A nuclear blast equation used by the US military for decades to guide the construction of bombproof shelters is not always accurate, according to a new study by Chinese researchers.
Blog purpose
Blog rules
- Stay on topic.
- No profanity, threatening language, pornography.
- No political debate.
- Posts and comments are posted several times a day.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Jennifer Granholm and the awesome Department of Energy
By L. King, White House Chronicle
December 19, 2020President-elect Joe Biden’s decision to nominate Jennifer Granholm — former governor of Michigan, lawyer, politician and television host — to be the next secretary of energy is curious.
The idea circulating is that her primary assignment, in Biden’s mind, will be to speed Detroit’s development of electric vehicles.
Friday, December 25, 2020
More on Biden and Nuc spending
WSJ: Biden to Review U.S. Nuclear-Weapons Programs, With Eye Toward Cuts
https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-to-review-u-s-nuclear-weapons-programs-with-eye-toward-cuts-11608805800WASHINGTON—The incoming Biden administration is planning a review of the nation’s $1.2 trillion nuclear-modernization program with an eye toward trimming funding for nuclear weapons and reducing their role in Pentagon strategy.
President-elect Joe Biden promised during the campaign to reduce the U.S.’s “excessive expenditure” on nuclear arms and criticized President Trump’s decision to develop new sea-based weapons, including a submarine-launched cruise missile.
The new administration is also likely to review the Pentagon’s decision to develop a new land-based intercontinental ballistic missile, which is estimated to cost more than $100 billion when its warhead is included, some former officials said.
“We have to modernize our deterrent,” said one former official. “But we cannot spend the amount of money that is currently being allocated.”
The expectation that Mr. Biden will take a fresh look at the modernization programs has spurred a debate over the future of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.
The debate has also been driven by Mr. Biden’s campaign pledge to narrow the role that nuclear weapons play in the U.S. military doctrine, stating that their “sole purpose” should be to deter or respond to a nuclear attack.
Biden to review excessive Nuc spending
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
COVID relief and LANL and LLNL
Thursday, December 17, 2020
More about the scandal
MICROSOFT hacked! Sad!
Russian hackers!
New scandal.
Russian hackers breached Microsoft as part of their campaign that infiltrated the US nuclear weapon stockpile network, the Los Alamos lab and the Energy Department, officials reveal
What the hell is going on?
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Is there an effective way to put the kibosh on a Tech Associate promotional review on a 500 series tech?
Towards "An artificial sun"
Beijing has a lot of irons in the global energy market fire, facing off against Russia for nuclear energy dominance in Africa, ramping up coal-fired capacity abroad while simultaneously touting its lofty decarbonization plans back at home, and now, powering up a brand new, cutting-edge “artificial sun.”
The so-called sun is a nuclear fusion reactor which came online for the first time last week, “marking a great advance in the country's nuclear power research capabilities,” according to a report by Science X Network’s Phys.org.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Trump order to dismantle 'deep state'
The Department of Energy is advancing an executive order from Trump that could make it easier to fire agency workers.
What would he do a thing like this?
llnlthetruestory is 13 years old today
December 11th 2007, the start of this blog. It was intended to replace the short-lived llnlthefinalstory blog and as a step up from llnltherealstory one.
As llnltherealstory sank into a period of virulent insults among LANL employees and inflammatory remarks towards LLNL's, it was time to begin a new blog that encourages intelligent debate.
The torch was lit and LANL readers saw it and hopped on fast. Participation shot up and moderation was challenging despite clear blog rules.
On the 1st anniversary, I asked for a volunteer to take it over. I heard the echo of my own voice.
Since then, I had brief help from "Doobydew" whose nickname I still use today. Thanks Doobydew! whoever you are. I also hard help from a tech-savvy guy named "TheEvil Eye". Thank you.
With some exceptions, LANL dominated this blog negatively and disregarded civility and the call for intelligent debate. That made moderation that much difficult.
13 years later, many have questioned the relevance of this platform. I believe there is a need to have a place where issues are brought up, abuse is reported, important information is passed.
What does everyone think?
