A national search will soon be underway for a Sandia Director of Pulsed
Power Sciences, as the current Director is taking a different position
within Sandia.
This may be an opportunity for someone taking the LLNL VSP who has a few remaining career years.
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Good article in Nature News on progress on Z with a mention of NIF's problems http://www.nature.com/news/triple-threat-method-sparks-h...
Actual post from Dec. 15 from one of the streams. This is a real topic. As far as promoting women and minorities even if their qualification...
" ...If there were damning factual evidence of anything untoward, it would obviously have been brought forward with great fanfare......
You forfeit the consideration pay if you take a job at another DOE contractor within the following year.
Who would ever want to work in an organization that runs a fictitious machine called "Z" that is supposed to be able to generate high pressures and temperatures and also have containment all worked out? Sounds like a complete load of crock to me. They might as well say that they have uniforns and pixies running around the place while dwarves do maintenance. Just running mental experiments don't cut it today in the realm of shrinking budgets. I bet they even say the building housing the machine is invisible or cloaked.
Please, all you from LLNL, DO NOT APPLY TO SNL FOR THIS POSITION. We do not want your bad karma, your poor mojo, and most of all, your NIF ways here.
Please, for the love of God, no LLNL/NIF at SNL!
What? LLNL will bring that vaunted technology called Experimental EoS to you primitive Sandians. They will advance Sandia knowledge about how to analyze waveforms by thousands of years. You will be brought out of the Stone Age. No more playing around with imaginary facilities. They will build a Lego model for you. That's called progress young kimosabi.
Here is the question that keeps me up at night... What is Sandia to do if asked by NNSA to help LLNL analyze, interpret and improve laser EoS experiments? Would you do it? No good deed goes unpunished when it comes to LLNL... But if NNSA is the one asking...
Here is the question that keeps me up at night...
Same one haunts us re: physics labs being asked to peer review NG design and manufacturing.
BTW, if Sandia management is asked re: EoS, they'll state their price and gladly say yes if the price is met.
For those who have forgotten or never knew, it was Sandia people performing D2 EOS experiments on Z who showed that Livermore's results from Nova were wrong. In addition, Sandia have been performing contained Pu experiments on Z for several years and getting excellent data.
Z is puuuure fiction. It does not exist.
High altitudes causes hallucinations. Move on, nothing to see here.
Sandia has to be careful to avoid getting sucked into any controversy involving LLNL and EoS/Strength work. It's true that no good deed goes unpunished with LLNL. The lab will use any excuse to blame someone else for their "problems" whenever the opportunity presents itself.
That "price" referred to by May 23, 2013 at 7:54 AM has got to be pretty high, considering the near-guarantee of getting stabbed in the neck by LLNL program managers and technical leads.
If Sandia has a EoS program and is doing SNM experiments on Z already, then why is the tax-payer plowing hundreds of millions of dollars annually into NIF? Are the reporters actually right about it being a welfare program? All the silliness regarding Star Trek makes me think that they are just engaged in a ruse, and that NIF employees are getting paid to screw around with ignition "attempts." It sounds like that whole facility ought to be shut down.
You don't need to have a PhD to work at Sandia! See the previous post:
Yeah amazing that they can be a leader in EoS and require PhDs. Who would have thunk.
Ido not think that thhe pain of the California Carpet-Bagger invasion of New Mexico should have to be born entirely by Los Alamos. I think that it is only fair that the new director (president?) of Sandia should come from Livermore. I suggest that this is the rightful next position for Ed Moses. He will surely whip the people at Z into shape for their run at ignition.
Go Ed, Go!
That's one way to level the playing field and make all facilities look equilly bad
Go Ed, Go!
May 24, 2013 at 3:35 PM
No, no, no. Bret Knapp would make an excellent Sandia Director. Then he could appoint Corey Knapp to be the Sandia Deputy Lab Director. The "dynamic duo".
Why would he take a job that is a step down from what he has now?
Oh you didn't even read the lead post on the thread carefully enough. Jerk
This is not the Lab Director position. Our Lab Director is referred to as the President of the company. At Sandia, a "director" is a middle management position, two times removed from the president. The management chain goes: manager, senior manager, director, VP, executive VP, President (lab director).
Why would he take a job that is a step down from what he has now?
Because any job at Sandia is two steps up from the same function in the "squareat LLNS.
And yet... So true...
Double ouch
Hey Scooby,
A robo-poster just got past your "please prove that you're not a robot" test. How do they do that? Sometimes humans can't get past it.
There are a few at LLNL and LANL that could be qualified fmdirty the job. But considering the groupthink hatred that Livermorons were programmed to have against Sandia and Z and NNSA based on misinformation and managerial ranting, it would be a bit of a stretch that they would even make it through an initial vetting process.
What are we to do with a spelling error for which we cannot figure out how to correct? You are so cruel. The spelling nazis can't do his thing without knowing the correction required.
Lets get the grammar nazi to chime in. We get a free anti-Obama rant along with his "correction."
The new Sandia director should stop projects like this:
The Sandia article says: " Timothy Shepodd (8223) liked the moniker and agreed to call it the “chili cookoff.” But there was no chili involved, and the only “cooking” had to do with the kind of chemicals not usually found on Sandia grounds. "
The previous story is crazy and stupid!
A google search on that Tim Shepodd guy at Sandia shows quite a lot of silly and nonsense things on the internet
Timothy Shepodd is moving to LLNL?
Shepodd moving to LLNL? That's music to my ears!
Some of the ideas he's supported at LDRD decisions in SNL were ridiculous!
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