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This BLOG is for LLNL present and past employees, friends of LLNL and anyone impacted by the privatization of the Lab to express their opinions and expose the waste, wrongdoing and any kind of injustice against employees and taxpayers by LLNS/DOE/NNSA.
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
Did George W. Bush lie about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq ? Not looking for controversy here, just some facts from former LLNL/LANL e...
That's an easy one. Just read a copy of the Q&A's from the transition time and see how many questions were answered one way and LLNS did just the opposite.
Then dig up some old copies of the Newsline during that time period where the major player aka the BW said all will be well and boast TCP-1 and look at where we are now.
The saga will continue. Trust, ='s that which never was.
Read the entire blog and you'll get your answer. It's only a shame the first two LLNL blog's were vaporized. Those had more facts of why LLNS can't be trusted, especially the first one that existed during the transition. The Q&A still exist out there in cyberspace somewhere.
They, meaning LLNS are far to secretive and undermining.
Think 1984 and relating to LLNL will be much easier to comprehend.
Goodfacts vs. Realfacts....
"It's only a shame the first two LLNL blog's were vaporized. Those had more facts of why LLNS can't be trusted, especially the first one that existed during the transition."
Doing what we can! this blog is not the creation of its blog masters; it is made up of anonymous input.
The important thing to remember is this BLOG is still here, while the past ones, that may have been more interesting, bit the dust.
What I think of LLNS:
LLNS is to stupid to open the gate at the Greenville enternace at 6:00 AM instead of 6:30 AM. Rocket scientist they are not.
LLNS is to stupid to get rid of every retiree that came back to work at LLNL and never hire them again before they displace any more employees of any type.
This should be been done by 4/11/08. These people are retired and they should stay retired. "forever".
before transition: you will all have jobs, work for other will increase, management will be stream line, benifits will stay the same, and the laboratory will be biger better!: oct 1 employees being pushed on the eba list, 500 flex term and contractors let go, now 750 to 1000 ftes need to go to help the cut cost over runs along with closing down 2 million square feet of buildings. this why you should not trust llns ulm !!!!!!!
In case some of you who are left forgot what LLNS promised here's the Q&A as they were from the LLNS before they were sterilized.
Transition Q&A
4:48 PM said "LLNS is to stupid to open the gate at the Greenville enternace at 6:00 AM instead of 6:30 AM. Rocket scientist they are not."
What does this have to do with anything???
I encourage all of you read PPM-Section K now at work since the fine details are only available internal. I'm sure many of you have never taken the time to read it since there was never the fear as it is today of being trash-canned like a dog, but, that was then and we're in the NOW. I have no clue what will be changed but if it's as everything else since LLNS has taken over it won't be to your advantage. The question is, how muh do you trust LLNS to rewrite this document. Keep a copy and compare the two later, then get back to the blog and tell us the differences. SPSE are you on this ?
April 11, 2008 8:43 AM
It has everything to do with LLNS. It shows how ignorant they are in allowing such stupidity to take place. Any good business owner would have the gates open so people and cars can come in and go to work, on time. These, inefficient business owners have their heads buried up their butts so far they can't see the light at the end of the tunnel unless it a colonoscopy and even that questionable. The difference is most of those in charge don't come to work until 9:00 AM so they don't have a clue about life in the working mans world. Lock one of those 9:00 Am sissy's out to where they are hindered and you'll surely see change, won't you, but as long as it doesn't affect them personally they don't give a hoot. This is typical of all white collar workers. As many complaints that have been put in about this issue by a lot of people I'm surprise ULM hasn't addressed the issue and resolved it, but then again that's ULM. They only do what's good for them.
Hey April 11, 2008 10:14 AM, it doesn't matter anyway. I am on a van pool and ULM just made everyone on my van change their working hours to suit them. It is coming your way soon so working from 9-5 may be your hours too someday. I don't wish this on anyone I just wanted you to know the promise LLNS made about never changing peoples hours is just another lie. It's only a matter of time before white collar work 9-5 and blue collar work 8-4. What a business and they wonder why people talk trash about them.
Why don't I trust LLNS. Because they will never hold a candle to UC. These people are loser. Spelled with a capital L. It's all smoke and mirrors, transferring money and people from one place to another in order to make it appear as if they're accomplishing something so in the end when it comes time for the NNSA review it'll look as if they've made headway and be given their $79M management fee. Now there's a boondoggle for you. I wish I could write their evacuation, it surely would tell it like it is and there'd be no smoothing it over for the GODS to read.
Why non one trust LLNS
My opinion
To this day I'm convinced the only reason for the transition was to assure as many people as possible were taken off the UCRP retirement fund to assure people like myself could never acquire their lifetime dream and therefore are guaranteed a substandard life time of poverty. Mission accomplish NNSA.
The second reason was to hire cheaper labor to do most of the blue collar jobs while simultaneously building an empire of extravagantly paid, over populated mangers to oversee the closure of the facility as if it was a difficult task.
