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Sunday, December 25, 2016

New nuclear arms race

New nuclear arms race in the cards

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday morning escalated his calls for a stronger U.S. nuclear arsenal, saying he was fine with an “arms race” if it puts the U.S. in a stronger position against foreign adversaries.

“Let it be an arms race … we will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all,” Trump told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” during an off-air conversation on Friday.

The attempt at a clarification came after Trump alarmed some with a vague tweet on Thursday that said, “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”


Anonymous said...

A shrewd negotiating ploy.

Anonymous said...

He's a natural (yes shrewd) negotiator.
Consider looking through those lenses when hearing his Tweets.

Someone smart said,
"the People take Trump seriously not literally".
"the Media takes Trump literally not seriously".

He is strickly transactional. Not an Idealogue nor a Politician nor Predictable.
If you bet against him you are sure to lose.

The People won and the Corporate Media lost (them more than anyone else).

My friends, Mr. Pence said to buckle up and hold on come Jan. 21
and you and I better believe him.

Anonymous said...

Absolute crap! We're still cleaning up the mess from the last Cold War. No one, not even as a negotiating position, could consider this rational. It's amazing how willing Trump supporters are to pretend he knows what he's talking about regardless of how obviously stupid it is. Trump is an ignorant egotistical jackass who hasn't got a clue about anything he's talking about and that includes real estate. If you hurry maybe you can still sign up for Trump University.

Anonymous said...

>Trump is an ignorant egotistical jackass who hasn't got a clue about anything he's >talking about and that includes real estate.

And this is exactly what he wants you to think and you fell for that trap and you will keep falling for this trap. All too easy. Don't believe me just look at the results.

Anonymous said...

Nice post above.

I just got it, they are still underestimating him.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sure that is why he puts people like Perry in charge of the DoE. When are you going to open your eyes? You are stupid even for obvious trolls like you.

Anonymous said...

Liberals will never like or even accept anything Trump says or does, as 4:46 and 11:12 show nicely. Fewer and fewer people even care what they say any more. Their time has come and gone, totally gone, and they're left sputtering and pining away for four more years of Obama/Biden/Clinton/Bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO. Do you have to say such stupid things to be a troll? I guess liberals just scare you so much you can't control yourself. LIBERAL! Did you pee yourself?

Anonymous said...

December 26, 2016 at 1:35 PM:
Results....yeah, right. 6 bankruptcies, any number of fraud suits, stiffs most of his little guy contractors. Yeah Trump has "results" all right. The ONLY thing he's good at is being a con man. What disgusts me is that America was flamingly stupid enough to fall for his con job.

To say nothing of worlds worst possible comb-over. He's clearly as bald as a cue ball, and makes William Shatner look like a Chia Pet.

Anonymous said...

No, I peed in your beer. Can you taste it while you're getting drunk?

Anonymous said...

Umm, dude this is the Internet. I think the beer you just peed in was your own.

Anonymous said...

The ONLY thing he's good at is being a con man. What disgusts me is that America was flamingly stupid enough to fall for his con job.

To say nothing of worlds worst possible comb-over. He's clearly as bald as a cue ball, and makes William Shatner look like a Chia Pet.

December 27, 2016 at 4:08 PM

Typical liberal BS. Call names instead of making reasoned factual arguments. Then, as an extra bonus, make personal insults. Great way to win (not). Hint: You lost. Learn from mistakes.

Anonymous said...

The beat goes on...
Judge by the results.

Anonymous said...

Rick Perry was brought in to reduce the size of DOE. For this purpose, he is a masterful choice.

Anonymous said...

December 27, 2016 at 6:53 PM: Reasoned factual arguments from a Republican?!? You make me laugh!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rick Perry was selected because he is associated with DoE because of his famous gaff. He isn't skilled or smart enough to be a masterful choice for anything. He was picked because he doesn't make Drumpf feel stupid by knowing more than Drumpf does.

Electing someone because they don't have a clue, have cheated and bankrupted many small business people, and are deep in debt to our enemies and calling it a triumph of the right is a disgrace to conservatives and a disaster for the country.

Oh and what do you call someone who changes their story on every issue as soon as someone questions them on it: a con-artist. So I don't think 4:08 was just calling names.

News flash: the Democrats didn't lose. Three million votes say so. The Electoral College stole the election from the people. The last time the Electoral College did this to the country, a fop was elected who was so lazy and arrogant he allowed the country to be attacked rather than interrupt his vacation. And no, Drumpf wouldn't have won the popular vote if he had campaigned elsewhere. And also no, he didn't lose the popular vote because of illegal voting. Lies may have gotten him elected but they won't make him a good leader or the country better.

Anonymous said...

