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Saturday, December 3, 2016


Mattis is on the record that the US should change from a nuclear triad to a nuclear diad, and shelve the land based missile leg. If the Senate confirms him as the Secretary of Defense, this might be an area where the national labs get some attention.
December 2, 2016 at 4:03 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mattis and Riley Bechtel serve together in California, so not much will change.


Anonymous said...

Mattis has only been retired a couple of years. The law requires 7 years. He will need a new law which Dems will oppose. Nomination DOA.

Anonymous said...

Not good! We get rid of those and Russia will have warheads freed up for other targets near or in more populated areas. If anything, we should have MORE land bases with nuke missiles spread out all over the middle of knowhere USA.

Anonymous said...

He also is proponent of redeploying the suppository nuclear weapon,..a SNM gun device...

Anonymous said...

Great idea! Base more missles in sparsely used areas like Superblock at LLNL, the DAF in Nevada, Hanford (next to the leaking tanks and non functioning waste glassification plant), Germantown, F Canyon at SRS, H Canyon at SRS, K Area at SRS, and the fully non functioning PF4 at Los Alamos.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Gen. Mattis knows something we don't. Like the land based systems are so antiquated they don't actually work today. '70's computers, electronics, timing systems, etc...the stuff I used in graduate school that had tubes and transistors. LOL

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Putin (Vlad)

Don't worry about our land base nuclear missile systems as they don't actually work. Please remove them from your list of targets.

Dec 6, 2016 @ 10:30PM

Anonymous said...

Putting aside the usual snark that crops up in these threads, it is worth examining who will be offering advice to the new administration on nuclear weapons and related topics. For certain, it will not be any of the 3 present Lab Directors, since they were all fully behind the losing candidate.

Anonymous said...

Love it ! Maybe cut a deal with Russia to jointly target North Korea. It's worth noting that our current Space Program is a joint operation with the Russians, as far as the ISS and other international science endeavors. Despite the Hillary/DNC crap about Russia they are not our enemies. In what shooting war did we ever fight the Russians ? Chinese on the other hand (remember Korea) that's another problem.

Anonymous said...

Maybe NK will pick up the surplus Titans and Minuteman IIIs.

Anonymous said...

In what shooting war did we ever fight the Russians ?

December 9, 2016 at 3:03 PM

Russian pilots flew MIGs against our USAF in Korea.

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