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
COVID cases at LANL
370 cases for employees LANL so far, 238 fully recovered. Los Alamos county has only 176 cases.
I am guessing the people are catching it elsewhere than at work.
Monday, November 30, 2020
Sandia under Investigation
Sandia under investigation for violating COVID-19 restrictions:
The state’s Occupational Health and Safety Bureau has opened an investigation of Sandia National Laboratories after receiving a complaint about alleged violations of the state public health order.
A letter sent Monday by the bureau and obtained by The Associated Press alleges that the national laboratory failed to comply with the health order by not limiting operations to remote work to the greatest extent practicable to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The state claims employees were ordered to cease telework and report to work in-person.
If the lab doesn't comply, the state says it's authorized to post a notice of imminent danger on lab property and assess civil penalties up to $134,904 per violation.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
No violations?
Has “Chief Ethics Officer” Paul T. Schafer been a stooge for LLNS since 2007? Has he ever found significant ethics violations with LLNS?
LLNL tackles COVID with big memory
“The ability of large-memory systems to integrate genomic analysis with large-scale machine learning for predictive modeling of therapeutic response will be important for accelerating the development of effective new therapeutics,” said Jim Brase, the lab’s deputy associate director for computing...
Friday, November 20, 2020
DOE choses INL to host the versatile test reactor
The Department of Energy won’t publish its draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) until mid-December...
Friday, November 13, 2020
Critical Race Theory is Coming Back to the Labs!
A Joe Biden administration would likely scrap an executive order from the Trump administration that restricts the federal government and its contractors from offering diversity training that President Donald Trump labeled "divisive" and "un-American."
“I think it’s highly probable that this executive order will be rescinded in fairly short order,” Franklin Turner, a partner with law firm McCarter & English who represents multinational contractors and small and medium-sized companies, told USA TODAY.
While Trump never mentioned the term "critical race theory" in his recent executive order regarding diversity training for federal employees and contractors, it was a clear removal of this controversial method of talking about diversity, in which existing institutions are racist and White people maintain power at the expense of people of color. This will probably be one of the first things undone by Biden when he takes office in January. But expect to see lawsuits as many people, including U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow, say that critical race theory training violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Code.
Get ready for this folks the ride is going to be good.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
Next DOE Sec. Choices
Candidates for DOE Secretary in a President Biden Administration may include Arun Majumdar, Ernest Moniz, and Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall.
Lisa Gordon-Hagerty resigns
Well, she knew what she was getting into.
(Bob Harvard's decision in 2017 seems ever more prescient.)
Godspeed Bill Bookless.
Hope for a better blog
I hope that after the election (or at least, after the election result is known), the craziness and vitriol here will subside and we can get back to the purpose of this blog. But right now the country is collectively losing its mind.
Little doubt about Biden plan
WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrat Joe Biden leaves little doubt that if elected he would try to scale back President Donald Trump’s buildup in nuclear weapons spending. And although the former vice president has not fully detailed his nuclear priorities, he says he would make the U.S. less reliant on the world’s deadliest weapons.
Biden's plan
Does anyone know what Biden's plans might be for NNSA, or DOE in general?
The only thing I can find is this
The Biden campaign has made few pronouncements on U.S. nuclear weapons policy or strategy and it declined to make an adviser available for an interview. The campaign website says Biden believes “the sole purpose of the U.S. nuclear arsenal should be deterring — and if necessary, retaliating against — a nuclear attack. As president, he will work to put that belief into practice, in consultation with our allies and military.”
He has said, for example, that he opposes the Trump administration’s decision to develop and deploy two types of missiles armed with less-powerful “low-yield” nuclear warheads. One is a sea-launched cruise missile that is some years from being fielded; the other is a long-range ballistic missile that the Navy began deploying aboard submarines nearly a year ago.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Monday, October 26, 2020
NNSA administrators on fixed term?
This is behind a paywall unfortunately but I get the point:
I think some of the current NNSA administrators would like to keep their jobs after Trump loses. Nice try.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
With Google being scrutinized , can they deliver what the DOE want?
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Is Los Alamos next?
