of course gone up every year, but not by all that much. The service (by BC/BS of NM) has been very good, and the experience overall is great. No change in access to doctors or services that I can see since UC was in charge. I have no complaints, except that when I am forced to go on Medicare in a year, my premium will go way up.

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