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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Is NIF trying to catch a greased pig at the Rodeo?

Is NIF trying to catch a greased pig at the Rodeo?

Simulations Uncover Obstacle to Harnessing Laser-Driven Fusion: 
Under Realistic Conditions, Hollow Cones Fail to Guide Energetic Electrons to Fuel


Anonymous said...

Boo we don't like bad news. Fast ignition was supposed to be the savior. There still is direct drive

Anonymous said...

Speaking of greased pig, I really have to wonder about Tomas and his relationship with the lab going forward (yes yes yes we love him and we have an unhealthy obsession with him so much so that we refer to him only by his first name, yes yes yes.). Now that he is a beltway bandit at Deloitte, he is in a position of whispering into the ears of DoE administrators and congress persons to manipulate them in ways that do not benefit the lab or even his employer. Parney shit-canned him after all. Tomas' golden boys all turned their backs on him. I would have thought that management consulting firms cared about reputational risk. Apparently this one DOESN'T.

Anonymous said...

Well say what you want it looked like he is a bonified management consultant.

Anonymous said...

He's smart, persuasive, sometimes witty, and yes he has flaws that eventually got out in front of him. Thank God none of us are like him.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he's definitely "bonified".

Anonymous said...

Bonified (Adj) - Having been boned, and feeling satisfied afterwards.

Urban Dictionary

Anonymous said...

You describe the attributes of a con artist. After all, he has very few tangible and worthy accomplishments under his belt.

Anonymous said...

There's a trick to catching a greased pig. Maybe Livermore Nifniks should try on one of their shots.

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