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Monday, May 13, 2013

Age discrimination suit: it is only the beginning!

Details about the age discrimination suit. This is only the beginning for LLNS


Anonymous said...

Not yet counting lawyers' fee to defend the Lab, or rather defend the "brilliant" managers who done horrible deeds to these employees. well done plaintiffs and your lawyers.

Anonymous said...

And they still promote them.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations LLNS. Welcome to the Limited Liability Company (LLC), the "real" world.

Anonymous said...

They need to also seek large punitive damages.

Anonymous said...

Well if you thought there wasn't going to be an ISP in FY-2014 think again. If the 130 other people get the same settlements as the first five it should cost LLNS another $70M on top of the $80M they're already short for a grand indebtedness of $150M / $300K = 500more people to go next year. Wheee. My bet is before this is all over in the next five years LLNL should be half the size it is now as it should be. Get your bags packed the show has just begun.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree.

People are rooting for the plaintiffs to win.

Be careful what you wish for my friends because of the payouts, it may cost you your job.
Because I am not sure the Lab can afford this, without being forced to let more employees go than they planned.

Anonymous said...

LLNS will just increase taxes on the WFO programs to pay for this F-up.

Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for my friends because of the payouts, it may cost you your job.
Because I am not sure the Lab can afford this, without being forced to let more employees go than they planned.

So we are not suppose to well wishing for these employees?!!!
The Lab just has to lift its head out of the sand and begin to discipline many of its managers who exercised their authorities at the wrong time, at wrong places, to wrong employees. The Lab still has time to settle for much less money. But guess what? Highly likely it won't. It just does not get it.

Anonymous said...

Seems to me those managers in the committee who ran the first RIF, incorrectly, ought to pack their bags and look for a new job.

At the "gold box" level they should be held to a higher standard of performance and accountability.

Anonymous said...

I work at LLNS, and had three friends laid off, two over age 50. Yes, I have been rooting for the plaintiffs; it's high time LLNS learns to treat people with decency. This won't cost my jop, as I hope to escape via VSP. I do pity the employees left to take on additional work following the VSP, with RIFs looming around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I do pity the employees left to take on additional work following the VSP.
I do pity the employees left to take on additional work following the VSP.

Yes save yourself.
These lawsuits will cost people jobs working presently at the Lab.

If the Lab pays out 100 million or less it is almost "for certain" that some of the employees left will lose their jobs.
I do not see how anyone can argue that point, unselfishly.

Anonymous said...

Does LLNS have to pay for jury awards such as this out of their award fee/profit (I hope so), or can they tax their programs to cover it? Seems wrong for the government/taxpayer to subsidize their bad behavior. LLNL is always complaining about federal 'micromanagement' as the source of all their problems, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that they need more oversight, not less.

Anonymous said...

It is important to remember any damages that may impact the MOW at LLNS is a direct result of the neglect and arrogance of the ULM of LLNS.

LLNS chose to go to trial, and they lost.

LLNS chose to ignore the employee layoff policies and that was proven to be illegal.

LLNS chose to act in bad faith in dealing with the laid off employees and that was proven to be illegal.

The court has determined these claims are now legal facts.

LLNS also chose to discriminate against long term older workers and that will be proven too.

Yeah, I'm rooting for the plaintiffs.

Anonymous said...

So who pays, LLNS (out of fees), or US govt (out of LLNL budget)?

See the LLNS prime contract, Section I ( page 245.

Basically, it looks like the govt will reimburse LLNS (out of existing budget) for any claims incurred in performing the govt's business, EXCEPT for 1) illegal activities; 2) things that should be covered by insurance; 3)willful misconduct; 4)lack of good faith, or 5)failure to exercise prudent business judgement.

The RIF plan was certainly approved by DOE, so LLNS can argue it was just doing the govt's business, so DOE ought to pay.

But I think the court verdict includes the words "bad faith", so maybe that'll put the burden on LLNS.

Yet another suject for lawyers to argue, while making money.

Other interesting clauses include: govt won't pay punative damages, and govt' will not increase the yearly budget to pay for costs like these. So as feared, court judgements will result in reduced program budgets, unleass all of this is covered by some sort of insurance.

Anonymous said...