This well executed ploy was of course to be in their favor and will account for the downsizing of LLNL in any fashion LLNS see's fit. In the end, I suspect LLNS seven year term that ends in 2014 will not be renewed. At that time all of ULM both UC and LLNS will have retired with their 100% salary for life pensions mounting in a TCP-1 withdraw ranging from $200 - $437K a month for the next 40 years.
Assuming by 2014 the medium income of any one ULM will be about $300K per person and we still have 60 ULM's onboard I can foresee an $18M a year withdraw from the TCP-1 pension plan.
Knowing the economy is spiraling downward and assuming the stock market won't be paying dividends of 10% for decades to come due to the $4.2 T deficit and a housing market that hasn't hit bottom yet causing the banks to go under, how long do you think it will take to deplete the TCP-1 fund.
That being the case the first ones out the door get their pension and the last ones out, get the left-overs.
I wonder how long it'll be before TCP-1 goes PBCG. What BS this fiasco was.
Regardless I feel the biggest mistake this country has made is to destroy the national labs, but then again that just my opinion. For anyone to think that LLNL or LANL will ever make a profit is brain dead. The only profit that'll be made is by the five companies that make up the LLC and that profit they so speak of will only come by their management fees and the cost those companies charge to clean up the mess. There will be no new merchandise produced at these facilities that'll be for sale. It's all a big joke and to say the least a very bad one.
Again the truth is, the transition was to assure the mutual destruction of the people , their pension and benefits while at the same time assuring profits through fees to make the rich corporation richer at the tax payer expense.
So there you have it. Another dirty deed done in the name of homeland security and science right under the noses of the American tax payer endorse by the crocks in congress they've been pulling shenanigans like this for decades and no one kicks their duffs to the streets.
The bottom line is, ULM Wins and Workers Lose, by a predetermined default.
hello april 11th 11:26 AM
Very well put!
I suggest you send the same comment to your reps in congress.
April 11, 2008 11:37 AM
I've been writing my congressman, senators and the president for 10 years and they have done exactly what they want to do. The only pleasure I ever got out of it was telling them what I truly think of the bad case of cranium rectum inversion and a means of venting in order to prevent a heart attack while at the same time self satisfaction knowning in my heart that I've done my fair shame of trying to keep the people in this country free from tyranny. With a demon-crat to take the whitehouse I can see I'll have at least eight more year of venting a crucifying their actions of being socialist at heart.
Interestingly the lab saw some of it's best times under the Clinton administration. Alas things have not been so good under Bush the second.
I don't trust LLNS primarily because of the situation. Whether they are competent or not is open to debate so far as I'm concerned. Whether NNSA/DOE are competent is pretty much settled in my mind and the answer is no. It's difficult to do a good job when the people above you make it very difficult.
April 11, 2008 8:43 AM. There are other gates. I've never had a problem getting to work on time . . .
April 11, 2008 5:49 PM
Stick it.
April 11, 2008 5:49 PM
That was a typical answer I'd expect to get from a concubine manger or some security guard that's not qualified to do any other job. Perfect answer. Keep showing us your intelligence. I agree with April 11, 2008 6:30 PM answer to who ever you are. Do your job and all will be fine. Don't do it and plan on getting slammed continuously, publicly until you get it right. Next step is a congress lady and the local newspaper.
The reason I don't trust LLNS is that it is the model of the company that DOE/NNSA wanted. UC was in the business as either a feather in their cap and/or a feeling of obligation to keep a civilian consciousness in the nuclear weapons world. DOE/NNSA wanted yes men, and LLNS fills the bill.
Remember that LLNS was going to be more efficient. We're 280 million in the red. Turn off the lights and restrict the toilet paper usage. We've been doing the wait and see dance for weeks while they and NNSA try to figure out how to lay off people. If anyone can tell us what the layoff looked like in 1973 I'll bet it wasn't as drawn out as this soap opera.
"That was a typical answer I'd expect to get from a concubine manger or some security guard that's not qualified to do any other job."
Agree regarding the inane comment, but unlikely a SPO. They're basically on 12 hour shifts.
It simple. We've been getting the shaft from day one when we saw the title wave coming, then a years later SPSE finally gave us some in sight and their final assessment. Neither contributor has been proven wrong and most likely never will be, and no one to date has written a better observation.
There was one other good observation after the fact on this blog. You can find it here. Good Observation
Opps, we now have three or four smart people at LLNL that are willing to put some effort into expressing their opinions and assessments.More Facts More facts
Not bad. 4 out of at one time was 8000. I guess there's a lot of people who just don't give a hoot,or, maybe it requires to much effort on their behalf. Does everyone now understand why ULM kicks you around like a bunch of homeless dogs. Thank goodness the revolutionary war wasn't fought with today's spineless society. I guess that's the main reason the people who work for you in Washington, DC have been stomping on your constitutional rights for decades. Keep up the good work and maybe someday you'll know how the Jews felt as they were marched to the pits, shot and buried by the nazis.
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