Anyone who works at Los Alamos and a number of people from Livermore or Sandia who have visited Los Alamos
are all very familiar withe the Obelisk monument in the center of the Santa Fe Plaza. It is usually mandatory viewing for visitors from LLNL when they are in town. Well no longer. In a mostly peaceful protest in Santa Fe in which two officers where assaulted the protestors tore down the Obelisk.
"Erected in 1866, the Plaza centerpiece, sometimes called the Soldiers Monument and constructed to honor to Civil War Union soldiers, has spurred several demonstrations in Santa Fe this year amid a nationwide call for racial justice."
Now I will remind of the irony in this. This stood since the last civil war. Are you starting to see where this is headed?
Since Los Alamos is seen by many in a bad light a symbol of oppression one has to ask when people are going to demand when it gets torn down for racial justice. I know no one knows anything about history but you might want to look at what happened to the nations that went through the whole tear down the statues and symbols things in the last 100 years, it actually happened in a number of counties, during their "social revolutions", hint it never ends well...ever.
Hopefully once Trump is gone we get CRT back in the labs.
Hey it is all good, It is now 10:24pm time to watch tonights riots live-streamed on youtube and facebook. For our features tonight we have Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Louisville, and San Diego, at least these are the ones on the screen. Sounds like things are headed in the right direction.
Sunday, October 11, 2020
COVID a nuclear security risk?
COVID a nuclear security risk??
“Traditionally, presidents have temporarily conveyed authority — including nuclear launch authority — to the vice president when they anticipated being under anesthesia. Ronald Reagan took that step in 1985, and George W. Bush did so in 2002 and 2007. There was no indication that Mr. Trump was unconscious, but there was reason to be concerned that the cocktail of drugs he was given could impair his judgment to make the most critical decisions entrusted to a president.
Last week in telephone interviews with Fox News and Fox Business Network, Mr. Trump said he was no longer taking experimental medications but was still on dexamethasone”
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Defund nuclear weapons
We need to defund nuclear weapons and slash defense spending.
Friday, October 9, 2020
The truth about CRT
At the Sandia National Laboratories, which develops technology for America’s nuclear arsenal, executives held a racially segregated training session for white male employees. The three-day event, which was led by a company called White Men as Full Diversity Partners, set the goal of examining “white male culture” and making the employees take responsibility for their “white privilege,” “male privilege” and “heterosexual privilege.” In one of the opening exercises, the instructors wrote on a whiteboard that “white male culture” can be associated with “white supremacists,” “KKK,” “Aryan Nation,” “MAGA hat” and “mass killings.” On the final day, the trainers asked employees to write letters to women and people of color. One participant apologized for his privilege and another pledged to “be a better ally.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
DOE investigates National Labs
DOE Secretary has launched an investigation of the national laboratories for "potential unlawful use of taxpayer funds" regarding "critical race theory"
Monday, October 5, 2020
Everyone gets the cough med at LLNL!
Friday, October 2, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Trump is expanding on fight against Critical Race Theory
" shall be the policy of the United States not to promote race or sex stereotyping or scapegoating in the Federal workforce or in the Uniformed Services, and not to allow grant funds to be used for these purposes. In addition, Federal contractors will not be permitted to inculcate such views in their employees,” the order says.
Friday, September 18, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Civil war at Sandia continues...
On Monday, all Sandia employees received the following e-mail to cease all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training:
However, some Sandia employees are pointing out that Sandia management is a hypocrite for caving in because they have pushed back on other DOE orders but refuse to push back for DEI:
Monday, September 14, 2020
LLNL is not in compliance
Procedural issues again a concern as cited in the September 2013 DOE IG Report on HEAF. (Listed under "Prior Reports" on page 11)
"We interviewed eight officials responsible for the explosives management at HEAF and Site 300, and upon our request none provided us with detailed inventory procedures..."By not requiring custodians to follow property management regulations and without the custodian knowing the requirements, LLNL is not in compliance with 41 CFR, Subpart 109".
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Race training cancelled
Friday, September 11, 2020
Inclusion training
This was predicted here on this Blog as I now proclaim the great Liberal social experiment at LLNL is now over with SJW SF liberal Director going, going GONE! ADIOS!