Arrogance for sure.
If you read the last sentence in the SF Gate article about the verdict the "official" comment from LLNS is still "The laboratory believes it acted in good faith," Unbelievable. Deny, deny, deny.

Anonymous said...

I believe in Karma and those crooked managers, namely Art Wong from Human Resources who was in charge of Lab Policy should lose their jobs. CORRUPTION BIG TIME - The so called Fairness LIRC Committee didn't even attend their own meetings so how could they have acted in good faith and fairness to those older employees? Karma

Anonymous said...

Parney seems like a decent sort of guy so are people saying that pre-Parney LLNS was the most corrupt place you have ever worked at?

Anonymous said...

May 15, 2013 at 1:08 PM

As I recall, we had an ex-astronaut in charge of HR in 2008. It was one of the improvements that came with LLNS.

Anonymous said...

Parney seems like a decent sort of guy so are people saying that pre-Parney LLNS was the most corrupt place you have ever worked at?

Ha Ha Ha !!! Perney MIGHT SEEMS to be a decent guy..! ! !

He WAS decent until he nailed the last nail in the coffin. I saw he did it.

The LLNL was a good place to work before LLNS took over.

Anonymous said...

As one of the unfortunate few involved in the THE great S--T CANNING of 08 I can say that it is much easier to look now and blame those of us that were kicked out before and say it's our fault if we cause a RIF now. Well guess none of those who survived last time had to deal with being taken out of turn for no real reason. So please don't expect many tears from us now. I just hope that in the future the lab will follow it's own rules.

Anonymous said...

That ex-astronaut admitted that she didn't have an ounce of Human Resource experience - in her own words she said that she relied on her 2 deputies(Art Wong and Bob Bills) for guidance and decision making - Bob Bills came from Bechtel and was only there at the Lab for a few months and admitted that he didn't have an ounce of Lab Human Resource. Guess who's left in the equation. Greed in it's finest.

Anonymous said...

Good for these people. LLNS still won't learn their lesson. Look at who they promoted to run security. Someone with zero experience in the field, just hanging around doing nothing like the rest of the lumps in management.

Anonymous said...

so how could they have acted in good faith and fairness to those older employees? Karma

May 15, 2013 at 1:08 PM

If you believe in "karma" then you probably also believe in the tooth fairy. Stuck in the 60's, huh? Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

Perney will go down in history of the LLNL as "Perney, THE nailer of the last nail in the coffin."

Hat off to you, all employees who were laid off in 2008. Thanks to the lawyers who defended them. Shame on you, LLNS! for your horrible illegal act against helpless employees who you escorted out the gate like criminals.

Last but not least, Thanks to SPSE, for being there to fend off the fangs of LLNL's managment from many of its employees

Anonymous said...

Union hack....keep the union brainwashing off the blog...
upte will be gone because any company will just stop hiring and farm it out...that's why you do not have high school drop outs run the union.

Anonymous said...

Credit should be given where it is due. I cannot speak for this or that union, but I can speak about how good the SPSE has been for the employees who had the courage and the wisdom to join the Society. The representatives of SPSE at the LLNL worked and still working nonstop for member-employees in need. Without the SPSE many more LLNL employees would have been gone one way or another.
You made a terrible mistake. I want to correct you that the representatives of SPSE at the LLNL are either fine scientists and or people with integrity.

Anonymous said...

SPSE UNION was a tremendous help to the 130 employees who were laid off in 2008. And, most of them didn't even belong to the SPSE union. They provided valuable information on the illegal lay off which helped the lawsuit go to trial. SPSE Managers were intelligent,providing information as well as showing compassion for the traumatized laid off employees. SPSE = a class act!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment that the Managers who ran that illegal lay off should be fired - starting with the LIRC committee comprised of:
Bruce Warner, Art Wong, Gaby Odell, Marina Gonzalez, Bob Perko, and Renee Breyer - high dollar folks of which at least one of them as been double dipping since October 2007. They are an embarrassment to the Lab posing as competent leaders -let them feel the pain of having your career stripped out from under them - they are all over 50 - let them see how quick they can find another job in this economy..

Anonymous said...

May 16, 2013 at 7:17 AM

They will never fire them. As a matter a fact they'll get bonus checks for doing such a SH job as do al the big wigs.