Standard liberal line in 2016, "the Electoral College stole the election". Never mind the Constitution, and the way Presidents have been elected for 200+ years. The Constitution doesn't matter to liberals if it gets in the way of them doing what they want. That is what progressive ideology means, and Obama has shown us how little the constitution means to that ideology.

If you remember high school civics, the President is chosen by the States through the Electoral College. Like Congress, it is set up that way to avoid the tyranny of the majority. A successful President needs to build a coalition that includes smaller states, and needs to have broad appeal. Every candidate, including Clinton, knows this, but Clinton failed to build that coalition and failed to have broad appeal, therefore she lost just like the Constitution arranged. Yes, she won a majority of the popular vote, but that's irrelevant because that's not how the President gets elected, never has been. Even progressives understand this, but they still whine, because that old yellowed piece of paper shouldn't be allowed to stand in the way of them getting what they want.

Anonymous said...

According to the CIA, Putin was only able to hand Trump the electoral college, not the popular vote.
Vladimir is working on improvement for the next election.
Ask John Brennan about this, or whoever he is leaking to.

Anonymous said...

11:20 is lying. The CIA never said the Russians handed Trump the Electoral College. What they claim is the Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee's e-mail server. The despicable content of thoose e-mails might have had some influence on voters.

Here's what happened. Trump spent his small campaign budget targeting the states that would bring him the victory according to the election rules our founders put in place. Hilliar spent her HUGE campaign budget foolishly - she wasted efforts on states she was already sure to win. As a consequence she turned out more votes in places like California, but those votes didn't get her more Electors. Stupid! Liberals that keep claiming that Hilliar won the popular vote are just pointing out her poor election strategy.

Anonymous said...

No the IC confirms that many more things were done behind the scenes to help Trump but of course you miss the point. The Electoral College was set up to prevent a tyrant or unqualified person from taking power. State laws and party procedures guaranteeing all votes go to the winning candidate in each state have undone the purpose of the EC. It now makes it more possible for tyrants and the unqualified to take power. This has happened in recent history just 16 years ago. Remember how great it was having the unqualified "W" let the country be attacked and then start unnecessary wars? You pretend liberals started the war in Iraq and caused the economy to collapse but this was all W all the time. Now the right has got their was by again misusing the EC again and you think this will send more money to the Labs for new nukes so no problem. Vlad is unlikely to approve this and he will be running the show.

Anonymous said...

OMG Trump is such a genius! It is amazing! WOW! ROTFL you Trump people are such suckers.

Anonymous said...

4:32 must be a real liberal, not just a pretend liberal. Glad you're all falling out of power in the U.S. and in Europe, and hopefully you'll follow your communist brothers to the ash heap of history.

Anonymous said...

4:23 PM is lying. The IC has NOT confirmed ANY actions by the Russian. They have only claimed that the Russians were behind releasing the disgusting e-mails written by the Democratic National Committee and Hilliar's campaign manager Podesta to Wikileaks. Note that
Wikileaks has denied this.

When 4:23 refers to the Electoral College, he's referring to the same process that has elected ALL Presidents, including Obama.

Just more crybaby stuff from an obviously brainwashed extreme left-wing liberal.

Anonymous said...

The phrase "the Russians hacked the election" is now being used, which was the aim of IC.
This was the aim of the report. SIx months from now the Domocrats are going to be saying the vote counts were altered by Putin.
The election was hacked, wasn't it? That means voting machines were tampered with, right?

Sort of like what the NIF a people did in saying they achieved "break even". The popular press thought this was ignition and gain initially when it was really only 1% of true break even. Technically Moses and Hurricane didn't lie, because they changed the definition to only include the work done on the fuel. But the impression was left.

Some journalist caught it though

Livermore so full of liars and crackpots.

Anonymous said...

Moses was the only one at Livermore whom ever used the term "breakeven" and Moses was shown the door soon thereafter.

Anonymous said...

Hurricane published a Nature article referring to "scientific break even".
He also was interviewed in the popular press and repeated that claim.
After some journalists realized the trick Hurricane and Moses had played on them the interviews dried up.
The high-foot capusule never amounted to anything. This design was actually suggested by others as a way of increasing the yield. Hurricane now claims at high-level reviews that if NIF was just a little more powerful his designs would ignite perfectly. Thus he maintains his infallibility and shifts blame to the people who built NIF.

Anonymous said...

He is right. More energy solves every problem, at least on paper and neglecting laser plasma interactions and other complications. There are existence proofs from Nevada. That does not help NIF, however, and breakeven at a petajoule is not very useful.

High-foot capsules were discussed and planned during the NIC as a way to boost yield and make a PR splash. I do not doubt that Hurricane was involved at some level, but the myth that an outsider genius came in with a brilliant revolutionary new idea is, well, a myth.

Anonymous said...

