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Monday, May 13, 2013

New NNSA office to plan budgets

NEWS FLASH: New NNSA office to plan budgets

New Program Review and Analysis Office to Improve NNSA’s Budgeting and Planning Capabilities, Increase Accountability
May 7, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) today announced the creation of the Office of Program Review and Analysis (PR&A) to serve as an independent broker of strategic information and analysis across NNSA’s programs. PR&A will provide NNSA’s administrator and senior leadership with independent analytical advice regarding strategic and programmatic resource allocations. The creation of the office is designed to improve NNSA’s ability to budget and plan, and to increase accountability for programmatic goals and ideas.

Dr. Steven Ho has been named director of the new Office of Program Review and Analysis (PR&A). Prior to joining NNSA, Ho served for more than eight years in the Office of the Secretary of Defense Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (OSD-CAPE) where he was instrumental in restructuring several major defense acquisition programs. He most recently led the OSD-CAPE review of the B61 Life Extension Program.

“With the creation of PR&A, we can significantly improve how we plan and analyze our budget requirements to ensure the best use of our resources,” said NNSA Acting Administrator Neile Miller. “Modernizing our operations means rethinking old ideas about what works and what doesn’t. Steve Ho and our new Office of Program Review and Analysis will be an independent broker conducting analysis for NNSA programs and cross-cutting issues and translating that analysis into options.”

PR&A, in conjunction with NNSA’s Budget Office, will manage the annual development of the Future Years Nuclear Security Plan (FYNSP). Based on the approach taken by the Department of Defense to prioritize its needs, PR&A will provide NNSA leadership with the ability to make decisions from a set of well-developed and vetted options, while also ensuring that NNSA’s work reflects the Administration’s priorities and the President’s budget request.Delete


Anonymous said...

The classic response of our dysfunctional management system. If things don't work well, we hire more managers.
And in a few years, when the UPF needs again 300 M$ and is a few feet too short, congress will demand another report on NNSA and NNSA will hire more managers.
plus ça change...

Anonymous said...

NNSA needs to be dissolved and its useless bureaucrats canned. DOE has proved itself incapable of managing the weapons complex. Give it to DOD or make it an independent agency (with new people)--anything is better than what we have had for the last two decades.

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