Anonymous said...

"They will never fire them. As a matter a fact they'll get bonus checks for doing such a SH job as do all the big wigs."


Anonymous said...

May 16, 2013 at 10:21 AM

What the heck does ^^This^^ mean. Some type of texting lingo?

Anonymous said...

Response to above posting from union drones.
You have to have a total union mentality to be a cheerleader for any union.
If you write on this blog and believe the Lab is corrupt (I do not)then it is indisputable that unions are the most corrupt entities in this country.

All you have to do is look around and you will see that the unions of today have no (none!) resemblance to the good unions in the 50's, 60's and 70's.
Jerry Brown received $85 million from unions and that is what put him in office. You can bet your first born that the high Speed rail is going forward (even though Ca is in the hole for $165B, that can never be paid)and guess will be a PLA (a union only contract) at 20=-30% more than a non-union contractor could do with more competitive bidding.

Why do all the states that are Right to Work states (20 some)all have state surpluses.

Why are all new factories built in Right to Work states (Toyota, Boeing, Subaru, Honda)?

I am guessing that the new Apple plant will not be built in California.

Here is my advice to you.

Keep voting for these hack Democrats who just spend, spend and spend here in California and watch this once great state go bankrupt. Stockton is bankrupt because of over spending and 30-40% of there intake went to unions.

Bottom line, a Lab with a high school drop out punk union head telling Dr. Parney what he can and can't do would be a quite a nutty place.
Remember that's what drop outs aspire to do, becoming a drone.

Anonymous said...

Yaah, What a lecture!!! full of errors. I surely am a cheerleader of SPSE at the LLNL. I know the organization had saved more than one employee's neck. Its representatives at LLNL are fearless leaders. These representatives put their jobs on the line for the "high school dropped outs employees as well as Ph.D. completed employees."

I assume that you are very well "educated." So well "educated" that you look so down on high school drop outs.

I know many high school drop outs have a better manner than you have exhibited.

Anonymous said...

You must have a union mentality to avoid the obvious that unions are the most corrupt entities in this country.

Keep drinking the union many Lab people are union members Oh!! <1%....Interesting....

How many workers in the US are union members Oh!!!! <15%. Interesting...

Answer this,
How come union membership dropped ~30-50% in Wisconsin when good people were given a choice to leave the union just a year ago? Interesting....

Try the goofy grape kool-aid
and have one with Jerry Brown, he's a good union hack.
Just be sure to give him some nice campaign money before you leave.

Anonymous said...

So I will get my documentation for post
May 16, 2013 at 7:34 PM
if you will provide what you feel is incorrect about the posting.

Time to put your money where your mouth is.....

What specifically are you saying is in error and I will provide the documentation to back up that post.
Be specific...........

Or is this just another union bs posting?

Anonymous said...

Off topic alert!

Anonymous said...

Where were you @May 15, 2013 at 9:24 PM

Anonymous said...

The misogynist/extremist/obama-hater poster who also happens to work at the lab, just got checkmated there. Yet again.

Anonymous said...

What!!!! Who's an Obama hater?

The question is not, if Obama constantly lies. I think in light of recent events that's a given.

The question is, is it possible for Obama to not tell a lie?

Just ask our dead hero Navy Seals.
Oh we can't...they didn't get any help and are not here any more.

Anonymous said...

Let's see-- we've now got the anti-union and anti-Obama boxes checked, but are still waiting for huntin an fishin to show up.

Anonymous said...

Bad news/good news.

The bad news is our heroes died.

The good news is Obama was able to cover it up and get re-elected.

In the eyes of a total liberal hack like above (May 17, 2013 at 1:36 PM) that is a good trade.

Anonymous said...

Unionized blue collar clowns always trying to extort those who worked hard to make something of themselves.

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for Obama! A vote for Obama was a vote for the future of America.

Anonymous said...

A vote for Obama was a vote for the future of America.

May 19, 2013 at 12:18 AM

Apparently, a very bad future with an abusive administration based on intimidation and lies (i.e., Chicago politics), and a President who claims to only find out what is going on from news stories. The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight meets Al Capone.

Anonymous said...

Ratzin fratzin huntin & fishin

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