Fun to watch the Liberal Managers now jumping ship. FUN! See you propaganda forcing Liberals in November, not to worry Joe is a great candidate:)
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Greater authority over NNSA
"The bill clarifies that NNSA officers and employees shall be responsible to and subject to the authority, direction and control of the Secretary of Energy. It further strikes a provision from Section 3220 barring DOE personnel other than the Secretary from exercising authority, direction, or control over personnel employed by or contracting with NNSA."
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Black Sandia engineer supports Casey Petersen
Sunday, September 6, 2020
LANL expects to hire 1000/yr
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Trump orders end of racial sensitivity training
White House Orders End Of ‘Un-American’ Racial Sensitivity Training At Federal Agencies
I heard that this order actually came about due the recent events at Sandia. The issue that I am puzzled about is if this actually would still effect Sandia since I do not thing they are actually a Federally run facility.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Another Sandia employee speaks out
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
DOE and South Carolina settle
Monday, August 31, 2020
Incident at Ashley Pond
Sunday, August 30, 2020
African American Director at LLNL?
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Sandia Labs Goes Nuclear On Employee
Sandia Labs Goes Nuclear On Employee Who Sparked Internal Revolt Over Critical Race Theory
Friday, August 28, 2020
Civil war at Sandia.
A dissident electrical engineer named Casey Peterson emailed all 16,000 employees denouncing critical race theory in the lab and hoping to spark a rebellion against Sandia executives.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Will Trump use a nuke to stop the asteroid?
Maybe Trump will say we need to blow up the asteroid with a nuke, the Dems will be against this. Sounds crazy but hey it is 2020 anything can happen. Are the labs up to the challenge!
Monday, August 24, 2020
Closed ranking sessions
If you look at the many public cases where the inappropriate conduct of a city mayor, city council member, or other city official are exposed through a video or tweet, the conduct is usually promptly addressed. There is far less incentive to flush out inappropriate conduct from the participants of closed meetings.
Friday, August 21, 2020
DOE Secretary did not approve of Sandia seminars!
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Sandia executives and white male culture
National Nuclear Lab's Employees Sent to Seminar That Claimed 'Rugged Individualism' and 'Hard Work' Are 'White Male Culture'
https://reason.com/2020/08/13/sandia-laboratory-nuclear-white-male-privilege-training/?fbclid=IwAR2NxsY0nzzwzR5pw3pcfaYP5coaIn9VCzEclaqyRFBmuIhdNo-kotHZoxU&Friday, August 7, 2020
Our Lord will return some day!
One reason is outside of the Lab the term Inclusive means one is included only if you agree and kneel at the Alter of the false religion of Liberalism and Abortion.
For example the Inclusive Woman's march does not allow serious Christians, Pro-Life women nor Conservative Women's Groups but is Inclusive. Funny, haha.
I would say (I predict) with LLNL becoming more like Google and Twitter with Liberal Management that at some point they will turn on Christians as it is inevitable because our Creator values life which is not a tenant of Liberalism/Socialism as their Ideology in every facet comes before a persons or family's life.
I would say two things.
If you doubt the silent majority at LLNL or in our Country, then let's talk on Nov. 5th. But more importantly our Lord will return some day and every thing that has breathe will kneel before His Majesty as this all will end.
Are accidental explosions possible at LLNL?
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Environmental Impact Statement for LLNL
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
LLNL retiree settlement
Documents explaining the settlement are available on the LLNL Retirees Association website:
https://www.livermorelabretirees.org/uc- settlement-updates
The Court Documents are available at:
http://www.llnlretireesettlement.com/ documents.php
Thursday, July 30, 2020
What if elections are delayed?
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
LLNL Retiree Settlement
LLNL retirees currently receive $2450/year to draw from to cover the cost of medical premiums. That is not enough to fully cover Kaiser Senior Advantage premiums and there is a shortfall every November or December. Who knows how much a current vested UC retiree who worked on one of the UC campuses gets to draw against? Surely this number is greater than $2450/year. If current vested UC retirees receive much more than $2450/year how will this be addressed?