"News flash: the Democrats didn't lose. Three million votes say so. "

You mean the illegal vote coming from CA two days after the election. All those mail in ballots from "newly minted" voters with the special drivers licenses.

Please give us all a break. Republicans won 2500 or so counties to Democrats 500 or so. Pretty much a Trump landslide across the country.

Anonymous said...

" Hurricane now claims at high-level reviews that if NIF was just a little more powerful his designs would ignite perfectly. Thus he maintains his infallibility and shifts blame to the people who built NIF."

Sorry, the laser physicist/designers/builders (and I'm one of them) wanted a 10 MJ UV driver in the late '90's but DOE told us that we where too forward looking. Sad because we knew that the target side of the house was "full of it".

Anonymous said...

Please give us all a break. All the votes that weren't for Trump weren't illegal and after the election. If you want to talk about after the election votes, that was Bush II and look how good he was for the country. Landslide my ***.

Anonymous said...

Look at the details. Leaving aside CA, NY, and MA (and who cares about them?), Trump did in fact win by a landslide in the popular vote. And the EC vote was a landslide also. No need to keep bringing up Bush for 8 years, aren't you tired of that yet?

Anonymous said...

Claim that Hilliar won the popular vote and you're just pointing out how stupid her election strategy was. She spent HUGE sums of money campaigning in States that she was going to win anyway. She turned out voters in liberal States like California, but those votes didn't get her one single more vote in the Electoral college. Stupid! Trump spent HALF as much and clobbered Hilliar everywhere it counted.

It must be hard for you Demmies to come to grips with the fact that one of the worst candidates ever to run for President clobbered the Dimocrat's hand-picked candidate,Hilliar, a candidate that the DNC did really dishonest things to promote.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with bring up Bush? He is the reason for this endless war. Does it bother you just a little bit how badly it can go when the EC forces a loser President on the Country? Is that the problem?

Anonymous said...

The EC didn't "force" anything, it just did what the Constitution says it should do. You have a problem with the Constitution? Take it up with that well-known Constitutional scholar and professor Barack Obama.

PS: The war isn't endless because of Bush. Obama had many opportunities to mitigate or shorten it, and did the opposite.

Anonymous said...

That's funny 3:58, blame the electoral college for Bush and Trump, "forcing a loser" on us. You need to go back to high school civics class. Or take it for the first time, in English, it sounds like you are a foreigner who does not understand how the constitution works.

Anonymous said...

12:03 am is the liar. Much more was done to hurt the US election than just leaking some emails to wikileaks. Try understanding the news it is awfully complicated for people like 12:03 but you have to at least try.

Anonymous said...

Bush and Trump are products of the states not following what the Constitution wanted the EC to do. Stop trying to claim anyone who disagrees with you is a foreigner. Your post isn't free of typing errors.

Anonymous said...

The constitution left the states free to do whatever they wanted with the EC. A popular vote was not required in any state, in many, in the early years, the state legislatures chose the electors, no popular vote was held. We are not a "democracy" we are a constitutional representative republic. Slept through civics class, eh? TDS victim.

Anonymous said...

3:29 is spewing nonsense. "The Constitution" doesn't "want" the EC to do anything, it was the founders who set things up in the Constitution so the States would have the freedom to handle elections as they see fit. The Electoral College process was exactly the same when Obama won as when Trump won.

The huge quantity of nonsense being spewed by the left is one reason fewer and fewer people believe much of anything that liberals now say.

Anonymous said...

The states are doing exactly what the Constitution specifies, and only whiney liberals complain. The irony is, if the 2000 and 2016 elections had gone the other way, with all the votes switched, these very same people would be upholding our Constitutional system as a beacon of light, shining wisdom down on the world. The intellectual and moral bankruptcy of the left is being noticed more and more, by more and more people.

Anonymous said...

Whiney liberals? What about the whiney hypocrite party. Oh, these liberals are so mean to me. You should change the party name to the Hypocrites and have the chia pet as your symbol. Elephants don't deserve the bad rap.

Anonymous said...

Examples of the Dimocrat's nauseating hypocrisy;

The Dims supported the Electoral College when Obama won but criticized it when Trump destroyed Hilliar.

The Dims criticized Bush's war in Afghanistan but didn't criticize Obomber for ratcheting it up. Obomber spent 4x what Bush spent in Afghanistan and got 4x more Americans killed than Bush.

The Dims supported Putin (remember Hilliar's "Reset" button that actually said "Americans will not oppose Russia" (heavily paraphrased) in Russian? They then turned on Putin after he attacked the Ukraine - when the Dims practically invited him to attack.

The Dims supported Israel until after American Jews voted Democrat, then turned against Israel in the United Nations after the election.

Hilliar claims that she supported the American Ambassador to Libya and then, after he got killed, she said "What does it matter?"

The Dims didn't criticize Obomber's incessant campaign of killing innocent people with drone strikes.

Dims supported a ban on fracking but then they continue to drive their cars using oil/gas that was fracked. Dims supported the EPA when the EPA tried to ban coal but opposed the EPA when the EPA found fracking to be safe.

Dims claim to support older retired people but then they supported a $15 minimum wage. Who gets hurt the most? Retired people on a fixed income. This goes beyond "hypocrisy" right up to "Evil".

There are HUNDREDS of other examples.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you spell Hillary? Is it so hard? It does seem inline with your logic and honesty about history.

I am really curious: what is it that drew you to the Trump camp; was it the racism or the misogyny?

Anonymous said...

I didn't vote for Trump. There goes your completely baseless insinuation, fool.

I spell her name "Hilliar" because she is a liar. DUH. I know it, you know it, we all know it.

Why can't you stop parroting liberal nonsense? Are you getting paid to squawk?

Have you been huffing blue paint? Playing football with a painted-on blue helmet? OH GOD, NO, don't tell me. It's almost too awful to contemplate. You have been watching MSNBC, the least trusted news on television, haven't you?

Anonymous said...

Liberals need to get used to the idea that they can't get away with their same old crap anymore, their game is over. Nobody is buying it, except the echo chamber. We are so done with you.

Anonymous said...

Then I guess Trump should be spelled Crook.

Conservatives like the people who are always dissing liberals on this blog need to get a clue: Crook is a puppet of Russia. Do you really think the Russians only hacked the DNC? I know you don't know much but cybersecurity is rather like car locks: a knowledgeable attacker can break into whatever they target. They have all of the RNC and Crook's emails and more but they didn't release them. Now think real hard here, do you know why they didn't release them?

I'll wait...
Still waiting...
Did you figure it out yet?

They are going to blackmail the **** out of Crook and own this country. This isn't a game and facts matter.

Anonymous said...

This isn't a game and facts matter.

January 11, 2017 at 12:02 PM

Absolutely correct. Your problem is that you don't have any. "They have all of the RNC and Crook's emails and more..." The IC seems to disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

Just another non-issue from squawking liberals who are desperate to regain their shriveling power.

The "British Intelligence Officer" (as reported by CNN) who made this claim turned out to be an ex-MI6 freelance Dick working for the Demmies in their ongoing FECKLESS attempts to discredit President-Elect Trump. The freelance Dick has not produced any evidence to back up his claim.

Don't know that? Then you're getting your news from liberal-run news outlets.

Anonymous said...

Using 12:02 PM's logic, the Russians MUST have hacked Hilliar's server. You know, her server that had thousands of classified documents on it including some top-secret, SCI.

Thanks for pointing that out, 12:02.

Anonymous said...

I think Trump should be spelled Sexualassailant or Traitor.

Of course everyone knows the story on the report from the ex-MI6 guy. And just so you know, liberal-run media outlets report real news not the fake stuff. You people probably think an FBI agent was killed investigating Clinton's emails. THAT was fake news (NPR found the guy who ran the fake news website where that story started) but the fake news people report that it is much easier to spread right-wing fake news than liberal stuff. The liberals care about truth and the stories are killed almost immediately. The truth will come out and no, the IC does not disagree with the RNC being hacked. It is all just business to Traitor so don't be surprised if your God turns out to be in the Russian's pocket. Putin knows how to use money to get what he wants just like Traitor but Traitor is in hock to Putin.

Come on have a fit and say this is all liberal crap. Big bad liberals didn't put Traitor in Putin's pocket. Traitor's business deals did, you fools. People like you who think anything their orange God does is OK, may well be traitors, too.

Anonymous said...

Amazing how liberals who spent the past 8 years trashing their country now call anyone who disagrees with them "traitors." Funny, actually.

Anonymous said...

More pathetic than funny.

BTW, never heard the fake story about the FBI agent dying while investigating Hilliar's illegal server. I read several news sites every single day and I never heard that story. It obviously didn't get as much play as the fake MI-6 Dick story.

Liberal sites don't run fake news? What about the doctored Zimmerman 911 tapes on NBC? How about the fake "I have my hands up, don't shoot" stories? Ever hear of Brian Williams? How about "Hilliar has a 98% chance of winning? Most everything Al Gore falsely claimed about Gorebull Warming like Florida going under water by now?

There are many fake stories run by the liberal press - John Stossel documented 3 fake stories in the New York Times IN ONE DAY just three days ago.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

A new nuclear arms race would certainly be harmful to the country and should not be frivolously threatened.

Anonymous said...

Manchurian candidate? Good movie, worth watching by the naïve millennials.

Anonymous said...

The original Manchurian Candidate with Frank Sinatra is much better than the newer one.

Anonymous said...

The original conspiracy mongering is much better than the newer one.

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