Invitation to clean debates
I am inviting you to keep your comments on topic. You don't need to win an argument. What every sane person wants are informative and interesting comments. Having seen this blog evolve negatively, I can confirm that you will never win an argument in an anonymous fashion. I renew my call for improving our blog and making it a friendly place where educated people come to inform and debate, instead of regurgitate and denigrate.
I am obligated and committed to delete any useless, hateful, off-topic, obscene comment. Not to mention complains about said deletions!
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
How many are working?
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Assessment of Safety Culture
Friday, July 24, 2020
UFO are reeaal!
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Bill Goldstein retiring
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
NNSA and DOE dodged a Bullet
NNSA and DOE dodged a Bullet...
"A provision in the SASC’s 2021 defense policy bill that could have caused great friction between two powerful committees has been quashed. The provision would have handed DoD budgetary control of nuclear weapons development in the wake of strong opposition — including from Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette and leaders of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.
Energy Committee Chair Lisa Murkowski and Ranking Member Joe Manchin threatened to block the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on the Senate floor if the provision was not removed, according to one opponent.
The language in Section 3111 of the SASC bill would have given the Pentagon’s Nuclear Weapons Council power to set the annual budget of the development of warheads by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), which develops and builds nuclear warheads for the Pentagon’s ICBMs, bombers and submarines.
The provision was overturned, as first reported by colleague John Donnelly, via an amendment cosponsored by Manchin and Sen. Maria Cantwell that the Senate approved on July 2, along with a larger package of changes. The amendment was approved unanimously, according to a July 2 press release by Cantwell.
Cantwell had been vociferous in her opposition to the bill, arguing that it not only would have usurped Brouillette’s power over his own department’s budget, but also could have resulted in the shifting of funds from other important DoE missions such as nuclear waste cleanup. (Brouillette made similar objections in a letter he sent to the SASC on June 29, further arguing that it would overturn civilian control of the nation’s nuclear weapons.)
While leaving budgetary control to DoE, the Cantwell-Manchin amendment does give DoD an opportunity to make its views on the annual NNSA budget proposal known. According to Cantwell’s release, the provision will “promote transparency by attaching the NWC’s recommendation for the NNSA’s budget as an appendix to the final budget request submitted by the Secretary of Energy.”
LANL plutonium-238 exposure
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Honestly wondering...
1) I am honestly cringing to open the Lab Intranet as what new Social Justice post will we see?
2) I remember one of the Stem Protest comments was a lady caught up in the moment going to "make" her underlings watch Social Justice videos? Did I get that correct?
3) Our Director only portrays one side of H1 visa pause as 13m Americans are out of work, I think he is a Globalist and again I am asking?
As I notice 2 things about Liberalism, they (like our Director) really, really believe that everyone agrees with them and two their Ideology comes before safety of us and our families (like releasing Illegal Felons without notifying ICE or pooping on SF streets or removing the Police, Ideology over safety)?
4) I have never met WCI head and I am sure she is a good sincere person, but I did not care for her emails on this subject?
5) I honestly wonder how Lisa Haggerty would feel about this push?
6) It is distracting me, similar how the NFL kneelers "maybe" distract from their teammates and actually playing the game?
Any thoughts, feelings?
Monday, June 29, 2020
Credential Inflation In The Federal Workforce?
"On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to fill job vacancies based on merit, rather than require a minimum level of education for candidates seeking open positions. The order rightly recognizes that a job candidate with several years of relevant experience may be just as qualified, if not more so, than one who has collected a stack of advanced degrees."
Friday, June 26, 2020
An unusual lawsuit at LLNL
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Dealing With Life Transitions in an Ever-Changing COVID-19 World
Y-12 and Pantex M&O fired.

6/23/2020 4:39 PM
I think the poster is saying some group or subcontractor associated with managing Pantex and Y-12 is out for underperforming. I have heard nothing of it or know which groups they are. I also don't think UC had any involvement with either theses places. Maybe it is a different UC than the University of California.
Posts you viewed tbe most last 30 days
Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So now that you have your new budget how many are they going to send out the gate, put on the EBA list?
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?